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1.The astronaut showed great skill and ______ when getting into an unexpected situation in the sky.
  • A. progress
  • B. advantage
  • C. success
  • D. courage
2.We should take the rest of the food home______we can't finish what we order.
  • A. if
  • B. so
  • C. unless
  • D. until
3.—Mom, why do we ______ go out to eat?
—Honey, home cooking is healthier and can improve the family relationship.
  • A. often
  • B. sometimes
  • C. always
  • D. seldom
4.—Did you see Joan? She just came back from the school.
—Yes. But she _______ someone, so I just nodded to her.
  • A. calls
  • B. is calling
  • C. was calling
  • D. has called
5.—I think this book is ________than that one.
—You're right. I prefer that one.
  • A. more popular
  • B. more useful
  • C. less interesting
  • D. less boring
6.—Jerry, you should ______ the order for shoes online. Your mom bought a pair for you in the shop this morning.
—OK, Dad! I will do it.
  • A. cancel
  • B. continue
  • C. avoid
  • D. support
7.—Where is the picture that I drew on the blackboard just now?
—Mary ______ it off.
  • A. is cleaning
  • B. cleans
  • C. cleaned
  • D. has cleaned
8.—I don't know which novel I should buy.
—Look! The top five novels ______ here. You can choose the one you like best.
  • A. list
  • B. are listed
  • C. are listing
  • D. have listed
9.  Bees are regarded as the most hard-working workers in the world, but you might have heard about how bees are doing (1)       these days. Yes, and the (2)       is becoming more and more serious, the number of bees has been reducing quickly. It leaves us humans a great (3)       : Protecting bees. Because if bees can't live well, (4)       can people, in the end, people won't eat as a result. Bees do this amazing thing wherever they go around, collecting pollen (花粉) from (5)       . They spread pollen from one plant to another. In the (6)      , the bees make it possible for them to bear fruit (结出果实).
  As happened in 2017, U. S. beekeepers (7)       40% of their bees because of the microbial disease (微生物疾病), so we 21st-century (8)       start crazily trying to solve the problem. And there's no silver bullet remedy (灵丹妙药), of course, but the most available solution seems to be finding out a way to (9)       microbial disease. That's where the bee vaccine(接种疫苗)comes.
  Like most of the animals, as well as humans, vaccines work through inspiriting the body to make antibodies(抗体)against a (10)       disease. But bees don't make antibodies, scientists have thought vaccinating them would be (11)       , but a 2015 study discovered that bees can get the ability of making antibodies through vitellogenin(卵黄蛋白元)in their eggs.
  Vaccinating a bee wouldn't help that bee, (12)       if you vaccinate the queen of bees, she can (13)       the ability on to her children and grandchildren through her eggs. The new vaccine will treat for American foulbrood (AFB), a very dangerous disease that makes (14)       of bees quickly. The queen bee can (15)       the medicine in a little sugar water and pass it along to her children. And then her children will not get AFB during their lives. They get the antibodies against the disease.
10.请先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空, 每个词限用一次.
pound farm but or what divide actually brave impossible do unhappy 

  Since its publication in 1908, Anne of Green Gables has been a favorite book of teenagers all over the world. What it teaches us is simple:How to grow up to be a happy and (1)       person.
  Anne is an 11-year-old orphan (孤儿) who arrives in the town of Avonlea, Canada. She helps Mathew and Marilla Cuthbert, a brother and sister, on their (2)      . At first, Mathew and Marilla hope to adopt(收养)a boy, not a thin girl who is only sixty (3)      . Will she be of any use on the farm?It seems (4)      : Anne is very imaginative, talkative and easily distracted (分心的). That's not (5)       is needed on a farm.
  And yet, Anne proves (证明) that she can (6)       be useful. She works really hard, (7)       she doesn't lose her powerful sense of fun and this is why readers love the story. She doesn't become a "good" girl, if "good" girl means knowing only how to work and live (8)      . We see Anne's love for life everywhere. She knows how to enjoy herself, whether it's by eating ice-cream (9)      trying on a new dress.
  Many stories for children are written to tell them how to behave well. Usually, it means (10)       one's duty and not having fun. But that's not the kind of story Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery wanted to tell. The book gives readers a helping hand rather than try to (11)       them into being "good" girls and boys.
There are thousands of fascinating attractions that are only open to the public for a few days each year in the UK. During Heritage (遗产) Open Days, an event that takes place each September, read below to learn more about some of the places that most tourists might not know about. 
Roman Baths — Chester
These Roman baths are almost 2, 000 years old and offer a fascinating glimpse (一睹) into the history of the city of Chester. But they aren't often open to visitors because they are located in the basement (地下室) of a restaurant!During Heritage Open Days, people can visit the basement.
Price:Only $360 (adult) 20% off (child) 
Ardman Animation — Bristol
The studio (工作室) that produced films opens its doors to the public during Heritage Open Days to show visitors how its amazing films are made.
Price: Only $300 (adult) $150 (child) 
Tennis club — Birmingham
Edgbaston Priory Club opened in 1860 and is the oldest tennis club in the world. Visitors can see the club's collection of tennis clothes and equipment (设备) and learn about the game's rich history.
Price: Only $280 (adult) 25% off (child) 
12.  When researchers study some animals in the wild, it usually means a human has to get close to them to collect information. However, people make animals nervous. When human researchers are around, animals don't act as usual.
  A team of researchers from France wanted to find a way to study penguins (企鹅) without changing their natural behavior. They did an experiment.
  First, they put some small monitors (监测仪) on a group of penguins. These monitors could record how fast their hearts beat. They found when a penguin felt nervous, its heart beat faster. Then they sent a small, remote-controlled (遥控的) robot to the penguins. The robot could read information from the monitors and send it back to the researchers. When the robot got close to the penguins, some of them felt nervous and tried to run away. However, the researchers found that the penguins' hearts didn't beat as fast as they did when a human got close to them. The feeling of being nervous also went away more quickly.
  Finally, the researchers gave the robot black arms and a black and white face. When they sent it back to the penguins, they did not run away from it. Some of the penguins even treated it as if it was a real baby penguin.
  With the help of this robot, now researchers are able to collect information about penguins without changing the way they behave. What's more, they are able to collect five times more information than they did in the past.
13.  The men of influence in our lives are our fathers, brothers, grandfathers, uncles, and friends. They play an important role in our lives. They set an example to teach us how to walk through the world. They tell us how to be strong when we're in trouble, and how to support our families by ourselves.
  My dad taught me how to have fun like playing baseball in the middle of the street. Today my dad continues to influence me in a positive way. In the past few months, he has faced a challenging health problem. His lifestyle is basically the same as that before his illness, going about his daily business a bit slower and needing to take more rests, but he still lives the life he wants.
  My grandfather taught me the value of being trusted. My father-in-law influenced my life in a different way. He was quiet, loyal, loving and a man of authority (权威). I learned to listen to others carefully from him.
  My loving husband has encouraged me to be adamant and independent. My husband has also taught me to face the ever-changing society bravely.
   _________. For all that I have learned and for the role they played and continue to play in my life I am forever grateful. I would like to wish all the men of the world a Happy Father's Day. You make a difference to the men, women and children who meet you every day. You are the heroes through my whole life.
14.  If you want to learn about local art or music, you might go to an art fair or a concert. But there are some people who like to share local creative culture in a different way. They produce collections of stories, photos and illustrations (插图) that are called "zines".
  Hole in the Wall is a zine about creative subculture (亚文化). Artists, writers, musicians and others are welcomed to share their stories in its pages. It's made by Shuilam Wong, 27, from Hong King and Jinna Kaneko, 27, from Tokyo.
  "Generally speaking, we'll come up with a theme and idea, then we'll put together existing (现有的) illustrations, and find people and places to draw and interview," Wong said. After the drawings and interviews are done, they designed (设计)the zine in a software program called InDesign before printing it out.
  Wong and Kaneko were high school classmates in Beijing. After studying art in other countries, they decided to create their own art project. Wong was introduced to indie (独立制作的) zines in London, while Kaneko learned about zine culture in California's Bay Area. After meeting in Beijing, they made their first zine, which was hand-stitched (手工装订) together.
  Nowadays more and more people record what's happening in a special subculture and stories of people's lives. They hope that readers can also be inspired to do creative things through other people's history and process of becoming an artist, musician and dancer.
15.  Chinese astronauts gave a science lesson from the Tiangong space station to millions of students on Dec 9, 2021. The three astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, showed life in space and did experiments in microgravity (微重力). It was the first lesson of the Tiangong Class, China's first extraterrestrial (地球外的) lesson series and it aims to make space science popular.
  In the lesson, Ye did experiments which is about cell (细胞) growth in a weightless environment. He compared the growth and shape of cells in artificial gravity (人造重力) and zero-gravity to study their changing rules and mechanisms (机制) in space. This was not the first time that China has tried to grow plants in space. As early as 2016, Chinese scientists grew rice on the Tiangong Ⅱ space lab to study how plants grow without an Earth-like environment.
  Another experiment in the space lesson was shown by Wang Yaping. She showed how a paper flower "bloomed" on the surface of water in Tiangong space station, she explained that the surface tension (张力) of water is increased in space because of zero gravity;One of the examples of surface tension on Earth is that some insects can "walk" on water. They use surface tension to "stand" instead of falling through water.
  Surface tension plays a key role in product development. Researchers around the world are measuring surface tension to improve the quality of their products. Paints are cut to stick better on the surfaces they are applied to. Surface tension also has influence in drug development.
16.请先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中, 使短文意思通顺、结构完整, 一空一句.
  Many schools today have gardens. School gardens are planted by students and teachers. Whether the garden is large or small, the students and school that care for the plants have a valuable experience.
  (1)       For example, math teachers can take their students out to the garden to measure the heights of different plants. Science teachers can use a school garden to help students learn how plants grow. Art teachers can ask students to create signs for each type of plant in the garden. The education possibilities are endless.
  There are just as many benefits (好处) for the students who work in the school gardens. (2)       By being in charge of a section, they learn how to care for their plants. Students also see the results when they fail to do the work. Gardens also provide lots of chances for teamwork. Students work together to prepare the soil, plant the seeds. And they care for the plants as they grow. (3)      
  A school garden not only benefits the whole school, it also benefits the whole community. By allowing community members to help care for the garden, students can get to know the people in their community. The food grown in the garden can be given away to local food banks. (4)      
  However, there are some disadvantages to school gardens. A school garden can be fun and educational, but it also takes a lot of time and requires a lot of space. (5)       A garden can be a good to a school, but it may not be right for every school.

A. Students might hurt themselves.
B. They will have to plant rice for the neighbors.
C. And they can also sell the food for money to have a party.
D. One of the most important things they learn is responsibility.
E. That will make students feel proud about helping their neighbors.
F. Teachers can find many ways to use school gardens as part of their lessons.
G. They see a whole process that depends on the class working together as a team. 
17.请阅读下面对话, 根据对话内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个填入空白处, 使对话通顺、合理, 意思完整.一空一句.
(Mike and Lucy are talking in the school. Mike=M;Lucy=L)
M :Hey, Lucy. (1)      
L: Yes, I'm planning to go to the beach with my friends.
M: Sounds good. (2)      
L: We are going to drive there, and we are planning to have a picnic. I'm very excited.
M: (3)      
L: No, we're going to come back. I guess we'll be home quite late.
M: (4)      
L: I'll be sleeping all morning. In the afternoon, I'm going to study because I'll have a math exam on Monday. What's your plan for the weekend?
M: I'll go to the farm to visit my uncle Sam. (5)       I can also do something relaxing there.
L: Sure. Have fun!

A. He is expecting me.
B. How are you going there?
C. Let's go to the beach, OK?
D. Any plans for the weekend?
E. In this way, we can save much time.
F. Are you going to stay over at the beach?
G. So then what are you going to do on Sunday? 
18.生活并不总是一帆风顺.本卷完形(B)谈论了Anne遇到的困难以及面对困难的态度, 作为一名中学生, 你在生活中或学习上一定也遇到过各种困难, 请根据提示写一篇英语短文谈谈你曾经遇到的令你难以忘记的困难, 你从中学到了什么, 以及你将如何面对人生中即将到来的困难.
a. What is your unforgettable difficulty?
b. What have you learned from it?
c. How will you face with coming difficulties?
1. 短文应包括提示中所有的写作要点, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥;
2. 如举自己或身边的人作为例子, 不能出现真实的人名和地名;
3. 词数不少于80.
  We always have to face a lot of difficulties in our lives. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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