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1.—Not only his parents but also his sister ______ to the Palace Museum.
—They haven't been back.
  • A. have been
  • B. have gone
  • C. has been
  • D. has gone.
2.—Shall we watch Japanese cartoons?
—Japanese cartoons are not my cup of tea.I______ game shows ______ cartoons.
  • A. would rather, to
  • B. prefer, to
  • C. would rather, than
  • D. prefer, than
3.—Please don't stay up too late.It's bad for your health.
  • A. No, I didn't
  • B. No, I won't
  • C. No, I will
  • D. Yes, I do
4.—When will Sing! China begin?
—It ______ for ten minutes.
  • A. will begin
  • B. has begun
  • C. will be on
  • D. has been on
5.It's three years since we ______ to our school.
  • A. has been
  • B. is coming
  • C. will come
  • D. came
6.—You have dropped______ "s" in the word "across".
—Oh, ______letter "s" should be doubled like this "across".
  • A. a ,a
  • B. an ,a
  • C. a, the
  • D. an, the
7.Aunt Li often asks her son ______too much meat.It's bad for his health.
  • A. eating
  • B. not to eat
  • C. not eating
  • D. to eat
8.Do you know where ______now?
  • A. he lives
  • B. does he live
  • C. he lived
  • D. did he live
9.In the bookstore,a reader asked the shopkeeper______Who Moves My Cheese was an interesting book.
  • A. how
  • B. what
  • C. if
  • D. that
10.—Mike wants to know if ______ a picnic tomorrow.
—Yes. But if it ______, we'll visit the museum instead.
  • A. you have; will rain
  • B. you will have; will rain
  • C. you will have; rains
  • D. will you have; rains
11.— Will you have a picnic this Sunday ?
— I'm not sure.It depends on ______it is going to rain.
  • A. when
  • B. how
  • C. whether
12.You will ______ your weight easily if you eat too much in the evening.
  • A. get on
  • B. take on
  • C. put on
13.— We can use MSN to communicate with each other ?
— Good ! Will you please show me______it ?
  • A. what to use
  • B. how to use
  • C. when to use
14.Vera is______in English class.She puts up her hand every time her teacher asks a question.
  • A. patient
  • B. active
  • C. quiet
  • D. funny
15.—Could you please tell me ______?
—With my teacher's help.
  • A. when you did it well
  • B. how did you do it well
  • C. how you did it well
  • D. when did you do it well
16.  My parents used to tell me how important school was for me, but I didn't think so. I paid little attention to it. But one thing let me finally (1)        what my parents meant.
  One day, (2)        a mobile phone store, I saw an advertisement on its door. It was hiring new workers!
  "Sir, are you hiring people?"I went (3)        the shop and askeD. "Yes, but you should be the man who we need, "the manager answereD. He looked at me for a few (4)        from head to foot. "Do you have a high school diploma(文凭)?"(5)        he, "Or do you have any work experience?"
  I felt so ashamed and (6)        that I didn't know what to say, so I just turned around and left.
  I could not fall asleep that night, and I thought a lot about my (7)        . "I must go to school or I can't do anything without a good education, "I (8)        to myself silently. I never went back to the store again (9)        I finished my study and got a diplomA.
  (10)        looked the same when I returned to the store:the same people and the same design. However, compared with last time, I had more (11)        . The manager told me they needed new (12)        . So it was a great chance for me.
  I (13)        my diploma to the manager. He looked at it and said, "Great, you are in."
  Now I am still working in the same store. With this experience, I always (14)        people to attend school. education helps you have a bright future. Now I am not worried about my future because I'm still (15)        in my spare time.
17. The world uses about a thousand million (百万) tons of water a day. Water is a human right and everyone should have their share. Yet more than 700 million people around the world have trouble getting clean, safe water.
Treating wastewater is a good way to provide fresh water for us. And it also helps the environment by keeping waste out of rivers and oceans. 80% of wastewater around the world is not treated at all, and it is running into oceans.
But now we have got the technology to treat and reuse the wastewater.
While 75% of our planet is covered with water, only about 2% is fresh water﹣that comes from rivers, lakes, ice and snow. The rest, 98% of the water, is in seas and oceans. It is too salty to drink. Then desalination businesses come in. More than 19. 000 factories have been built around the world, mostly in coastal countries. They process(加工) more than 92 million tons of water every day. But the technology they use requires a lot of energy.
Scientists are working to create a less costly technology. They want to produce 20 times more clean water and make sure everyone has enough. But for now, the world still faces each day with not having enough water for everyone.
18. When I was a child. I was a tomboy (假小子). I had a cowboy hat and cowboy boots. My brothers were two and four years older than I. We often played games together.
Once, my brothers and I fell in love with playing a game called "stealing horses", Then my parents decided to buy my brothers guns. These were not "real" guns. Because I was a girl, I didn't get a gun. They shot and shot at everything with their new guns. I tried to "fight" them with my bow and arrows (弓和箭). But I was still in the poor position without a gun.
One day while I was hiding behind a wall, looking out toward the fields, I felt a terrible blow to my right eye. I looked up just in time to see my brother lower his gun. Both brothers rushed to my side. My eye felt great pain and I covered it with my hand. "If you tell that to Mummy," they said, "We will get a whipping (鞭打) from Daddy. You don't want that to happen, do you?" I did not. "Here is a piece of wire (电线)," said the older brother, picking it up from the floor, "Say you stepped on one end of it and the other flew up and hit you. " "Yes," I said. To be honest, I didn't want them to be punished. So I did as my brothers told me to do.
A week after the "accident" my parents took me to see a doctor. Finally I knew my brothers were worried about my eye, so they told our parents what had happened and asked them to take me to see a doctor.
19. There were many plants in a forest. When spring came, a pine tree saw a red rose nearby and said, "What a beautiful flower! I wish I were that lovely. "
The rose proudly said, "It seems that I am the most beautiful flower in this forest. "Then the rose looked at a cactus (仙人掌) and said, "Look at that ugly plant full of thorns(刺)! "
"What a proud flower! " thought the trees.
As the days passed. the red rose often looked at the cactus and said bad words about it, like "This plant is useless. How sorry I am to be his neighbor ! "
The cactus never got angry and even tried to advise the rose, saying, "God did not create any form of life without a purpose. "
Spring passed, and the weather became very hot. As there was no rain, the red rose began to wilt(枯萎).
One day the rose saw birds put their beaks (喙) into the cactus and then fly away. The red rose asked the pine tree what the birds were doing. The pine tree explained that the birds were getting water from the cactus.
"The cactus has water?" asked the rose.
Yes, you can also drink some from it. The birds can bring water to you if you ask the cactus for help. "
The red rose felt too ashamed to ask for water from the cactus. But finally it did ask for help. The cactus kindly agreed.
The rose learned a lesson and never judged (评价) anyone by their appearance again.
20.It is reported that none of the drivers was        hurt in the serious traffic accident. (bad)
21.We should read our textbook        (大声地) in English every morning.
22.Good        (发言者) usually change the way they speak in different situations.
23.We spent much time        (复习)our lessons to prepare for the examination.
24.When she offered him the pen, he        (礼貌地) refused it.
25.I didn't want anyone to know about it,it was one of my        (秘密)
26.I closed my eyes and felt the        (温暖) of the sun.
27.The population of the town has        (增长) by 15 percent.
28.There is a mistake in the notebook, you should        (改正) it.
29.You        ( grow) since the last time I saw you.
30.The National Day holiday is one of        (big) holidays in China. At this time, we have a week off        (stay) with our family        go on trips.
When the National Day holiday is
The National Day holiday usually        (begin) on 1 October and lasts till 7 October. If the Mid﹣Autumn Festival holiday falls within this period, the holiday period usually gets a day longer.
The history of China's National Day
On 1 October, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong declared (宣布) the founding (成立) of the People's Republic of China in Tian'anmen Square. The next day, the new government passed the" Resolution on the National Day of the People's Republic of China" and declared 1 October to be        Chinese National Day. Ever since then, our National Day        (be) on 1 October every year.
National Day        (celebrate)/activities
Now every five years, a military parade (阅兵)        (hold) in Tian'anmen Square. Those great military parades have attracted people        is from both home and abroaD.
       activities like flag-raising ceremony, song and dance show, and firework display are also held to celebrate National Day. If one loves shopping, the National Day holiday is a great time, for many shopping centres offer big discounts(折扣) during the holiday.
31.假设你校要举办一期英语墙报,交流学习英语的感受,请你按下面表格中的内容要点提示写一篇题为"Find Your Own Way to Learn English" 稿件向其投稿,介绍你学习英语的体会.

1.词数 80﹣100词 (标题和稿件开头已给出,不计入总词数).
Find Your Own Way to Learn English
  There are many ways to learn English, but everyone should have his or her own way. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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