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1.If we keep our hearts open, we can experience the happiness that friendship brings _______.
  • A. us
  • B. you
  • C. them
2.—The running exercise is so ______ that I am not interested in it at all.
—Come on! Sometimes, patience is needed on the way to success.
  • A. boring
  • B. relaxing
  • C. unhealthy
3.—Wang Yaping, a Chinese astronaut, has made many ______.
—Yes, she is the first Chinese female who walked in the outer space.
  • A. differences
  • B. records
  • C. promises
4.—Doctor, I always feel sleepy in the day recently. What can I do?
—Maybe you could stop staying up and go to bed as ______ as possible.
  • A. late
  • B. quietly
  • C. early
5.Remember to carry reusable bags rather than plastic ones when you go shopping every time. ______ its good for our environment.
  • A. So
  • B. Because
  • C. But
6.—I believe no one can ______ the joy the Chinese women's football team brought us during the Spring Festival.
—That's right. The steel rose showed its beauty once more.
  • A. remain
  • B. praise
  • C. forget
7.We should always ______ others to pass on the kindness.
  • A. worry about
  • B. talk about
  • C. care about
8.—Do you know Bob in our school? He ______ his great talent in drawing.
—Yeah. Many of his paintings are showed in the City Museum.
  • A. is famous for
  • B. is good for
  • C. is thirsty for
9.Nowadays more and more people choose to buy electronic cars ______ ones with petrol (汽油) to make the environment better.
  • A. instead of
  • B. such as
  • C. ahead of
10.—I always feel nervous when I talk to strangers. I wonder ______.
—There are so many clubs in our school and you can join them.
  • A. which doctor I should go to for help
  • B. how I can become more confident
  • C. whether listening to more tapes is useful
(Three classmates are talking about their plans for the coming Volunteers Day.)
Hello, guys! Are you ready for the Volunteers Day this year?
Sure. (1)      
Wow! That's very kind of you. But I don't know what to do yet.
I make a plan to clean the city park with my friends. (2)      
Can I? That's great! (3)      
At 3:00 this Friday afternoon. We'll meet at the school gate and go there together.
OK. I'll be there.
My volunteer work is on Saturday. (4)      
No problem. (5)      
See you!
See you!

A. When is it?
B. See you guys at 3:00 on Friday!
C. You can join them.
D. Why don't you join us?
E. So I can come to your project, too.
F. Sorry, I am really busy at that time.
G. I have decided to help the "left-behind" children in our school.
12.  When I was a teenager, I did a six-week summer learning program at a college. It helped kids get a taste of what college is like. We had classes in the morning and the evenings were (1)       fun activities. We did have a break in the afternoons, however. One afternoon, my friend Claude and I found an old basketball. We went to an outdoor basketball court for a game of one-on-one.
  At the time, Claude was (2)       than me. He was also better at basketball. I fell behind fast. Though I drove hard to the basket, I missed it! The ball bounced back and I jumped up to catch it. Just as I was about to catch it, I saw an elbow (3)       my face. How tall he was!
  (4)       Claude caught the ball, his elbow came down hard, right into my eye. I saw stars (5)      . The pain was quite terrible. Claude kept saying "sorry". I laughed through the pain.
  I spent the next few days walking around with a black eye, but it was worth it. For years afterwards, I got a laugh whenever I told the story and joked about Claude's elbows of (6)      .
  In our life, we all get an elbow to the eye sometimes. Our plans (7)      . Things work against us. Our ups become downs. When this happens, it's best to face it with (8)       and forgiveness. In this way, you can turn your pain to joy and you can learn and grow.
13.请阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中, 选出一个最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
If a flood happens where you live, you need to be prepared. Here's how to do it.
• Make an emergency bag. Keep it in an easy-to-reach place. It should include things such as canned food, a flashlight and first-aid kit.
• Prepare waterproof clothing and life vest.
• Put your valuables in waterproof bags and keep them somewhere safe. 
Follow these tips to stay out of danger during a flood.
• Look out for flood warnings.
• Head to higher ground and stay there.
• Do not try to walk or drive through flooded areas, as they can be deeper than what you realize.
• Leave your car. It won't help you if it gets stuck in the water. 
Even after the flood ends, it might not be safe to return home yet.
• Keep following the latest local news.
• Don't use electronics until they are fully dry.
• Don't use or touch anything that the water touched, including food.
• Don't forget that viruses (病毒) can spread after a flood. 
14.  Imagine your home is in the center of a big circle. Everything you need is a 10-minute walk away. How convenient!
  Recently, a group of architects (建筑师) decided to make this a reality. They are planning a city with everything people need — including living areas, study rooms, offices and entertainment areas — within a 10-minute walk from home.
  When explaining the aim of the city, Ben van Berkel, co-founder of design company UN Studio, said people's daily life experience is the most important. The "10-minute city" can save time we usually use to travel elsewhere. "With time that is saved, more time is created," he said.
  The idea of such a city is not new. In 2016, a French-Colombian researcher Carlos put forward the "15-minute city" idea. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it more popular. During the pandemic, many people have been forced to spend most of their time at home, with less chance to go out of their communities.
  Paloma Ezzet, 16, is an example. She said that before the pandemic, she liked to play soccer or go dancing. But during the pandemic, she had to give them up as no such entertainment areas or facilities were in her community. "It is so boring, lonely and frustrating," Ezzet recalled.
  French professor Roxana agrees that the pandemic has broken our routine, making us rethink our lives and what our cities can look like. Ten-minute cities may be a good choice.
  But not everyone likes the idea. Some people say it would further concentrate wealth in the most convenient areas, resulting in high house prices. So with such risk, should people stop considering this idea?
  Maybe not. As Roxana said, "The seeds are there, and they'll grow little by little."
  Many of us have feelings of loneliness as we grow up. As a teenager, just eating alone in the cafeteria can be embarrassing. Many people even go to the restroom hand in hand with their friends. (1)      
  In these cases, we might use the word "loner" in a negative way. However, it can actually have a positive meaning as well. (2)       If we see being alone as something negative, we will hate it. But if we understand that it's an everyday part of life, we'll be able to "like the beauty of our solo journey".
  (3)       In South Korea, "honjok" has become a growing lifestyle. The term comes from "hon" (alone) and "jok" (tribe). These people eat alone, travel alone, and enjoy being by themselves. "I hope it grows into a self-supporting culture of happiness," said Jang Jae Young. He runs a South Korean website about his solo lifestyle.
  In Japan, people have developed a strong "loner culture" and even a "loner economy". (4)       Ramen restaurants for solo diners are especially popular. Boards separate each seat. Diners fill out a form to place an order, and then press a button to call the waiter. (5)      
  People are becoming more experienced and comfortable with solitude (独处). This doesn't mean we should totally shut ourselves from the outside world. But it doesn't hurt to have some "me time" once in a while.

A. Because they just fear being called a "loner".
B. There are many solo karaoke bars and solo cafes.
C. It all depends on our attitudes toward being alone.
D. They don't see the faces of other customers or waiters.
E. Staying alone for a long time is bad for our mental health.
F. In some countries, more young people are choosing to be loners.
  During the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, some city buses and trains have run empty, while others have been crowded.
  To solve this and other problems during the pandemic, some cities are turning to programs called microtransit (微交通) — imagine Uber and a city bus had a baby to offer basic service, like moving the elder to drug stores or nurses to hospitals.
  Some microtransit companies made a function called contact tracing (接触者追踪). The method makes use of smartphones. Users who fall ill report it through an app on their phones. Then it sends notices to anyone they had got close with.
  Many countries around the world are working on contact tracing app. China has used contact tracing since February. China's contact tracing system lets the nation know the locations of the phones running the app. Chinese citizens also get QR codes to see if they are allowed to be in public. Gradually, the method stopped the spread of the disease. In March, Singapore government released one that uses Bluetooth transmitters in people's phones. Australia released its own app in April.
  Microtransit could still be valuable as social distancing ends and more people begin to move around cities. It is easier for people to use traditional public transit. It could also be used in areas with little public transit service and long distances between stops.

  Because of COVID-19, there is something wrong with some cities' public transportation. So they thought of a (1)       to deal with the big problem. They made programs called microtransit. One of the most important function is contact tracing. If you are ill, it can give a report to the people who you contact (2)       before. Many countries made full use of this app. As a result, it (3)       COVID-19 from spreading gradually. Things get easier as time goes by. Microtransit is no longer widely applied. However, it still has its own (4)       to help people. If you live in the place (5)       too much public transit, microtransit still works.
  The Olympic fire has been put out, which means the end of 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. However, the love for a sporting event will last. At Beijing 2022, 2, 877 athletes from 91 countries and regions competed for 109 gold medals. Among them, there are many Chinese who impressed the whole world. Let's find out who they were and what they achieved.
 Chinese figure skating pair Sui Wenjing and Han Cong are known as the "Congtong Pair (葱桶组合)". They won silver medals at the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea. Both of them were born in Harbin, Heilongjiang, and showed great gifts in skating. In 2007, they started to practice together. Soon in 2009, they won the national championship and this year in Beijing, the first Olympic gold medals were in their pockets. Talent and hard work are always their secrets to success. 

 Wu Dajing, 27, was the winner of the men's 500 metres at the 2018 Winter Games as well as the recorder holder in this event. Born in Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Wu became interested in winter sports when he was 10 and worked very hard. For example, he got up at 4 a.m. every day to practice and never ate meat or drank cola. The gold medal of the mixed relay (混合接力) in Beijing is the best award. 

 Gu Ailing is a talented freeskier, who made herself known in just two years of international competitions, winning her first World Cup event in 2019. Gu was born in the US and she became Chinese when she was 15. Winning 2 gold medals and 1 silver in Beijing, she hopes to attract more Chinese young people to take part in ice and snow sports and become "a bridge" between China and the US. 

Chart I
2019: She won her first World Cup event.
2022: _______ 
2018: He was the winner of men's 500 metres at the Winter Olympics.
2022: He won the gold medal of the mixed relay in Beijing Winter Olympics. 

Chart Ⅱ
on; with; that; clever; protect; why; total; thing; accept; choose; realize; what 

  As time goes by, I have found that more and more people I met have different opinions from me. Sometimes I couldn't even use the word "different" to describe this, because our views were in fact (1)       opposite to each other.
  In the past, I (2)       to argue with people like this. I always expressed my ideas clearly and wished my ideas (3)      . At the same time, I was trying to show that other people were wrong and I was (4)       than them. But as time passed by, I gradually came (5)       that what I had been doing might not be right.
  Every person has different experiences. And our views are based (6)       our own experiences. There are too many subjective (7)       in these views. And we think that there is no need to question these opinions. They need (8)       their ideas.
  But when you ask yourself why these opinions are right, the only answer (9)       you can give yourself may just be, "Because they are just right." That's (10)       now I prefer to respect a person even if our views are completely different. Because, finally, I cannot be sure that what I think is right. We'd better let the result judge.
1. Who is the person that impressed you most?
2. What's the story between you and him/her?
3. What can you learn from him/her?
1. 短文不少于 80 词;
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。

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