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1.Yesterday I bought a book on AI technology. ______book is very interesting.
  • A. 不填
  • B. The
  • C. An
  • D. A
2.To keep our city beautiful, the ________are busy in the streets. So don't throw rubbish everywhere.
  • A. policemen
  • B. doctors
  • C. drivers
  • D. cleaners
3.The old man has two sons. One is a teacher, and _____ is a doctor.
  • A. another
  • B. other
  • C. the other
  • D. others
4.I like smooth music that helps me relax___a long week at work.
  • A. for
  • B. after
  • C. of
  • D. before
5.一You seem to know much about the Palace Museum in Beijing.
一That's true. I____ it last year.
  • A. visited
  • B. are visiting
  • C. have visited
  • D. will visit
6.Today there are already robots____ in the restaurants. They are serving the people.
  • A. works
  • B. worked
  • C. working
  • D. work
7.If farmers _____start planting rice in salty water, China's food supply will surely rise.
  • A. can't
  • B. can
  • C. mustn't
  • D. must
8.The high speed railway has greatly changed people's life. It makes travel_____.
  • A. higher
  • B. harder
  • C. slower
  • D. easier
9._____clever dog Lucky is!It can understand Miss Wang's orders.
  • A. What
  • B. How a
  • C. How
  • D. What a
10.一_____ can you finish reading this English book?
一In about one and a half hours.
  • A. How often
  • B. How soon
  • C. How long
  • D. How fast
11.—More trees need to be planted in the northwest of China.
—Yes. With enough trees, sandstorms (沙尘暴) could_____.
  • A. protect
  • B. be protected
  • C. stop
  • D. be stopped
12.Our business will not improve______ we offer better services to the customers.
  • A. because
  • B. unless
  • C. if
  • D. since
13.Excuse me, do you know _____ buy some medicine? I've got a cold.
  • A. where can I
  • B. where I can
  • C. what can I
  • D. what I can
14.—I'm going to take part in a math competition this Sunday. I feel nervous.
—_____ Believe in yourself.
  • A. What a pity!
  • B. Sure, I'd love to.
  • C. Take it easy.
  • D. It doesn't mater.
15.—Dad, our team has got the first price in the football match.
—_____, my boy!
  • A. Good luck
  • B. My pleasure
  • C. It's hard to say
  • D. Well done
16.A number of wild elephants are moving towards the north in Yunnan Province.
  • A. Few
  • B. Several
  • C. Little
  • D. Much
17.一Your sister plays the violin very well. What about you?
一I am not interested in it. But I am good at playing football.
  • A. am famous for
  • B. am happy with
  • C. do well in
  • D. am pleased with
18.I want to go to Miss Zhang's home. Could you tell me where she lives?
  • A. her address
  • B. her house
  • C. her story
  • D. her hobby
19.Thank you for inviting me to your party. I really had a good time.
  • A. have little fun
  • B. took pride in it
  • C. liked myself
  • D. enjoyed myself
20.—Have you reviewed Chemistry for the coming exam?
—Yes. I'm quite ready for it.
  • A. gone over
  • B. come over
  • C. copied
  • D. finished up
21.  March 28, 2021 was big day for panda fans!China's first pander themed (主题的) tourist (1)       finally started to run. It is exciting news for those who love pandas. The panda pictures inside and outside the train make the train colorful, and it is quite (2)       from the normal ones. It runs from Chengdu in Sichuan (3)       Zunyi in Guizhou. As soon as you get on the train, you'd be welcomed by smiling workers (4)       carry lovely panda toys, and you can try a delicious panda — shaped cake.
  The train has great (5)      . It's just like a mobile star hotel. It has a dining room, a bar (酒吧), a karaoke (卡拉OK) room, a dance hall and a mahjong (麻将) room. People from Sichuan are known for their love of mahjong. In the dining room passengers can (6)       Sichuan food.
  The train can take 252 passengers in its 12 cars. Two or three passengers (7)       one room with a toilet. You can even take a shower on the train!The train also has smart service system (系统), fast 5 G Internet, and a modern song ordering service.
  Passengers can enjoy a (8)       trip on the train. After arriving, you can visit the famous tourist sites (景点) in Guizhou, such (9)       Huangguoshu Waterfall. The local railway company tells the reporter that if the train does well , it might travel to (10)       parts of the country. The summer vocation is coming soon, Why not take a trip on the panda train?
22.阅读理解, 阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容从每题所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳选项.
Sunshine Sports Park 
Opening Hours Closed Days 
Tuesday — Friday 09:00—20:00 Every Monday 
Saturday 10:00~21:10 October 1~7 
Sunday 10:00—19:00 January 31 —February 7 
How many courts How much Buses 
2 volleyball courts
2 basketball courts
3 badminton courts4 tennis courts 
To use one court for one hour , each group needs to pay
Volleyball—120 yuan
Basketball —120 yuan
Badminton —80 yuan
Tennis —80 yuan 
(You can take a bus every 30 minutes)
Underground→Park 08:00 — 15:00
◆We don't have any ball or rackets (球拍).
◆You must not eat on the courts 
23.  Frank couldn't wait for September when school would start. It was early August, and he was at the same summer camp for the fifth times. His dad went to the camp when he was a boy and loved it, so Frank didn't want to disappointed (使失望) his dad by telling him that he didn't even like it.
  By the middle of August, Frank had had more than enough. He had had enough of the horses, enough of the baseball games, and enough of the camp food.
  He asked his mom to pick him up early, but he didn't want his mom to tell his dad. "I can't do that, I'm always honest with your dad." his mom said.
  Frank still worried about disappointing his dad. So he decided to stay. At the same time he asked his mom if she would make his favorite meal when he finished the camp. His mom agreed.
  After that whenever he ate at the camp, he was thinking he was eating his mom's cooking. All of a sudden, the food didn't taste as bad as before. Frank decided to be honest with his camp coaches. He told the horseback coach that he wasn't comfortable with the horse. The coach changed one for him and he started to like horseback riding. He also told the coach why he never liked playing baseball. The coach asked him to play catcher.
  When Frank's parents came to pick him from the camp, he said to them, "This was the best summer at camp." He even wanted to stay for another week or two.
24.  What is the life in an ecosystem (生态系统)? You're in the forest. From your place on the hill , you can see a pond below you and the sun shining above you. A pond is an area of water smaller than lake. A frog sings noisily. Through your binoculars (双筒望远镜), you see the cattails (香蒲) shaking in the wind. You close in on the dragonflies (蜻蜓) resting on them.
  Look at a family of ducks swimming along noisily. The brothers and sisters at the end of the line hurry to keep up. At the other side of the pond, a long﹣legged bird , heron (苍鹭) waits patently in the reeds. Reeds are grass﹣liked plants in wet places. You watch carefully as the heron drops his head down into the water, when it pulls suddenly back up , you see the fish in in mouth. You may not realize it, but you are watching a great system (系统) in action.
  What is a system?
  A system is made up of many parts working together for a purpose (目的). But scientists divide them into two main parts, they are living and non-living parts. Every part of system is important , if any part of system is lost, the whole system does not work.
  Let's take another look. The ducks and the herons are birds, the frog is an amphibian, which can live both on land and in water. The dragonflies are insects(昆虫) and the cattails are plants. They are all alive. What non﹣living parts can you think of?Air , water sunlight, and land forms are all non﹣living parts. All of these parts system are working together.
A:Hi.Jacky.Look at that strange thing!What is it?
B:Hi,Lucy.Oh.it's a key.(1)      
A:Auto﹣bike?What is an auto﹣bike then?
B:It is a battery﹣operated(电动的) machine.
B:It was invented by my grandfather!
B:It can be used for riding and flying.
B:You can just ride it like a bike and it will fly as it goes fast enough.
A:(5)       I think your grandfather is so great!
B:I think so.He has invented many things.
  • A. And what is it used for?
  • B. It's used for locking our auto﹣bike.
  • C. Can you tell me who invented it?
  • D. It's very important.
    E Oh,how can it fly?
  • F. It sounds interesting.
  • G. How was it invented?
26.David's mother works in a hospital. (对画线部分提问)
      does David's mother       ?
27.My teacher can sing and dance. (改为选择疑问句)
       your teacher sing       dance?
28.Jenny's grandpa still worked on the farm at the age of ninety. (改为同义句)
Jenny's grandpa still worked on the farm when he was ninety       .
29.The mountain is too high for you to take in air as you get near the top. (改为复合句)
The mountain is        high        you can hardly take in air as you get near the top.
30.Although we live close to each other , we seldom have time to visit each other. (改为同义句)
We live close to each other ,       we have        time to visit each other.
know use take out for careful friendly building 

32.假如你是振兴中学的学生.名叫张华.你校英文网站 Zhengxing English Website想报道近年来同学们家乡的变化.请你以" Changes in my hometown"为题对你的家乡进行一次采访, 并将你的所见所闻用英文写一篇报道.向学校英文网站投稿.
(3)乡村振兴开展以来你的感想和打算(2点 ).
(1)结构完整, 表达通顺, 语言规范, 书写清晰.
(3)词数80左右, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
乡村振兴 rural revitalization
乡村致富 make our country rich and stronger
Changes in my hometown
We had a great victory in poverty relief(脱贫) in my hometown according to the local news report. A few days ago, I went back to my hometown. ____________
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