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1.It's our ________ that Tu Youyou becomes the first Chinese scientist to win the Nobel Prize.
  • A. honor
  • B. pride
  • C. spirit
  • D. success
2.He has a good knowledge of geography, because he travels far and .
  • A. widely
  • B. safely
  • C. loudly
  • D. exactly
3.I was busy this morning and didn't have time to__________my email.
  • A. waste
  • B. punish
  • C. believe
  • D. check
4.—It's so cold here. I hear Miss Gao has gone to Hainan for the Spring Festival.
—Really? Do you know when she .
  • A. leaves
  • B. was leaving
  • C. has left
  • D. left
5.He looks worried. I wonder he has already known about the result.
  • A. where
  • B. if
  • C. why
  • D. when
6.Sorry, you can't take the dictionary away, Vicky. I it.
  • A. used
  • B. am using
  • C. have used
  • D. was using
7.If we are interested in something, our brain is_____and it is also easier for us to pay attention to it for a long time.
  • A. active
  • B. more active
  • C. the most active
8.—Soccer first started in England in the 12th century, didn't it?
—Yes, but now it _____ all over the world.
  • A. plays
  • B. is played
  • C. is playing
  • D. has played
9.  Everyone changes in his or her life. (1)      these changes take place because of an experience. For me, high school was such an(2)      High school has taught me about myself, and that is the most important(3)      I have ever learned. It has taken me from what I used to be to(4)      I am now.
  I used to be quiet and(5)      , not wanting to show my inner self(内在自我). I would(6)      talk about what was on my mind. I was(7)      that someone would criticize(批评) me or tell me I was wrong. I(8)      too much about what others thought of me.
  Now I am no longer afraid to tell others my(9)      , and let them know how I feel. I have changed a lot with the help of my teachers and friends. (10)      put their confidence in me and told me that I could succeed in doing anything. They taught me that it is not a big deal to(11)      in something, as long as I have learned from my(12)      . By finding the courage to believe in myself, I have become much(13)      in mind. The thought of a challenge used to make me feel afraid, (14)      now I want to work even harder to(15)      the difficulties that stand in my way. I have realized that the ideas I hid in the past can now be contributed(贡献) to the world.

  In order to help children develop a good reading habit, Beijing City held a few activities to celebrate
World Book Day(1)      April. To help parents choose(2)      reading materials for children, experts made a book list called Kingdom of Little Bookworms. The list is(3)      up of two parts﹣ ﹣one for children from 3 to 6, and the other for those above 6.
  More than half of the 35 books for children under 6 years old are picture books in simple language, (4)      the other 43 books for older children cover wider topics and require (需要) children's better comprehension (理解力) ability.
  During the book list's release (发布), experts(5)      emphasized (强调) parents' role in
developing children's good reading (6)      .
  "At home, if parents watch TV all the time, it's hard (7)      that their children will have a good reading habit, " says Wang Zhigeng, director of the children's book section at the National Library of China.
  "Action speaks louder than words. If parents themselves like reading books, their children(8)      them. And reading will become a family's (9)      . "
  Wang also points out that reading aloud for children is important. He says, " When you read out the story aloud with (10)      emotions (情感) and body language, you can help your children develop greater ability in comprehension. "
My Very First Christmas
Lois Rock and Alec AyliffeA big, bright book, which tells the story simply and happily for very young children. Ages:0~3;12 pages;Tel. :0745﹣940﹣560 
The Little White House
Elizabeth GoudgeA fairy tale and winner of the Carngie Medal. Ages:8~12;240 pages;Tel. :0745﹣945﹣783 
Star of WonderPat Alexander
A wonderful collection of Christmas stories andpoems filled with lively pages to read and enjoy. Ages:7~ 12;224 pages;Tel. :0745﹣939﹣323 
First Festival: ChristmasLois Rock
An all﹣in﹣one book to help grown﹣ups andchildren prepare their Christmas celebrationtogether. Presents, activities and customs. Ages:5 ~ 8;48 pages;Tel. :0745﹣939﹣074 
12.  Robert Ballard liked to read about shipwrecks(遇难船) as he was just a little boy. He read a lot about the Titanic. Titanic was called "ship of dreams". It was the biggest passenger ship of its time. Its makers said it was "unsinkable", but the great ship sank on its first trip. "My lifelong dream was to find this great ship, "Robert Ballard says.
  On August 31, 1985, Ballard's dream came true. He found the wreck of the Titanic. The ship was in two main parts lying four kilometers under the sea. Using video cameras and an undersea robot, Ballard looked around the ship. He found many things that told the sad story of the Titanic's end. For example, he found a child's shoes, a reminder of the many deaths that happened that night in 1912.
  In 1986, Ballard visited the Titanic again. This time he reached the ship in a small submarine(潜水艇). A deep﹣sea robot﹣ ﹣a "swimming eyeball'"﹣ took photos inside the ship. When other people saw the photos, they wanted to visit the ship, too.
  When Ballard returned in 2004, he found the Titanic in very bad condition. Other explorers had taken away about 6, 000 items, like clothes, dishes, and shoes. Some even took pieces of the ship. They think these things should be moved to a safer place, but Ballard doesn't agree.
  Ballard believes that taking things from the Titanic is like taking things away from a grave(坟墓).
Instead, he wants to put lights and cameras on and around the shipwreck. This way, people can see the great shipwreck and remember what happened to it. "As long as she needs protection, " says Ballard, "the Titanic will always be part of my life. "
13.  Fires are always dangerous, especially when they happen at home. According to some surveys,
kitchens are the places where the fires usually happen. Everyone should remember these suggestions about preventing a kitchen fire.
  ★Don't leave cooking food without being watched. If you're cooking food, you must stay in the kitchen. If you need to leave the kitchen, turn off the gas burner first. I's a good idea to have a timer which can make a sound when a certain amount of time has passed. In this way you can check the food regularly.
  ★Always watch what you're cooking. Many fires happen because of cooking at too high temperatures. You should always keep an eye on your food. You must turn off the gas burner if you see smoke or oil boiling.
  ★Don't wear long lose sleeves (袖子) while coking. Loose clothing may cause some accidents. For example, loose sleeves can easily touch open fires. You can choose to wear close fitting clothing. Besides, long hair can also cause accidents. If you have long hair, be sure to tie it up when you are cooking.
  ★Keep any flammable objects away from a stove (厨房灶具) or a gas burner(燃烧器). It's common to set a towel(毛巾) next to the stove and forget about it. If objects like towels get too close to a stove or a gas burner, they will catch fire easily. You must keep those objects away and put them in right places.
  ★Keep children away from the cooking area. Make a rule that they must stay at least 3 feet away from the cooking area, or any area where you are preparing hot food and drink.
  ★Check smoke detectors(探测器) often. Make sure you have smoke detectors on all floors of your home. You should have a smoke detector either inside or just outside of your kitchen. You should check your smoke detectors often to make sure they are working fine.
14.  My grandpa used to tell me that when I felt embarrassed(尴尬的) about my mistakes, laughing at them can make a difference. Yesterday, I learned that he was right.
  "Stay in line. " Mrs. Martin said. I knew right away that my friend Naomi wouldn't be able to cut. I looked at Naomi and frowned(皱眉). Soon, the line began to move faster, and I followed along hoping that there would still be pizza.
  When I reached the counter, I looked at the choices. I could only see chicken and mashed potatoes, Italy noodles and fish. I could hear the rumbling(隆隆声) of my very disappointed stomach.
  Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw one last piece of Hawaii pizza. I got so excited about it "Hawaii pizza, " I said politely. Mrs. Martin handed me the pizza. I took the paper plate so quickly that the pizza fell off the plate. I tried to save it, but the pizza landed in the hot, mashed potatoes.
  I could feel my face turning redder and redder. All I could hear was laughter from the kids in line.
  As I looked at the upside down pizza, I heard Mrs. Martin's voice. "Maria, would you like a side of
mashed potatoes with your pizza?"
  I looked up and saw Naomi. She was laughing, too. With a nervous smile, I said, "Of course. "
  Mrs. Martin smiled and put the mashed potato pizza on my plate. I looked around at my friends, and we all laughed again.
  I never really believed my grandpa until I saw my friends laughing with me. The laughing made me feel good instead of just being embarrassed.
15.  Have you ever counted the number of digits(数字) in your mobile phone number?Your number has 11 digits . (1)      That's because China has the longest mobile phone numbers in the world.
  The 11 digits can be divided into three parts. Each part has a different meaning. (2)      For
example, 135 is for CMCC, 188 is for China Unicom. The fourth to the seventh digits tell you which region the number is registered(注册) in. And the last four digits are random(随机的).
  (3)      We once had 10 numbers. But as our population grew, there were not enough numbers
for us to use. So we began to use 11 digits starting from 1999. Eleven digits can be used to make tens of
billions of mobile phone numbers. That's enough for each person to have seven or eight phone numbers to use in China. (4)      Usually, the service provider will reuse a canceled (注销的) number after three to six months. If you call a number that you haven't contacted for a long time, you may find that its owner has changed.
  Besides China, (5)      But their numbers always start with 0, so they cannot create as many numbers as we can. Countries like the United States, Australia and India use phone numbers with 10 digits.

A. The main reason for using 11 digits is that we have the largest population in the world.
B. Canada's mobile phone numbers are the world's shortest﹣ ﹣seven digits.
C. What's more, mobile phone numbers can be recycled(循环利用).
D. Britain and Japan also use 11﹣digit mobile phone numbers.
E. Is China the only country that uses 1﹣digit mobile phone numbers in the world?
F. You may sometimes find it hard to remember your number.
G. The first three numbers tell you which mobile phone service provider you are using. 
16.A:Look at the exhibit, Zhang Lei !(1)      .
B:Oh, it 's a great invention of ancient China.
A:Really ?(2)      .
B:In the Han Dynasty (汉朝 )
A:Who invented it ?
B:(3)      .
A:What was it used for ?
B:(4)      .
A:Was it used for getting in the crops ?( 收割作物 )
B:No, it wasn't. It was used for carrying water.
A:It looks quite special. (5)      .
B:I don't know. Let 's read what it says here and find out.
A:Good idea.

A. Guess first !
B. When was it invented ?
C. How does it work ?
D. It looks so interesting and strange!
E. It was invented by some farmers.
F. The machine can work well.
G. The farmers often used it.
17.假如有一批国外中学生在你校交流学习, 他们对你校的英语语言节活动感兴趣.请你根据下面表格中的信息提示, 写一篇英语短文, 介绍你们学校英语节的相关情况, 内容包括:英语节简介, 活动安排及相关的理由(至少两点).
要求:1. 短文要包括表格中给出的所有提示, 可适当拓展;
2. 文中不能出现与你自己相关的真实信息;
3. 词数不少于80, 开头和结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数.
School English Language Festival Introduction Activities Reasons 
Time:The first week of October. Place:In the school lecture hall. Participants (出席者):Any English lover. 1. English speeches or book reports;2. English play shows or movies;3. English songs singing competitions;4. Lectures(讲座) on English learning. 1…2. … 

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