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1.  A traveler came out of the airport, There were a lot of taxis He asked every taxi driver's name. Then he took the third one,
  It cost 5 dollars from the airport to the hotel.
  "How much does it cost for the whole day?" The man asked, "100 dollars, " said the taxi driver. This was very expensive, but the man said it was OK,
  The taxi driver took the man everywhere. He showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening they went back to the hotel, The traveler gave the taxi driver 100 dollars and said, "What about tomorrow?It's another 100 dollars, "The man said, "That's OK!See you tomorrow. "The taxi driver was very pleased, The next day the taxi driver took the traveler everywhere again. They visited all the parks and museums again, and in the evening they went back to the hotel, The man gave the taxi driver 100 dollars again and said, "I'm going home tomorrow, "The taxi driver was sorry because he liked the traveler and, above all, 100 dollars a day was a lot of money.
  "So you're going home, Where do you come from?"he asked,
  "I come from New York!" said he traveler "I have a sister in New York Her name is Susanna. Do you know her?""Of course !know her. She gave me 200 dollars for you!"
Online learning or classroom learning? 
  Keep in mind those school days of childhood when we did not want to get up early in the morning for school, but we had to anyway?It happens today as well. As for me, I have to waste almost one and a half hours getting ready and reaching to school every day. So I would like to take online lessons at home because I will have more time to study. 
  Different from classroom learning, learning on the Internet isn't limited (限制) by time and place. Students can take lessons whenever they have spare time. What's more, it's more convenient. The only thing the students need to do is clicking (点击) the window and they can take courses. 
  Often, we have classmates who may not be confident enough to ask questions or say out their own doubts among the students in the classroom. With online﹣learning courses, they won't be troubled by such a problem. Besides, some apps provide us more different kinds of courses that we might not have in a traditional classroom. 
  I prefer to study in traditional classrooms. I find it easy for me to be distracted (分心) to have classes online. I can't help doing something that has nothing to do with my lessons. But attending a real lesson in a classroom environment can force me to be more concentrated (集中注意力) and pay more attention to what teachers are saying. What's more, I can get face-to-face support from my classmates and teachers, which helps me solve my doubts in class better. 
3.  Each of us has dreams and goals for our future. What makes us study and make progress each day is closely connected with our personal dream and goal.
  But why do you have dreams and goals, you still end up with nothing?What separates successful people from the dreamers is their persistent (锲而不舍的) action. When you learn your lessons in school, you must work hard and not give up. You will often find some of your lessons very hard. Try and keep trying, and you'll be sure to successfully deal with any difficulty you meet with. If we have a hard lesson today, let us try our best to learn it well and then we shall be prepared for a harder one tomorrow.
  This is the famous formula (公式) for success:
  Dream> Believe> Achieve
  Most people have what they want (Dream) and think they can realize their dreams (Believe). And then they do nothing. They just imagine their dreams can come true. When they get tired waiting and lose a lot, they get bored. They say angrily how terrible their life is.
  I personally believe that if you really want to achieve your dreams and goals in life, you have to add one thing to your success formula;
  Dream> Believe> Act> Achieve
  For me, act is the most important thing for success and that's to Take Persistent Actions (Act). If you say"I can't do it" and give up, you can never do anything valuable. However, "I'll try" creates wonders. Let's remember that there will be obstacles in our life. We must face them bravely and solve them. Success is not something that falls down from the sky. Most successful people made their dreams come true because of their persistent action.
  Please remember:Action is the bridge that connects our dreams and goals to reality.
4.  Earthquake rescue (救援) robots experienced their final tests in Beijing, The inventors of this robot said with this robot, rescuers would be able to buy more time to save lives during an earthquake.
  This kind of robot is able to fly. It's about three meters long, and it took about four years to develop the model. Its main function is to collect information from the air and send goods of up to 30 kilos to people trapped (困住) by an earthquake. It has an excellent camera which can provide very clear pictures. It can work day and night, and is also able to send the latest pictures from the quake area.
  Dr. Qi Juntong, a researcher from Tsinghua University, said, "The most important character of this flying robot is that it doesn't need a control from faraway paces. We just set in it the information of the places where it should go, and then it takes of, and lands by itself. It flies as high as 3000 meters, and as fast as 100 kilometers per hour."
  This robot has a different function — it can change as the environment changes. Its main job is to search for any signs of life in places where human rescuers are unable to go. The camera, also acting as a detector (探测器) that finds trapped people and detects harmful gases, is placed in the robot, which can work in the dark, With its 10-meter-long pipe in the robot, people who are trapped in the fallen buildings will be able to get supplies including oxygen (氧气) and water.
  Experts have said that the robots would enter production and serve as part of the national earthquake rescue team as soon as possible.

5.根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有一项为多余选项.
  When it comes to success, we all believe that confidence is one of the most important reasons for it. Confidence plays a very important role in people's life. It is the first step on the road to success. (1)       It is built, not inborn (天生的). You can try these simple tips for practicing and increasing your self﹣ confidence levels.
  ★Accept your failure. (2)      You should hold a correct attitude towards your every failure. If you are not failing, you are not trying. Only when you face up to your difficulties, can you build up your confidence and give yourselves a chance of success.
  ★Dress your success. You don't have to be confident by dressing up. Make the most of your own special physical advantages and not always pay attention to your faults. (3)      
  ★Listen to yourself. Do not look down upon yourself. Don't put others' opinions above your own inner voice. (4)      Just follow your heart. You should always remember that you are sure to be the best and different from anyone else in the world.
  ★(5)       Stop putting yourself down, and stop keeping regretting about your tiny mistakes. Learn to highlight (强调) your advantages and the world will learn to see and admire them too.
  ★Confidence is a plant that grows slowly. We should build confidence through constant (持续的)and patient effort. Only when we have enough confidence in ourselves, can we take the first step on the road to success.

A. How can we get confidence?
B. Use the words that can make you confident often.
C. You should be patient with building confidence.
D. As a result, you know you're bringing out the best in yourself.
E. You are the only person who knows what is right for yourself.
F. Anybody who really works hard is going" to fail over times. 
6.  When she was very young Severn Cullis-Suzuki learned that the United Nations Assembly (大会) was going to meet in Brazil, Severn (1)      that she wanted not only to go there but also to say something. She started to raise money for the (2)       and when she was 12, she had enough for the 11, 000-kilometre journey.
  Severn was sure that she had (3)      to say, and when she made her five-minute speech (4)       the UN Assembly, she tried very hard to make a difference. She talked about (5)      problems like pollution and the hunting of animals. She also talked about the (6)      of children in many parts of the world, especially poor children who don't have enough to eat. She compared them with children in richer countries who have more than they need and throw things (7)      . Severn's questions were a challenge to the world's leaders一questions about why the grown-ups who (8)      the world don't take more care of it and of the people who live in it.
  Many people who heard her speech were crying at the end, and everyone (9)      with thunderous applause (掌声)when she finished.
  Severn showed that young people can make a difference (10)      they're brave enough to believe in themselves. Who knows?Perhaps you could be another Severn.
7.  I was about six years old and in a class with kids of my age. The class was getting control. Our teacher (1)       tried several times to ask us to pay attention to the class finally gave up and agreed that we could have some free time. Everyone started playing games. However, I just sat (2)      (quiet)in my chair.
  As parents started to arrive, our tired teacher handed the noisy children over to their parents with a half-hearted (冷淡的) smile. But when my mother (3)      (arrive), my teacher said with joy, "Your daughter is so amazing in class. She is such a nice little girl.
  She used all the good words (4)       (describe) me. I got my first "nice". My young brain considered that I was great (5)       I was nice. And if I wanted to satisfy others, I would have to be nice.
  As I grew older, l became much (6)      (good) at the art of being nice and I always tried to put others first. That's also one of the fastest ways to make friends. Over time, friends (7)      me began to expect niceness from me. They wanted me to do what I (8)      (tell) to Being nice became an excuse for not doing something I enjoyed or being someone I wanted to be. Finally, I realized that I had to make a few (9)       (change).
  There' s no doubt that everyone wants to be liked. However, you don't have to satisfy others at the cost of allowing (10)       (they) to take advantage of you and your kindness. It's not selfish but a sign of self -respect(自尊心). It's helpful to let others know what your limits (底线) are. You can be both kind and self -respecting. This can also help you develop healthy and happy relationships with others.
8.  We all have problems and barriers (障碍) that prevent us from moving into new areas. When meeting with a problem, someone turns away and gives up because he thinks it is too hard to solve it. Unluckily, soon they may get into another similar one. In this way, their lives stay inside the same old cycles, in which they are unlikely to make progress or keep learning.
  While others deal with problems by loving them instead of hating them. The word "love" means accepting your problems. The more we deny (否定) a problem, the stronger it seems to become. Only when we accept the fact can we find the effective ways to deal with it.
  Suppose one of your barriers (障碍) is taking a final exam. You fear you will forget everything that you have remembered. You may tell yourself I'm not going to be scared and then try to force a smile on your face.
  However, loving your fear actually works better. You just need to say to yourself, "I'm scared. But I'm going to take it anyway, It is not just a problem; it's also a chance for me to fake progress." By that, you welcome your problem and face it in an active way, so it is possible that you succeed.
  It is impossible to live a life without problems. Loving them doesn't mean hiding them. Instead, it means admitting(承认)the truth about them. This helps us take effective action. which can free us of the problem once and for all.
9.青少年的健康问题越来越受到全社会的关注.越来越多的初中生出现身体健康问题, 究其原因在于锻炼不足.对此你有什么看法, 结合提示信息, 以"To Be A Healthier Person"为题写一篇短文.
1. 现象:课余时间不愿锻炼;对体育课重视程度不足;
2. 锻炼的好处:增强身体素质;一种放松(减压)的方式;保持良好的状态……;
3. 你的看法:要认识到锻炼的重要性, 养成每天锻炼的好习惯, 自己制定合理的锻炼计划.
1. 词数100词左右(题目和开头已给出, 不计入总词数);
2. 须包括所有要点提示, 并适当补充, 语句通顺, 意思连贯;
3. 文中不得出现个人真实姓名和校名.
参考词汇;strengthen增强;keep in good condition保持良好的状态;physical fitness 身体素质
To Be A Healthier Person
  It is known to us that nothing is more important than a healthy and strong body. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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