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1.Chinese government always puts the ______ of people first when accidents happen.
  • A. safety
  • B. wealth
  • C. success
  • D. fame
2.—Which of the two shirts do you want?
—I'll take ______. They are both expensive and out of style.
  • A. each
  • B. neither
  • C. none
  • D. either
3.You can't see my WeChat moments(微信朋友圈)______ we become good friends.
  • A. because
  • B. if
  • C. so
  • D. unless
4.— Could you please tell me ______?
— Next Thursday morning.
  • A. when we visited the Palace Museum
  • B. when did we visit the Palace Museum
  • C. when we will visit the Palace Museum
  • D. when will we visit the Palace Museum
5.These photos ______ the doctors' unusual working experiences.
  • A. record
  • B. receive
  • C. repeat
  • D. realize
6.—Does your sister spend her money_______ ?
—Yes, of course. She knows what to buy and what not to buy.
  • A. quickly
  • B. wisely
  • C. badly
  • D. simply
7.The artist is so ______ that he can make different changing pictures with sand.
  • A. common
  • B. careless
  • C. helpful
  • D. creative
8.— What did your Chinese teacher say just now?
— She asked us to ______ a story about a trip to the moon.
  • A. take up
  • B. make up
  • C. put up
  • D. turn up
9.—Your village is really beautiful!
— Thank you. ______, all the villages here have taken on a new look.
  • A. For example
  • B. In fact
  • C. As a result
  • D. First of all
10.—Through 5 G, people in different cities can even "shake hands" on the same screen.
  • A. What a mess!
  • B. Don't mention it.
  • C. Wonderful, indeed.
  • D. With pleasure.
11.  A 6﹣year﹣old girl had been shopping with her mom in the supermarket. It was(1)       hard at the moment. We all stood inside the door of the supermarket and waited quietly. The girl's sweet(2)       broke the silence, "Mom, let's run through the rain, " she said. "No, honey. We'll wait(3)       it slows down a bit, " Mom replied. The girl waited another minute and repeated, "Mom, let's run through the rain. " "We'll get wet if we do, " Mom said. "No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning, "the young girl said. "This morning?When did I say we(4)       run through the rain and not get wet?" "When you(5)       with daddy about his illness in the hospital, you said, if we can get through this, we can get through anything!" We all stood silently. (6)       left in the next few minutes. Mom thought for a moment about what she would say. "Honey, you are(7)      . Let's run through the rain. If we get wet, maybe we just need washing, " Mom said. Then they ran(8)       to the street. We all stood and watched(9)       run past the cars. Although they held their shopping bags over their heads, they(10)       got wet. Then they were followed by a few who screamed(尖叫)and laughed like children all the way to their cars.
12.  Whenever the exam season comes, stress may come along. Here are some(1)       that helped me and my friends through this season.
  When the stress of exams is really hitting me, I stop and take a walk. I usually borrow my neighbor's dog and(2)       for about fifteen minutes. Many boys would simply choose to run for a while, or play ball games. Having some(3)       drives away your stress easily most of the time.
  And(4)       you find music helpful, give it a go. Listening to your favorite songs will surely make you(5)      . The best thing about this is that you don't have to go(6)      .
  But if you are a book lover just like me, (7)       a book you like for half an hour. Reading can take you to places you've(8)       been. Putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress in this world for a little bit.
  For sure, there's nothing better than laughing. Laughing is the best medicine. It can really keep(9)      off your mind!Very often I call my best friend and we(10)       our good times or something funny, and I'm feeling better before I know it.
  Remember many others also face the problem of stress just like you, and it is not something that cannot be dealt with.  
13.A:Hello, Carla!You look unhappy. (1)      
B:I failed the chemistry exam last Friday.
A:(2)       But I believe you can do better next time.
B:I really don't know how to study it well. Could you give some advice?
A:Sure. (3)      
B:I know where I didn't use to do well. I need to write down all the key information that teacher says in class.
A:What's more, you need to read your notes many times in your free time.
A:It can help you memorize something important. (5)      
B:I see. I'll follow your advice. Thanks a lot.
A:You're welcome.

A. I usually listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class.
B. What's the matter?
C. Why?
D. You can try studying with a group.
E. Repeating something can help you memorize well.
F. What can I do with it?G. I'm sorry to hear that. 
Dear Mike,
I' m a lively and friendly girl. I've tried to make good friends in my class, but I've been deceived(欺骗) by others again and again. How can I trust other people after that? Candy 
Dear Candy,
It's a sad truth that there are dishonest people in the world. We don't like to think about this and try to forget it when we can. But sometimes, we meet people like this. It's another truth that you never know when someone might turn their back on you even after you've known them for a long time. All you can do is just to remember the good in people. Don't give up on others. As for those who have made you feel bad, you don't have to forgive(原谅)them if you don't want to. However, do keep in mind that people sometimes say things without realizing them. If so, it's best to forgive them and try to make friends with them again.
15.  A new library offers a beautiful study area to top students at Wuhan University of Bioengineering. Its name is "Xingchen", which means the stars.
  "Named after the stars, the library is expected to provide a reading space for excellent students with high talents"said the leader of the university. "We also hope to see a good reading environment across the whole school. "
  There are more than 5, 000 books in the library, including all kinds of books in different fields. It can provide seats for 108 readers. What's more, different floors have been provided with water bars and tea break areas.
  However, it's not easy to get the qualification(资格)to read in it. If you are in the top 15 percent in the exams, publish(出版)some books or articles, have new inventions or win the skill competition, you can get it. Also, readers can get scores through reading and then change them into different services such as free tea, coffee and meals. If students read less than 20 hours a month, his qualification will be canceled(取消). In fact, its purpose is to encourage more students to read.
16.  You might not think much about where your rubbish goes. But now you might want to know. Last year, Shanghai introduced a new rubbish﹣sorting policy(垃圾分类政策). People there need to put different kinds of rubbish into different bins. The other cities in China will do the same soon.
  Rubbish sorting is a big problem because there is too much rubbish these days. It is bad for our environment. In fact, we can make use of some rubbish again. But first, we need to sort it For example, if you put an old battery(电池)into the "harmful waste" bin, people can use it to make new batteries But if you don't, the battery will end up somewhere else. Then, it will pollute the environment.
  Rubbish sorting and recycling around the world
  Germany:There are big machines in supermarkets. You can put bottles in the machines and get money back.
  Japan:A truck playing music comes to people's doors to pick up their rubbish. There are eight or more kinds of rubbish. If you sort any of them wrong, you will get a notice on your door.
  Indonesia:People can take buses for free if they give plastic bottles to bus﹣stations. An hour﹣long bus ride costs three large bottles.
  Four kinds of rubbish in Shanghai
  Recyclable rubbish includes paper, books, plastic, and glass bottles. Harmful rubbish includes useless medicine, batteries. and other things with harmful chemicals. Wet rubbish usually comes from the kitchen, such as food and vegetables. Dry rubbish is anything you cannot put into the other three bins, pens and towels, for example.
17.  Godesky begins her first day of a special journey. It'll take her three and a half days to climb up the mountains. She is one of the runners who are creating the speed record in the mountains. More and more runners take an active part in the activity because all the races were canceled. It is called FKT.
  From March to September of 2019, runners set about 700 FKT. This year, nearly 3, 000 new FKT have been recorded according to a website. The activity routes(路线)are mostly in the mountains.
  This summer, Hicks set a new FKT on a mountain road. "The sky and the mountains are very beautiful, "he said. "It's really a special place. "
  Woltering also set a new FKT in a place where he grew up and still lives. His run was a way to raise money for a hunger relief organization(救济组织).
  Godesky set her FKT in 3 days 16 hours and 16 minutes. Her close friends and family are there to celebrate with her. She says setting records is a way for her to find joy out on the journey.
18.  An exhibition(展览)about the Grand Canal(大运河)ended at the National Museum of China in Beijing on March 1st.
  The Grand Canal is more than 2, 500 years old. It is made up of the Beijing﹣Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Sui and Tang Grand Canal, and the Zhedong Canal. At nearly 3, 200 kilometers long, it is the world's longest man﹣made waterway. It has influenced the development of China for hundreds of years.
  Before it was built, people in ancient China used horses or simply traveled on foot to trade goods(货物). It was impossible to carry large﹣sized goods. After the Grand Canal connected the north and the south, business and cultural exchanges were able to develop further.
  In fact, the Grand Canal played an important role in the building of the Palace Museum. Materials from different parts of the country were sent to Beijing through the canal, including bricks fired in Shandong and Jiangsu and wood cut in Hunan. People even        the beginning of Beijing duck to the canal. White lake ducks in the south were shipped to Beijing. They were then kept to make Beijing duck. People from all walks of life preferred to get together along the canal. They shared their experiences, traditions and culture with others.
19.  As the double reduction policy(双减政策)comes out, many students may have time to enjoy after﹣school activities. Some students can play sports. They may play soccer, pingpong or do Chinese kungfu.
  Some students go to learn music. They sing, dance or play some instruments. Other students can draw or practice calligraphy(书法)and more. Many people believe after﹣school activities are fun and good for students.
  But why should students do after﹣school activities?Here are some good reasons. First, doing an after﹣school activity is a good short break from studying. After the break, students can better focus on the class or their homework. Next, students can make some friends while doing after﹣school activities. Finally, students can get some new skills from the activities. They are important for them to work with others or deal with themselves.
20.The film Lake Changjin has won high p      (赞扬)from people all over China.
21.Yang Liping is a b      (天生的)dancer and many people love her performance.
22.We never d      (怀疑)that our government will lead Chinese people to live a better life.
23.Chinese traditional medicine is of great v      (价值)when people fight against COVID﹣19.
24.When I got home,I found the door was l      (锁).
25.爱思考的人善于提出问题, 而提出问题有助于解决我们生活或学习中的困惑.请以"A question I asked"为题, 并根据要点和要求, 用英语写一篇短文.
1. 你提出的问题是什么;
2. 你为什么会提出这个问题;
3. 你提出的问题是如何解决的.
1. 词数80~100;
2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称;
4. 短文题目已给出, 不计入总词数.
A question I asked
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