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1.Teenagers should use as ________ electronic products as possible to protect their eyes.
  • A. little
  • B. few
  • C. fewer
  • D. least
2.We can't be Eileen Gu, ____we practise skiing day and night. She is special.
  • A. as if
  • B. even if
  • C. until
3.The computer requires ____. I think I need____to ask Mr. Li for help.
  • A. fixing, to go
  • B. to fix, going
  • C. to fix, to go
4.What a terrible experience!____, you are safe now—that's the main thing.
  • A. Anyway
  • B. Otherwise
  • C. Moreover
5.A hard﹣working man____become a great scientist, but a great scientist____be a hard﹣working man.
  • A. can't;can
  • B. may not;must
  • C. may not;can
6.The Winter Olympic Games of 2022 have____in Beijing.
  • A. taken after
  • B. taken off
  • C. taken place
7.She doesn't like hamburgers________ice cream. She________ they're unhealthy.
  • A. or;thinks
  • B. and;thinks
  • C. with;think
  • D. and;think
8.—Have you found the information about the famous people____you can use for the report?
—Not yet. I'll search some on the Internet.
  • A. who
  • B. which
  • C. whom
9.—Peter, is there anything else you want to know about China?
—Yes, I am still wondering____.
  • A. how was the Great Wall built in ancient times
  • B. why the Chinese people like to play the dragon dance
  • C. why do the Chinese people eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival
10.—When shall we plant trees in the park?
— ____. We need to make sure the weather is fine.
  • A. It's up to you
  • B. Let's make it today
  • C. It depends
11.  The Tang Costume (唐装) Fashion is full of culture. The Tang costume is a symbol of Chinese history and fashion culture. The Tang costume got (1)      name because China became known to other countries during the Han and Tang dynasties. (2)      , people called Chinese clothes Tang costumes. Chinese fashion is not only different from western fashion, but also from that in other (3)      countries such as Japan and Korea. The beautiful silk knots (结) and the other decorations on Tang style clothes are (4)      with people all over the world now. Today people can design the Tang costumes as either formal or casual clothes. It (5)      both the wearer's personal style and China's right traditional culture. So we say the Tang costume is very attractive and very different from western﹣style suits.
12.  The yearly Marathon (马拉松) in my town usually happened during a heat wave. My job was to follow the runners in an ambulance (救护车), for (1)       of them might need medical attention.
  "We're supposed stay(2)       the last runner, so take it slowly, " I said to the driver, Doug,
as the race started. The front﹣runners started to(3)       and then my eyes were drawn to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white T﹣shirt.
  We knew we were already watching our "last runner", There was something wrong with her(4)      so it seemed almost impossible for her to be able to walk. A marathon was really a challenge.
  Doug and I watched in silence as she slowly moved forward. (5)      , she was the only runner left in sight. Tears ran down my face(6)       I watched her push forward with great efforts through the last miles.
  When the finish line came into sight, rubbish lay everywhere and the(7)       crowds had long gone home. Yet, straight and ever so proud stood a lone man. He was holding one end of a ribbon (缎带) tied to a post. She slowly crossed through, (8)       both ends of the ribbon fluttering (飘扬)behind her.
  I do not know this woman's name, but that day she became part of my life —a part that I often(9)      . When I think things are too difficult or I get "I﹣just﹣ can't do﹣it, " I think of the last runner. For her, it wasn't about beating the other runners or winning a prize, but about finishing what she had set out to do, no matter what. Then I realize how(10)       the task before me really is.
13.  Do you often get nervous when your exam results are about to be announced ?Do you want to know your rankings (排名) in your class and grade?
  In your opinion, should teachers share your test scores in class or with your parents?Recently, students' privacy(隐私) has caused a heated discussion on social media.
  What's the point of testing if the results aren't made public?Students will be able to know where they need to work harder after comparing their grades with others'. Kids shouldn't be like flowers in the greenhouse. They need to face the reality and learn to solve their own problems.
  I agree that primary schools shouldn't make test scores public. When it comes to middle schools, however, it's not that bad for students to experience and get used to the competition. Besides this, students who have made progress should be praised for it.
  When I was in school, I would feel really nervous every time my teachers were about to announce our test scores in front of everyone. I would become very sad whenever I didn't do well on an exam. It felt like everyone was laughing at me for it. I was afraid that some of my favorite teachers would even look down upon me because of it.
  Why not just let students know their own grades as well as the average and the top grades of the class?This way, they will be able to know where they stand in the whole class. At the same time, their privacy can be protected as well.
14.  Temidayo Adedokun, 31, who was born in Nigeria and now is working in America, would soon have her first child. She could' hide her joy and couldn't wait to shop for baby clothes with traditional African prints that she grew up wearing.
  "I was super surprised that I failed to find affordably priced local products that were designed(设计) from an authentic(原生态)place, " Temidayo said.
  Temidayo decided to take matters into her own hands. At first tried to create clothes just for her baby. But then, she put some of them on a website to see what happened.
  The active replies she got gave her just enough encouragement. She believed she'd make the baby clothes an after﹣work side business to her full﹣time position as a lawyer in Oakland, California, until one day she was told she was given a boot. Once again, she needed to make her own choice. That's when she decided to make it a full﹣time job.
  "I had to think:Am I going to search for another job I don't really wish for?"She said. "Or am I going to take this as a chance I'm not sure about myself?After all, this field is litter known to me. What if something unexpected happens?However, for the symbols of children's clothing in my heart, I threw myself into it. So I chose the late(后者)"Then, in March 2020, Temidayo officially announced her own brand:Ade + Ayo.
  Since then, Temidayo has received much praise from other African parents telling her that her clothes help them start having conversations with their kids about what they're wearing and allow them to show their children the treasures handed down by their ancestors. And , for those who aren't African, her clothes have been a way for parents to introduce their kids to a new and colorful world. "I feel very lucky to be able to be doing this, " she said.
15.  From goldfish to sharks, " fish of all sizes have lived on Earth. For hundreds of millions of years. . But do they ever get thirsty?
  The answer is yes!some fish do. at least , But there is a big difference between fish that live in saltwater and ones that live in freshwater.
  Bony fish have some salt concentration(含盐量)in their bodies. For bony fish in saltwater, their concentration is lower than the water they live in. Through osmosis (渗透作用), . these fish will lose lots of water through their bodies. In order to make up for this loss, they drink lots of water, so it's easy to say they can be thirsty. Although drinking saltwater is never a good idea for humans, fish can drink it because they can get rid of the salt through their gills (鳃).
  But sharks are an exception. Sharks can make their salt concentration match the water around them. They do this by building up urea(尿素)in their blood, so they probably don't get very thirty, But blood with a high salt concentration can also be bad. The high concentration means sharks won't do very well in freshwater—water can enter the sharks' bodies by osmosis and even cause them to explode!
  Freshwater fish, on the other hand, are unlikely to become thirsty, Because they live in a less salty environment, they have a different problem:water goes inwards and dilutes(冲淡)their blood. Freshwater fish therefore need to get rid of this extra water. So now we know that saltwater fish can become thirsty and drink water, while freshwater fish will avoid drinking but pee(小便)a lot.
16.  Water shortages influence so many lives. The company Watergen produced a new machine to help solve this problem. The machine, called GENNY, is small enough to be used in a home or office but can produce up to 30 liters of water a day, More importantly, it can produce clean water out of air.
  GENNY takes air in and passes it through a filter (过滤器) to remove dust and dirt. The filter is powerful enough to work even I areas with high air pollution. The air then passes through a room where heating and cooling turns steam in the air into water. This water is then passed through several more filters, and minerals are added to make it healthier and better﹣tasting. Finally, the water is kept in a tank where it is continually recycled to keep it fresh.
  The heating and cooling process, called GENius, is far more energy efficient than other technologies that produce water from air It produces four to five times more water per kilowatt﹣hour(千瓦时). Watergen has other products that use this same technology in a larger size, the largest of which can produce up to 5, 000 liters of water per day.
  As a company, Watergen aims to provide drinking water to the billions of people who don't have safe drinking water at home, Last year Watergen's large size products were given to the local government in Brazil, Vietnam and India.
  Watergon tries to help the environment by reducing waste caused by plastic bottles. People can put the water from GENNY into reusable bottles so that plastic ones don't get used and thrown away. It also calls for saving energy. There are even two types of GENNY:one that uses the electrical power supply and another that rums on energy from solar power. The latter one is particularly useful for villages or other areas not connected to an electrical network.
  Watergen's technology is sure to help many people around the world as well as help take care of our planet.
17.  Confidence(自信)is at the heart of every successful person and it holds the key to success. No matter how knowledgeable you are in your professional field, if you have no confidence your success will be limited. (1)      . The following are 3 key tricks you may learn to increase your confidence.
  Know yourself. Take a long hard look in the mirror and give an honest and exact opinion of your strengths and weaknesses. (2)      . as this will increase your confidence Meanwhile, take effective steps to improve your weaknesses. We all have areas in our professional and personal lives that need to be improved. Leaving them alone does not make them go away. (3)      .
  Dress for success. Whether you like it or not , how people feel about you is based on how you dress. You only have one chance to make a good first impression. In a way, how you dress directly reflects how you feel about yourself. (4)      if you are wearing a business suit or blue jeans and a T﹣shirt. Therefore, pay close attention to your appearance. Dress in a manner that reflects who you are and how you want to be treated.
  (5)      You can increase your confidence by finding out one new challenge at a time. Research shows confident people continuously find out new challenges. Move on to the next one when one challenge is successfully achieved. Success builds upon itself, therefore, success brings success—all powered by increased confidence!
A. Keep up as you go
B. Continue to build upon your strengths
C. Research shows that you will feel differently about yourself
D. What you wear will show your weaknesses to those around you
E. Instead, it only holds back your success and keeps your confidence low
F. Actually, confidence isn't what you're born with, but something learned over time 
18.Popular restaurants not only create a comfortable dining environment but try to meet c       requirements.
19.The war b       out between Russia and Ukraine and has caused a lot of problems.
20.I'm strongly a       building a new zoo here because I think zoos are terrible places for animals to live in.
21.It is such a wonderful job that several hundred people are c       for it.
22.Don't be too nervous. You should be r       before exams.
23.The students will put on a new play about f       against COVID﹣19 tomorrow evening.
24.Zhang Yimou is one of the most famous d      . Most of his movies are loved by people.
25.The backpack will cost me 300 yuan. But I think I can buy it more c       online.
26.Because of "Double reduction"(双减), we will spend more time a       after﹣school activities.
27.In Chinese culture, tigers are r        as a symbol of power, energy and protection.
28.阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.
  E﹣sports (电子竞技) is developing rapidly in China now. A growing number of e﹣sports clubs(1)      (appear)in the last 10 years, and more young gamers are working as e﹣sports players. The 2022 Asian Games will even make e﹣sports one of its(2)      (program). However, becoming a professional e﹣sports player is not all about having fun or playing games.
  (3)       e﹣sports player should have some abilities. They must be patient enough. They must also act very(4)       (quick). Professional players can have 400 actions in one minute. But the players can't play this well all the time. It is believed that the best players are between 17 and 25. As the players get(5)       (old), they become slower.
  E﹣sports players have to work hard every day. "We start to practice right after we get up in the morning and usually last until midnight, " said Huang Fuquan, a player from iG, a Chinese e﹣sports club. "There is at least 12 hours of(6)      (train) every day. "
  Because of much practice, it's quite common to see players(7)      get hurt. They also face lots of pressure Some e﹣sports clubs use doctors and psychologists(心理学家) (8)       (help) their players out of the problems.
  If you want to turn your love for gaming into a full﹣time job, ask(9)       (you) this first:Are you really prepared?Because a lot more efforts(10)       (need). After all, the road to being a professional player is no smooth.
29.假定你是李华.你校即将举办一场学生英语俱乐部和你校英语教师之间的足球赛, 你的笔友Peter 是足球爱好者, 请根据以下提示给他写封80词左右的邮件, 内容包括:
写作要求: (1)表达清楚, 语法正确, 上下文连贯;
(2)必须包括所有相关信息, 并作适当发挥;
Dear Peter,
  How's everything going? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
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