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1.—Alan, could you help me with my math?
—_____. Please feel free to ask me if you have any question.
  • A. With pleasure
  • B. No way
  • C. Sounds good
  • D. Never mind
2._____we continue to pull together, we'll keep winning the game.
  • A. As long as
  • B. Even though
  • C. As soon as
  • D. In that case
3.The headmaster is not available now. He ________ to the new teachers.
  • A. speaks
  • B. spoke
  • C. is speaking
  • D. was speaking
4.Michael and his friends practise _______ table tennis after school every day.
  • A. play
  • B. played
  • C. playing
  • D. to play
5._____to the teacher carefully, or you'll miss what he says.
  • A. Listening
  • B. Listen
  • C. Listened
  • D. To listen
6._______ amazing the film Hi, Mom is!Mother's love always touches my heart.
  • A. How an
  • B. How
  • C. What an
  • D. What
7.I tried on several pairs of shoes, but _____ of them fitted me.
  • A. both
  • B. all
  • C. neither
  • D. none
8.The book Klara and the Sun has been popular all over the world since it_____in 2021.
  • A. sold out
  • B. blew out
  • C. ran out
  • D. came out
9.—Do you want to join the music club or sports club?
—_____. I'm good at singing.
  • A. Yes, I do
  • B. Music club
  • C. No, I don't
  • D. Sports club
10.—Louis looks tired. I wonder_____here from his city.
—By driving a car on his own.
  • A. when he will come
  • B. when he came
  • C. how he will come
  • D. how he came
11.  Last month, a new bridge was first opened to the public. It's (1)      hanging bridge for walkers in the world. It is 516 meters﹣over five football fields long, Workers started to build the bridge in May, 2019. (2)       cost $2. 8 million and took over two years to complete. The bridge runs be﹣ tween two mountains. Far, far below is a big rushing river. Along the river, there is(3)       eight﹣ kilometer﹣long wooden walkway. People could enjoy the scenery(风景)and watch birds there. Now the city is hoping that the bridge (4)       lots of tourists to the area. Some people were invited to check out the bridge before the opening. Jerry was one of them. He said(5)      , "I was a little afraid, but there is no other bridge like this one in the world, it was so worth it. "
12.  "I don't want to go, Miss White. I'm frightened (害怕的), very frightened, " Monica told her teacher.
  Monica was a very(1)      girl. She always sat at the back of the classroom, (2)       or taking notes. Every Monday morning, there would be a special show in her class and one student would be(3)       to make a speech about his or her dream. Miss White hoped that Monica could have a try the next week. But she refused.
   "I know that it seems(4)       for you, but it will help you build up your confidence, " said Miss White. Monica was lost in thought.
  The next day, Monica came to Miss White's office. Miss White was(5)       that she would take the chance. Miss White red﹣penciled her manuscript (手稿) of speech, corrected her(6)      , and even helped with her body language. She advised Monica to practice, to(7)       that she was speaking confidently in font of her class. (8)       a whole week, Monica practiced speaking in font of her imaginary friends and teacher. Behind the locked door of her bedroom, she told them about her(9)      .
  Finally, Monday arrived. (10)       Monica was called upon to give her speech, she(11)      and walked to the front of the class without any notes, in a show of confidence. Monica's successful performance brought everyone a great(12)      . The whole class clapped (鼓掌) for a full minute when she completed her speech. Miss White(13)      . She had known that Monica would make it when she(14)       took her first step to overcome (克服) her fear of speaking in public.
   From that day, Monica's life changed for the better. At the age of 23, she became a news reader. People who see her on television now will find it hard to(15)       that she was once a shy girl who refused to speak up in class.
13.  Hi, I'm Karen. I am 10 years old, and I live in Niger. I like to play football with my brother.
  About Niger
  Niger is a country in West Africa. It is one of the hottest countries in the world. Most of its land is in the Sahara Desert, and lots of its people aren't able to get clean drinking water. Also, there isn't always enough food, so many children go hungry and get sick easily.
  You can help Karen by sponsoring(资助)her with one of our plans. Plan A:Three Square Meals
  For $1 a day, Karen can fill up her stomach with breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day.
  Plan B:Brighter Future
  For $55 a month, Karen receives the food and education she needs to succeed.
  You can choose to pay month by month or for the whole year all at once. When you become Karen's sponsor, you will receive a package (包裹)about her. It has her information, so you can write to let her know who you are and that you care. To know more kids in need of your help, please visit our home page.
14.  Life can be boring if we don't have any dreams. Do you have any dreams?
  My dad's dream is to sail(驾驶帆船) around the world. He often talks about it with his best friend.
  This summer holiday, my father decided to borrow a boat with his best friend and take us all to a lake to test his skills.
  They borrowed a big boat and began the journey on a sunny day. Everything went well on the first day. The water was calm(平静的). There was no wind. It felt like my dad's dream was coming true.
  But the next day, when we sailed to the river that connected to the lake, a strong wind came up. The boat started to bounce(上下晃动). It was a little scary. The mothers tried their best to hold the kids.
  The river got wider and wider. And the waves(波浪)became stronger. The wind was blowing our boat far from land. My dad had trouble controlling the boat. His best friend came to help but failed. They decided that we should go back.
  We made it safely back to a place where the water was calm. Dad said, "Today we learned a good lesson. It is good to have dreams. But it is also important to properly prepare before trying to achieve them. "
  Dad's dream is still to sail around the world. He knows that dreams will come true if you really want them to. But he also knows that he has a lot to learn before sitting out on the open ocean.
15.  A girl in our class named Mina got sick not long ago. We were all very worried about her. The doctors said she would be fine. The only problem was that she was going to be bald(秃头的)for some time. But her hair would come back. Mina had her treatment(治疗)and got better day by day. Just as the doctors had told her, all her hair fell out. She was completely bald!Mina was very sad about this. But she really had no choice. After a few weeks, Mina's parents tried to get her to go back to school, but she didn't want to go. She didn't have the courage to return to school with her bald head. After hearing about this, our teacher told us about Mina's worry. We talked about it for a while and came up with a great idea. "Let's all cut off our hair, said Charlie. "Yes. Great idea, " said Sally. "Then Mina will not feel alone.
  The next day, we all came to school with bald heads. We felt really good about what we were doing for our friend. Then, our teacher went to Mina's house and tried to take her to school. Mina agreed because it was Saturday, and she thought there would be no one there. She went to school with a hat on her head. She walked down the empty hallway to the classroom. Mina opened the door and "SURPRISE!" The whole class was there. Mina started to cry. Everyone looked just like her now. She could hardly believe what her friends had done for her.
16.  What's it like to be 75?I recently took part in an experiment﹣Ann, an expert on ageing(老 龄化), turned me from a boy to an old man.
  Ann started with my eyes. She asked me to wear a pair of glasses which only allowed me to see things straight ahead of me. She then added heavy straps(带子)around my arms and legs. This was to make me both weaker and slower. Wearing two pairs of plastic gloves helped me to experience the poor sense of touch that comes with age. Finally, she gave me a pair of earplugs that made me unable to hear very clearly.
  Starting to feel my new age, we set out for a shopping center. I wanted to buy a sweater for my78﹣ year﹣old grandfather. It was scary to step out. The glasses made everything seem so bright. With my poor hearing, the world seemed unsafe. I could understand why many old people prefer to stay in their homes.
  Going on public transport was terrible. I was pushed by young people in a hurry. Even finding the right money for the ticket was a problem. I felt quite embarrassed.
  When we finally reached the shopping center, Ann guided me to a shop selling men's clothes. It was noisy, and I chose a brown sweater. "Can we stop for a cup of coffee?" I asked Ann. Suddenly I realized that was what my grandfather said whenever we went shopping. Ann agreed, and sitting down helped me relax a little.
   I took off my glasses, my gloves and took out my earplugs. I talked with Ann. She told me she had done this experiment many times. She hoped to make people understand how hard life is for the old, and be more patient with them.
  It was a meaningful experience for me.
17.A:Oh, Tim. Look at this mess!What are you doing?
T:I am so (1)      !Tony just said bad words to me.
A:It's wrong of him to do that. But you should try to control your anger.
T:I'm sorry. But I don't(2)       how.
A:First, take a deep breath. This can help you cool down.
T:OK, let me have a (3)      . Take a deep breath. .. .. .
A:Does it work?If(4)      , you can sing or run.
T:Really?That sounds fun.
A:Yes. Singing or running can help you let out your anger. (5)      you like to run with me now?
T:Sure. Let's go!
A. happily B. moment C. how D. them E. were F. tree G. heart H. on I. dropped J. same 

  Fifty years ago, I liked throwing stones because I had no other boy to play with and I became very skillful. One day I went to work for an old couple who(1)      very friendly to everybody, even to the birds. And the birds seemed to love the old couple, too. For seven years a bird had come and built her nest(鸟巢)in the(2)       place. She and her mate had just returned (3)       the day I went to work and the old couple welcomed them(4)      . During the day, I thought I would try my skill upon her. Suddenly the bird flew to a(5)      near me. I found a nice stone, and I threw it with my best skill. It hit the bird on the head and she(6)      dead!
  I was sorry the(7)       I saw her fall off the tree. But it was too late. All day long her mate flew about, and chirped(发啁啾声) so sadly that he made my (8)       ache. I said nothing to the old couple but one of their grandchildren told(9)       about it. Though the old couple never said a word to me, I knew that they were very sad. I could never look them in the eye and tell them (10)      sorry I was. They have been dead for many, many years, and so has the poor bird. But the stone rebounded(反弹) and hurt me as long as I lived.
19.  My dad was in the radio business when I was growing up. He'd get tickets to a lot of different sporting events, and in 1984 we went to Madison Square Garden during Michael Jordan's rookie sea﹣ son(新秀赛季). My dad took me to see Jordan put on a show.
  I remember looking at my dad as an eight ﹣ year ﹣ old kid and saying, "I want to be Michael Jordan one day. " Dad laughed a bit and then turned to me and said, "Son, I love you, but you' re probably not going to be Michael Jordan. "Then my dad pointed to the man standing next to Jordan at the time, his agent David Falk. My dad explained how Falk worked closely with players, and since then that's all I've ever wanted to do.
  Years passed and I became a sports agent. My job is simply to help professional players find jobs. No two days are the same, which I find exciting. If it's in﹣season, I'm talking to players about how they are feeling and how they're performing from week to week. During the off﹣season, I try to make sure players' lives are managed, so they can focus on(专注于)improving on the field. Not everyone can be a sports star, but it's more than possible to work on the business side of sports. I always tell the students I meet to go out of their way to introduce themselves to people. Relationships are so important in this business, and they can take you a long way.
20.假如你是李华, 你校学生会正在招募下周去敬老院看望老人的志愿者.请根据下列要点提示, 给学生会主席写一封电子邮件申请成为志愿者, 并为该活动开展提几点建议.
(1)个人情况:来自九年级一班, 对泸州很了解等;
(2)能力方面:和人相处好, 健谈等;
(3)经验方面:当过儿童医院志愿者, 家里有老人等;
(4)对老人的看法:亲情缺乏, 需要关爱等;
(1)词数110词左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数);
(2)要点提示均须涉及, 可适当增加内容;
参考词语:know, get on well with, Children's Hospital, volunteer
Dear chairperson,
  I'm writing to apply to join the volunteer activity. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Look forward to your reply!
Li Hua
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