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1.  It was a cloudy afternoon. I was walking in the park near my neighborhood. The wind was blowing(1)      and I knew it was about to rain. Even so, I didn't want to go home. I had(2)      argument with my mom and ran out of the house just 10 minutes earlier.
  I sat down near a lake. There were many happy children(3)      were playing with their parents nearby. I felt a little lonely.
  "Shall we play together?" A little girl came toward me(4)      a ball in her hands. I agreed and she(5)       me the ball. When it began to rain, all the children at the lakeside went home with(6)      parents.
  "Where are your parents?" I asked the girl.
  "My mom is selling fruit outside the park. She is always(7)      , " the girl explained . "I usually play alone here. It's OK(8)      you need to go home now. I am old enough(9)      here and wait for my mom. "
  "But it's raining, " I said. "You'd better not be here alone. "
  "It's no problem(10)      my mom is coming soon. I know I won't(11)      alone. " the girl replied. "I believe in my mom. "
  A (12)      girl taught me to love and believe in my mom. Should I listen to her and(13)      sorry to my mom?
  In the end, I took the little girl to her mom and then ran home quickly. Opening the door, my mom was close to tears, "Where have you been?I looked for you everywhere!See(14)      wet your coat is!Don't come to my room even if you get a cold tonight!"
  But I knew she wasn't angry anymore. After(15)      a shower, I heard her shouting outside my room, "Dinner time!Come out if you feel like eating some fish balls. "
2.  The train went through the city on a spring afternoon. At one station, a man got on the train. He was big, (1)      and dirty. He bumped into a woman holding a baby. She fell down on the floor near an elderly couple.
  Frightened, the couple moved toward the other end of the train. All the passengers were frozen with(2)      .
  I thought I was strong enough to fight against the man. But as students of the Kungfu school, we were not (3)      to fight. In my heart, however, I wanted a chance to save the people in fear by destroying the guilty.
  "That's it!" I stood up. People are in(4)      . If I don't do something fast, somebody will probably get hurt.
  Seeing me stand up, the drunk man walked to me with great anger.
  (5)      , someone shouted "Hey!"
  Both of us stared down at a little old man. He took no notice of me, but smiled delightedly at the man.
  "Come here. " He waved his hands lightly.
  "Why should I talk to you?"
  "What have you been drinking?" the old man continued.
  "Beer And it's none of your business. "
  "Oh, that's wonderful. You see, my wife loves beer, too. " Then the old man(6)      his wonderful lifetime with the man.
  As the man followed the old man, his(7)      began to be softer.
  The old man smiled, "I'm sure you have a (8)      wife"
  "Yes. She was and will remain the prettiest lady in my eyes, forever, " replied the man. "But, I lost my wife and home, just a few days ago. I also lost my job. I'm so(9)      of myself. " Tears rolled down his cheeks.
  Then the train arrived at my stop and I(10)      the train. What I had wanted to do with muscle had been achieved with kind words.
3.  In 2021, Zhang Guimei sent 150 female students to college from a free all﹣girls high school she had founded in southwest China's deep mountains. For the past 13 years, a total of 1, 954 female students have graduated from this school, the first and only one of its kind in the country.
  "To educate a girl is to change the destiny of three generations, " Zhang said. The teacher from southwest China's Yunnan Province was presented with the July 1 Medal at a ceremony in Beijing on Tuesday in 2021.
  Zhang was born to a family in Heilongjiang Province in 1957. At the age of 17, she came with her sister to Yunnan. She met her husband in Dali and worked as a teacher in a local school.
  But the good times didn't last long. Her husband died in the mid﹣1990s, five years into their marriage. Zhang was so sad that she packed her stuff and went some 260 kilometers away to Huaping, a county in the mountains.
  After becoming a "mother" at a "Children's Home" in 2001, Zhang learned more about the backgrounds of those young kids. Some of the mothers died from childbirth because of medical misconceptions, leaving behind their newborns.
  Over time, Zhang found that the students in poor areas faced unequal access to good education. Some girls were even pulled out of class just before the college entrance exam because they had to provide for their brothers.
  In 2002, Zhang came up with an idea, which, to many, seemed crazy:to found a free high school for girls. That was a tough task. She had to raise money and hire teachers. Six years later, she founded the Huaping All﹣Girls High School. With the goal of never letting a girl fall behind in schooling, Zhang often works overtime even though she suffers from different illnesses all the time. She even has walked to almost every family deep in the mountains, talking to the parents about the importance of education for girls.
  Because of Zhang's efforts to improve female education in China, more girls can change their destiny.
4.  Hooray!Here comes 2022, the Year of the Tiger!For Chinese people, the tiger is considered the king of all the animals. So in Chinese culture, tigers stand for being brave, strong and powerful!Tigers are regarded as fearless creatures, so that's why in China you can see pictures of tigers on the walls of temples and houses. They are to protect these places from disasters and danger.
  In ancient times, some great generals (将军) were called the "tiger generals". In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there were "Five Tiger Generals". A tiger, shaped tally called hufu (虎符) could give generals great power. It's as small as your hand. The emperor kept the right half. And he gave the left half to the general. If the two halves were put together, the general could move an army.
  Tigers are not only important in the military but also have a place in the lives of common people. People believe this big cat can protect them and make them stronger. Chinese babies often wear tiger hats and shoes. They are made in the shape of a tiger's head. Parents hope their kids will grow to be as strong as little tigers. People also make cloth tigers during Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that the "tigers" could "eat up" the bad animals and keep diseases away. In some parts of China, people even make tiger﹣shaped buns (花馍) when the new year comes.
  In the West, tigers are also seen as a very powerful animal. In English, if you want someone to calm down, you can say to them, "easy tiger". Another famous phrase is: "Eye of the Tiger", which means to have strength.
  Just like tigers serve as a symbol of protection in Chinese culture, we can only hope that in the upcoming Year of the Tiger, more people can learn about tigers and help protect them and their living places.
5.  On February 4, 2022, we witnessed the opening of the Beijing winter Olympic games, which made Beijing the first city in the world to play host to both summer Olympic games and winter Olympic games. Is there any secrets between the two Olympic games?In 2019, the Water Cube (水立方) finished its first transition from a swimming pool to an Ice rink, turning itself into an Ice Cube, where the curling competitions were held.
  How did the Water Cube transform into the Ice Cube?First, dry off the water in the pool. Second, build scaffolds, which can be changed to a different form. Third, lay the foundation for the skating rink. So far, the Water Cube has finished three transformations, making it the first venue in the world to have held both swimming and curling (冰壶) events. After the Winter Olympic Games, the Water Cube will make regular transitions between water and ice, where it will lend itself to water sports in spring, summer, and autumn and ice sports in winter.
  One venue, two functions. The water cube is an example of a sustainable (可持续的) Olympic venue. Sustainability has been shown in every venue for the Beijing Winter Olympics. This venue will keep playing host to World Cups and World series in the following years. With landmarks and other buildings in it, this venue can hold some concerts and shows. Rock climbing or skateboarding events can also be held here.
  From Beijing Olympic games in 2008 to the Beijing Winter Olympic games 14 years later, the Water Cube has transformed into the Ice Cube. Time flies, our passion persists. The Olympic Games is more than just a sports event. It pushes the development of the city, together for a shared future.
Rainbow Foreign Language Middle School (RFLMS) is one of the first seven foreign language schools in Guangzhou. Our courses are based on excellent educational theories from both home and abroad. Different courses are provided to meet the needs of students who choose different pathways for their further studies. ◆Prospective Students①Chinese students②Foreign students holding Chinese passports whose parents live and work in Guangzhou
◆Enrolling Grades①Junior One (Grade 7, aged 12)②Senior One (Grade 10, aged 15)③Less than 10 transferred students ( 插班生) from any other grade levels. (Good at English only)*Please contact us for further details.
◆Admission Procedure①Apply by phone or E﹣mail. ②Upload a video about self﹣introduction to the website. ③Have a one﹣on﹣one interview on Open Day. ④The admission result will be released within a week on the website. 
Phone:020﹣ 85843311E﹣mail:Rainbow admissions@126. comAddress:Office of RFLMS International Division, No. 201, XinhuaRoad, Guangzhou, 330800Website:www. rflms. edu. cnSubscription:RFLMS (online service hours:7:00 a. m. ﹣7:00 p. m. ) 
7.  When I was a little kid, my dad used to bring a camera whenever we went out. He is not a professional. He just enjoys taking pictures. (1)       I loved it. But gradually, I found it inconvenient to bring a camera. Cameras are heavy!I'd rather use my phone ﹣ until 2020.
  (2)      Our teacher was a great photographer and teacher who never made his class boring. He was also a great friend who inspired me to learn what my camera can do by showing me amazing photos.
  The class ended after one term. (3)       After a long time of exploring, I found an"M" mode on my camera. At that moment, I realized this was what I had always been looking for. In the past, I often used the "Auto" mode. (4)      But in the "M" mode, you need to set the ISO, aperture and shutter speed by yourself. Different values lead to different effects, so you can have full creative control of your camera. I tried to shoot long exposures many times. Every time, I failed. But the "M" mode did a magnificent job. (5)      
  Now I would like to take the camera with me wherever I go. Taking photos has become one of my great hobbies already.

A. It was a lot of work finding the right sitting, but it was perfect when I got it.
B. However, my journey to becoming a better photographer had just begun.
C. Our school opened a photography class to all students in our grade that year.
D. Naturally, he became my first teacher of photography, teaching me basic skills.
E. It's easy and convenient to use, but it never gives you the "wow" moment. 
8.  Readers is a popular TV show. It invites (1)d       people to read aloud on TV. It also tells moving stories about those people. They can read everything, like poems, books or letters. Many people are fans of the show. They have started to enjoy (2)r       aloud at home. The show also gives people a special reading pavilion (朗读亭) to read in it The pavilions are very (3)s        . Only one person can fit inside. There is a microphone and it records people's voices. Anyone can read for three (4)m       inside the pavilion. The show then picks some of the readers and(5)i       them to read on TV.
  "Reading should be just like singing and talking, " said the host of the show. "We can express our true feelings by reading aloud. "
He       us       pouring the waste into the river.
10.当我们在国庆节看着阅兵仪式时, 多么自豪啊!
       we were when we were watching the parade on National Day!
11.他太年轻了, 还不明白这个道理.
He was       he couldn't understand the truth.
The reporter asked our headmaster       sports meeting every year.
The house       glass.
14.为了迎接学校的开放日活动, 你参加了今天的"美化校园"志愿者活动, 请你写一篇英文日记, 记录今天的经历.日记需包括以下要点:
1. 参与者:你和你的同学;
2. 活动内容:清洁校园、装饰校园等;
3. 你的收获和感受.
1. 参考词汇:装饰(decorate);
2. 词数:80 词左右(文章的开头已给出, 不计入总词数);
3. 不得透露学校、姓名等个人信息, 否则不予评分.

Friday, May 20th
Dear Diary,
In order to prepare for the school open day, _____________.
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