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1.  My name is Toby. I'm eighty-three years old this spring. My house is right in the middle of Stratford-upon-Avon, and I (1)      watch the street market from my window. But I live very (2)      now. I'm just (3)      old man, sitting in a chair.
  I once knew (4)      man in England. For thirty years I was his friend. I worked with (5)      in the theatre, through the good times and the bad times. He was a good friend to me. He was also the best playwright (剧作家) and poet (6)      ever lived in England. William Shakespeare was his name.
  I saw all his plays in the theatre. People loved them. They shouted, laughed and cried, ate oranges, and called for more. William Shakespeare could please all kinds of people (7)      Kings, Queens, Princes, great lords and ladies, poor people, the boy who held the horses. . . everyone.
  He (8)      me in a play once. Well, he used my name — Toby. Twelfth Night was the play. I remember, in the play, Sir Toby Belch was a big fat man, who liked drinking(9)      and having a good time. Queen Elizabeth the first watched that play — Twelfth Night, (10)      the 6th of January, 1601. She liked it, (11)      .
  William's dead now, of course. He's (12)      for more than thirty years, and no one sees his plays now. The Puritan (清教徒) have closed all the theatres. (13)      no singing, no dancing, no plays. It isn't like that in my young days. It was a good time for us (14)      in London, William and I….
  I've no teeth now, and my hair has all fallen out, but I can still think — and remember. I remember (15)      William and I were young, just boys really.
2.  President Abraham Lincoln often visited hospitals to talk with wounded soldiers during the Civil War. Once, doctors told him that a young soldier lay on bed near (1)      . Lincoln went over to his bedside.
  "Is there anything I can do for you?" Lincoln asked. The soldier was (2)      hurt and didn't realize it was Lincoln. He just said, "Would you please write a letter to my mother?"
  Somebody brought a pen and paper and Lincoln carefully (3)      what the young man said:
  "My dearest mother, I was badly hurt while doing my duty. I'm afraid I'm not going to live through it. Don't feel (4)      for me, please. Kiss Mary and John for me."
  The soldier was too weak to go on, so Lincoln signed the letter for him and added, "Written for your (5)      by Abraham Lincoln." The young man asked to see the letter. He was (6)      when he saw the president's name on it.
  "Are you really the president?" he asked. "Yes, I am. " Lincoln (7)      quietly. Then he asked if there was (8)       else he could do.
  "Would you please (9)      my hand?" the soldier asked. "It will help to see me through to the (10)      ."
  In the quiet room, the tall president took the young soldier's hand in his and spoke warm words until death came.
3.  VR Classes Grabs Kids It happened in a New York classroom. Sixteen-year -old Taylor Engler came face to face with a cow. But it was all in her head.
  She was crying out a virtual reality (VR, 虚拟现实) headset (头戴式眼罩) . It took Berkeley Carroll School junior students to a farm. The farm was 400 kilometers away.
  Students across the US are taking VR "trips. They are swimming in the deep sea. They are watching medical operations. They are even "walking" through the human body. Teachers say this helps students understand their learning material and improve their grades.
  "It the students right away," Colin Jones, a science teacher from Plainview Old Bethpage Central School District, told AP news. He uses a VR system called z-Space to cut up cells (细胞) . "It's something that can be done in 40 minutes," he said. "But it could take even a week when you' re doing a lab (实验室操作)
  It's different than watching video because you can have more than one perspective (视角) . You can actually move," Taylor said during her "trip" on the farm.
  According to neuroscientist (神经学家) Richard Lamb, VR can give people experiences that are similar to the real world, Our bodies even react (反应) the same to VR as they do to real﹣life situations. "Heart rate (心率), brain activity, breathing, everything," he said.
  But there are not many classrooms that can use this technology. VR systems are very expensive. Experts say they will try their best to help more students to use it in the future, especially for doing science experiments (实验) that could be dangerous to do in real life.
4.  "To acquire the habit of reading is to construct. for yourself a refuge (避难所) from almost all the miseries of life."
——W. Somerset Maugham
  "There are three rules for writing a novel (小说) . Unfortunately, no one knows what they are." W. Somerset Maugham is a famous English novelist, but he says nobody knows how to write a novel! His sayings are popular on Chinese social media (社交媒体).
  Where did Maugham get this way of looking at the world?He had a lot of unusual life experiences. He grew up as an orphan (孤儿) . He became a doctor, then left his job when his first novel became a hit. He then became a famous playwright (剧作家) . During World War I, he worked as a spy (间谍) . Later, he traveled around Southeast Asia. All of these things would appear in his writings.
  Maugham's most famous work is the novel OP Human Bondage. It's about a young man finding the meaning of lie and knowing that the world is cruel. Chinese readers have fallen in love with another novel, The Moon and Sixpence. It is about the life of French painter Paul Gauguin.
  Young readers may like his many short stories better. show he unpredictability (不可预测性) of human actions. According to Britannica, Maugham believed that people are unpredictable and forever-trapped (被困住) with their emotions. By joking about life's troubles, his stories mix the silly and the serious.
5.  SHENZHEN political adviser Chen Zhihong has proposed (提议) building Shekou Fisherman's Wharf (码头) in Shekou, Nanshan District into a tourist site at the Second Session of the Seventh Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the CPPCC :深圳市政协第七届二次公议) . Shenzhen Economic Daily reported.
  The renovation (翻新) of the Fisherman's Wharf started in April 2018. in order to turn the wharf into an entertainment, a cultural exchange, education, tourism and housing complex (综合体) .
  However. many old and damaged boats are still docked (停靠) at the wharf due to historical reasons. These don't match the surrounding environment and might cause a fire risk or pollute the waters.
  Chen thus called for applying first﹣class standards to build the wharf into an international coastal tourism destination. At the same time, the construction can contribute to Nanshan District's move to build the area into an innovative (创新的) coastal city center, according to Chen.
  Additionally. Chen advised tourist viewing platforms to be added at the wharf and urged related departments to learn about the number and types of boats, and reasons for currently docking at the wharf.
  Chen also proposed no longer following commercial ships to dock at the wharf unless they are sheltering from a typhoon He. suggested the berthing sites (靠泊点) be moved to Humen in Dongguan City, Aotou in Huizhou City and Fuyong in Bao'an District because the wharf's water has poor self-purification capabilities.
Dear Teachers and Parents,
The past three years, we all had a good time with you, whatever it was happy or not. Although we have faced many difficulties, thank all of you for giving a hand to us when we are down. For three years, we have experienced at least two difficult periods to fight against COVID-19. At home, parents took good care of us to study carefully. On the other side of the computer, teachers worked hard to give us as good lessons as they can. We feel very thankful to all of you. We will miss the lives in MD and return with an excellent score. Without MD's education, we won't develop as awesome as now. We appreciate MD very much!After three years of learning, studying and growing together happily, long into the future may these precious memories continue!
Best wishes,
Leung Zhilin from Class 1 
Dear Mum,
It has been a tough year for everyone since we needed to do online classes from time to time due to the pandemic. You have to sacrifice some of the work and time for the sake of being with me, for the classes. I really appreciate it considering there is much more workload and stress you have to face. Without the courage and confidence, I do not think you can go through all the nightmare. You definitely get a perfect example for what it takes to go through the difficult time. Life is not easy. I can promise you that I will follow your path. In other words, face the hard time with the positive attitude.
Best wishes,
Woo Zhiyun from Class 2 
Dear classmates,
I never imagined about graduation three years ago. "There is still much time to go" that was what I thought, as there once was nothing familiar with me when I first entered MD. But it has become totally different since we all became trust-worthy friends: School life became much more colorful with your encouragement , Without our unbreakable friendship and the power of teamwork. difficulties became nothing while nothing is impossible. "How time flies" is far from expressing all my feelings. It seems that the messenger of time is waving at us, which reminds us that graduation is coming. I am very fortunate to be given an opportunity to spend three years with you. I received the most unforgettable memories in my youth. Everything is so familiar and pleasing that I will never forget. Though we are going to graduate soon, I am certain that we will remain together wherever we are.
Yours sincerely,
Chen Ningjing from Class 3 
7.  We do eye exercises. We wear sunglasses. (1)       But we usually forget another important part of our body — the ears.
  Ears help us hear the world. But my tings such as loud noise, can cause hearing loss. Once this happens, it's hard to get your bearing back. (2)       Let's take a look together.
  Keep your ears dry and warm.
  Dry your ears with a towel after swimming or taking a bath, if you feel water in your ear, shake your head a little bit. (3)      Also, when the sun is shining, wear some sunscreen (防晒箱) on your ears. During the wine, protect your ears with a hat or a scarf.
  Usually, our ears clean themselves. The earwax (耳屎) builds up, dries out, and then comes out of the ear along with some dirt.
  Don't clean your ears with anything sharp, or it can make the earwax go too deep into your ears and hurt them. But if your ears start to hurt;you can go to a doctor for help.
  How to use headphones?
  (5)       Follow the 60:60 rule:listen to music at 60 percent of your headphones' maximum volume (最大音量) for no more than 60 minutes a day. Over﹣the ear headphones are better than in﹣ear﹣ones. They do a better job of stopping outside noise so you can listen at a lower volume.
A. This can help you get the water out of your ear.
B. So how can we protect our ears?
C, Don't listen to loud music on your headphones for a long time.
D. We do lots of things to protect our eyes.
E. How to clean your ears?
8.  Paper, zhi was a Chinese invention. Before paper came along, people wrote words on bones, pieces of bamboos, wood and so on. These things were so (1)h      that it was hard to carry around. Besides, they took up a lot of space.
  2, 000 years ago, Chinese people invented papermaking process. This zhi was made of silk and was very expensive. Only the emperor and rich people could (2)a      to use it.
  1, 900 years ago, Cai Lun improved the paper﹣making process. He made cheap zhi out of tree bark and old cloth. And many different (3)k      of zhi were made by Chinese people. Xuan paper, a type of rice paper, best shows the charm of traditional Chinese paintings and calligraphy. It is (4)k      as one of the Four Treasures of Study.
  Later, Chinese zhi (5)s      to the West through the Chinese Silk Road. Today everyone in the world uses paper.
I asked him       he       .
China's experience in fighting COVID-19                            other countries already.
11.我们越多锻炼, 我们身体越健康.
      we take exercise,       we will be.
12.科技发展得真好啊!如今, 我们可以很方便地使用微信或支付宝支付.
      technologies develop!Now,       for us to pay with WeChat Pay or Alipay.
13.如果他来广州, 我们就会带他参观广州塔.
We       him to visit Canton Tower       he       to Guangzhou.
14.随着我国航天技术的发展和进步, 实行太空移民不再是梦.请根据以下提示, 写一篇文章介绍未来太空生活.
1. 衣服可以检测身体健康
2. 住在智能房子, 有机器人做家务
3. 驾驶飞船, 用太阳能行驶
4. 自由发挥两点内容
5. 你的感受
1. 词数:80 字左右(文章开头已给出, 不计入词数);
2. 短文必须包含所有要点, 并适当发挥;
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名.
Space life in the future
  Space migration is coming soon. I would like to introduce the space life in the future. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  
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