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1.Look! That old man is carrying a heavy box. Let's go and help ______ .
  • A. me
  • B. him
  • C. her
  • D. them
2.—______ is your best friend, Linda?
—Betty. She is my classmate.
  • A. How
  • B. What
  • C. Who
3.Lily often goes to visit her grandma ______ Sundays.
  • A. at
  • B. in
  • C. on
4.Jim usually goes to school by bike,______ today he walked to school.
  • A. and
  • B. but
  • C. or
  • D. so
5.Tom ______ two English classes on Monday.
  • A. has
  • B. have
  • C. to have
  • D. having
6.There ______ some milk in the fridge. Do you want some?
  • A. are
  • B. is
  • C. being
  • D. be
7.The girl in the red dress is from Australia. ______ is my new friend.
  • A. She
  • B. He
  • C. You
  • D. They
8.—Can you make a paper plane?
—Yes, I ______.
  • A. may
  • B. must
  • C. shall
  • D. can
9.Every year many people from other countries ______ to China to learn Chinese.
  • A. come
  • B. comes
  • C. coming
  • D. to come
10.Our study group often meets ______ the school library.
  • A. below
  • B. to
  • C. on
  • D. at
11.My brother Dawei is ______basketball fan.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
12.My father ______ trees on the hills in spring every year.
  • A. will plant
  • B. planted
  • C. plants
  • D. is planting
13. Some people call autumn fall. You can call it either one. Autumn is the time when leaves ( 树 叶 ) change color. They(1)        beautiful gold,
orange and red. It looks like an artist comes along and(2)        all the trees.
The air starts to get a little(3)        in autumn. We begin to wear(4)        or sweaters. We go back to school in autumn. Autumn is the time when old friends get back together and talk about what they did on their(5)        holidays.
Halloween comes in autumn. We dress up in costumes. Some of them are scary (可怕的), and some of them are funny. We go from door to door and say, "Trick or treat" and people give us candies. We wear masks ( 面 具 ) on our(6)        , and we have a lot of fun.
The autumn winds start to blow ( 吹). The wind blows the leaves right(7)        the trees. My friends and I like to have a lot of fun outside before the cold winter comes. We often play football at school. After school, we(8)        our bikes through the dry leaves. The(9)        go flying through the air as we ride through them. The skies get a little cloudier in autumn, and we know that soon there will be snow, (10)        we enjoy the cool autumn weather while we can.
14. My Classroom
My name's Tony. I come from America. My classroom is full of pictures. My teacher puts up pictures all over the walls. There are blackboards in the front of the classroom. My teacher always has writing all over the blackboards.
I'm Alice. I'm from England. Our classroom is full of desks. Our desks are full of books, notebooks and pens. I try to keep my desk clean, but I have a lot of things in there. 
Hi, I'm Betty. I study in Canada. At the back of my classroom is a bookcase full of books. We can borrow those books and take them home to read. 
I'm Mike, and now I'm in Australia. There are tables at the back of my classroom. We often do our artwork on the tables. Sometimes we cut things out of newspapers with scissors and we glue (粘) pictures to the paper. I like art class. 
15.Dear Mary,
Thanks for your letter and it was great to hear from you. You asked me to tell you about my favorite day of the week, Well, it's Friday.
I like Fridays because I have my favorite subjects at school: PE and chemistry. Chemistry is great because we do experiments (实 验) in the science lab. And our chemistry teacher, Mr. King, is so funny. In PE we usually play basketball, which is my favorite sport. I'm good at it because I'm quite tall. Our team usually wins.
We also have English on Fridays, and after that we have art which is very interesting. After school I do my homework with my friends, and then in the evening I play football at the sports center On Friday nights we sometimes go to someone's house for a party or to watch a DVD. We can relax a bit on Friday evenings because there's no school on Saturday.
How about your favorite day? Hope to hear from you soon.
16.Betty: Mary, is this a photo of your family?
Betty: Who's this woman?
Mary: She is my mother. She's 36 years old.
Betty: Really? She looks very young.       
Mary: My mom is a teacher. And she teaches Chinese in my school.
Mary: She likes running very much.
Mary: Yes, you are right. My father is 39 years old. And he is a doctor.
Betty: So, what does your father like?

A. He likes swimming.
B. What does she like?
C. Yes, it is.
D. What does your mother do?
E. I think the man next to her is your father. 
17. Some people say today we don't need to read to get information (信息). These days we have photos, films and television. Why do we read a passage when we can look at a photo? Why do we read a book when we can see a film? Why do we read a newspaper when we can watch TV?
Photos can give us a very clear idea of things. But we also need words to explain (解释) the photos. A photo of an elephant may give us a very clear idea of what an elephant looks like, but it can't tell us how heavy it is.
In the same way, a good film has pictures, sounds, and music. But reading a book needs you to imagine (想象). A man with good imagination can understand the book better. Each of us imagines a story differently.
Watching news on TV can be exciting. But we need newspapers as well. Some important news stories happen when there are no cameras (摄影机) around. More importantly, newspapers can explain why something has happened (发生).
Reading is part of our life. We need to be good readers to enjoy a full life as a man. Reading is a skill. It needs practice. So read every day!
18. Orlando Bloom is a famous actor (演员), but his life was not always successful.
When he was at the age of seven, the doctor said he was a boy with dyslexia-difficulty in reading. It made his school years very difficult. His mother tried to make him think it was something special and he was going to be great with it, but he often felt stupid and useless. He never let his classmates know how difficult school was for him, but young Orlando was often angry and frustrated, because of his difficulty in reading. His mother helped him a lot at home, and he took many after-school classes and studied hard, but his mind moved faster than the words could come out. He says that he "had to work three times as hard to get 1/3 of the way." He never read aloud.
Then Bloom found acting and learned it for three years at the acting school. He met a great teacher there. He told Bloom to learn the thoughts (思想) and forget the words. Playing different roles (角色) helped him very much. Through acting, Bloom could overcome (战胜) his dyslexia. And he wanted to be an actor from then on.
Bloom asks kids with dyslexia never to worry about it but to find other ways to get success. "If you can overcome this difficulty, you are going to be much successful than anyone else." Bloom says.
19. My name is Eric, and I'm a 14-year-old student. I live in a small town near the sea in the west of America. It has great beaches and is the best place to surf (冲浪) in the US. There are lots of surf schools for people to learn how to surf. I go surfing with my friends every weekend.
I love my town because there are lots of other things to do as well as surfing. If you like water sports, you can go kayaking (皮划艇), water-skiing or coasteering (海岸运动). Coasteering is different because it has rock climbing, jumping into the sea and swimming in the same activity, but you should always go with a special teacher.
If you like animals, you can also visit the aquarium (水族馆) and see lots of different fish and even sharks. You can also visit the zoo. There are also lots of other activities you can do as well, like American football bowing and horse riding. Come and see for yourself!

1. How old is Eric?
2. What does he do every weekend?
3. Why is Coasteering different from other activities?
4. Does Eric like his town?
5. If you like animals, where can you go in Eric's town?
I        swimming and skating.
We should        .
She is famous        .
My cousin Anna is        me.
I can see
     in the playground down there.
25.学校正在举办英语征文大赛,主题是介绍一位家庭成员.请补全题目"My ".介绍内容包括他/她的基本信息、外貌、爱好等.提示词语: tall, like doing, love
1.Who is he/ she?
2.What does he/ she look like?
3.What does he/ she like?
期末试卷 最新试卷 北京试卷 2019年试卷 初中试卷 七年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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