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  It is November 1st today, Sally's thirteenth birthday. On her way home, Sally got a(n) (1)       from her mom. It said:
  Dad and I (2)       work today. We will not get home before half past nine this evening. (3)       you!
  Sally was not happy. She thought, "Today is a (4)       day for me, but Dad and Mom don't remember it." Sally called her mom, but her mom didn't (5)       the phone.
  Sally was around her house, (6)       she didn't want to go home. She rode to a Chinese restaurant and (7)       a small bowl of beef noodles. When she finished it, she rode home. To her surprise, there was a big birthday cake and a big meal on the table. Her (8)       came out of the kitchen and said happily, "Happy birthday, dear! We came back to have a party for you after work."
  Sally didn't know (9)       to say. Finally, she said, "I love you, Dad and Mom." Then she made a wish and (10)       the candles. She was full (吃饱了的), but she was happy.
2.  My name is Helen and I'm 35. I work in a hospital. These days, I'm taking evening classmate college (学院). Our teacher, Elizabeth, is very strict. She's 40 and she comes from Chicago. My classmates are very nice. There are ten of us in the group — five women and five men. I like Melanie best. She's young and good-looking. She has blonde hair. Julie is very friendly. She's short and she has a round face. Clara has short dark hair and she's very thin. Amanda has brown hair and she wears glasses.
  The men in my group are all nice. Jeremy's really interesting. He's 45 and he works in a bank. Henry's 29. He is tall and he wears glasses. He's a policeman. I like Dieter a lot. He's 42. He's very handsome and confident (自信的)! Alvaro is also handsome. He's a musician. The last one is Stefan. He works in a zoo. He's a little heavy, but he's really funny. He often makes us laugh (笑).
Yuebin Restaurant
We have a special every day. 
Monday Tomatoes with eggs 16 yuan 3 yuan 
Tuesday Mapo tofu 12 yuan 2 yuan 
Wednesday Gongbao chicken 22 yuan 6 yuan 
Thursday Cabbage and tofu 18 yuan 5 yuan 
Friday Mutton noodles 18 yuan 4 yuan Strawberry ice-cream 8 yuan free (Spend more than 88 yuan) 
Saturday Tomato and beef soup 38 yuan free (Spend more than 188 yuan) 
Sunday Spicy boiled fish 48 yuan free (Spend more than 288 yuan) 
4.Dear Gina,
  I hope you're well. I'm on holiday in London with my friend Alice. We arrived by plane on Monday and took a taxi to our hotel. I went for a walk in Hyde Park but Alice didn't come with me because she was tired.
  Then on Tuesday we saw Big Ben, Elizabeth Tower and Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth lives in the palace, but we didn't see her. I bought some presents but Alice didn't buy anything.
  The next day we visited the British Museum and had dinner in a Chinese restaurant. On Thursday morning we relaxed. Then we went to Tower Bridge on the River Thames and looked at the city. It's very big and beautiful. Today I went shopping and Alice listened to a concert in the park. After that I came back to the hotel and read newspapers. Then I wrote some postcards (明信片) and sent some e-mails. I took lots of photos and I'm sending them with this e-mail to you.
  Tomorrow we're going to fly home. It was a short holiday, but it was great. Say hello to your mom and dad.
5.  Mary is a grade 7 student. She doesn't have good looks and she is short and heavy. Because of that, she was not happy. But after going to a place she now doesn't feel that way. Where did she go?
  Last Saturday, Mary visited an old people's home with her mother. She had fun there.
  An old woman sat in a chair in the hallway. Her sipper dropped (掉下来). Mary picked it up and said, "Grandma, let me help you put it back on your foot." "Thank you, my girl. You are so beautiful." the old woman said to her.
  Then Mary met an old man with no legs, and he said hi to Mary. Mary stopped to talk with him. And she listened to him tell her stories. Mary didn't think the stories were funny, but she smiled (微笑) all the time. "Thanks for your listening, my girl. You are so beautiful," he said to Mary.
  They said Mary was beautiful. This made Mary happy. She didn't do anything special in that old people's home, but she felt she got something special.
  Give your love to others, and you will feel you are born to sparkle (自带光芒).
6.  This happened (发生) about two years ago. I went to an art festival in Sydney (悉尼) with my friends. (1)      
  When we arrived, the weather was great. (2)       We put up our tent and made a fire to cook food on. But in the mountains the weather changed (变化) quickly. That night there was a terrible storm (暴风雨). (3)       Later, water started coming into the tent. (4)       There weren't any free rooms, so they let us sleep in the dining hall.
  (5)       We went to the mountains again. But our tent wasn't there. The wind blew it away that night.
  I didn't like the camping. It was terrible.

A. At first, we didn't worry about it, but it started to rain heavily and there was a strong wind.
B. The festival would last (持续) for 5 days.
C. The next morning, it was sunny again.
D. It was sunny, so we went to the mountains for camping.
E. In the end, we had to leave and take our things to a hotel. 
7.Susan keeps running every day. She thinks it's the best way to keep h      .
8.I i       my friends to my birthday party last weekend.
9.The train was very       (缓慢的) and it took us 12 hours to get there.
10.Can you use these words to       (描述) your school to us?
11.I didn't go       /'eniweə/ during the summer holiday.
surprise, ride, what, tired, as, start, wake, lake, everything, shout 

  Ben and his mother Lisa planned (计划) to go camping. They (1)       up early in the morning. "Look! (2)       a sunny day!" Ben said. He jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom (浴室). "It's a good day to go to the forest. Just a minute. I'll take a shower and then we can (3)       our trip," Ben (4)      .
  Lisa took (5)       they need, such as their tent, clothes and food. Then they (6)       their bikes and left.
  When they got there, Ben was (7)      . Lisa thought he couldn't do anything. To Lisa's (8)      , Ben helped her get water and made a fire. (9)       a little boy, he did quite well. After dinner, they sat by the (10)       talked and enjoyed the stars. Ben looked like a big child. Lisa was very happy.
13.[1]Einstein (爱因斯坦) moved to the USA in 1933 and worked as a teacher at Princeton University (大学). He stopped teaching there in 1945.
[2] Einstein's life in Princeton was simple (简朴的). Between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m., he (4) ① breakfast and read newspapers. At 10:30 he left for his office. Most of the time, he walked there. (4)② it rained, a station wagon (旅行车) from the university picked him up. He worked (4)③ about two hours, and at 1:00 he went back home for a 1:30 lunch, a short sleep, and a cup of tea. After that, he spent time at home, but he went on with his work, and then saw visitors. Dinner was at 6:30, and after dinner he had more work to do.
[3]Einstein lived a simple life, but lots of people in Princeton know him. To meet the great man, some people often stopped him on his way to work or from work. (5)Sometimes Einstein took photos with them and talked with them happily.
14.假设你是李华,本周英语角你要和大家分享你上次的旅行经历,请你根据导图提示,以My Last Trip为题写一篇短文,为你的分享做准备。

(1)词数:70词左右,开头结尾已给出, 不计入总词数;
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