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1.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?
  • A. cartoon
  • B. garden
  • C. market
  • D. warning
2.Which of the following sentences should be read in a rising tone?
  • A. What can I do for you?
  • B. I'd like to buy a T-shirt.
  • C. Do you like this blue one?
  • D. Yes. Let me have a look.
3.Many people are eager to see ________ famous artwork, the Mona Lisa, with their own eyes.
  • A. /
  • B. the
  • C. a
  • D. an
4.After class the teacher gave the students some ________ on how to make comic strips.
  • A. opinion
  • B. example
  • C. article
  • D. advice
5.The newspaper says the new library will open to the public ________ December 15, 2020.
  • A. at
  • B. on
  • C. in
  • D. of
6.Li Ming's parents are very strict ________ him, so he works hard and behaves well.
  • A. with
  • B. of
  • C. about
  • D. for
7.People with strong imagination often come up with ideas ________ might not think of.
  • A. another
  • B. the other
  • C. others
  • D. the others
8.The baby panda looks so ________ that many visitors would like to take pictures with it.
  • A. gently
  • B. simply
  • C. lovely
  • D. politely
9.Studies show that ________ you read, the less you understand what you have read.
  • A. faster
  • B. the faster
  • C. fastest
  • D. the fastest
10.We ________ keep silent in the kindergarten as the kids are having classes.
  • A. must
  • B. can
  • C. need
  • D. may
11.By the end of last year, the school football team ________ a gold medal and three silver ones.
  • A. would win
  • B. has won
  • C. will win
  • D. had won
12.When Miss Baker entered the classroom, the children ________ a maths problem heatedly.
  • A. will discuss
  • B. have discussed
  • C. are discussing
  • D. were discussing
13.Soon the firemen arrived at the scene, and the old man in the fire ________ at last.
  • A. was saved
  • B. saved
  • C. has saved
  • D. has been saved
14.The government promised ________ some schools for the children in mountain areas.
  • A. build
  • B. to build
  • C. building
  • D. built
15.The soldiers tried many ways to prevent the flood from ________ the roads and fields.
  • A. destroy
  • B. to destroy
  • C. destroying
  • D. destroyed
16.People from Thailand never greet each other by shaking hands, ________?
  • A. don't they
  • B. do they
  • C. won't they
  • D. will they
17.It has been 50 years ________ man first stepped on the moon.
  • A. since
  • B. when
  • C. while
  • D. until
18.Follow these rules, ________ they will enable you to use your time wisely.
  • A. so
  • B. or
  • C. but
  • D. and
19.—Would you mind changing seats with me?
  • A. Of course not.
  • B. You're welcome.
  • C. That's all.
  • D. I don't think so.
20.—I think we should raise some money for charity.
  • A. Yes, please.
  • B. OK. I will.
  • C. Good idea.
  • D. Not at all!
A. empty;B. full of;C. inside;D. made friends with; E. knew about 

The journey of a plastic bottle
  I am a plastic bottle. A week ago, I was on a supermarket shelf. I had a normal life, the same as all my brothers and sisters-other bottles which were (1)       water. I felt really happy.
  Then a tall woman picked me up and put me in her basket! The woman took me home and put me in the fridge. It was cold, but I soon (2)       the cans and bottles in it. However, only a few hours later, she took me out of the fridge and drank the water (3)       me. Then she threw me into a dustbin. I have never felt so (4)       and alone in my life.
  Early the next morning, a man took me out of the dustbin. He threw me and the other rubbish into the back of a truck.
A. for a while B. covered C. completely D. gently E. crowded 

  There were so many horrible smells. Then I was pushed together with the rest of the rubbish. Soon I was (1)       flat. I cannot believe how thin I became.
  I slept (2)      . When I woke up, I found myself in a terrible place. Everything around me was ugly and had terrible smells. I felt afraid. I kept hoping that I would be moved somewhere else.
  Then huge trucks came and (3)       us with a layer of soil. I asked another bottle what would happen to us. He said that we would never leave this horrible and (4)       place, but would have to stay here for thousands of years.
  "Why can't they reuse or recycle us?" I cried.
23.The boy could not sleep, and he began to count      , but failed. (sheep)
24.Next week we will learn the       unit, the most difficult one in the textbook. (twenty)
25.According to the report, many people in Tokyo like       Japanese dishes. (tradition)
26.To his great joy, he was allowed to        some friends to the party. (invitation)
27.The doctor says the        was a great success, and the patient will get better. (operate)
28.A few passengers complained        because of the delay of their flight. (angry )
29.On Children's Day, we can see many balloons in        shapes and sizes in the street. (variety)
30.They found a new way to solve the problem, but it turned out to be       . (use)
31.Both of his parents were familiar with the neighbours. (改为否定句)
       of his parents       familiar with the neighbours.
32.The artist goes to French to take part in art festivals once every two years. (对划线部分提问)
      does the artist go to French to take part in art festivals?
33.Mr. Liu will not take charge of the club. Mr. Wu will take the place of him. (保持句意基本不变)
Mr. Wu will take charge of the club       Mr. Liu.
34.The cost of life in big cities is very high. The young couple can't afford it. (合并为一句)
The cost of life in big cities is       high for the young couple       afford.
35.It is fun to enjoy the autumn leaves in Beijing. (改为感叹句)
      it is to enjoy the autumn leaves in Beijing!
36.The teacher asked, "Who wants to be the volunteer to do the experiment?" (改为宾语从句)
The teacher asked       to be the volunteer to do the experiment.
37.to do, decided, the students, the environment, something, for (连词成句)
38.  My father was a postman, and he often worked twelve hours a day. My mum was a teacher before she met my father. But looking after us was a full﹣time job, so she stayed at home. Today the position of women has changed. It's usual for married women to go out to work, but it was less common in the past. My father had the same job the whole of his working life. These days people change their jobs much more often.
  Mrs. Li is over seventy years old, and has lived in Shanghai all her life. Jenny, a reporter, asked her a few questions.
Q1: Tell me about your parents, brothers and sisters.
  My parents, my sister and three brothers lived in a tiny house with a toilet we shared with our neighbours. There was no electricity. The house was lit by candles. We weren't very rich, but we were happy. My sister was the oldest child and she left school when she was only twelve to help my mother at home.
  Families have changed a lot since I was young. They were much bigger in those days. Today most people only have one child!
Q2: Did your parents have jobs?
Q3: (4)__________
  Well, I remember the family meals, three times a day. My mother was always cooking for us. The food was always freshly cooked, with lots of fish — my grandfather was a fisherman, and my mother never bought ready-made food as people do today, so it was much better for us. And we didn't have television, so we played games together a lot after supper.
Q4: Where did you meet your husband?
  I first met him over fifty years ago. My parents liked him because they thought he came from a good family, so we got married when I was only nineteen. These days most couples meet at work, and they just hope their parents will be happy for them if they marry.
  Our life is better now. One day I'll be talking to my grandchildren.
39.A Chinese student has just been accepted by a university in the U. K. He is (1)       going abroad. Here is some information from the school brochure.
• Clear instructions sent to you before departure
• Airport pick-up service (2)      
• Guided tour of the school
• Level placement test 
There is an excellent coach transfer (长途换乘) to Cambridge city centre from each of the three London airports. You will then find taxis waiting at Cambridge bus station which you can hire to reach your host family. However, if you prefer, we can order a taxi straight from the airport to your host family. (3)       for this are (is) listed on the enclosed sheet.
Summer courses — If you are coming on any summer courses and you arrive at Heathrow or Gatwick airports between 09:00 and 18:00 on Sunday before the beginning of your course, (4)      from the school will be waiting for you at the airport. They will send you on the transfer coach to Cambridge where a school bus will take you on to the host family. Transport is (5)      free of charge to the airport on Saturday after the end of our course. 
You will need to arrive at the school by 09:15 on your first day. Your host family will be (6)       your transportation to and from school. Here you will be met by our Director of Studies. He will give you all the information you need and show you round the school. 
40.The Best Language for Learning Math
  What is the best language for learning math? Hint (提示): You are not reading it.
  Chinese, Japanese and Korean all have simpler number words. They express math concepts (概念) more c(1)      than English. The language gap has drawn lots of attention. Several recent studies have l(2)      weaker math abilities in English-speaking children to English number words.
  Chinese, for example, has just ten basic number words. English, however, has more than two dozen (一打). The trouble starts at "e(3)      ." English has a word for that number. Chinese, Japanese and Korean have words that can be translated as "ten-one" — spoken with the "ten" first. That makes it easier for children to understand the place value. Students can easily see that the number system is based on units of 10.
  English number words over 10 don't make the place value clear. Words for numbers 13 to 19 change the order of the ones (个位) and tens. Children are more l(4)      to confuse 17 with 71. Therefore, children working with English number words have a harder time doing complex(复杂)calculations. They make more m(5)      .
  It also feels more natural for Chinese speakers than for English speakers to use the "make-a-ten" method. When they a(6)      two numbers, Chinese students often break down the numbers into parts and regroup them into tens and ones. For example, 9 plus 5 becomes 9 plus 1 plus 4. This method greatly helps students work out math problems. Many teachers in America are teaching their students the "make-a-ten" method. However, they are having a hard time because of the confusing English number words.
  Now, you should feel l(7)      that you are learning math in China. Thanks to your mother language, all the math problems have become less difficult and less confusing.
41.Forever Friends of FRIENDS
  Twenty-five years have passed since the American TV series, Friends, was shown for the first time. However, it is still making friends. Many Chinese teenagers love it. Through watching the show, they can not only learn about American culture but also improve their conversational (口语的) English.
  Perhaps you haven't seen the series. It's a story of six young people. They came to New York City to find love, success, adventure and fun. Each of the characters had a different personality. However, they were able to overlook (忽略) their differences and became good friends. There was no social media at that time, but they always "liked" and supported one another. "I'll be there for you, " says the opening song. "because you're there for me, too."
  Many fans thought that the show taught them many things which could not be learned from school and parents. These things include being sincere and honest with people around you. One fan said, "There are many lessons we can't learn from books. I learned so much conversational English through watching the show." For example, Joey sometimes greets people by saying, "Hey, guys! How yadoin?" That's a phrase that you won't find in your textbook.
  New phrases and strange pronunciation are two things that make learning English difficult. So, watching TV series such as Friends is really helpful. You can write down the words and phrases you don't understand. Translate them and then imitate (模仿) the pronunciation. And, to make it more fun, think about the life lessons you can learn from the show. Practice being "Friends" with your own friends.

42.Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic "Life in 2050"(请以"2050年的生活"为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文, 标点符号不占格. )
提示:到2050年, 我们的生活会是什么样的?请选择下图中(或自拟)1﹣2个方面展开描述.

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