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A cooler can keep your food and drinks fresh. But the US invent or Ryan wants more than that. His cooler can also be used to play MP3 music. It even provides power for your mobile phone. Year of invention:2019 
Frying Pan
Cooking by yourself is a great idea! Try this smart pan even if you don't know how to cook!In it there is an APP that can control the heat. You just need to follow the steps and a delicious meal can be yours. 10% off if you buy two. Year of invention:2019 
Coaching Basketball
The coaching basketball can develop your basketball skills. In the basketball there is a Blue tooth chip(It can send information to your mobile phone. )If you don't play well, a"coach"will tell you how to be a better player. Year of invention:2020 
Super Wheel
Too tired to ride a bike in a large city?Cambridge University has developed the Super Wheel. It's a real wheel to help riders to ride more easily. It also give steal﹣time information of the road conditions to your phone. Year of invention:2018 
2.  Xin hua news﹣China's Chang'e﹣5 probe(探测器)returned to the earth from the moon on December 17th, 2020.
  On December 3rd, 2020, a Chinese spaceship, Chang'e﹣5 probe, took off from the surface of the moon. It carried the country's first samples(样本) of the soil and rocks on the moon.
  Chang'e﹣5 probe is the first Chinese space ship to take off from a star in space except the earth. On November 24th, Chang'e﹣5 probe was launched from Wenchang, Hainan Province in China. It landed safely on the moon on December1st.
  The take off from the moon over came a lot of difficulties, including the different environments between the earth and the moon. "But luckily, we made it. "Xing Zhuoyi, a designer of Chang'e﹣5 probe said. Before the take off, a Chinese national flag was shown from the probe. "Every body in the science hall jumped with excitement and held each other's hands. At that time, I felt that all our hard work paid off. "Xing continued.
  Chang'e﹣5 is one of the most important and difficult tasks in Chinese space history. It has also been the world's first moon﹣sample task in more than 40 years. The task will certainly help improve China's science and technology development. It will play an important part in China's future moon landing.
3.  I think a driver's license shows one has grown into an adult(成年人). So as soon as I reached 16, I wanted to get my driver's license in California, US.
  However, I realized it was a little different from that in other states. The first step is to take a writing test at the Department of Motor Vehicles(DMV). Once you pass the test, you are allowed to drive if an adult driver is in the car with you. It took me much work to the DMV before I finally passed the writing test. I left my ID﹣card at home the first time, and the DMV worker spelled my name wrong on the test paper the second time. At last, I left the DMV smiling after my third visit.
  Before taking the final road test, I had to get enough practice on the road. Although my dad had a bad temper(脾气), he came to help me. I felt that he became even worse when driving with me.
  He warned me that there were many careless drivers on the road. Also, he believed that for a learner like me, driving is playing with my life. Every time I made mistakes, he shouted at me, which always made me shake and almost lose control of the car. I was already terrified(惊恐的)seeing cars rushing next to me. My dad's shouting made me feel even worse.
  After practicing for a month, the situation became much better. In January, I passed the road test and received my driver's license. I finally made it thanks to my dad's serious, yet terrifying, help.
4.  When you take a walk along the River Thames, you will see lots of eye﹣catching buildings. Running through the heart of London, there are also many markets, shops and activities to keep you busy along its banks. You will also see a strange round building. It looks very old and very different from all the others. This is Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.
  The Globe Theatre was first built here in 1599. William Shakespeare was one of the most famous writers that ever lived. His plays were on show in the theatre for many years. However, in 1613, a fire broke out during a play. The theatre was burnt down, but the second was built the following year. It remained a theatre until 1644, and then it was pulled down to build houses. The modern(and also the third)Globe Theatre was completed in 1997, over 350 years later. This was done to honor Shakespeare, the most famous English writer. To this day, his many plays are on show there daily. He wrote around thirty﹣eight plays, including come dies(funny stories), histories(about historical events and people), and tragedies(serious and sad stories). People come from all over the world to watch them at the Globe Theatre. They are exactly the same as they were hundreds of years ago.
  The building is round and made mostly of wood. There are simple seats on three different levels all around the sides. Every one can see the stage(舞台). However, there is no house top in the middle!The cheapest tickets are standing tickets. You stand in the middle, right in front of the actors, but if it rains, you will get wet!
5.It is well﹣known that Australia is a country rich in natural beauties. In Australia there is a famous island called Fraser Island. A great many visitors come here for holidays every year. Why?The reason is that it is special.
(1)      In fact, it is the largest sand island in the world. It's about 123 kilometers long and 22 kilometers wide.
(2)      Fraser Island is a quiet tourist island. It has no roads and few public facilities(设施). Tourists can take a ferry(渡船)to the island. The long beach along the east coast works as the tourist center. Visitors arrive and leave from here. There they can take a taxi or a bus.
On the island there are sand hills without any plants, but there are forests with old trees, beautiful flowers and over a hundred lakes too.
(3)      Every year, visitors come to enjoy the natural beauty of this Island. People like camping and hiking there.
(4)      Animals are killed for food and this has made some of them in danger of dying out. They throw rubbish here and there, and the lakes are seriously polluted.
(5)      Rules have been set up. For example, visitors are not allowed to use motorboats or go fishing in the lakes, and they mustn't leave any rubbish.

AThe island is completely made of sand.
BHowever, there is no airport on the island.
CAny one who breaks the rules will be punished.
DUnluckily, visitors have caused many problems.
EMany kinds of birds and animals live in the forest.
FSo it is time to protect the environment of the island.
6.  "I will never find time to learn this difficult lesson, "said Robert to Frank as they left school. "I can't do it by tomorrow. "
  "You still have ten minutes before lunch. Why not(1)      right now?"asked his brother. "Ten minutes!That's(2)      . Besides, I must have a run with Rover now, "replied Robert, smiling to his dog.
  After lunch, the two boys walked off to school again. Frank(3)      his book and began to learn part of it as he walked along. "How(4)      you are!"Robert laughed at his brother. He looked out for birds in the trees on the way to school.
  "Come off to(5)      !"shouted a group of school friends as they finished school for the day. Robert ran away with the boys(6)      . Frank promised to follow in 15 minutes, and looked over his book once more. This done, he played with the boys, and(7)      the game.
  The two brothers were tired that evening, and went to bed early. But when they(8)      their school the next day, Frank knew his(9)      perfectly but Robert told the teacher that he was too busy to learn it.
  "How did you find the(10)      to prepare for the lesson, Frank?"asked his teacher.
  "I had(11)      minutes before lunch yesterday;fifteen minutes as I walked back to school;and an other fifteen minutes before football. Then I looked over my lesson before I went to bed, and spent ten minutes before breakfast this morning again(12)      it. "
  "That makes an hour's(13)      , "replied his teacher. "Frank, you may run and play at break time. Robert, go to the bottom of the class. You will spend break time learning that lesson. And you should(14)      to do that until you have learnt this important lesson:Only those who take care of the(15)      will have the hours to take care of themselves. "
7.Twenty years is a short time in history. (  )
  • A. 宾语
  • B. 状语
  • C. 表语
  • D. 定语
8.It sounds a good idea.(  )
  • A. 表语
  • B. 状语
  • C. 宾语
  • D. 谓语
9.The teacher asked her to take the boy out of school. (  )
  • A. 定语
  • B. 宾语
  • C. 宾补
  • D. 状语
10.Finishing the work on time is hard for him. (  )
  • A. 宾语
  • B. 谓语
  • C. 状语
  • D. 主语
11.They are playing basketball over there. (  )
  • A. 谓语
  • B. 主语
  • C. 表语
  • D. 宾语
12.His teacher p       him because he did very well in the exam.
13.There are three high﹣speed﹣trains from Neijiang to Xi'an today. Please make a d       about which one to take.
14.She is w        a letter to her penfriend.
15.Judy was late for class and e       the reason to the teacher.
16.The great painter Zhang Daqian was b       in Ba Jiaojing, Neijiang on May10, 1899.
17.The students are advised to take part in more after﹣school a       .
18.Li Lei is an h       boy, he never tells lies.
19.We will take our entrance examination in J       , the month after May.
20.They failed many times, but they never gave up and f       they succeeded.
21.Nobody can help us at this time. We should depend on o       .
22.  As we all know, English is(1)      important subject in middle school. Everyone knows that we must learn English well at school, but some students don't know how(2)      (learn)it well. Here are some suggestions that may help you with your English.
  The(3)      (big)problem is our own fear. We worry that we won't say things(4)      (correct)or that we will look foolish so that we don't speak English at all. Don't be afraid(5)      being laughed at. Only if we aren't afraid of making mistakes can we learn English well.
  The fastest way to learn some thing is to do it again and again until we get it right. Learning English of course(6)      (need)practice. Don't let a little fear stop us from(7)      (get)what we want.
  The best way to learn English is to have a good environment. Take(8)      (note)in English, put English books around our room, listen to English radios, watch English news and TV programs. The more English materials(材料) we have around us, the faster we will learn it.
  Many people think(9)      exercises and tests aren't much fun. However, by doing exercises and taking tests we can really improve(提高)our English. If we never take tests, we will never know how much progress we have made.
  I believe with these methods, we will improve our(10)      (able)in learning English well.
23.为了帮助同学们缓解压力, 请你写一篇发言稿与同学们分享.内容包括:
1. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名;
2. 所写内容要包括以上要点, 内容连贯并进行合理拓展;
3. 词数100词左右.开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
参考词汇:pressure n. 压力
Hello, boys and girls!
  Pressure is becoming a serious problem in today's world. ________
  That's all. Thank you!
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