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1.—Who is ________ man with glasses?
—Oh, he's Mr. Green, he is from ________ European country, France.
  • A. a;an
  • B. the;an
  • C. a;the
  • D. the;a
2.We can save money _______ cooking our own meals instead of eating outside.
  • A. by
  • B. to
  • C. for
  • D. with
3.—There are a lot of _______ of bike riding.
—I agree. It's good for the environment and it saves money.
  • A. instructions
  • B. instruments
  • C. advantages
  • D. products
4.—Mom, shall we have supper now?
—Oh, we won't have supper ______ your dad comes back.
  • A. until
  • B. since
  • C. while
  • D. after
5.—Your daughter is much________now.
—Yes. The pants she wore last year are all too short for her.
  • A. older
  • B. pretty
  • C. taller
  • D. smart
6.—Look! It must be David in the classroom.
—It ________ be him. Because I saw him in the library a moment ago.
  • A. mustn't
  • B. may
  • C. can't
  • D. can
7.There ______ only a few animals in the yard, the others are sleepy in the cages.
  • A. has
  • B. is
  • C. have
  • D. are
8.—Did you talk back to your mother when you were a child?
—Yes. But now I realize I was wrong. I really regret ________that silly thing to my mum.
  • A. do
  • B. to do
  • C. doing
  • D. did
9.—What will they do to deal with the accident?
—Ten doctors and five nurses have made up a medicine team and will ________ right now to help those who were hurt.
  • A. work out
  • B. set out
  • C. give out
  • D. sell out
10.Great changes ________ in our city in the past ten years. Everything that comes into sight is so new to me.
  • A. take place
  • B. took place
  • C. have taken place
  • D. have been taken place
11.The task ______ in an hour. Then we can go home and have a good rest.
  • A. was finished
  • B. will be finished
  • C. has been finished
  • D. can't be finished
12.Beijing is now the first city________has hosted both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.
  • A. what
  • B. when
  • C. who
  • D. that
13.—The light in Jack's room is still on. Do you know ________?
—In order to get good grades in the coming exam.
  • A. why does he work hard
  • B. why he stays up so late
  • C. why is he so busy
  • D. when he will stop working
14.—Hello! This is David. Can I speak to Tom?
—Yes, ______.
  • A. Tom is me
  • B. This is Tom speaking.
  • C. I am Tom
  • D. My name is Tom.
15.—Mike, will you join us to play basketball on Saturday afternoon?
—________, but I promised to go swimming with Eric.
  • A. Never mind
  • B. Take it easy
  • C. I'd love to
  • D. Of course not
16.  "Cool" is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to (1)       a temperature that is a bit cold. As the world has (2)      , however, the word has many different meanings.
  "Cool" can be used to express feelings of (3)      in almost anything.
  When you see a famous car in the street, maybe you can't help (4)      , "It's cool." You might think "He is so cool!" when you see your (5)       basketball player.
  We have quite a few meanings of the word "cool". You can use it instead of many (6)       such as "new" "handsome" or "surprising". There is an interesting story we can use to (7)       how the word is used. A teacher asked his student to say (8)       about the waterfall they had visited. On one student's paper (9)       just the only one sentence, "It is so cool." Perhaps he thought it was the best way to describe (10)       he saw. (11)       the story also shows the shortage of words and expressions. (12)       "cool", some people have no words to express the same meaning. So (13)       is important to keep some credibility (可信性).
  As a popular word, "cool" stands for a kind of special language that people can accept (14)      . Can you think of many other ways (15)       make your life as colorful as the word "cool"?Yes, I can. And I think they are also very cool.

Green Life 
Time: 7:30 a. m. — 10:00 a. m. on Saturday
Activities: Clean up the park. Plant trees in the mountains. Water the trees and flowers on the street.
What else: Wear old clothes. Take some bags, some food and drinks.
Take the free subway there. 

White Angel 
Time: 8:30 a. m. — 13:30 p. m. on Saturday and Sunday
Activities: Look after the disabled children in the orphanage. Help sick parents take care of their kids. Look after the sick old people.
What else: Take lunch and some drinks.
Ride to the specified (指定的) place or take the hospital free bus. 

Beautiful Dream 
Time: 8:00 a. m. — 10:00 a. m. on Saturday and Sunday
Activities: Help the village children with the schoolwork. Teach them the computer, English songs and ball games.
What else: Take your own computer.
Wear sports shoes and clothes. Take the free bus. 

Happy Bird 
Time: 8:00 a. m. — 11:30 a. m. on Sunday
Activities: Work as a guide in the history museum. Help blind people find the way. Clean up the museum.
What else: Take the special free bus. Enjoy the free lunch. Wear volunteer clothes. 
18.  Social media (社交媒体) is certainly an interesting place to learn others' opinions. You can read everything from strange ideas to true facts and everything in between. But when you're spending time online and reading so many opinions, it's quite possible that you'll sometimes see someone write something that you strongly disagree with.
  In fact, you might feel so strongly that you feel like you should reply to this person at once. You might do some research, find some facts of your own and reply to what they've written. You finish writing out your reply, click (点击) "Post" and win the argument!
  Except that it's not really much of a victory. Most people don't like it when other people disagree with their ideas, especially online strangers. It's unlikely that they will change their opinion just because you argued with them. In fact, it's possible that you made them feel more confident that they're correct.
  And the thing is, when you get in these kinds of fights online, it slowly influences you. You might not know it at first, but the argument that you take part in can actually have a bad effect on your mood. If you argue often, you start to enjoy arguing and then end up doing it even more. It's a dangerous cycle.
  I guess the best thing to do is to tell yourself that most arguments aren't worth it. There are much better and more interesting things to do, whether online or in real life.
19.  The Ministry of Education released (发布) a notice in 2021 that restricts (限制) primary and middle school students from carrying mobile phones to school. The policy aims to improve students' focus оn ѕtudу аnd fight addition (沉迷) tо the internet and games.
  According to a 2020 report by the China Internet Network Information Center, China had 175 million internet users under the age of 18 in 2019. This is worrying, as long-time use of smartphones harms children's eyesight, cervical vertebrae (颈椎) and even the brain, according to the World Health Organization. Many schools in Beijing have taken measures to limit students' phone use at school. According to Zhou Dandan, an English teacher at Beijing No. 20 High School, every classroom in her school has a box to store students' phones during class.
  Li Jisen, a student from Beijing 101 Middle School, agrees with the new policy. Li believes that regulating phone use at school is the only way to put the focus back on schoolwork.
  However, Liu Yanping, principal (校长) of First Branch of Beijing National Day School, told South China Morning Post that it is unwise to take a "one size fits all" approach (一刀切的方法).
  Kathy Chen, a parent from Shanghai, allowed her daughter to take her phone to school. Chen said it's more important to cultivate (培养) kids' ability to self-manage and develop good habits of phone usage.
Notice on phone use at school 
Target group Primary and middle school students 
Aim *To restrict students from (1)      mobile phones to school;
*To improve students' focus on study;
*To prevent students from getting addicted to the internet and games;
*To protect students' (2)      , cervical vertebrae and the brain. 
People's (3)       Li Jisen: The rules will help put the focus back on schoolwork.
Liu Yanping: It is not (4)      to take a "one size fits all" approach.
Kathy Chen: It is more important to help kids develop good habits and the (5)      to self-manage. 
20.  Self-disciplined (自律) people are not all outstanding people. But nearly all outstanding people are self-disciplined. Some of them read every day. Some of them never arrive late. The real difference between an outstanding person and a common person is that an outstanding person can manage his or her time well. That's where their success comes from. What people call self-discipline is in fact self-management.
  One example is staying fit. Never underestimate (低估) someone who is in good shape. Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows that it's not easy. It's even ①to avoid putting weight back on. If someone is in good shape, it shows that he knows the principles (原则) of staying fit and is able to stick to a plan that uses these principles. If someone is in good shape, it means that this person is good at ②themselves and their time. Whether it is natural or learned through hard work, it is a great skill. It also shows that this person is able to work through challenges and can balance long﹣term goals with short-term goals.
  So if someone is in good shape, they are more than just healthy. How do you learn self-management?First of all, set a goal and write down your reasons for wanting to achieve it. Create a list of all the things you need to do to achieve this goal and start to work on them one at a time. With self-discipline, small things in life will no longer trouble you. Only through self-discipline can you truly own your future.
pride, look up to, strawberry, twelve, comfortable, stick to, creative 
It's       you'd like!
23.学校离我家远, 走路大约30分钟的路程.
My home is far from the school. It's about       .
24.我想知道你买这个手机多久了, 它看起来依然很新.
I wonder how long you       this cell phone, it looks still quite new.
25.对全世界来说, 齐心协力抗击新冠肺炎很重要. ( pull)
It is important for the whole world      against COVID-19.
26.再过二十天, 你就要参加中考了.你打算怎样备考呢?请参考下表中信息要点, 以How to Prepare for the Examination为题, 撰写一篇英语短文.
学习 1. 上课认真听讲;
2. 及时订正错题;
3. 有问题向老师请教;…… 
生活 1. 合理膳食;
2. 保持健康早睡早起, 保持充足睡眠;
3. 每天体育锻炼, 放松身心;…… 

要 求:
1. 包含表格内信息要点, 并适当发挥;字数80﹣100;
2. 行文连贯, 条理清晰, 语句通顺, 语法正确, 书写规范;
3. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名, 标题和开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
How to Prepare for the Examination
  The senior high school entrance examination is coming. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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