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1.  Canton Tower (广州塔) is the highest tower in China. (1)       you stand on the top of the tower, you can get a bird's eye view of the Pearl River. Visitors are (2)       in taking photos of the city at the tower.
  In 2005, workers (3)      to build this tower. In 2010, the colorful lights of the tower lighted up the sky for (4)       first time. People spent over four years (5)      it.
  Canton Tower is (6)      the centre of our city. It is easy to get there by bus or by underground. We also provide (7)      useful information of the tower on the Internet, For example, there (8)      a 4 D cinema in it. The tower is open from 9 a. m. to 11 p. m. There are many ways for (9)      to buy tickets.
  For people of Guangzhou, Canton Tower is a work of art and a new symbol (标志) of our city. We hope our city (10)       more and more prosperous (繁华) in the future.
2.  Once upon a time, a fox saw a man driving a cart (运货马车) with many fish on the road. At once he (1)       his eyes and pretended (假装) to be dead. The man stopped and thought, "If I sell this (2)       I can make some money." So the man picked him up and put him among the (3)      .
  Then the man drove on. The fox began to (4)       his delicious meal. When he was full, he jumped out of the cart (5)       and ran away. A wolf saw this and asked the fox what happened just now. The fox told him everything, even the place where he (6)       the cart.
  The wolf ran (7)       ahead of the cart. He (8)       and closed his eyes, too. The man was very happy to meet another (9)       animal, because he could make more money. But this time, he found the animal was too (10)       for him to put into the cart, so he tied it to the back of the cart and dragged (拖) it home.
3.  China launched the Shenzhou XIII manned spacecraft at 12:23 am on October 16, 2021, carrying three astronauts (宇航员) who will stay inside the country's Tiangong space station for six months.
Astronauts Personal Information 
Zhai Zhigang Zhai Zhigang is 55 years old from Heilongjiang. He likes calligraphy (书法). He is the country's first astronaut to take a spacewalk, having done it when he was a mission commander (指挥官) during the Shenzhou Ⅶ mission in September 2008. 
Wang Yaping Wang Yaping is 41 years old from Shandong. She loves traveling and music. She is China's second female astronaut (女航天员) to take part in a spaceflight and was a member of the Shenzhou X mission in June 2013. The 41-year-old Wang became the first female astronaut to enter Tiangong space station to take a spacewalk. 
Ye Guangfu Ye Guangfu is 41 years too. He comes from Sichuan. He is interested in reading and basketball. He is making his first journey to space. 
4.  Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes our heart and body strong. Children who often exercise are more alert (思维敏捷的). This means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those who don't exercise.
  There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways.
  You have to like what you're doing.
  Exercise enough, but not too much. It's best to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough.
  Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or even three sports right for you.
  Lots of people choose to exercise at fitness centers (健身中心). Why?Because there is a lot of sports equipment (器材) there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you healthy. Some people buy sports equipment, but it is very expensive.
  Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center or they can play sports together outside. How do you exercise?
(1)Daniel is interested in traditional Chinese arts,especially Chinese painting.He hopes to learn more basic painting skills.(2)Michael is a big fan of Chinese kung fu movies.His favorite movie star is Jackie Chan.(3)Sally loves Chinese green tea,and she is also very fond of classical Chinese music.(4)Ben thinks that Chinese kung fu is very cool,especially Tai Chi.He wishes he could lean some simple Tai Chi moves.(5)Cathy loves Chinese paper cutting.She wants to know how the beautiful works of art are made. A.Simple Tai Chi lessons for beginners!Theselessons will teach you some simple moves of Tai Chi,and almost anyone can learn them.B.The story of the Disney movie Mu Lan happened many centuries ago.Now you can watch this Disney movie in Chinese with us!C.This event will take you into the world of Chinese young people's favorite drink,Bubble Tea.You can learn about some most popular flavors and even design your own flavor.D.Have an interest in traditional Chinese arts?Welcome to learn kite making and paper cutting with us.It's never too late to become an artist!E.Come and join our workshop on Chinese painting.Chinese artists here will show you different painting styles and how to use ink and brushes to create great works.F.Want to enjoy Chinese green tea and music at the same time?Don't miss our tea Party!You can try different types of Chinese green tea while listening to the best classical Chinese music.G.Interested in Chinese kung fu movies?We will show one kung fu movie a day next week,starring Jackie Chan and many other Chinese Stars. 
6.  Do you know what to do if there is a fire in your house? Here is some (1)       for you.
  First, get out through a door to the outside. But also ask your parents about windows which could be possible ways to get out. Ask your parents to teach you (2)      to get out through the windows. Make sure you only do this when you're (3)       great danger! Lots of kids get hurt because (4)       fall out of windows.
  Second, you'll also want to know where family members will meet outside. This is helpful because then everyone (5)      in the same place. In this way, you'll know that everyone is (6)      . You could choose the front yard of a neighbor's house.
  Third, you might (7)      about your pets or a favorite toy, but if there is a fire, you have to leave them behind. (8)       most important thing is that you get out safely. It's also important to know that you shouldn't stay in the house any longer — even if you want to ring 119 first. Someone else can make the (9)       from outside.
  (10)      , if you're out, do not go back for anything, even your pets. You can tell the firemen about the pets that are left behind and they may be able to help.

In 2020, COVID-19 had a serious influence on food production and trade. Now at least 690 million people are running out of food around the world. However, a research shows that a third of the world's food is wasted every year. Although China has enough food for people, the problem of wasting food has been serious in the past few years, as it was once reported that food wasted in China was enough to feed 200 million people a year.
Luckily, the Chinese government has already noticed this problem. President Xi Jinping said it is necessary to create a social environment where wasting is shameful and thriftiness (节俭) is good.
The"Clean Your Plate Campaign (光盘行动)" first started in 2013 for the purpose of putting an end to food wasting. In August, 2020, it was carried out (执行) more widely in order to develop people' s daily habits and call for the public to stop wasting food. The government is also going to pass new laws against wasting food. Wen Tiejun, an expert at the Renmin University of China, said that everyone should play a role in saving food.
Signs around the restaurant say "Clean Your Plate" and " Be Thrifty and Diligent (勤俭节约)". The Chinese people are actively trying to take part in this campaign. However, how to be thrifty and diligent has become a question that everyone needs to think about creatively.
8.假如你是李华, 你的英国朋友John来中国旅游时看到了很多"光盘行动"和"勤俭节约"的标语, 他写信询问你这些标语的意义, 请你给他回信.
1. 光盘行动的意义;
2. 分享你或者家人、朋友勤俭节约的具体做法.
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名;
2. 语句连贯, 词数80个左右.作文的开头和结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数, 也不必抄写在答题卡上.
Dear John,
  How is everything going?I'm happy to tell you something about these signs in China. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
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