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1.Would you like to see the movie? Please let me know _____this Friday.
  • A. on
  • B. in
  • C. by
  • D. at
2.Helen, stop talking with Peter. _______mom is waiting for him to go home.
  • A. My
  • B. Your
  • C. His
  • D. Her
3.—Look!The flowers are coming out.
—Yes. And the weather is getting _______. Let's go on a spring trip.
  • A. bigger
  • B. warmer
  • C. longer
  • D. colder
4.If you miss this chance, it may be years ________ you get another one.
  • A. as
  • B. before
  • C. since
  • D. after
5.—What was the talk show about last night?
—I missed it, because I ______a training course on the Internet.
  • A. am having
  • B. had
  • C. have had
  • D. was having
6.John, _____ the waste paper and throw it into the bin. You can't throw it here.
  • A. pick up
  • B. give up
  • C. put up
  • D. take up
7.—Please remember to put away your school things before you go to bed, Helen.
—I ______it, Mum. Look at my tidy desk.
  • A. do
  • B. will do
  • C. have done
  • D. am doing
8.According to the rules of the shopping mall, you ________ keep your pet out of the gate.
  • A. would
  • B. should
  • C. may
  • D. can
9.The guide dog, Dan ______ as their close family member for the blind couple all the time.
  • A. treats
  • B. was treated
  • C. is treated
  • D. has treated
10.We must find out _______ Karl is coming, so that we can book a room for him.
  • A. when
  • B. how
  • C. where
  • D. why
11.  Why do you feel encouraged when your teacher gives you a smile?How do you know your mother is (1)      when she frowns (皱眉)? In both cases, the person is telling us something not with (2)      , but with facial expressions.
  Facial expressions are one or more (3)       on a person's face, such as frowning, raising one's eyebrows (眉毛), and nose and lip movements. They (4)       people's feelings.
  Scientists at Oxford University have shown that humans have 80 muscles (肌肉) on their faces. These muscles can create more than 7 000 expressions on the face. However, there are six main kinds of facial expressions that are (5)       in all cultures:happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, anger and disgust (厌恶).
  Facial expressions are very important to (6)      . One study at UCLA, in the US, showed that in most conversations, over 93 percent of the communicating is done without speaking.
  If people can (7)       facial expressions, they may be better at knowing what other people are feeling, so they can understand them better. Someone who does not (8)       a certain type of food usually will make a face when they see or taste it. A frown can express people's worry or anger (9)      . Raised eyebrows and open eyes show (10)      .
  However, there are some taboos for reading peoples facial expressions. For example, it is not a good idea to stare at someone for a long time while reading his or her facial expressions. They may think you are rude.
12.Day 1
  Now I'm here! My mom sent me here as she said I had nothing to do at home during the summer holidays. My dad worried that I might have trouble sleeping away from home. But I decided to have a try.
  I lived in a room with a girl called Catherine. I asked her why she joined this camp. She said that she wanted to give herself a break from the boring school life, and she heard about this camp at school and thought it would be interesting. She didn't worry about herself much. Since she believed that our instructor (指导员) would look after us. That's why she is here. Looking at her, I hope we could become good friends.
  The instructor woke us up at 6 o'clock and asked us to get together on the playground in 15 minutes. Catherine and I rushed to get out of bed and wash up. When we got to the playground in time, several kids were standing in line already. Suddenly the fire bell rang. We were scared and just then the instructor appeared. She told us that what we heard was a false alarm and we needed to keep calm. At about 6:30. we left the camp and took a long walk near a lake. We were all very tired. When we went back to the camp, it was already 12 o'clock. In the dining hall, there was some bread on the table. Everyone ran to reach for it. I think it was the most delicious lunch I had ever had.
13.  Emmitt followed his father to Row Eleven, Seats Thirteen and Fourteen. He was so busy taking in the sights at the baseball stadium (体育场) that he wasn't watching where he was going. He nearly walked into his father's back. "Sorry, Dad."
  His father laughed, "No problem. Which seat do you want?"
  Emmitt looked at the number thirteen on the back of the seat. Thirteen was an unlucky number, and he was going to need some luck if he was going to catch a foul ball (界外球). "I'll take fourteen."
  As the players took the field, Emmitt started to take pictures. The game was great. But it was missing one thing. A foul ball. Emmitt wanted nothing more than to catch a foul ball. He was hoping he might even get an autograph (签名) or two after the game, and what better thing to get autographed than a foul ball?
  Now it was his favorite player Harry "the Hammer Watson". Emmitt stood up and cheered for him. Harry bat (击打) the baseball and Emmitt watched the ball fly into the air. .. right towards Emmitt!He couldn't believe it. He was going to catch a foul ball hit by Harry Watson.
  "Daddy!" the little girl sitting next to Emmitt cried. "The ball!Catch it!" Emmitt saw the huge smile on the girl's face. She wanted the ball.
  He turned his back to the ball just as it reached his seat. Emmitt leaned (倾斜) toward his dad and the ball dropped into the hands of the little girl's father.
  "Why did you do that?Emmitt's father asked. Do you realize who hit that ball?
  "Yeah, but look." Emmitt nodded to the little girl. She was hugging the ball.
  "My first game and I got a foul ball," she said.
  "I'm proud of you, Emmitt," his dad said, "That was a nice thing to do."
  Emmitt smiled as he watched the little girl. He didn't get his foul ball, but he felt as good as if he had.

*Do an anonymous (匿名的) act of kindness for someone.
*Leave a smile card behind to encourage them to pay-it-forward.
*Share your story here to spread the inspiration (鼓舞).
*Change the world, one kind act at a time.
To get Smile Cards, please fill out the form below. A volunteer will mail you ten cards within two weeks. Smile Cards are offered to anyone who needs them on a pay-it-forward basis (基础). That means these cards are free. Someone before you has paid for your cards, and you are invited to keep going on and pay-forward whatever you wish for the next person!Note:When using a Smile Card, remember not to just hand it out by itself. The idea is to do something kind for someone and then leave the Smile Card behind, so that they know someone reached out to them, and that they are invited to pay-forward the kindness and keep going on!
15.  For some students, getting better grades can seem like an impossible task sometimes. With the challenges (挑战) of school, just paying attention in class or studying hard isn't always enough. But what if there were other ways for students to improve their grades?For parents and students who have ever wondered if this is possible, now you can rest easy. Research suggests that a person who likes doing activities can improve their grades.
  Scientists think that those students who are active are not just exercising their bodies, but also exercising their brains (大脑). In turn, they can be able to improve their grades at school.
  In the most recent study, researchers found that when children played for half an hour each day, they were better at organizing (组织) their schoolwork as well as doing project work and learning traditionally "difficult" subjects, such as maths.
  What does this mean for children who aren't active?Researchers think that if kids don't get enough activities, they are going to be at a disadvantage when it comes to school performance.
  In the research experiment, a group of children skipped with ropes (跳绳), played basketball and did a number of other games or exercises. Another group of children didn't do any activities. They took part in testing both before experiment and after the experiment. Testing was mainly for maths and reading skills. Results showed that the children in the activity group did better on the tests than those who had no activity.
  All work and no play will not only make Jack a dull (迟钝的) boy, but will also negatively (消极地) affect his grades in school, according to a new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics.
  Parents complain (抱怨) children today are actually less active and they always worry about their grades. Dr. Belton, an expert, said, "If you'd like to see your kids do better in school, have them close their books, set down their pencils and go outside to play."
16.  Do you often e-mail? Do you like chatting online? Are you interested in computer science? Let me tell you something about some computer science.
  Mails, games, music, news, chatting rooms and shopping! The Internet is part of our life today. It's easy to get onto the Internet. The only thing we need to do is to use a modem (调制解调器) which is used for connecting a computer to a telephone line. The Internet is changing and growing all the time. More and more people have computers and use the Internet. Using the Internet means surfing the World Wide Web (That's the "WWW" you always hear about). The Internet has a large number of websites. They are the places where you go to get information and do things.
  Where do these websites come from? They are made by web designers. What happens when you click on a word or a picture?You are sent to another page. It's all because of the web designers. Web designers do a lot of work by using a computer programming (程序编制) language.
  Is web design all about computer programming?No, it's about making something new. Web designers must imagine a lot when they are making a website.It must look good and be fun to use. A big part of web design is art. They choose the best pictures and colors to make the website look good. They also write the things that you see on the website. An important part of their job is to share ideas with the website manager about how to design the website well.
(1)、(2)题完成句子题, (3)题简略回答问题, (4)题找出并全文主题句, (5)题将划线句子译成汉语.
17.Dear Jane,
  Thank you for your letter which I (1)      (receive) last Saturday. I am happy that you have decided to start learning French like me. (2)       I go to visit you in London next spring, we can talk in French together if you want.
  Yesterday, I returned (3)      my short holiday camping in Scotland. I went with Melissa, my friend that you met the last time you were here. We stayed in (4)      (she) tent in a campsite (营地) near Edinburgh, but the weather was (5)      (rain) for the whole four days we were there. It rained every day and we were so cold. But while I was there we visited a lot of historical (6)      (place). On the (7)      (two) day, we hired a boat and went out onto a lake which was near the campsite. It rained (8)      (light), so we went for a swim in the lake and that was wonderful.
  I am starting my new job tomorrow in the library near my house. My uncle works there and he helped me find (9)       job for every Saturday morning. I work from nine O'clock in the morning to one O'clock in the afternoon. I am going to do my French homework now!Hopefully you can look (10)       yourself well.
18.take, what , the, will, class, girl
19.played, we, on the playground, games
20.clean, your , keep, room
21.cute , is, pet dog, the
22.believe, win, we, I, will, at last
23.假如你是李华, 你所在的阳光学校开展丰富多彩的课外活动(After﹣School Activities)请你用英语介绍你校的课外活动及你本人参加的课外活动的情况下.
Activities at school English corner 
Chess club 
You … 
Your thought … 

1. 表达中必须包含所给提示要点, 可以适当发挥;
2. 词数80左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数);
3. 短文中不得出现真实人名、校名和地名.
参考词汇: relax, keep healthy, improve, knowledge
  I'm Li Hua, from Class 1, Grade 9. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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