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Blue/white Persian male cat named Lizie! 18 months old, friendly nature!
Any information about Lizie, phone Peter 555-4140. $500 for reward (报酬)! 
 Help wanted
Love travel? Join us as a tour guide! Full time, must speak English!$12 an hour
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 For rent (出租)
Good room for girls, 3 bedrooms, large yard.
Single:$35 a week;
Double:﹩185 a month;
Call John 555-0698! 
2.  Piao Wenyao fell in love with the game of go (围棋) when he started to play it at the age of 5. At the time he knew he would be a go player for life. After many years of hardpractice, he became the youngest go world champion (冠军).
  On February 23, 2011, Piao won the 15"LG World Cup final in Seoul and received a prize of 1. 46 million yuan. It is Piao's first world championship. He was then only 22 years old.
  When Piao was 10 years old, he came to Beijing with his parents to learn go. A terrible accident happened not long after and his father died. It was a big blow (打击) to the family. Piao's mother had to work harder to support her son in his education.
  Piao began to shine in 2005, but never won a championship. As younger players drew the world's attention, Piao kept his cool.
  In 2008, Piao entered the final of an important international match. He started off strong, but his rival (对手) later caught up to him and Piao ended up losing the match. This was a terrible and disappointing failure for Piao.
  But even during these dark times Piao never thought of giving up. What gives him such strong determination (决心)?
  "The game of go is so special that it makes me give my whole heart. Try your best and finally make your dream come true — it is the best thing in the world. "he said.
3.  You might be very careful, but accidents may happen anytime and anywhere. So it's important to learn some first aid skills. Here are some tips for you. Before you do any kind of first aid, always stay calm (镇静的) and don't move the person to cause further injuries (伤害).
*Clothes on fire
  If your clothes catch fire, you need to put them out right away. The rule of"stop, drop, and roll"can be useful.
1. Stop:Don't run or wave your arms. It may make the fire bigger.
2. Drop:Get down on the ground quickly and cover your face with your hands.
3. Roll:Try to put out the fire by rolling over and over.
  *Animal bites (咬)
  Animal bites could be made old pets such as dogs and cats or even by a snake. Dog bites are the most common kind of animal bites. Dogs may bite for several reasons. They may be afraid or sick. Whatever the reason may be, it's important to know how to deal with a dog bite. Without proper treatment, there'sa high risk of serious illness or injury. Here are tips on how to treat a dog bite.
1. Clean the wound (伤口): Wash your wound with soap and water for 15 minutes.
2. Cover the wound with dry cloth.
3. See the doctor as soon as possible.
  *Electric shock (电击)
  If you find someone get an electric shock, look first but do not touch him. Call 120 right away or ask adults nearby for help. Turn off the source of electricity if possible. If not, move the source away with something made of plastic or wood.
4.  The year is 2045. A group of robots compete in the World Cup. Robots? Is that possible? Many scientists believe it can happen. After all (毕竟), there are already robots that can play soccer. Of course, today's robots don't just play sports.
  Early robots could do just simple things, mainly in factories. Humans operated (控制) them. However, today's robots can operate on their own(not completely, of course). Some can only move around a little, like the robots which can sweep the floor, but others, such as Honda's ASIMO, can do much more. He can run, climb, dance, and yes, even play soccer.
  Then there are robots made to be like humans. These robots have faces and can show feelings. Such robots can learn new things, and show us how they"feel". Actroid﹣DER is one of them.
  Scientists are also making robots that look and act like animals. At NASA, scientists are making a robot snake. These snake-bots can get into holes. They might one day help scientists look for signs of life on Mars. Other animal robots include the frog-bot, which can jump over objects, and the sticky-bot, which can walk up walls. There's even a robot called Water Runner that can walk on water.
  But can a robot soccer team ever play as well as a human team?Many scientists think so. Anything is possible. One day, they may even be world champions!
5.  Learning to play an instrument(乐器) can be one of the most exciting ways to spend your free time. There are many different kinds of instruments to choose from:guitar, piano, violin…There is always one that's right for you.
  Make a choice (选择).
  First, you need to choose an instrument that you would like to learn to play. (1)      This will probably be the kind of music that you also enjoy listening to.
  Get your instrument.
  Now you have chosen your instrument, you need to buy one. (2)      Some schools will lend students instruments. Or you can buy a second-hand instrument and it's usually much cheaper.
  Get ready to learn.
  After you have your instrument, you should then make a learning plan. You can have personal lessons with a music teacher or go to a music school. (3)      
  Play for others.
  Once you have learned enough to play a song, you should start playing for people. (4)      Then you can try to play for larger groups of people.
  Keep going.
  To become a good musician, you have to keep playing. (5)      As you learn more, you will get better and better.
A. If it is expensive, you can borrow one.
B. Keep learning as much as you can and practice often.
C. You can also choose to learn by yourself.
D. You could also think about the kind of music you'd like to play.
E. It is a good idea to start with your family or friends.
F. Don't spend much time on it. Always put your heart on study first. 
6.  Want to be a hero?Better take a trip to the Great Wall. As the saying goes:You are not a hero (1)      you have climbed the Great Wall.
  As a wonder of man-made objects, it (2)      millions of tourists each year. Also, it is the most popular place for foreign leaders when they come to China. (3)      is the Great Wall so popular?
  The Great Wall has different parts and each one is very (4)      . Jinshanling Great Wall in Hebei is the most beautiful part.
  The"wild wall"is great for backpackers. Jiankou Great Wall is famous. In some places, you have to climb the stones with both your hands and feet. Be (5)      when you visit the wild walls. You'd better go there with your friends.
  There are also many parts of the Great Wall built in special places. For example, Jiumenkou Great Wall in Hebei is the only one that crosses a river. Do you want to visit?
7.  In February, 2020, a young man in Wuhan posted a video on WeChat about his new neighbor—and their unbelievable piano talent! They (1)      their friendship by two pianos separated (分开) by one wall.
  One day in January, the young man(2)      an idea when he heard the music from his neighbor. He wrote a message to his neighbor and (3)      him to play a song together:the classic My Heart Will Go On by Céline Dion.
  The next day, hearing the music from the neighbor, the young man was both (4)      and moved. Their communication soon turned (5)      piano duets (二重奏) through the wall, where each of them would create great music together.
  Later, the young man learned that his neighbor was once a doctor and he was 78 years old. His wife passed away at 2:00 on a Sunday afternoon several months ago because of a heart problem. Dr. Wang missed her so much and the only happy thing left to him was playing the piano for his wife by (6)      at 2:00 p. m. every Sunday.
  (7)       , Dr. Wang passed away in his sleep a few weeks later. (8)      the young man learned the news, he felt so sad. To express his feeling, the young man wrote a letter to Dr. Wang, "Dear Dr. Wang, (9)      I knew very little about you, you changed my life. You gave me back my passion (激情), and we shared that with the world. You'll be in my (10)      . I'll keep playing, thinking of how powerful music can be. You said I was your light, but you've been mine, too. Bye, Dr. Wang."
8.The bread tastes so s      . You must have put lots of sugar in it.
9.Bob is a hard﹣working boy. He is always the first to get to school, w      it's windy or rainy.
10.—Tom, do you help with housework at home?
——Of course. It's not f       for our parents to do all the housework.
11.After finishing the hard work, Mr. Green l      down on his bed and fell asleep almost at once.
12.It's said that Yao Ming is 2. 26 m      tall.
13.Please r      me to buy the birthday gift for my mother tomorrow, or I may forget.
14.During the speech, all the students sat i      silence and listened carefully.
15.The best things in life are free, such as laughter, friends, family, and the b      of nature.
16.—Sir, what would you like, cola or juice?
—N      , thanks. A cup of tea, please.
17.—Mom, could I travel a      to Beijing for the coming vacation?
—I'm afraid not. It's too far from Meishan and it's not safe for a young girl.
18.  There are many different (1)      (story) about the history of the umbrella. According to an old Chinese story, the umbrella was invented (发明) by Luban's wife about 3, 000 years ago.
  Luban was one of the (2)      (famous) craftsmen(工匠) in ancient China. One day, Luban and his wife were walking by the West Lake. They were enjoying the beautiful scenery when it suddenly started to rain(3)      (heavy). After they returned home, they were already wet all over.
  "It's terrible (4)      (get) wet in the rain, "Luban's wife said. "Can you make something to keep the rain out?"The craftsman replied, "I can build some pavilions(亭子) along the West Lake. You can hide under (5)      (they) when it rains."
  "(6)      pavilions can't move, "Luban's wife shook her head. "Is it possible to make a movable pavilion that will always follow people when they walk?"She thought about this question (7)      a long time.
  One day, Luban's wife saw some children (8)      (play) in the rain. Each child was holding up a large lotus leaf (荷叶) to keep out the rain. She got (9)      good idea from the children. The next day, she made the first umbrella in ancient China. Since then, umbrellas (10)      (become) popular in our daily life.
19.某英语报社开展"阳光学生"的征文活动, 希望学生的身心得到全面健康发展.请你根据下面图表提供的信息, 以"How to Be a Sunny Student"为题写一篇英语短文.

1. 词数100左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数);
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不能出现真实姓名、学校等信息.
How to Be a Sunny Student
  Everyone wants to be a sunny student. Here is my advice on how to be sunny. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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