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1.  Jack had collected bookmarks for many years. He was a bookmark lover who was old (1)       weak. Now he was going to celebrate (2)       80th birthday.
  Trying to find out (3)       to buy for Jack was a difficult task because he always asked for little. He spent most of his time (4)       and had lots of books. Therefore, when I found a special custom bookmark, I thought it was perfect. It might be different (5)       those he had collected.
  The custom bookmark had the following saying:To live is to function. When Jack opened the present, he smiled. Then he said it (6)       by Oliver Wendell Holmes. It was just part of Mr. Holmes' words. He then went and got (7)       newspaper clipping with Mr. Holmes' words on it in his nineties.
  (8)      , at 80, Jack recognized the author of the saying on the bookmark at once. To my greater (9)       , he said to me, "I (10)       the newspaper clipping for many years already." Jack then told me he read these great words by Mr. Holmes every year on his birthday. He continued, "The words show me that no matter how old you are, there is (11)       a reason why you are here. And you shouldn't give up the goals (12)       you have set no matter at what your age."
  (13)       I left Jack's house, I thought how true those words were. I thought of some people who were (14)       than Jack but achieved so little. Jack was 80, still setting his goals, still aiming to improve himself and to help (15)      ! What a great man!
2.  Joao lives on an island near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is a retired worker but still works as a part-time fisherman. One day, he (1)       a tiny, sick penguin on the beach near his home. His feathers were covered in oil. Joao felt (2)       for the sick, little bird, so he brought him back to his home. He cleaned him and fed him (3)      , and he gave him the name Dindim. The penguin soon became strong and (4)       again.
  After a week or two, Joao walked down to the coast and tried to put Dindim back to the (5)      . However, the penguin didn't want to go. He (6)       with Joao, getting bigger and bigger. Beautiful new feathers grew on his back. Eight months passed, Joao was very (7)      . Then one day in February, Dindim (8)       disappeared. Joao was sad to lose him, but (9)       that the bird just wanted to return to his penguin family. Four more months passed. One day, he heard a familiar "honking" sound. Dindim was back. Joao gave him some fish as before.
  Every year since then, Dindim spends eight months with Joao and then disappears for four months. Where does he go?It is thought that he swims 2, 500 miles to the coast of Argentina or Chile to start a penguin family and then swims 2, 500 miles back to (10)       Joao. That's 5, 000 miles a year to be with the man who saved his life.
3.  I don't remember the exact date when I met Marty for the first time. Like a lot of people who want to get through a checkout line, I found my thoughts on speed, nothing more. The line I was standing in wasn't moving as quickly as I wanted, and I glanced toward the cashier (收银员), who was busy receiving money from customers. He was an old man in his sixties. I thought, well, it probably took him a little longer to get the jobs done. For the next few minutes I watched him. He greeted every customer before he began scanning the things they were buying. Sure, his words were the usual, "How are you doing?" But he did something different — he actually listened to people. Then he would respond to what they had said and talk with them briefly.
   I thought it was strange, but I guessed I had been used to people asking me how I was doing simply out of a conversation without thinking. Usually, after a while, you don't give any thought to the question and just say something back quietly.
  This old cashier seemed sincere (真诚的) about wanting to know how people were feeling. Meanwhile, the high-tech cash register rang up their purchases and he announced how much they had to pay. When customers handed money to him, he pushed the appropriate keys, the cash drawer popped open, and he counted out their change.
  Then magic happened.
  He placed the change in his left hand, walked around the counter to the customers, and extended his right hand in an act of friendship. As their hands met, the old cashier looked the customers in the eyes. "I want to thank you for shopping here today," he told them. "Have a great day. Bye-bye. " The looks on the faces of the customers were priceless.
  Now it was my turn. I took a look at the name tag on his red waistcoat, the kind experienced Wal﹣Mart cashier wore. It read, "Marty."
  Marty told me how much I should pay and I handed him some money. The next thing I knew he was standing beside me, offering his right hand and holding my change in his left hand. His kind eyes locked onto mine. Smiling, and with a firm handshake…
4.  Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day, 1642. From the very first Newton was very much interested in the mysteries of nature. Why did objects move? Why could we see that stones rolled down hills, wind blew leaves along the ground, and heavy objects fell to the earth when dropped?
  At the age of twenty-three, Isaac Newton moved from Cambridge to his country home. There, his thoughts turned to the problems of motion (运动定律). As Newton himself later told the story, he was sitting in the garden one evening, thinking, when he noticed a falling apple. The apple set him to wondering about the movement of falling objects.
  It occurred to him that the force which caused fruit to fall from trees worked as well at greater distances from the center of the earth — on top of buildings or even on top of mountains. Perhaps, thought Newton, this same force reached out much farther still, even to the moon. Newton began to search for a mathematical expression of his idea.
  In 1669, Newton became a professor of mathematics at Cambridge. Three years later, he joined the Royal Society. Before long, Newton began again to study the problems of motion. At last, he seemed to have solved the main difficulties, but he did not publish his findings at once.
  Only in 1687 did he at last publish his new theory. Newton's great work, The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, marked the success of the Scientific Revolution. Newton put the famous three laws of motion in it. Newton was soon recognized as the leader of English science. In 1703, he became the president of the Royal Society.
  Science was never quite the same after Newton's discoveries. No wonder that the eighteenth﹣century poet Pope, looking back at Newton's work, wrote:Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night;God said, Let Newton be!—And all was light.
  Newton, however, never rested on his fame (名望). He continued to work and study. In his last years, he once said to a friend, "I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy, playing on the seashore, and now and then finding a smoother pebble (鹅卵石) or a prettier shell, while the great ocean of truth lay undiscovered before me. "
5.  LChina's Mars rover (火星车) Zhurong, named after the Chinese god of fire, landed safely on Mars on May 15, 2021, making China only the second behind the United States fully succeed.
  The 240-kilogram, six-wheeled rover is carried with six scientific instruments, giving it the appearance of a "blue butterfly". Unlike Perseverance, the American Mars rover, Zhurong needs sunlight to power itself. Now that Zhurong has got down successfully, it is expected to spend the next 90 days mapping the area on Mars, monitoring changes in weather such as temperature and searching for signs of water ice. Zhurong will therefore help build a more complete geological picture of the red planet's history.
  China has successfully landed on the moon three times, and has even brought back lunar rocks to Earth. But landing on Mars is even more difficult. Mars exploration is known for its high risks and difficulties, as well as the uncertainties in the long-distance interstellar (星际) flight. The landing is the most challenging part of it. Around half of Mars exploration missions (任务) failed, and most of them went wrong in the landing process. A Mars landing is often considered as "the seven minutes of terror" because the process is completely autonomous. "The distance is too far away for the spacecraft, so it has to do it all on its own. " said Chen Lan, a scientist in China's space program. "If something goes wrong, people on earth have no way to help."
  "Mars is the planet in our solar system that we are most likely to live on in the future. That's why we want to understand it," Ge, another scientist, said. "The success of Zhurong's landing will lay the foundation for future Mars missions, including a sample return mission in 2030."

What makes a good reader?
You can find the answer in Readers of the Book Club. Today, we have some books for you. Come and join the fun! 
The Old Man and the Sea won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1953. A year later, Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for Literature. The Old Man and the Sea is generally considered by many to be his greatest achievement. The leading character in this book is a person who can face difficulties bravely.
Hardback ¥21. 70
Paperback ¥16. 00 
Heart, written by Edmondo De Amicis from Italy, is a diary of an Italian boy Eric. In his diary, he writes about the greatest love in the world:love for the nation, for the society, and also teachers' love, classmates' love, parents' love, children's love.
Hardback ¥27. 20
Paperback ¥15. 00 
Peter Pan, created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie. Peter Pan is a young boy who can fly and never grows up. He spends his never-ending childhood having adventures on the mythical island of Neverland as the leader of the Lost Boys, playing happily with children both inside and outside Neverland.
Hardback ¥22. 70
Paperback ¥14. 50 

Celebrity Biography, also known as "Three Giants", written by Romain Rolland, is about three great men in different fields:Beethoven, Michelangelo and Leo Tolstoy. They all suffered a lot in body and spirit, but never lost confidence.
Hardback ¥26. 20
Paperback ¥15. 80 
Club members will get a discount (折扣) of 10% for hardback books and 20% for paperback books. If you buy any of the two hardback books, e-books will be free for you. 
7.  A camping trip can be a pleasant way to see the great outdoors. (1)       No matter where you choose to camp, near a large city, in a forest, in the mountains, or near a windswept beach, a successful camping trip is always dependent on the planning beforehand.
  The first consideration in planning any camping trip is the weather. (2)       Camping in terrible weather can be a nightmare even a disaster. Therefore, when planning your trip, always check weather forecasts a few days before you leave.
  Clothing for camping largely depends on the weather but even in summer it is wise to bring clothing for both hot and cold temperatures. (3)       A waterproof coat is highly recommended to be added into your package.
  Whatever you choose for shelter, make sure you know how to use it properly and see that it keeps the rain off your sleeping area. Do remember that the sleeping bag you choose should fit the season. A suitable blanket and a pillow are best choices for a good outdoor sleep.
  (4)      Bring along a first aid kit and go over the safety rules with everyone in your party. Bring a cell phone in case of an emergency. Keep it turned off if you prefer, but it will be there if necessary. At least, have an emergency back-up plan. (5)       Tell them where you will be and when to expect you back and make sure everyone in the party knows what to do and where to go if there is an injury or if someone gets lost.
A. Safety is important on every camping trip.
B. Leave information at home or with friends.
C. Bring a few more clothes than you need and plenty of socks.
D. It's also a wonderful chance for family and friends to spend time together.
E. Most people camp during summer months when the air is warm and pleasant.
8.  It was my turn to speak. Standing on the stage, I began to s(1)       my experience with the students. When I was six years old, English learning came into my life. However, it was not easy for me to learn it first. I made many m(2)       in my writing and I felt sad. Daisy, my best friend, a(3)       me to learn grammar in a text. In that way, I understood the rules better than before.
  Now my j(4)       is an English teacher. Teaching grammar is still a difficult task. So I often read books about teaching grammar. Since last year, I have joined a teaching and research group. I have tried many different ways to teach grammar in my class. That's great!In my opinion, learning grammar in a text has always been one of the most h(5)       ways.
9.直到生命的尽头, 袁隆平都没有停止对杂交水稻的研究.
Yuan Longping       studying hybrid rice        the end of his life.
I really wonder       a film ticket for me.
11.随着人们对环保意识的增强, 污染问题能够得到有效解决.
With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the problem of pollution        effectively.
12.别捉弄她, 你们应该互相尊重.
Don't        her. You should respect each other instead.
      this new type of robot is!It can help us check our bodies.
14.五一假期快到了, 学校计划组织一次志愿者活动.假如你是学生会主席, 请写一份活动通知, 内容需包括以下要点:
1. 时间:5月4日上午8:30﹣11:00
2. 地点:增城公园
3. 活动目的、内容、要求等.(请你补充)
注意:1. 80词左右(短文开头已给出, 不计入词数);
2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息, 否则不予评分.
  Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
Student Union
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