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1.The opening ceremony of the 2022 Olympic Winter Games was held in Beijing ______ Feb 4, 2022 and it was so fantastic.
  • A. in
  • B. at
  • C. on
  • D. by
2.He is my favourite basketball star and I like _____very much.
  • A. he
  • B. him
  • C. his
  • D. himself
3.There are _____mistakes in Mary's project, so her teacher is pleased with her work.
  • A. little
  • B. few
  • C. a little
  • D. a few
4.India has the second ______population in the world.
  • A. large
  • B. larger
  • C. largest
  • D. the largest
5.Ben, is your mother cooking meat in the kitchen?It smells so ______!
  • A. well
  • B. badly
  • C. pretty
  • D. nice
6.— ______do you go to the theatre?
— Once a month.
  • A. How often
  • B. How much
  • C. How long
  • D. How soon
7.You ______ write the poem down. Our teacher will give us a copy.
  • A. can't
  • B. shouldn't
  • C. needn't
  • D. mustn't
8.My father ______the underground to work on weekdays. He is a green consumer.
  • A. take
  • B. takes
  • C. took
  • D. has taken
9.Jack and Rose______each other and contacted for a long time.
  • A. know
  • B. knew
  • C. have known
  • D. had known
10.I would rather ______at home and enjoy TV programs with my family during holidays.
  • A. stay
  • B. stays
  • C. staying
  • D. to stay
11.I didn't sleep well last night because the baby next door kept _____the whole night.
  • A. cry
  • B. cried
  • C. crying
  • D. to cry
12.Don't waste any water resources, _______ you'll run out of them in the near future.
  • A. and
  • B. but
  • C. or
  • D. so
13.______my grandfather is over sixty, he is learning the new technology.
  • A. If
  • B. Although
  • C. Unless
  • D. Because
14.People have seldom seen a teenager with so much talent like Eileen Gu, ______?
  • A. do they
  • B. don't they
  • C. have they
  • D. haven't they
15.______excellent performance the artists gave at the CCTV Gala on New Year's Eve!
  • A. What
  • B. How
  • C. What a
  • D. What an
A. improving B. various C. sometimes D. local E. adding 

  My name is Miss Jones. I am an English teacher at a (1)      secondary school. To me, teaching is an admirable job because teachers are respected by a lot of people. I find my work rewarding because my students learn a lot from my classes and that makes me so happy. Learning English can (2)       be challenging, so when my students find a topic difficult, I try to find ways to make the subject easier and more enjoyable.
  I enjoy different hobbies, and I have (3)       interests;everything from collecting old books to mountain biking. I love to find an old book that no one else owns, which means the books are very unique and special. I also enjoy learning new skills. Every Friday evening, I take a French cooking class. I really feel my cooking skills are (4)      ! I enjoy my work and life!
A. online B. volunteer C. instead D. influence E. voices 

  Pop singers earn a lot of money by giving concerts. But many do not just keep the money for themselves. Many singers use their (1)      and their money to help others.
  After the Japan earthquake, several famous singers made a special album to raise money for the people in Japan. They sold the album only (2)      .
  Lady Gaga gave a concert tour (巡回演出) to raise money to help homeless young people. She also told her fans that they should (3)      to help the homeless.
  Singers often use the internet to talk to fans. Now stars have even more (4)       than before. Singing to help others is so meaningful and important.
18.It was such a hot day and their        watered at the thought of iced beer. (mouth)
19.The Chinese team has lifted the AFC Women's Asian Cup for the       time in 16 years. (nine)
20.The puppy looks so cute and lovely and        skin feels really smooth. (it)
21.It i        of the boy to keep a balance between study and sports. (wisdom)
22.Education is one of the most powerful ways to        one's mind. (rich)
23.The old man began to lose his memory bit by bit, becoming       . (forget)
24.It is not surprising that dogs can express themselves       and honestly. (clear)
25.The weather is a bit       these days, so it's easy to catch a cold. (usual)
26.My cousin has lunch at school every day. (改为一般疑问句)
       your cousin       lunch at school every day?
27.You may keep the magazine for two weeks. (划线提问)
       may I keep the magazine?
28.The teachers in the kindergarten created a song about the new year. (改为被动语态)
A song about the new year        by the teachers in the kindergarten.
29.My father often teaches me how I can solve different problems properly. (改为简单句)
My father often teaches me        solve different problems properly.
30.I was surprised that my roommate pretended not to know me at the party. (保持句意不变)
      my       , my roommate pretended not to know me at the party.
31."Who will repair the broken sweeper robot?" Mum asked. (改为间接引语)
Mum asked        repair the broken sweeper robot.
32.many trees, planted, Peter, last month, on his farm (连词成句)
33.  You might notice that some foods are named after places — for example, pu'er tea and Nanjing salted duck. These are the "birthplaces" of these foods. In fact, a product's birthplace is very important. It's about the quality. An agreement between China and European Union (EU) has taken effect. It lists the names of products and their birthplaces. They are called geographical indications (GIs, 地理标志).
Which products can get GIs?
Farm products, food, wine, handcrafts, and industrial products can get GIs. On the first GI list, there are food, farm products, wine and tea. On the next list, there will be some Chinese cultural products, such as Shu brocade (蜀绣) and Xuan paper.
How many products are on the GI list?
Two hundred products from China and EU countries are on the list. Over the next four years, another list will come out. It will include 350 GIs.
How will the agreement help us?
It is good for both shoppers and companies. People can buy high-quality products based on the GIs. They don't have to worry if they are fake (假货). Companies can sell more products to other countries. Some products are only popular in China. Now they might become popular in Europe. This will also promote business between China and Europe. 

Look at some products on the GI list
Wuchuan mooncakes Wuchuan in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, is the birthplace of mooncakes. It has 39 national mooncake brands (品牌). Mooncakes there are large with thin wrappers ( 薄皮 ) and rich fillings. Each mooncake is as heavy as 3 kg. They have many kinds of flavors. Zhecheng hot peppersZhecheng county in Henan is famous for planting peppers. Each year, it sells more than 50, 000 tons of hot peppers. Danish BlueIt is a kind of blue cheese from Denmark. It is made from cow's milk. People make it in caves. You can see blue streaks (条纹) in it. It is creamy and tastes salty. 
34.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)
Should Shakespeare (莎士比亚) be taught in schools?
   Linda Hill and Louis Wright, two American students, are having a (an) (1)      . They are arguing about whether or not William Shakespeare should be taught in schools.
Yes! ﹣ Linda Hill
Shakespeare is widely regarded as one of the best writers in history. He produced many great works. While we enjoy these stories, we can learn many things.
First, Shakespeare teaches us history. Of course, this was not the writer's intention. However, Shakespeare liked to (2)       his own society in his plays. Through the reading of his works, we can find out what was going on when he was alive.
Shakespeare also helped (3)       thousands of English words. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, words like "rival" and "hostile" all first appeared in Shakespeare's plays. We can get a better understanding of the English language through these works.
(4)      , few writers in history have been able to describe the human condition as well as Shakespeare had. By exploring different human conditions, we can learn how to relate to one another better.
In conclusion, I think schools should teach Shakespeare. 
No! ﹣ Louis Wright
I don't think schools should teach Shakespeare. The biggest (5)       is that it is not useful. Let's be honest:When do you really use Shakespeare outside of school?
Many of my classmates consider studying Shakespeare to be a waste of time. If we didn't study Shakespeare, we could spend more time learning things that are more useful.
In addition, Shakespeare is too
(6)      . The stories don't deal with modern problems. The language is old. It is difficult for students to understand it. Some young people will lose interest in literature all together if they are required to study Shakespeare. 

35.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)
International English Magazine Short Story Competition
Topic: Going back to…Name:Giacomo Alessi
  I had been looking forward to going back to the village where I was born for a long time. My family moved away from the village 15 years ago and I hadn't been back s(1)       then. In the days before I went, I was excited. The village is special to me as I was born there and my family had lived there for years before that. I also felt a bit worried, however. I remembered a peaceful place with small shops along the main street, traditional houses and people sitting under the trees, chatting to each other. I don't know why it m(2)      to me so much, but I didn't want to find that the village had changed so much that I could h(3)      recognize it.
  On the day I went, the sun was shining. I had decided to arrive on foot so I got off the bus at the edge of the village and I s(4)       walked along the rough road. As I got nearer, what I saw took my breath away. Right in front of my eyes was a large, modern building. I quickly realized it was a huge shopping centre. Immediately, I felt disappointed and from that point on, I found that it had really changed.
  I walked along the main street, however, and felt better and better. I saw trendy, new shops but old, traditional o(5)       as well. There were new blocks of flats alongside the beautiful old houses. The roads were b(6)       than I had remembered, but there were still people sitting under the trees in the main square. I realized that my village had changed, but that it wasn't the disaster that I had imagined. In fact, it was a good thing that the village had moved with the t(7)      and remained a thriving (蒸蒸日上的) place.
36.Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)
I was a freshman in college when I met the Whites. They were completely different from my own family. Jane White and I became friends at school, and her family welcomed me like a long﹣lost cousin.
In my family, it was always important to place blame (责备、责怪) when anything had happened. From the time we were little, my sister, brothers and I told on ( 告 发 ) each other. The Whites, however, didn't worry about who had done what. The beauty of this was driven home to me the summer Jane died.
In July, the White sisters and I decided to take a car trip from their home in Florida to New York. The two older sisters, Sarah and Jane were college students, and the youngest, Amy, had recently turned 16. Proud of having a new driver's license, Amy was excited about practicing her driving on the trip.
The big sisters shared the driving of Sarah's new car during the first part of the trip, but when they reached less crowded areas, they let Amy take over. Amy got behind the wheel. She came to a crossroads with a stop sign. No one would ever know whether she was nervous or just didn't see the sign, but Amy didn't stop at the crossroads and a large truck ran into our car.
Jane was killed at once. I was slightly injured. The most difficult thing that I had ever done was to call the Whites to tell them what happened. Painful as it was for me to lose a good friend, I knew that it was far worse for them to lose a child.
When Mr. and Mrs. White arrived at the hospital, they found their two daughters sharing a room. Sarah had a few cuts on her head;Amy's leg was broken. They hugged all and cried tears of sadness and of joy at seeing their daughters. They wiped away the girls' tears and made a few jokes at Amy as she learned to use her crutches (拐杖).
To both of their daughters, and especially to Amy, over and over they simply said, "(5). "
I was astonished. No blame. No accusations (控诉, 指责).
Later, I asked the Whites why they never talked about the fact that Amy was driving and had run a stop sign. Mr. White said, "Jane is gone and we miss her terribly. Nothing we say or do will bring her back. But Amy has her whole life ahead of her. How can she lead a happy life if she feels we blame her for her sister's death?"
They were right. Amy graduated from the University and got married several years ago.
She is now a mother of two little girls of her own, the older named Jane.
37.Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic "______makes no difference". ( 以"……是无济于事的"为题写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文, 标点符号不占格. )

阅读 D 篇怀特家的故事告诉我们:一旦事情已经发生, 责备任何人都无济于事, 相反会让被责备的人背负罪恶感. 在我们的生活中, 总会遇到困难或者发生一些不愉快的事情, 这时候谩骂、责备、抱怨、生气、担忧等等都不会起到任何作用. 我们应该改变自身, 寻求智慧的解决办法. 请结合你的经历或见闻, 谈谈你的感受. 写作前请你先把题目补充完整.
(注意:文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其它相关信息, 否则不予评分. 抄袭阅读理解语篇的不给分. )
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