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1.Lucy can play _______basketball , but she can't play_________piano .
  • A. a; /
  • B. the; /
  • C. /;the
  • D. the;a
2.The coat _______ be Peter's, but I am not sure.
  • A. can't
  • B. needn't
  • C. may
  • D. must
3.—_______do you usually go to school ?
—I usually ride a bike.
  • A. How
  • B. How long
  • C. When
  • D. What
4.Please _________ the candles. Let's have the cake, Tom.
  • A. put on
  • B. blow out
  • C. go out
  • D. stay out
5.—Would you like some more soup?
—_______. I'm full (饱了).
  • A. Yes, please
  • B. I'd love to
  • C. No, Thanks
  • D. No, I wouldn't
6.—Who cleaned the classroom yesterday?
—Kevin _______, I think.
  • A. was
  • B. does
  • C. did
  • D. is
7.—Sally, can you help me with the dinner?
—Sorry, mum. I _______ a story about my good habits.
  • A. write
  • B. am writing
  • C. writes
  • D. wrote
8.—Is there a new bookstore?
—________, but there is a park.
  • A. Yes, it is
  • B. Yes, there is
  • C. No, it isn't
  • D. No, there isn't
9.  Mr Brown is forty years old and he is from England. He is an English teacher in China now, (1)      he wants to be an actor. He (2)       like a famous actor. He is (3)       medium height and he has a big nose, big eyes and black long curly hair. Sometimes he (4)       a pair of black glasses. He is good at (5)       stories and he is friendly to his students, (6)      . He often says to his students, "If you study hard, your dreams will (7)       ." He can also make his classes (8)      . He likes his students and all of his students also like (9)      . He often plays with his students after school.
  Last Sunday, the weather was beautiful, so he took his students to (10)      . They (11)       beach volleyball there in the morning. In the afternoon, they went to the (12)      . They went there (13)       foot. They visited a farm there. After that they (14)       fishing. They were tired but they (15)       the day.
good, help, want, excite, see, plays, favorite, difficult, think, sport, she 

  Dave is an English boy. He likes China. He (1)       to learn Chinese. It is (2)       for a foreigner to learn it, but he (3)       he can learn it (4)      . Tom is Dave's brother. He likes China, too. He likes Chinese action movies. He thinks they are (5)      . "I can't speak Chinese well. But I like Chinese kungfu," he tells his Chinese friends. Sally is Dave's sister. She is a (6)       star in the school. She can (7)       ping-pong very well. Her (8)       player is Wang Nan.
  Cara is Sally's friend. She likes Chinese chess. She often plays Chinese chess on (9)       computer. She also likes Chinese music. Maria, Cara's sister, likes Beijing Opera. She thinks it is interesting. She thinks it (10)      her to learn about Chinese history. She often goes to (11)       Beijing Opera with her parents.
International Movie House
Date: May 19, 2020
Time: 9:30 am
Place: Hall 2
Movie: RIOPrice of tickets 45 
Rules of International Movie House
◆People can't sell tickets to others.
◆people below 1 m can't get into the hall.
◆People can only eat food or drinks they buy in International Movie House.
◆People can't take photos in the hall.
◆Some documentaries (纪录片) are usually on before movies. 
12.Children Club
  The Children Club is an after—school club for children of 4 —13. You can learn music, sports, drawing and dancing in this club. All children can have a good time here. Join us!
Time:April 20th — July 4th
Monday一Friday, 8 a. m一6 p. m.
Price:$25 a day
Please bring your lunch.
You needn't take any fruit. Fruit is free here.
Your parents don't have to drive you here. We have our school bus.
Address: Children Club Head Office
E-mail address: info@childrenclttbus. com
Telephone number: 6987746/3235376
13.  It's 8:30 on Monday morning. Mr. Smith is teaching his students English in the classroom. Before he finishes his class, he lets the students say something about their weekend.
  "Last weekend my parents and I went to my uncle's farm. I swam and went fishing in the river there. It was really exciting. We also ate fish in the evening," Tina says. She looks quite happy.
  "It sounds great!What about you, Carol?" Mr. Smith asks.
  "On Saturday morning I played the piano at home. On Saturday afternoon I took a walk by the lake. On Sunday I went to the museum with my brother." Carol says.
  "I like sports. I played badminton with my friends last Saturday. Last Sunday I went to the museum, too. But I didn't meet you, Carol." Sally looks a little excited.
  "OK. I'm happy to know all of these. I think each of you had a good weekend." Mr. Smith says.
14.  In most schools, all students must wear school uniforms when they are at school. But not every student likes the school uniforms.
  Li Jia, a 13-year-old girl from No. 9 Middle School, said, "I don't like my school uniform at all. It is too ugly. I think young girls should wear some colorful clothes. But I have to wear it every day."
  However, Su Yang, also a middle school student, has different opinions. He said, "I like my school uniform. It is very beautiful. It is a symbol of my school and I like my school very much."
  Mr. Chen, a teacher, told the reporter, "It's good for the students to wear uniforms. It saves a lot of time and money. In the past, my daughter spent much time on her clothes. But now, she seldom asks me to buy clothes for her because she has to wear the school uniform."
  Do you like your school uniform?Welcome to write to us.
15.  Many cities in the word have underground , such as London , Paris , New York and so on .
  The London underground opened in 1863 and it is the oldest underground railway system (系统) in the world . Beijing subway opened in 1969. On the wall of some stations , there are some pictures of blue and white porcelain (青花瓷). The underground in Athens opened in 2000 and some of the stations like little museums . You can make a special trip just to look at them because they show their cultures (文化). Paris and Moscow are famous for their beautiful stations , but they don't run for 24 hours . While Now York subway never closes , so you can take it at any time of the day or night .
  Now people like to use this transport because they can avoid (避免) the heavy traffic and move between different places of a city quickly .
16.  My name is Lisa. I'm 12 years old. (1)      I have many subjects to study at school. I like history and Chinese but I like science best. (2)      After school, I go home with my classmates.
  I live near my school. (3)       I like to spend time there on weekends. The park is quiet and the air is clean. (4)       To get there, I usually walk along North Road and then turn left. (5)       I think exercising can keep me healthy.
A. I'm busy on school days.
B. I often exercise in the morning on weekends.
C. It takes me ten minutes.
D. My best friend is watching TV.
E. I think science is very interesting.
F. So we want to join the music club.
G. There is a park across from the school. 
17.A: Hi, Cathy. What can you do?
B: (1)      
A: Wow, do you practice it every day?
B: Yes, my parents ask me to practice it every day. (2)      
A: So, do you like to play it?
B: Truly speaking, no. My parents are always strict with me. (3)      
A: Really? I like playing chess. (4)      
B: I can tell you when we play it next time.
A: Thanks.
B: (5)      

A. You're welcome.
B. And I start to play it at the age of six.
C. No, I must go home before 3:00 p. m.
D. I can play the piano.
E. I know that they make rules to help me, but I am interested in playing chess.
F. It's so important to follow the rules.
G. But I don't really know the rules to play it. 
18.假如你和你的同学玛丽 (Mary), 在6月12日(星期六)到敬老院(Old People's Home)慰问了老人, 请把你们的活动情况用英语写一篇日记.
提示:1. When and how did you get there?2. What did you do there?3. What do you think of this activity?
要求:1. 语句通顺、逻辑连贯、语法正确;
2. 包含所给信息提示, 并可适当发挥;
3. 不少于60词(日记的格式及开头已给出, 不计入总词数).
June 12th, 2021 Saturday
  Today my classmate Mary and I went to the Old People's Home. _____________.
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