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1.  A librarian in Indonesia's Java Island is lending books to children in an (1)       way. Children can use the rubbish they collect to borrow books. This can greatly help clean up the environment and also get the kids to read more books. (2)       kind-hearted lady!
  Each weekday, Raden Roro Hendarti (3)      her three-wheeler filled with books for children in Muntang village. These (4)       can be exchanged for plastic cups, bags and other waste that she carries back.
  She told reporters that she was helping these children develop (5)       habit of reading more books. At the same time she wanted them (6)       the importance of protecting the environment.
  Every time she shows up, the children quickly appear (7)       her "Rubbish Library". Many of them (8)       by their mothers and they all shout for their own favorite books. They are all carrying rubbish bags and Raden's three — wheeler is quickly filled with them as the books. She is pleased that the children are spending (9)       time playing online games than before.
  Hendarti collects about 100 kg of waste each week. The waste is then sent for recycling or sold by the people in her group. In (10)       library, there are more than 6, 000 books. It's a new way to clean the environment and get the kids to read more.
2.  According to the latest study in the United States, 14%of children reported not having any of physical activity at least once a week, while 27%of children reported having been physically active for at least 60 minutes every day. The results of this study suggest that (1)       sports is an especially good idea.
  ● Being on a sports team (2)       children with a new social circle and an opportunity for building up new friendships, some of which may last a lifetime. They win together, they compete with each other, and they lose and deal with defeat together. Being involved in a sport teaches valuable lessons in teamwork, such as putting yourself in the (3)       place for the benefit of the whole team.
  ●Learning to (4)       and cope with defeat is an important lesson in life. The nature of sport is that there is always a (5)       and a loser, and the experience of being one or the other is valuable. After all, life brings many obstacles(障碍)and learning to behave in a calm and (6)       way, even in a difficult situation, and learning to stand up when you're down are lessons sports can teach us early on.
  ●By working hard at every practice and staying focused on their (7)      , children learn the importance of patience and persistence (坚持), and in the end, realize that hard work (8)      .
  ●Taking part in sports can be good for children's confidence (9)       they might not necessarily be good at it.
  ●Finally, playing sports can have a positive influence on bone health, (10)       among girls. And physically active children usually grow up to be physically active adults.
3.  The Chinese mainland reported 1, 337 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases in 31 provinces on Mar. 13, 2022, the National Health Commission said on Mar. 14. Shenzhen stopped its bus and subway services. Residents in Shenzhen, Shanghai and some other cities are not allowed to leave their cities except in cases of special needs. A negative nucleic acid result (核酸阴性结果) within24 hours is required upon departure (离开). Rules are dynamically adjusted (动态调整) based on the epidemic situation.
  people in Zhuhai are also nervous due to the latest COVID-19 outbreak. Students need to obey the following rules to protect themselves.
  First, wear masks. Wearing masks is still one of the most effective ways to stop the virus from spreading. Students need to wear masks while in crowded places, such as in the lift, on the bus, in the supermarket and so on. So students should take some masks to school.
  Second, wash hands. Wash hands with soap under running water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating or after using the restroom, touching something dirty, etc.
  Third, keep a distance from each other. Try to keep yourselves at a distance from others in and after class. Try not to go to crowded places such as hospitals, railway stations and airports. Keep at least 1 meter away from others all the time.
  Fourth, take the temperature often. Each student must take the temperature at least twice a day. If someone has a fever, the teacher should ask the doctor for help at once.
March 20, 2022
4.  A research team from China's Northwest University is developing facial recognition (面部识别) technology to identify (识别) thousands of Sichuan golden monkeys that live in Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province.
  Similar to human facial recognition, the technology that is used to identify monkeys uses their facial features to create a database (数据库) that includes every monkey.
  "When the system is fully developed, we can connect it with cameras set up in the mountains.
  The system will automatically (自动地) recognize the monkeys, name them and analyze(分析)their behavior," said Zhang He, a member of the research team.
  "For each monkey, we have 700 to 800 image samples, and the rate of successful recognition is 94 percent," Zhang added.
  Compared with facial recognition technology for humans, facial recognition technology for monkeys is more complicated because monkeys have hairier faces. The color of their hair causes them to get mixed up in their environment. These make it harder for computers to do the job.
  "The wild environment is complicated, and golden monkeys do not cooperate with the process in the same way humans do. It is difficult to take high﹣quality pictures and videos of them, which are needed to improve the system, "said Li Baoguo, leader of the research team.
  Currently, there are about 4, 000 golden monkeys living in Qinling Mountains. They are typical animals that live in the forest at an altitude of 1, 500 meters to 3, 300 meters all the year round. The team's goal is to successfully identify every monkey that lives there.
5.配对阅读.左栏是五个不同人物性格的介绍, 右栏是七种京剧不同颜色脸谱代表的性格.请为左栏中的每个人物选择恰当的脸谱颜色.
(1)Cheng Yaojin is a typical character in a Beijing Opera called The Legend of Xiang Ma. He was very stubborn (固执的) and easy to get angry.       
(2)Guan Yu is a classical person of"red face". He is well-known for his loyalty (忠诚) to his master Liu Bei.       
(3)Cao Cao was the leader of the Kingdom of Wei in ancient China, who was dishonest and bad in the time of the Three Kingdoms.       
(4)Dou Erdun is a person who is smart and has a strong will. He is brave when meeting danger. He won people's trust with his courage.       
(5)Bao Zheng is a fearless and fair official in the Song Dynasty. He was famous for being fair and brave and always tried to find out the truth.        
A. Red is generally used to show that a role is honest and loyal. At first, the red was just to show the color of people's skin. Later, many roles use red to show loyalty.
B. The role with the white face commonly seen on the stage is bad in human nature and such a person is usually dishonest.
C. The black face often shows a person is rude and brave. Besides, it also means a fair and selfless character.
D. Yellow is a facial make-up that is always used for soldiers, which means the person is cruel and unfriendly to others.
E. Blue is a common facial make-up in Beijing Opera. The person who wears a blue facial mask shows that he or she has a strong personality (性格) and they are very smart and brave.
F. Purple often stands for justice (正义). In opera, if a person wears a purple mask, he is just and kind. Their personality is between what red and black stand for.
G. Green in facial make-ups stands for a person who doesn't want to change his or her mind. This kind of people are easily controlled by anger. 
6.  The journey of the Communist Party of China (CPC)was marked by many important things.
  The places of these things now also become"red revolutionary bases (革命圣地)". The "red spirit" has a deep (1)       on lots of Chinese people, both old and young.
  For example, the CPC's birthplace of Jiaxing in Zhejiang is (2)       popular symbol of courage and pioneering (先锋) spirit. Jinggangshan in Jiangxi is known (3)       the"cradle (摇篮) of the Chinese revolution". Mao Zedong started the first revolutionary base there.
  Other (4)       such as Yan'an in Shaanxi and Linyi in Shandong are also"old revolutionary bases". The CPC worked together with people to (5)       against wars. A hundred years have passed, (6)       these" revolutionary bases"have changed greatly. Some of them are no longer (7)       villages, and others become popular tourist areas. There are many young people having grown up. They are (8)       their best to work for their hometowns in many ways.
  How are the young people from these places influenced by"red spirit'? How do they carry out the spirit in (9)       daily lives?To answer these questions, TEENS has interviewed several local young people. "Their stories showed that the 'red spirit' would never be out of time. It will keep (10)       us to work hard, feel thankful and serve others, "Wang Jie, a young man said.
7.  More and more people in China are now sharing parts of their lives with people all over the world by videos on their phones. Some people send videos of personal events, like holidays and weddings, to other people.
  Live streaming (直播) is especially popular among people aged18 to35. Besides leaving comments, they can also communicate directly with the hosts by buying gifts, such as flowers, toys and cars for them online. The latest example was the Olympic swimmer Fu Yuanhui. She did a one﹣hour live streaming, which attracted more than 11 million viewers.
  What's more, live streaming allows users to communicate with strangers and express themselves. A 19-year-old college student Nic Li often uses an app called lngkee to do live streaming. She spends three to four hours each week talking and singing with viewers on the app. "Sometimes I feel lonely and want to talk to people, so I do live streaming," she says, "I feel good when viewers are paying attention to me."
  However, there are worries about the misuse (滥用) of live streaming. Papi Jiang promised to correct her unsuitable and impolite language after she was warned by government officials. As there are more than 300 websites and 80 apps for live streaming in China, the Internet regulators can hardly monitor what's going on all the time. "We support the use of live streaming. But people should be aware of both advantages and disadvantages of it," one of the officials said.
8.随着"抖音"等各种各样的网络直播软件的出现, 越来越多的人喜欢在网上分享自己的生活, 人们也花更多的时间去刷"抖音", 甚至很多青少年都沉迷于玩抖音.请你写一篇英语短文, 谈谈你对这种现象的看法.
a. 人们通常在网上分享那些内容?
b. 在网上分享自己的生活有哪些利与弊?
c. 青少年应该如何合理使用抖音?
(2)语句连贯, 词数80个左右.作文的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数.
  With the popularity of live streaming, more and more people like to share their lives on the Internet. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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