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1.  Summer vacation is coming. Do you want to have a wonderful holiday? Have a look at our exciting activities and decide what kind of trips you would like.
Active Holidays
It's for everyone — people who love taking risks or who just like sports. We have many water, snow and desert activities. If you like water, you can surf in the sea. If you prefer snow, you can try skiing or making snowmen. For those who love warmer weather, you can go mountain climbing with your friends.
Adults: ¥120/day
Children under 12: ¥60/day 
Cultural Tours
Our cultural tours will help you discover cities with ancient culture, such as Beijing, Nanjing and Xi'an. Let's visit old temples, palaces and so on. Just remember to bring your camera. You can get to know local ways of life by visiting markets, trying local food and meeting local people. The tours will last for eight days.
Adults: ¥150/day
Children under 12: ¥100/day 
Hiking Tours
Every weekend, we have hiking trips to famous places. You don't need to be too sporty. Just be healthy. You'll have a great time enjoying nature with a group of new friends. You don't have to carry too many things. We'll send tents to you.
Adults: ¥60/day
Children under 12: ¥30/day 
Wildlife Holidays
We organize small group tours to get closer to nature in Africa, Asia or South America. Go on trips in Africa and watch lions and giraffes. Look for tigers in India or take an elephant visit in Sri Lanka. We have local guides and stay in tents or tree houses. The tours will last for two weeks.
Adults: ¥200/day
Children under 12: ¥100/day 

Call Sunshine Travel Agency at 400-690-6676 or email us at SunshineTravel@163.com for more information.
Word Bank
desert 沙漠
extra 额外的
ancient 古代的
organize 组织 

2.  Kathy and Polly were friends but they liked playing tricks on each other.
  One day Kathy met Polly in the street. She said, "Hi, Polly. It's good to see you."
  "How can you see me when I'm not here?" Polly asked.
  "What do you mean you're not here?" Kathy asked. "Of course you're here."
  "No, I'm not." Polly said. "And I'll bet you ten dollars that I can prove I'm not here."
  "Alright," said Kathy. "Ten dollars. Now prove you're not here."
  "Easy," Polly said, "Am I in Hong Kong?"
  "No," said Kathy.
  "Am I in Paris?"
  "No," said Kathy.
  "If I'm not in Hong Kong and I'm not in Paris," Polly said, "then I must be somewhere else. Right?"
  "Right," said Kathy. "You must be somewhere else."
  "Exactly." said Polly. "And if I'm somewhere else I can't be here, can I? Ten dollars, please."
  "That's very clever, Polly," Kathy said, "but I can't give you ten dollars."
  "Why not?" asked Polly. "We had a bet."
  "Certainly we had a bet," Kathy said, "but how can I give you ten dollars if you're not here?"
  And with a laugh she walked away.
Word Bank
prove 证明
exactly 完全正确
refuse 拒绝
neither 两者不 

3.  What can we do to enjoy a better life? Here are some suggestions.
  If you start to do something, you need to make a plan before doing it. The earlier, the better. (2)       You'll also know what you should do and what you shouldn't do. Planning ahead can make you have more time to change later.
  You can go around more often. More outdoor activities can keep you busy and relaxed. You also need to be kind. "Thank you" can bring a smile to someone's face. Learn to say "sorry" and don't be angry with other people.
  A friend may make your life colorful and he or she can break your life as well. So you need to think twice when you choose a friend. (5)       When you get into trouble, ask others for advice. That may make you feel good.

A. Find the right friend.
B. Live a more active life.
C. Make better plans.
D. Good friends will always bring you better ideas.
E. You will know what comes first and what comes last. 
4.  It was a fine day. Three turtles (乌龟) decided to have a party. So they went into a shop and ordered three cups of (1)      .
  However, the (2)       weather suddenly turned into heavy rain. The old turtle said to the young one.
  "Go home and get the (3)      ."
  "I will, if you don't drink my coffee," the (4)       answered.
  "(5)      , we won't drink your coffee!" the other two turtles said.
  The young turtle then went to the door to (6)      .
  Time (7)       by quickly and two years passed. The two turtles were still at the table (8)      . The old turtle said to the other one, "Well, I guess he isn't coming back. (9)       we can drink his coffee."
  At that moment, a (10)       came from outside the door. It was from the young turtle. "Oh no! If you drink my coffee, I won't go," he said.
eat, back, sun, just, so, help, look, think, hungry, nothing 

  One Saturday morning, an old woman opened her windows and looked out into her yard. What a (1)       day! But she was surprised — there was a man in her front garden.
  The old woman (2)       at him and thought, "why is he eating the grass?"
  She went out into her garden and asked him, "Are you (3)      ? Why don't you go to work and get some food?"
  "I don't like working. I (4)       like eating. I'm hungry and I had (5)       for breakfast. You see, I'm (6)       grass. Can you give me some food?" the man asked.
  "Let's go to the (7)       of my house," she answered.
  The man was very happy. He (8)       he might get some food from the old woman. (9)       he went with her. The old woman opened the back door.
  "Look, the grass here is longer than it is in the front garden. (10)       yourself!" she said.
6.  Louise teaches at a school. Fred is a naughty boy in her class.
  One day, Louise asked his students (1)       say the English name of an animal. The name (2)       begin with the letter "E". Fred said loudly, "Elephant."
  "Good," Louise said.
  Then she asked (3)       another animal name. It must begin with the letter "T". Again, Fred quickly said, "Two elephants."
  Louise got angry. She asked Fred to leave the classroom and stand outside.
  After that, Louise asked the class for an animal name that starts (4)       the letter "M". The class was quiet. Nobody answered.
  After a while, Fred shouted from the outside, "Maybe (5)       elephant!"
Word Bank
surprised 惊奇的
naughty 淘气的 
7.A: Hi, Li Hua, Come here! I have something important to tell you.
B:Wait a minute, Please. (1)      .
(After a while)
B: Daddy, I am coming.
A: Li Hua, the summer holiday is coming. (2)      ?
B: I have no idea. Maybe we can travel to somewhere.
A: (3)      ?
B: I'd like to travel to Beijing.
A: Great. But I know you are interested in villages. Now villages have changed a lot. (4)      ?
B: Yes, I'd love to. After coming back from Beijing, we can travel to the countryside.
A: OK. I can show you around the new beautiful villages. We can also visit your uncle in the hometown.
B: (5)      ?
A: He does farming. Sometimes he goes to the city to build buildings.
B: Oh, I see. I think I will have a wonderful summer holiday.
A: I think so.
8.Li Hua; what; have; for; breakfast; do; usually (?)(连词成句)
9.can; she; dance; when; five; she; well; was (. ) (连词成句)
10.There be; in front of (?)(造句)
11.People usually start preparing for the festival two weeks before it comes. (英译汉)
1. 距离和来时可乘坐的交通方式;
2. 气候;
3. 景点;
4. 饮食。
Erlangshan 二郎山
Dengtaijia 灯台架
Shimantan Water Park 石漫滩水上公园
music fountain 音乐喷泉
Wugang Tofu 舞钢豆腐
Shangdian Dumplings 尚店饺子
1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;
2. 要包含所有要点,用上提示词,适当发挥想象;
3. 书写规范,整洁;
4. 80词左右,开头和结尾已给,不计入词数。
Dear Alice,
  I am glad to hear that you are going to take a trip to Wugang on your holiday. Now let me introduce something about Wugang to you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I believe you will enjoy your visit. I'm looking forward to your coming.
Li Hua
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