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1.In winter, _____ the weather is, _____ the risks of fire are.
  • A. the drier; the higher
  • B. the drier; the lower
  • C. the wetter; the higher
2.—Mike, look at your T-shirt. What's on it?
—Oh, it's so dirty. I must get it ________.
  • A. to wash
  • B. washed
  • C. washing
3.—Nick, let's go to Xinhua bookstore to buy a dictionary.
—Why not book_________ on Jingdong? It's cheaper and you'll get it in one day.
  • A. it
  • B. one
  • C. that
4.一Jane, please turn off the TV. _________is watching it.
一OK, mom.
  • A. Nobody
  • B. Somebody
  • C. Everybody
5.The boy failed to reach the top of the mountain twice, but his father encouraged him to try_________ third time.
  • A. /
  • B. a
  • C. the
6.The water pollution will become worse_________we take actions to solve it at once.
  • A. if
  • B. when
  • C. unless
7.The opening ceremony of the 31st Summer Universiade _________in Chengdu in 2023.
  • A. held
  • B. was hold
  • C. will be held
8.Don't believe in people_________are trying to ask for your personal information on the phone easily.
  • A. who
  • B. whom
  • C. which
9.一Can you tell me______ ?
一It was on March2st.
  • A. why the plane crashed
  • B. when the plane crashed
  • C. where the plane crashed
10.—Mom, who is laughing so loudly in the backyard?
—I don't know. It_________be Daniel, one of your brother' s friends.
  • A. must
  • B. should
  • C. might
11.  "Grain Rain"is the English name of Guyu. It is the sixth solar term (节气) of a year but also the last solar term of (1)      . Grain Rain arrives between April 19th and April 21st. It means that the cold weather has basically(2)       and the temperature rises faster, which is good for the growth of grains.
  There is an old custom in southern China that people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain. Tea during Grain Rain can help to keep away from illness and is good for eyes. It is also said that drinking tea on this day would prevent bad luck. So no matter (3)      the weather is like this day, people will go to pick some fresh tea and drink it. In the north of China, people eat Chinese toona sinensis, also called Xiangchun in Chinese, as a custom in Grain Rain. People (4)       pick up Chinese toona sinensis from the trees and cook it with eggs.
  Grain Rain is also a day of showing respect to ancestors. 4, 000 years ago, Cangjie created the very first Chinese character by the shapes of things and animals. The god was so (5)      by his spirit of hard work that he threw grains down from the sky as if it were rain. That's why this day is known as Grain Rain.
12.  I still remember when I was young, my father used to say, "I love you. Say you love me, son." Usually, I would say loudly, "I love you, dad."
  When I was growing up, I found that I had (1)      in common with my father slowly.
  Sometimes we were angry with each other and then the unhappiness between us changed into (2)       . I knew there was a difference between us. I didn't know the(3)       time my father said"I love you" to me. I couldn't remember the time I said those words to him, either.
  Then my father was in hospital. The doctor said his situation was (4)       and he needed an operation(手术) at once. But he wasn't sure if my father was able to live through it and get well again. Everything in my(5)       appeared in my mind. Then I called him and said, "Dad, I love you!" He was silent at the other side for a while and then he replied (6)      , "Well, I love you too. " I was sad and said, "Dad, I know you love me, and when you are (7)      , I know you will say what you want to say. "
  A few weeks later I was working when I got my father's (8)      . "Paul, I love you. "My tears(眼泪)fell down. Both of us knew that this special moment brought our hearts closer (9)      no more words at that time.
  A few weeks after the heart operation, my father finally became (10)      , I can' t imagine that if I didn't call him and dad did not live through the operation, what kind of life I would have now.
13.阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容判断句子正误.正确的涂"A", 错误的涂"B".
  The word"zhi yin", which means close friends, comes from the story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi in the Warring States Period. Boya was good at playing guqin. One day, he was playing music on his way home on the boat. To Boya's surprise, Ziqi, a woodcutter who happened to pass by, could understand exactly what he wanted to express through his music. After a long talk, they became good friends. Since Boya had to return to his state, they agreed to meet again in the following year.
  Unfortunately, when getting back to visit Ziqi, Boya heard that his friend had died from an illness. Boya was so sad and in front of Ziqi' s tomb (墓), he played again the music he had played when they first met. The feeling of the music was so strong that it was as if the rivers and the mountains were crying. When finishing playing, Boya broke his guqin into pieces. From then on, Boya never played again. People in the Song Dynasty built the Guqin Tai in Wuhan to memorize the deep friendship between Boya and Ziqi, which became an important part of the local culture.
  Zhiyin culture has new development in the new period. The famous ancient Chinese classical music piece Gaoshan Liushui, also known as High Mountain and Flowing Water, is usually performed in some international meetings. It not only shows the beauty of traditional Chinese culture, but also expresses China' s willingness to develop is friendship with people from all around the world.
Join us! To better prevent and control the COVID-19, we need more volunteers' help. You should
●Be between the ages of 18 and 45. (Male or Female)
●Be healthy, have a green health code

already got vaccinated (接种疫苗)

and do not travel to medium- or high-risk areas in 14 days. It'll be better if you have computer or medical knowledge.
You will
●Help Hope Neighborhood get information about the neighbors and take their temperatures.
●Work for at least an hour every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and at least two hours everySaturday or Sunday.
You can
●Call us at 028-87654231 or come to our office in the Hope Neighborhood for more information.
●Sign up (报名) for the volunteer job by e-mailing us (hopeneighborhood@163. com) fromMay 17th to May 31st. 
15.  The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics took place when COVID-19 was still here. To make the event"simple and safe", Beijing did a lot. Here are some of them.
  Air Purifier (净化器)
  As COVID-19 virus can go around through the air, clear air is the key to keeping all people in Winter Olympics safe and healthy.
  The Winter Olympics used large air purifiers. They can purify viruses and bacteria (细菌) from the air, making sure that there ' s clean air all the time.
  The purifiers were used at an important meeting on Oct. 15, 2021. None of the 3, 000 people in the meeting got sick.
  Disinfection (消毒) Robot
  Many different kinds of robots are used to take human workers' place at the Beijing Winter Olympics.
  A kind of robot is used for disinfection. The 1. 4-meter-tall robot has a giraffe-like neck, a fan (风扇) on its head and a big "belly". It has up to 16 L of disinfectant at a time. The robot sprays a fog of disinfectant through its head fan. This can disinfect an area of 36 square meters in one minute. A robot can cover 1, 000 square meters and work for four or five hours.
  The robot can also be sent to different places with an app on the smartphone.
  To learn the body temperatures of Olympic players and visitors, a wearable thermometer (体温计) was used. The thermometer is in the shape of a bandage. It' s 6cm long and . 4cm wide. People can wear it on their arms and see their body temperatures in a phone app. This can let workers know their temperatures in real time. It will send a warning if someone 's body temperature goes higher than 37. 3°C.
16.Animal protectors think sharks should not be killed c       for their fins.
17.The u        death of his father in an accident brought him a painful childhood.
18.The manager of the factory p       that all the products will be in customers' hands in one day.
19.The research showed that human's b       bad badly influenced the living environment
of animals.
20.The government had to spend much time r      money to build more hospitals because of the war.
21.A: Hey, Jack. What are you doing?
B: I' m watching the live news of the three Chinese astronauts' (1)      to the earth. Look!The capsule landed successfully!
A: Oh, thank God. They are finally back (2)      . It must be very dangerous during their journey back home.
B: That's true. They must face the danger of the (3)      change of the gravity (重力) because their capsule will fly into the atmosphere (大气层) at a very high speed. And there would be a short time that they completely lost (4)       to the ground. It was the darkest time for them. Nobody knew what was going to happen in those few minutes.
A: They are really heroes that are worth (5)      . What they' ve done will inspire many young people to (6)      their science and space.
B: Yes! They have set a new record for China's (7)       spaceflight, almost doubling the last record of 92 days created by their peers in the Shenzhou XII mission last year. During their six﹣month stay, the astronauts carried out two spacewalks, which was more than 12 hours in (8)      . They set up robotic arms and did medical experiments. They even gave two space lessons on the space station.
A: Oh, I remember that in one experiment, Wang Yaping used a Bing Dwen Dwen toy, the popular mascot of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, to show how objects fly in a (9)      environment, Oh, look!The astronauts are out, They are carried out one by one by ground workers and placed onto chairs in front of the capsule.
B: They are all in good health (10)      ! Ye Guangfu says he is feeling good. Wang Yaping even brings a"star" as a gift to her daughter.
A: What a wonderful journey!
accident believe different hard improve inspire mean separate support student wide wise 

  With sails (帆) flying in the wind, a wooden Chinese sailing ship stands among teaching buildings. The ship, 8 meters long and 1. 5 meters in (1)      , was made by a group of students from Fuzhou No. 8 High School.
  (2)      by atypical Fujian-style trading ship used during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, about 30 students started building the sailing ship with the help of their teacher in March last year.
  It was (3)       that the students finished the project successful. "We' ve worked together to show our love for craftsmanship (工艺)," said Zou Haishen, a 17-year-old student, "We call it Jixianghao, (4)      good luck to our school and our nation."
  Building a sailing ship is much(5)      than you might think. Zou and his classmates, first made and laid down a keel(龙骨) along the bottom of the ship(6)       it. Then they needed to cut the wood in different shapes to make watertight compartments (密封舱).
  "The watertight compartments are like the parts within bamboo. They are (7)      from each other, " said Zou. "So if one or two cabins (船舱) are (8)      broken, seawater will not run into the other cabins. It's full of the (9)       of the ancients.
  After the ship was finished, another group of students started to paint it. Liu Xinyi and Li Beihong, spent two weeks painting a lion, an ocean and a snake on the ship. They also painted the Jingwei, a bird trying to fill the sea with stones in a Chinese ancient story.
  "It's so great to develop (10)       creativity, improve their hands on skills and inherit (传承) the spirit of craftsmanship," said Zhang Shengzhi, a teacher of this project.
23.补全短文根据短文内容, 从短文后的A~ F选项中, 选出5个适当的选项补全短文.
  The human spine doesn't just help us stand up straight. Inside the spine is the spinal cord (脊髓). (1)      The legs and feet send "sense" information to the brain, saying they' re hurt or hot, for example. And the brain sends messages to the lower body, telling the legs to walk, dance or sit down.
  When someone' s spinal cord is hurt, information about senses doesn't reach the brain from the lower body. And control messages can't make it to the lower body from the brain. (2)      
  Surprisingly, now scientists in Switzerland have given three paralyzed men the ability to walk again. All of the three men had damaged their spinal cords in motorcycle accidents and couldn't move their legs. To help them walk again, a special device(装置) was put directly on the lower part of their spinal cord.
  The scientists controlled the device from a computer. (3)      . In the past, scientists have had some successes with the similar device in the lower spine. Some patients have even trained themselves over months to be able to walk.
  But this research is different. (4)      Instead, the computer tells the device to send"walking messages. The scientists use computers to create patterns of movement﹣ ﹣like taking a step﹣ ﹣that work well with each patient. The patients then choose the pattern they want, and the muscles(肌肉) move in the chosen way.
Over time, the three men are able to walk on their own, using a special walker with buttons to trigger (激发)each leg. (5)       The scientists are hopeful that in the future, this technology will allow more paralyzed people to walk again.

A. When that happens, a person is paralyzed (瘫痪的).
B. The patients' brains aren't sending"walking"messages to their legs.
C. The solution isn't perfect and the patients can' t wall without the system.
D. One of them has walked for half a kilometer on his own with the walker.
E. It carries important information between the head and the lower part of the body.
F. Just hours after the device was first used, all the three men were taking steps, with support.
24.完成图表根据短文内容, 完成图表中所缺信息.
  In the opinion of many people, the two﹣parent family is the correct way to bring up children. Traditionally, this has been as the most natural way, but single-parent (单亲) families have had to face prejudices(偏见) against their lifestyle. However, the single parent family is the fastest growing type of family. In the United States, a national survey showed that at least 50% of children will be members of a single﹣parent family. So we think it is important to throw prejudices away and to see the advantages of single﹣parent families.
  Compared to two parent families, single-parent families are usually at a disadvantage in some ways. They are often in short of money, and children receive less attention. What' s more, single parents can find themselves under too much pressure of both work and home. Although there are such disadvantages, it is possible for single﹣parent families to look for support from friends, schools, communities or other organizations. They need to remember that nobody can do it alone.
  Surprisingly, single-parent families also have some advantages over two parent families. Single parents have greater flexibility (灵活性) in spending time with children, because they don't have to consider the needs of a husband or wife. So they can develop closer relationships with their children. Another advantage comes from the fact that single parents often work together with their children to solve problems, which makes children feel more needed and valued.
  It' s important to remember that single-parent families have, until now received prejudices from some people. They think that it's easier for the children in single﹣parent families to drop out of school in teens, and to be jobless in their early twenties. But, with the support from friends, schools and communities, single parent families become more accepted by society, and this situation is certain to improve. In the future we will probably see these prejudices disappear.
25.根据国家最新调查数据, 中国中小学生2020年总体近视率为52. 7%.保护视力, 刻不容缓.请根据下图, 结合你的生活经验, 写一篇短文.
The results of the survey on students' myopla rate In China In 2020

(3)词数:100词左右.开头已给出, 不计入词数.
(4)参考词汇:myopia rate近视率; 视力sight; 近视的short-sighted
  According to a survey by the Chinese government in 2020, the myopia rate of Chinese students has been up to 52. 7%. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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