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1.The movie Doraemon: Nobita's New Dinosaur has been on since December 12. You can go to watch with ______ who likes Doraemon.
  • A. somebody
  • B. nobody
  • C. everybody
2.Paper cutting, clay art and lion dance are great ______ heritages (遗产). We should carry them on from generation to generation.
  • A. accidental
  • B. national
  • C. general
3.In order to ______ the education in poor areas, our government has sent a lot of teachers and built many schools.
  • A. praise
  • B. require
  • C. support
4.— Have you heard of the news that music and art will be included in Zhongkao in 2022?
— Yes. It is for the ______ of our all-round development.
  • A. purpose
  • B. position
  • C. popularity
5.With the voice recognition(识别) technology, we can "talk" to our phones ______ and ask them to do things.
  • A. warmly
  • B. directly
  • C. politely
6.______ there are different customs in different countries, it's necessary to learn them before going abroad to avoid trouble.
  • A. As
  • B. Unless
  • C. Although
7.— What do you usually do when you disagree with your parents?
— I always write a letter to them instead of ______. So I won't hurt their feelings.
  • A. looking up
  • B. talking back
  • C. helping out
8.The best way to improve our grades is to improve our efficiency(效率) in class. ______, we spend more time in school than at home.
  • A. After all
  • B. In that case
  • C. At the same time
9.We ______ the spirit of Chinese Women's Volleyball Team. Let's look forward to their performance in the Tokyo Olympics this year.
  • A. are moved by
  • B. are relaxed about
  • C. are helpful to
10.— Have you heard of quiet carriages (车厢) in the high-speed train? I wonder ______.
— There is less noise in them. So people can have a more comfortable trip.
  • A. what they mean
  • B. where they are
  • C. how tickets are bought
11.Lily: Hi, Amy! Have you taken the new subway in our city?
Amy: (1)       It was an exciting experience. But we must follow the subway rules.
Mary: (2)      
Amy: The most important thing is that we are supposed to wait in line.
Lily: (3)       It is good for social order in public.
Mary: What other rules should we follow?
Amy: (4)       In this way, we can prevent ourselves from getting ill.
Mary: Let' s take action to pay attention to our behaviors.
Lily: I agree! (5)      

A. I think so.
B. What are we supposed to do while taking the subway?
C. We are expected to wear masks if we take the subway.
D. Yes, I have.
E. Everyone should play a part in making our city better. 
12.  My dad didn't love me. It was Mom who held the family together. He just went to work every day and came home. She'd have a (1)       of things I did wrong and he'd scold (责备) me for them.
  Once when I stole a piece of candy, he made me take it back and tell the man I stole it and that I'd pay for it. But it was Mom who understood I was (2)       a kid.
  I still remember (3)       he taught me to ride a bicycle. I told him not to let it go, but he said it was time. I fell and Mom wanted to (4)       me up. But Dad stopped her. I was so mad that I got right back on that bike and rode it myself. (5)       didn't even feel uneasy and just smiled.
  When studying in college, I often heard from Mom. However, what Dad did made me (6)      . He just sent me money and pictures of the lawn(草坪) in our yard. It seemed that he cared about nothing (7)       his lawn. In fact, I've never played on it.
  (8)       I called home, he acted like he wanted to talk, but he always said, "I'll get your mother." When I got married, it was Mom who (9)      . He just blew his nose loudly and left the room. Maybe Dad just didn't know how to (10)       his love. But is it possible he showed it and I didn't realize it?
13.  Are you a fan of cool inventions? These new products make our lives more convenient and even fun. Time picked out 100 of the best inventions in 2020. Let's have a look at three of them.
Embodied Moxie Robot
  Looking like a friendly and a helpful character from the popular children's TV show Mister Rogers Neighborhood, the robot was designed (设计) by some of the show's creators, as well as education experts. Moxie can be a friend who encourages kids to read and draw. It helps them develop creative and social skills. For example, it encourages children to talk about their feelings with their friends. 
Dark Skys DS-1 Planetarium
  Do you like watching the stars at night? With a home planetarium (星空仪), we can look at the night sky whenever we want. The Miller Engineering Dark Skys DS-1 Planetarium can project 4.1 million stars!Last year, many people were stuck (困于) inside during the COVID-19 pandemic. This planetarium became popular by bringing the night sky back to them. 
SATO Tap Handwashing Station
  Because of the COVID-19, washing hands more often becomes necessary. But sometimes we couldn't find water or soap. To make it more convenient, a Japanese company LIXIL invented the SATO Tap which is mobile handwashing station. There is also a place to put the soap. This new product will be on the market at the beginning of this year, with the price of 3 dollars to 6 dollars. 
14.  A group of university students visited their old professor (教授). During their visit, the conversation turned to work. The students were complaining about their problems and expressed how stressed they were in work and in life. After offering coffee to his guests, the professor went to the kitchen and came back with a coffee pot and many different cups-porcelain (陶瓷), glass, plastic and crystal (水晶).
  Some cups were simple and other ones expensive. The professor asked them to pick out their cups first. When the students picked out their favorite cups, the professor explained, "Notice how all the beautiful cups were picked out and the simple and cheap ones were left."
  "Wanting only the best things for yourself is the reason for your problems and stress. You need to understand that the cup doesn't make the coffee better. Actually, all that you wanted was the coffee, not the cup. But you consciously (有意识地) chose the best cups, and then looked to see what cups others picked."
  "Life is the coffee. Your job, money, position in society…they are the cups. They are just tools to hold life, and do not change the quality (品质) of life. Sometimes, by only focusing on the cups, we forget to enjoy the taste of coffee. The happiest people are not those who have the best things, but those who enjoy life and make the most of what they have."
  Hearing this, none of them said a word. They had learned another important life lesson from their old professor — that true happiness means enjoying life and not worrying about unimportant things.
15.  Etiquette (礼仪) is different from country to country.
  (1)       Chinese people are among the most hospitable (好客的) people in the world. If foreigners visit a Chinese family, they would be surprised at the treat that they would receive as guests.
  When you visit a Chinese family, the host usually makes tea for you first. (2)       Someone in the family will also chat with you, never letting you feel lonely. At the same time, other family members will prepare a meal for you. Chinese people treat their guests with a big meal. (3)       On the table, the guests must be the first to eat. Perhaps one of the things that surprises a western guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for visitors. Although you tell them you are full, they still put more food in your bowl. (4)      .
  As Confucius (孔子) said thousands of years ago, "(5)      " Being warm and hospitable has long been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition.
A. It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar.
B. Then he will serve you snacks like biscuits or candy.
C. China is a nation of etiquette.
D. The Chinese family go out of their way to make you feel at home.
E. They always present more food than the guest can eat. 

16.  Taiyuan Botanical Garden (植物园) is a living museum, an educational place and a plant research centre. You can learn as much as possible behind each plant. You will not only enjoy the nature here, but also relax your mind and body. If you want to know the knowledge of botanical garden, just enter the garden.
Entrance Building
  The entrance building which connects the street with a big parking lot plays an important role. It also opens the window of your tour. The Nature Museum is one of the parts of the Entrance Building. It reflects on natural history and science knowledge. 
  Taiyuan Botanical Garden lays out millions of flowers and plants around the world. You can see the different kinds of plants, and also you can enjoy the plants with different habits. The Greenhouse is the center of the new Botanical Garden. It is divided into three parts according to different climates (气候). Two of them are for tropical (雨林) and desert plants. You can't imagine how beautiful and strange the plants are! Study Centre
  To protect environment and educate the public, Taiyuan Botanical Garden has its own study group. It provides more and more students with professional teachers. The teachers will patiently lead you into the world of nature and guide you into the ocean of knowledge. 
The comments (评论) from visitors 
The Botanical Garden has much to discover. I spent several hours here and lost myself in finding the beauty. The Greenhouse is worth having a look. The Nature Museum is helpful. By the way, this is one of the best gardens I have visited. 

(1)Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
(2)Why does the Entrance Building play an important role?
(3)If you want to enjoy the desert plants, which part will you visit?
(4)What is the Study Center used for?
(5)What can you learn from the visitors' comments?
introduction which gradually without doubt when have been is praised plenty of by accident stick to 

  This is true of Tamdrin (丁真). He is from Sichuan Tibetan Area. He has sun-kissed skin and comforting smiles (1)             can give people a lot of hope. He got tons of attention (2)            .
  In November, 2020, Tamdrin made himself hit (3)             he posted one of his videos on Douyin for the first time. About two weeks later, he made another video and gave an (4)             of his hometown. It is reported that the video was watched by (5)             people and attracted (吸引) over 1.8 million followers in one day. Since then, a growing number of travelers (6)             interested in his hometown — Litang.
  Tamdrin's videos (7)             helped people outside learn about Litang. At the same time, he became an ambassador (大使) of tourism in his hometown. He (8)             as "the smile from the world's highlands".
  (9)            , Tamdrin made the world learn about Tibetan culture, food and famous places in his own way. He is running all the way to (10)             his dream.
  The boy with bright, sunny and innocent smile has conquered the whole world.
18.白驹过隙,2020年已去。聆听着2021年走来的脚步声,感受着习近平总书记的新年贺词:“每个人都了不起 (Every person is remarkable. )”。这一传递温暖和力量的话语让每一个平凡的你我都有触动。请根据英文提示写一篇60词左右的小短文。
☆Tell us a remarkable experience you had.
☆What are you supposed to do in the new year?
期末试卷 最新试卷 山西试卷 太原市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 九年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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