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1.—Excuse me, where is the teachers' office?
—On ______ first floor of that building.
  • A. the
  • B. /
  • C. a
2.—How do you usually go to school, Anna?
—My father works near our school, and I usually go to school ______ his car.
  • A. by
  • B. in
  • C. on
3.— Joe, you should ______ swim in the river. It's dangerous.
— I see, Mom.
  • A. always
  • B. sometimes
  • C. never
4.—How many children do you have, Mr. Green?
—Two, and ______ of them are in college (大学).
  • A. some
  • B. all
  • C. both
5.—How do I keep these flowers ______?
—You can put them in the water.
  • A. fresh
  • B. clean
  • C. quiet
6.—Tim, I have two ______ to the art show. Would you like to go with me?
—Sure, I'd love to.
  • A. rules
  • B. tickets
  • C. pictures
7.— Which sign means we can't turn left here?
— It's ______.
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
8.— Is there anything in the box?
— ______. It's empty (空的).
  • A. No, there isn't
  • B. Yes, there is
  • C. Yes, it is
9.—What do you often do after school, Kate?
—I like reading, and I often go to the school library to ______ books.
  • A. keep
  • B. borrow
  • C. lend
10.— Where is your brother, Tina?
— He ______ on the computer in the study.
  • A. is working
  • B. work
  • C. works
11.— ______read in bed, Sam. It's not good for your eyes.
— OK. I won't do it again.
  • A. Do
  • B. Doesn't
  • C. Don't
12.— David, your room is in a mess (杂乱).
— Sorry, Mom. I will ______ my things soon.
  • A. put on
  • B. put away
  • C. put up
13.— ______ do you run every day?
— About 5 kilometers.
  • A. How far
  • B. How much
  • C. How many
14.— Do you know Zhong Nanshan?
— ______. He is a great doctor and he is my idol (偶像).
  • A. That's right
  • B. All right
  • C. Of course
15.— Amy, let me help you clean the classroom.
— ______. Thanks a lot.
  • A. You're welcome
  • B. It's very nice of you
  • C. That's right
16.  It's 2 p.m. There are not many people on Bus No. 2. Some are (1)       and others are standing (站立). A man in a gray (2)       stands close to a young man in a seat (座位). The young man finds the man is (3)      . He stands up and says, "Take my seat, please." But the old man says, "Thanks, (4)       I don't need it."
  The old man is Mr. Xiao from Shanghai. He is 79. He is a (5)       lover. He runs every day and often (6)       others to play ping-pong. "I'm (7)      . I don't want others to (8)       seats to me," Mr. Xiao says. "That's why I (9)       wear a hat. Others can't see my gray hair."
  Not all old people are as strong as Mr. Xiao, so when we see old people on the bus or the subway, we should give seats to (10)      .
17.Hillside Middle School
After school activities
You can learn to cook Chinese food.
And you can eat what you make!
Each week will be different.
You can make a bookmark (书签), a paper flower…
You can take them home.
You make different things with blocks (积木) each week.
You can make them by yourself or with others.
Do interesting activities with Mrs. Martins each week.
The first week will be .
Have fun with Mrs. Lowe.
You call have some food and drink first.
Then you can do what you would like to do—card games, arts, DIY or outdoor activities.
18.  Do you love space (太空)? Here is an interesting space lesson. In it, three Chinese astronauts (宇航员) Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu tell us about their life in space.
  Like our houses, the space station has "rooms" too. First, WangYaping shows us their bedrooms. Each of them has a bedroom. It's small and has a round window. In Wang Yaping's room, we can see her family photos. When she misses her family, she can give them a call. A bathroom is next to the bedrooms.
  Then Wang shows us the sports area. They can run and ride bikes there. The next area is the kitchen and it's also their dining room. There is a little fridge in it. It can keep food fresh. In their working area, Wang and the other two astronauts do some experiments (实验) for us. They're very interesting.
19.  You can't see this school on any map of New Delhi, India. There are no desks or chairs for the students here. There are only three walls and five blackboards on one wall. Rajesh Kumar Sharma opens (开办) it.
  Sharma is forty-nine years old. He is from a family of eleven. No one in his family goes to university (大学). To help poor (贫穷的) boys and girls go to school, he opens the school. Any student between Grade 1 and Grade 9 is welcome. Now there are about 200 students in the school. The students have classes at different times — boys in the morning and girls in the afternoon.
  Mamta is a student in Grade 9 here. "Our teacher is Sharma. We don't have a classroom but we have classes near flowers and trees. We really thank him for teaching us." she says.
20.  Tom and Jack are in the park. "Look! Here is a letter," Tom says. He picks it up.
  Hi, boys and girls, follow the letter and find the treasure (宝藏) in the park. You can only find it with a friend……
  "It's not true," Jack says.
  "Come on!" Tom says. "It's just a game. Let's see what we can find."
  Tom and Jack walk down the road and turn left at the crossing . "What's next?"Jack asks.
  Go along the road until you see a bridge. Cross the bridge. Turn left and keep walking. Turn right in front of a big tree. Go down until you get to the pavilion (亭子). The last clue(线索)is around.
  They walk around the pavilion. Soon, Tom finds a sign in a tree. It writes, "The treasure is the friend next to you."
  "You're my treasure, Jack."
  "You are mine, too."
21.  This morning, Ollie tells Mom that he is very sick (生病的) and can't go to school. Mom thinks he looks fine but unhappy. "Is everything all right at school? (1)      " Ollie tells her about some of his classmates. "(2)       They call me names (辱骂), take my things away and so on."
  " Bullying (霸凌) is wrong," says Mom. "(3)       Let's talk to your teacher and see what she can do, OK? " Ollie thinks for a long time. (4)       So they go to see Ollie's teacher and talk about bullying.
  The next day, the teacher makes some new rules for the class. When seeing bullying, students should offer help and then tell teachers about it.
  Soon, Ollie's classmates stop bullying him. Ollie is happy to go to school. (5)      

A. He wants to have a try.
B. They are not kind to me at all.
C. It's a nice and safe place now.
D. Your teacher should know about this.
E. If you have a school problem, tell me about it.
22.学生敲你办公室的门, 你可以这样说:
23.你欢迎好友来你家, 可以这样说:
24.你妈告诫你爸酒后不要开车, 她会这样说:
25.你想知道同桌的书房里有没有电脑, 可以这样问:
26.你想知道百货商店在哪里, 可以这样问:
Excuse me,       ?
28.across from       
29.there be       
30.good, help       
31.  Hello! My name is Vojin Kusic. What (1)      /kaɪnd/ of house do you want to live in?For many people, the answer may be (2)      large one with a nice garden. But for me, (3)      (thing) are different. I want to live in a rotating (旋转的) house, (4)       I built one near the town (镇).
  My house only (5)       (have) one floor. But it has anything I need — a kitchen for (6)       (cook), a living room for welcoming friends and a (7)      for having a goodnight. There (8)      (be) big windows in the living room. From them, I can enjoy (9)       /ˈbju:tɪfʊl/ scenery (风景) around. There is a river (河) (10)       /bɪ'haɪnd/ my house. If I want to see it, I just rotate the house.
  Do you think my house is very interesting? What about yours?Could you tell me something about it?
32.假设你是李华, 你的英语老师请同学们以My Room为题写一篇英语短文.请你根据下列图片信息, 写一篇短文描述一下你的房间.

(1)70词左右(开头已给出, 不计入词总数);
(2)意思清楚, 表达通顺, 行文连贯, 书写规范;
My Room
  Hi! My name is Li Hua. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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