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1. heavy rain! We can only do indoor gymnastics (体操) in the classroom.
—Sounds boring!
  • A. What
  • B. What a
  • C. How
2.—Why does your sister watch action movies?
—Because she thinks they are noisy and boring.
  • A. hardly
  • B. always
  • C. usually
3.—I hear the Whites have two children.
—That's true. And ________ of them are good at playing the piano!
  • A. all
  • B. both
  • C. either
4.—Did you do well in the test, Jimmy?
—No. I think I did than before.
  • A. badly
  • B. worse
  • C. the worst
5.—Thanks for me with my English. Bill.
—You are welcome.
  • A. helping
  • B. to help
  • C. help
6.Jack is in our group. No one studies harder than him.
  • A. the hardest
  • B. the laziest
  • C. the most hardworking
7.—It seems that Mom isn't happy.
—Yes. Dad the car key again.
  • A. lost
  • B. losesis
  • C. losing
8.—Did Mark do his homework yesterday?
—Yes, and he did it as as you.
  • A. carefully
  • B. careful
  • C. more carefully
9.—Is your mask similar mine, Mike?
—No. They are different each other.
  • A. to; with
  • B. in; from
  • C. to; from
10.— _______ times a month do you go swimming?
—Four times. It's my favorite sport.
  • A. How long
  • B. How often
  • C. How many
11.  Do you know Alimihan Seyiti from Xinjiang, China?On June 25, 2020, she celebrated (庆祝) her 134th birthday with her family and friends born in 1886. She has lived through three centuries (世纪). It is said that she is the (1)      person in the world now.
  (2)      can she live such a long life? Her life seems easy, but there is (3)       special in it. She loves music and enjoys singing every day. People around her like to listen to her (4)      .
  What's more, the old woman is always happy. Her family say she never gets angry and (5)       a lot. For her, it's important to drink a lot of water every day. She thinks her (6)       is important, too. "She always shouts. "Get me something to eat when she gets up early in the morning." Reziwanguli, her great granddaughter, says.
  Alimihan is (7)       and likes to talk. "She always wants to talk to me. When I'm too busy to talk to her, she will say, "Why doesn't a living person (8)      ?" Reziwanguli says and laughs. (9)       the old woman can't walk now, the doctor says she is in good health. She hears (10)       and sees well. Let's wish the old person a happy life.
12.We asked people about their reading habits in 2020 till now

Store A
(10:00 am— 5:30 pm)
Carrots (1 kilo): ¥3. 1
Tomatoes (1 kilo): ¥5
Potatoes (1 kilo): ¥3. 2
Quality (品质): Very fresh
Service: ★★ 
Store B
(9:00 am — 7:00 pm)
Carrots (1 kilo): ¥3. 3
Tomatoes (1 kilo): ¥4. 5
Potatoes (1 kilo): ¥3. 2
Quality: Fresh
Service: ★★★ 
Store C
(8:30 ant — 8:30 pm)
Carrots (1 kilo): ¥3. 1
Tomatoes (1 kilo): ¥4. 8
Potatoes (1 kilo): ¥ 2. 8
Quality: Bad
Service: ★★★★ 
14.  These years some pandas from China are taking their special vacations in some other countries. They will get back home at the planned time. But this May, two pandas living in Canada had to get back to China before their vacation really ended.
  The two pandas were happy to live in the Calgary Zoo in Canada, but when COVID-19 broke out (爆发), there was problem — if was difficult for the zoo to get them enough bamboo (竹子).
  Er Shun and Da Mao arrived in the Calgary Zoo in 2018 after spending five years in their first home — the Toronto Zoo. They were to live in the Calgary Zoo until (直到) 2023. Over the difficult times, there were no flights from China to Canada, so bamboo from China couldn't get to Canada by plane. The Calgary zoo tried to get bamboo from the U. S to feed the two pandas, but they said the pandas didn't like to eat it at all. In the end, they had to ask China for help and decided to let the pandas go back home early.
  The two cute pandas were the stars in the Calgary Zoo. People in Canada liked them very much. Many of them weren't happy to see the animals leave. But in China the pandas can get enough bamboo to eat. The Calgary Zoo had to do this.
15.  The World Health Organization (WHO) says that 80% of the world's teenagers don't get enough exercise to live healthy lives. It did research (研究) on students aged from 11 to 17 in 146 countries for about eight years and got the result.
  Doctors say 60 minutes of exercise a day is important for teenagers to build up their strength (力量). It's also good for the heart and lungs (心肺). Also, teenagers won't become fat through exercise. What's more, more and more research is showing that exercise doesn't just help with the body. It can help with the mind too﹣making people think better and helping students get good grades.
  Trevor Shilton working for the Heart Foundation in Australia says that doing exercise is really important, and he also says: "If this were a medicine, we would all take it."
  However, it's not easy. Now many teenagers find it very difficult to stay away from smartphones, computers or televisions. In their free time, they talk with friends online, play online games and watch interesting TV programs. The WHO says that young people need to play less in the online world and play more in the real world.
  Health experts want schools and families to ask teenagers to do more exercise. Doctors also say that teens can do 20 minutes of exercise three times a day to get 60 minutes of exercise. They say it's very important for young people to do exercise, because it will be good for their lives in the future.
16.  Qomolangma is the world's highest mountain. You may learn from a book that it's 8, 844 meters high.
  (1)       Different experts give different results. Also the height of the mountain becomes different over time. That was why a Chinese group tried to reach the top of Qomolangma to re-measure (重新测量) its height months ago. Though they made good plans, it was not easy work.
  It's so cold on the mountain. (2)       Because of that, drones (无人机) cannot work at the top of the mountain. That's why it's necessary for experts to reach the top to get the specific (精确的) result.
  (3)      .
  In fact, measuring the height of Qomolangma is more than just getting one right number. Qomolangma was born when the Eurasian plate (板块) met the Indian plate. (4)       Changes in its height can show if the two plates are moving towards or away from each other. This can help us learn about the moving of Earth's crust (地壳).
  The group of experts could also get first-hand information about environmental conditions (情况) at the top of the mountain. It will help us learn how they make a difference to the Qinghai — Tibet Plateau (高原).
A. And what is the best way to measure the height of the mountain?
B. It appeared millions of years ago as the two plates moved towards each other.
C. What's worse, high winds blow all the time.
D. But is a difference of a few meters really important?
E. However, not all people think so. 
17.  These days a 63-year-old Chinese grandpa is getting more and more popular online. Because he knows much information about making wooden (木制的) things, the man called Wang Dewen is famous as "Grandpa Amu" on YouTube. Thanks to his great works, people think he is just like Lu Ban.
  Not long ago, a video showing that he made a bridge out of wood appeared online. More than 12, 000, 000 people watched it. Grandpa Amu usually uses old Chinese techniques (技巧) to make things. Because of that, he didn't use any glue (胶水) or nails (钉子) when he built the bridge and it surprised people from all over the world.
  In the same way, he made a few toys out of wood for his grandson. Of all the toys, his grandson likes the walking Peppa Pig best. Now Grandpa Amu has about 1, 190, 000 followers on the Internet. However, he insists that he is a common farmer, not a star.
  His son and daughter-in-law (儿媳) Huang Chunmei now work full-time on his videos, hoping that they can help the villagers sell more things with the help of the videos. "We keep on making the videos because we want to bring our culture to the world and let more people learn about these old but wonderful Chinese techniques," said Huang Chunmei to the reporter from South China Morning Post.
18.  How much do you know about Rio de Janeiro (里约热内卢)? It's one of the most popular cities in the Southern Hemisphere (半球). What makes it so popular?
  One of the main reasons is that (1)there are quite a few beautiful places to visit in Rio. It has lots of beaches. However, (2)you don't have to spend much time choosing a beautiful beach, because they are all wonderful. The Museum of Tomorrow is another popular place. It was designed (设计) by Santiago Calatrava and the building looks very special. What's more, people can have a short plane ride over the Amazon rainforest.
  People in Rio are famous for their happy lifestyles (生活方式). (3)他们享受各种各样的活动, 比如说踢足球和跳舞.The Carnival (狂欢节) in Rio de Janeiro is an important festival, (4)所以那儿的人们认真对待它.      Over the Carnival, they dress up in colorful clothes, dance the samba and have fun. The samba is a fast dance from Brazil and almost everybody there can dance it. It is a necessary program at the Carnival.
  (5)If you're planning to go somewhere relaxing on vacation, try a visit to Rio de Janeiro.
19.A: You look tired, Jack. (1)      ?
B: Yes, I went to bed at about 11:45 pm last night.
A: (2)      ?
B: I watched a soccer game on TV. You know, I really love soccer.
A:Yes, I often see you play soccer. How often do you do it?
B: (3)      , on Fridays and Sundays. What do you often do in your spare time?
A: I often watch movies. I think watching movies is a great way to relax.
B: I heard there are two movies on show now, Mulan and My people, My Homeland.(4)      ?
A: I like My people, My Homeland better. It's both enjoyable and educational. I really want to watch it again.
B: You just made me want to watch it. (5)      ?
A: Sounds good! I am looking up the time of it online now.
20.在你的人生道路上, 有不同的人在不同时段陪伴着你走着人生路.在你的心目中, 此时对你来说最重要的人是谁?请以"The Most important Person in My Life"为题写一篇短文, 短文必须包括以下提示要点, 可适当发挥.
内容提示:1. 简述此人的外貌;
2. 简述你们一起做过的一到两件有意义的事情;
3. 简述与其他人相比, 他/她为何对你来说最重要.
要求:1. 语句通顺、语法正确、句式多样;
The Most important Person in My Life
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