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1.  On September 29, 2019 — right before the 70th birthday of New China, the Chinese women's volleyball team won the Women's Volleyball World Cup in Japan. It was the team's 10th world title. The players scored an amazing 11 straight wins during the tournament (比赛). They also became the first team in the world to win the Women's Volleyball World Cup title five times. The girls fully showed the fighting spirit of the team, which has inspired (鼓舞) generations (几代) of Chinese people since the 1980s.
OXYGEN What is Oxygen? Oxygen is a gas. 
It is invisible — we cannot see it. 
Where is it found? 20% of the air is oxygen. 
Oxygen is also found in water. 
Why is it important? We need to breathe the oxygen. 
People and animals need it to live. 
3.  Henry is 15 years old. He is a good kid, and he likes to learn new things. He knows the difference between right and wrong.
  Henry knows it's right to be honest, friendly and polite. He also knows it's wrong to do bad things to people and say bad things about them.
  Henry doesn't just know those things. He also has the courage to do them. So, he will help those in trouble, and he will speak out when something is wrong.
  One day, Henry saw a bully on the school playground. The bully was one of his classmates, and he was making fun of another classmate. He even made her cry.
  Henry felt bad about that, so he shouted. He asked the bully to stop because his actions were really bad.
  Henry wasn't worried about himself. He just wanted to stop the bully and help his classmate. Henry had the courage to do the right thing.
  What about you?
4.  It's said that both work and play are important for a developing mind. Though it may be crucial (重要的) for everyone to work hard, it is also important to relax from time to time.
  In 2018, the average (平均数) amount of leisure (闲暇) time for Chinese people was 2.84 hours per day, higher than 2017's average of 2.27 hours, according to the China Media Group (CMG).
  CMG's surveys focus (聚焦) on the happiness of China's population. The surveys, which began in 2006, cover many areas, including leisure time, vacations and spending habits. Each year, CMG surveys around 10,000 households across the country.
  The surveys also showed what people prefer to do during their leisure time. Seven in ten people enjoy surfing the internet, while 55 percent like to watch TV and 46 percent prefer shopping.
  What's more interesting is that people in different provinces like to do different things. For example, people in Guangxi like reading books. Those who live in Tianjin prefer to go to a concert or movie. People in Jilin province prefer to exercise.
  In general, people are happier when they have more leisure time, the survey suggests. Having enough leisure time has even become more important than income (收入) for Chinese people.
  However, it is still important to work as well. Working hard during part of the day makes leisure time more valuable and enjoyable, CCTV News reported.
  CMG has also found that over the last 10 years, Chinese people have generally become happier. In 2018, over half of Chinese people felt satisfied with their lives, the highest rate (比率) seen since 2009.
5.  Changsha, located (位于) in eastern Hunan Province, is the capital of Hunan. This long-standing city has kept the name "Changsha" for 3,000 years. (1)      
  Qu Yuan and Jia Yi, who both wrote immortal (不朽的) poems and articles in Changsha, left a rich and profound (深的) cultural legacy (遗产) in this city.
  (2)       In 1911, the 18-year-old Mao came to Changsha, where he studied, joined the army, and became a political activist in the following 10 years. The period that he stayed in this city shaped his mind, molded (塑造) his character, and build his talent. Changsha, as the cultural, political, and economic center of Hunan, was the first city that gave Mao the chance to see more of China and the world.
  (3)       In 1994, Malanshan was chosen as the site for Hunan Broadcast & Television Center. Around 2000, the relocation of Hunan Satellite TV and Hunan Economic TV to the place further changed Malanshan. (4)       The new modern Malanshan, which is now a very busy town with big hotels and restaurants, has become a synonym (同义词) of fashion and modernity.
  Besides TV shows, Changsha also holds the Golden Eagle TV Art Festival, Orange Island Music Festival, and International Sculpture (雕刻) Art Festival, etc. (5)      
A. It has nurtured (培育) many historical people who played important roles in Chinese history.
B. Malanshan, located in Kaifu District of Changsha, was part of a big farm in the 1950s.
C. The city has become a creative cultural center of China.
D. The old backward Malanshan with muddy roads, ponds, and farmland is gone.
E. Mao Zedong was a founding father of the People's Republic of China. 
6.  David Attenborough is a well-known English broadcaster (播音员) and natural historian. He has made over 40 documentaries over the last 67 years. At the age of 93, he made his most recent documentary — A Life on Our Planet. It depicts (描绘) everything he has seen and experienced in his life.
  Looking back, Attenborough says what strikes (震撼) him most is that wild (野生的) animals are becoming harder to find. The documentary shows how the global (全球的) ecosystem is being destroyed (摧毁) by humans, whether it's the hunting of gorillas and whales or mass destruction (大规模摧毁) of rainforests. All of these can lead to another mass extinction (大灭绝). As Attenborough says, "In the natural world, no one can stand alone."
  At the end of his film, Attenborough sinks (沉没) into silence in front of the camera. It is a very tense (紧张的) moment because he is thinking about what he has just told us. As I watched it, I felt like I was carrying the weight of the story on my shoulders.
  But the documentary doesn't end there. Attenborough still gives people hope. He says there're lots of things we can do to help our planet become "wild" again.
  This is a documentary for everyone on Earth because we are all part of this. We need to take action now!
7.  We are all encouraged to work hard and succeed. But failure is still a common part of (1)       life. Perhaps you are (2)       failure, or even think it's shameful to fail. If you visit the Museum of Failure, you might (3)       your mind.
  Samuel West, a Swedish psychologist (心理学家), founded the museum. The museum shows more than 100 failed products. Some of them were made by the most famous and successful companies (公司) in the (4)      .
  For example, in 1993, Apple released (发布) the Newton Message Pad which could be used to take electronic notes by hand. (5)       it couldn't recognize (辨认) handwriting very well. Apple stopped making it in 1997. Coca-Cola once developed a coffee-flavored soda (苏打水) in 2006. The company wanted to catch up with people's growing love for (6)      , but the product was taken off the market in 2008.
  West said the failed products are not showed to make fun of these companies. He thinks success stories are all similar. He is tired of reading and hearing the same (7)       stories. As Albert Einstein once said, "A person who (8)       made a mistake never tried anything new."
  This idea has been welcomed by many (9)       companies. "The best companies are those that encourage failure, embrace (拥抱) out-of-the-box thinking (创造性思维), and allow employees to make mistakes and see what happens," someone said.
  It seems that failure isn't always a bad thing. The key is whether or not you (10)       learn from your mistakes.
8.  A professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He (1)       (hold) it up for all to see and asked the students, "How much do you think this glass weighs?"
  "50 grams!" "100 grams!" "125 grams!" the students answered.
  "I really don't know unless I weigh it," said (2)       professor. "but, my question is: What would happen if I held it up like this for a few (3)       (minute)?"
  "Nothing," the students (4)       (say).
  "You're right. Now what would happen (5)       I held it for a day?"
  "Your arm may lose (6)       (feel), and you have to go to hospital for sure!" replied a student.
  "It's unbelievable, right?" said the professor. "Life's problems (7)       (be) something like this. Hold (8)       (they) for a few minutes in your head and they seem OK. If you think of them for a really long time, they may paralyze (麻痹) you completely. You will not be able (9)       do anything. So, at the end of day, 'putting the problems down' is of great importance to you. That way, you are not stressed: you wake up every day (10)       (happy) and can handle (处理) any problem that comes in your way!"
9.  There is a Chinese saying "千里送鹅毛, 礼轻情意重". The saying comes from a historic book called Lu Shi (《路史》). According to the story, a Tang Dynasty official in Yunnan wanted to show his respect (尊敬) to the emperor (皇帝). He sent a man named Mian Bogao to bring some gifts to the emperor. (1)One of the gifts was a beautiful swan, which was a very valuable gift at the time.
  Mian took good care of the swan on his way to the emperor. One day, he passed by a lake and wanted to let the swan drink some water. (2)But as soon as he set the swan free, the swan flew away, leaving only some feathers on the ground. Mian was very worried, but he didn't try to run away. (3)他决定告诉皇帝发生了什么。 He picked up a feather and kept going on his trip.
  When Mian met the emperor, he told him what happened and said, "(4)This swan feather is light, but it carries my deep respect for you." The emperor was happy with Mian's honesty and sincerity (真诚). He forgave (原谅) Mian. (5)人们现在用这个说法来表明好的礼物不一定要很贵。 What matters is the sincerity it carries.
10.每个人都有自己的梦想。请你以"My Dream _____________"为题,写一篇英语短文,介绍你梦想的学校,或者梦想的职业、梦想的地方等。
1. 80词左右 (请补充标题,标题不计入总词数);
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名。
My Dream _____________
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