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1.—I am feeling a bit_____because the important exam is around the corner.
—Take it easy. I am sure you will do great.
  • A. patient
  • B. pleased
  • C. nervous
  • D. comfortable
2.People are suggested to stay at home for two weeks_____they have ever been to high﹣risk areas.
  • A. so
  • B. if
  • C. unless
  • D. though
3.The film The Battle at Lake Changjin ___________ by Kaige Chen, Hark Tsuie and Dante Lam is worth seeing.
  • A. is directed
  • B. directed
  • C. directing
  • D. to direct
4.—How long will it take me to get to the museum?
—It depends on _________.
  • A. what you will think of it
  • B. how you will get there
  • C. why you will go there
  • D. what you will buy from there
5.Vera and I live in the same building, but I______see her.
  • A. mostly
  • B. usually
  • C. always
  • D. seldom
6.Although I_____write Chinese calligraphy(书法), I like talking about it.
  • A. mustn't
  • B. can't
  • C. shouldn't
  • D. needn't
7.—I think this book is ________than that one.
—You're right. I prefer that one.
  • A. more popular
  • B. more useful
  • C. less interesting
  • D. less boring
8.—What's the _______of the car at present?
—It's about 70 kilometers an hour.
  • A. place
  • B. speed
  • C. price
  • D. mark
9.  Have you ever told a lie?Was it good or bad for others?Do you know what a white(1)      is?Franz Kafka(1883~1924), a famous writer, never married and had no children. Once, at the age of 40, when he was walking(2)      a park in Berlin, Germany, he(3)      a young girl crying. She lost her favorite doll. He helped her look for the doll, but they couldn't find it. Kafka told her to (4)      him there the next day and they would look for it again.
  The next day, when they still had not(5)      the doll, Kafka gave the girl a(6)      "written" by the doll that said, "Please do not cry. I have gone on a(7)      to see the world. I'm going to write to you about my adventures(历险). "Then began a story that continued to the (8)      of Kafka's life.
  When they met, Kafka read aloud the letters (which he had written, of course) of adventures. The girl found them quite(9)      . Finally, Kafka read her a letter in which the doll said it had (10)      returned to Berlin. Then, he gave her a doll that he had(11)      . "This does not look like my doll at all, "She said, Kafka handed her another letter that said, "It is my trips that have changed me. " Then girl hugged the(12)      doll and took it home with her. A year later, Kafka died.
  Many years later, the grown﹣up girl found a letter (13)       inside the doll. The(14)      letter, signed by Kafka, said, "(15)      you love is very likely to be lost, but in the end, love will return in a different way. "
like, amazing, use, reason, millions, dangerous, smoke, us, for, that, because 

  Tobacco(烟草)is a(1)      drug(药草). It's(2)      how governments allow people to(3)       tobacco. One(4)      is governments get a lot of money from taxes(税) on cigarettes. Another reason is tobacco companies have a lot of influence on politicians. Tobacco﹣related health problems put a huge amount of pressure on a country's healthcare system. (5)       of working hours are lost every day (6)      people take smoking breaks. The saddest thing is(7)      children lose parents because of the damage tobacco did to their bodies. Tobacco contains nicotine(尼古丁) and other poisonous chemicals(有害化学物质 ). These cause many diseases, (8)      heart problems and cancer. (9)      causes bad breath, disease, loss of energy, and it's expensive. It's time(10)      the world to quit smoking. Let's protect(11)      .
11.Know More about the Winter Olympic Games
  In 1921, the International Olympic Committee decided to hold the 1924 International Winter Sports Week in Chamonix, France, and two years after the event ended, the International Olympic Committee officially recognized the event as the first Winter Olympic Games. The athlete Chares Jutlau from the United States won the first gold medal in the history of the Winter Olympics in the mens 500﹣meter speed skating. 
  The last Winter Olympic Games were held in Pyeongchang, South Korea, in 2018. Short track speed skater Wu Dajing won the only gold medal for China. The Chinese delegation won a total of nine medals, second only to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Chinese athletes have achiever the best results in history in many sports. 
  The 24th Winter Olympic Games in 2022 will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. Beijing is the first city to host the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. The ice project will be held in Beijing. The image ambassador(大使) for this Winter Olympic Games is Shen Xue. The opening ceremony will be held at the Birds Nest. Chinas first participation in the Winter Olympics was the U. S. Lake Plesid Winter Olympics. Chinas first gold medalist at the Winter Olympics was Yang Yang. 
12.  How do we know the time?A clock, a watch or a mobile phone can help us. However, many years ago there were no clocks and knowing the time was not so easy. Over the centuries people have developed different ways of telling the time.
  About 5, 500 years ago, the Egyptians invented the sun clock. This was a tall stone building. Its shadow(影子 )showed the movement of the sun. So people were able to know midday. The Egyptians made a sundial(日晷) about 3, 500 years ago. It was smaller than the sun clock and could measure the time for half a day. On cloudy days or at night it was impossible to tell the time with a sun clock or a sundial. Water clocks were the first clocks not to use the sun. The idea is simple. Water flows from one container(容器)to another, when the water reaches a certain level, it moves a lever(控制杆 )and this shows the hours. The Egyptians used water clocks about 3, 400 years ago. These clocks were popular in the Middle East and China. But they failed to make people know the exact time.
  In the 13th century, the mechanical clock was invented. This was more exact, but it was expensive to make one. Over the next few centuries, it was developed. For example, springs(发 条)were added around 1, 500. This enabled people to get the correct time and allowed clocks to be smaller. In 1936, the first quartz (石英) clock was developed. Clocks became cheaper to build. It's easy for ordinary people to own a clock. People began depending on them more and more to ran business, markets and so on. More recently, in 1956, came the digital clock. And nowadays satellites send our mobile phones the time to the exact second.
  There has been a lot of progress in timekeeping(计时). Clocks are always changing but some things never change. Many of us still have trouble getting out of bed on time and not missing appointments.
13.  Some people think just letter grades or scores of the report card can't be a good way to encourage students to work hard. Nowadays, students' grades are shown in many different ways in schools. Some schools just give students some comments (评语) in a card where teachers describe the skills a student needs to work on without giving letter grades such as A or exact numbers.
  These schools give their reasons. The grades don't say much about which skills a student has learned. What's more, it stops the parents from comparing their children with others. In fact, they think that worse grades just mean you are having trouble with it. A teacher's comment usually gives more information. Besides, it can avoid hurting children's pride.
  Many students feel happy because they don't need to be compared with others. More importantly, they don't need to feel upset if their grades are not that good. Many parents also feel that the letter grades or number grades are out of date. It time to change.
  In fact, the grades or ranking (排名) of an exam can't show that a student is a "good" one or a "bad" one. Students should pay close attention to the teachers' comments instead of grades. They will guide students in the steps to improve.
14.  When I was a child, there was a pot of butterfly flowers in my room. I often stood on the bench (凳子) and looked at them for a long time. I couldn't help but have a big question mark in my heart. These were such beautiful flowers, but they had no sweet smell. What a pity!So, after thinking about it, I had a wonderful idea and decided to do something for them.
  One day, when my parents were not at home, I picked a bottle of perfume(香水)from my mother's dressing table. Then I unscrewed (拧开) the bottle cap and sprayed (喷) perfume on the flowers evenly. I was happy that I finally helped the flowers and started to imagine that when my parents came back home, they would be amazed at my brilliant idea. But to my surprise, after a few days, the flowers slowly lost vitality and their petals(花瓣)withered(枯萎). Finally, they died from absorbing the perfume's ethyl alcohol (乙醇). I cried and realized my behavior was ill﹣considered.
  Although butterfly flowers are beautiful, they have no sweet smell. Just like us, they are not perfect, with both advantages and disadvantages. We can't impose (把. .. .. .强加于)our own ideas on other things and just look at the surface of things. We should learn the laws of nature when we want to give help or improve our own lives.
15.  Plants are living things. A living thing grows. It can make more livings. Animals are living things too. Living things need water, air and sunlight to survive (生存).
  A plant's parts help it survive and grow. Flowers make seeds. Seeds can grow into new plants. Some plants have fruit. It grows around the seeds and keeps them safe. Leaves take in sunlight and make a plant's food. The stem (茎) carries water and food. Roots take in water from soil (土壤). Living things have a life cycle(循环). A life cycle is the changes a living thing goes through when it grows.
  A plant's life cycle begins with seeds. First, a seed starts to grow into a new plant. Then, the plant gets what it needs from the soil and sunlight. It grows into a big plant. Finally, the plant flowers and grows more seeds to make new plants.
  All living things have life cycles, including you!You need food, and water to survive, just as plants do. You grow and change too.

16.  (1)       Every year, there is a day for people around the world to celebrate the importance of good and healthy sleep﹣World Sleep Day.
  (2)      A good amount of sleep helps the body and brain grow and develop.
  (3)       According to the National Sleep Foundation in the US, adults need seven to nine hours of sleep every night. For students aged 10 to 17, a healthy amount is about eight to nine per night.
  However, many students don't get enough sleep because of early school start times and too much homework. The China Youth and Children Research Center reported that about 80 percent of middle school students don't get enough sleep.
  A lack of sleep(缺觉) can greatly affect a person's life. (4)      They can't pay attention in class or do well in sports.
  To solve this problem, scientists advise that students should have less schoolwork and more time to sleep, such as taking a 20﹣minute nap(午睡)during the day. (5)      For example, try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends and during holidays.

A. Sleep is part of a person's daily activity cycle.
B. People spend almost a third of their lives doing one thing:sleeping.
C. Students who don't get enough sleep may get poor grades.
D. People of different ages need different amounts of sleep.
E. Lack of sleep also has a great deal of harm to attention.
F. Sleep is like food for the brain.
G. Good sleep habits are also helpful. 
17.A:Hi, Lingling. What do you want to be in the future?
B:Being a teacher is my dream.
A:Sounds great!Why do you want to be a teacher?
B:(1)      Staying with children makes me feel relaxed. How about you?
A:(2)       He is my hero because he saved millions of lives during the COVID﹣19(新冠病毒)period.
B:Yes, it's a good job. (3)      
A:A good doctor needs to have medical knowledge and skills, patience, a kind heart and so on.
B:Yes, you're right. (4)      
A:I will work hard to go to a medical university.
B:Good. (5)      
A:I hope so. Thanks a lot.

A. Good Luck!
B. I want to be a doctor like Zhong Nanshan.
C. Because I like to stay with children.
D. What does a good doctor need to have?
E. I hope your dream will come true.
F. What will you do for your dream?
G. Why do you want to be a doctor? 
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