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1.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?
  • A. Eating too much meat is bad for your health.
  • B. The watch is not cheap enough for me to buy.
  • C. Please call me after you reach the USA.
  • D. I would like some steak for dinner.
2.Anna comes from ______ European country.
  • A. an
  • B. a
  • C. the
  • D. /
3.It was absolutely impossible to build a fire ________ that cold winter night.
  • A. on
  • B. in
  • C. of
  • D. by
4.There are a lot of trees on ______ sides of Century Avenue in Pudong.
  • A. either
  • B. all
  • C. both
  • D. neither
5.Nowadays, children under 1. 4 meters ______ be free to take buses in some cities.
  • A. need
  • B. must
  • C. shall
  • D. can
6.Generally speaking, a computer works ______ a human brain.
  • A. more accurately than
  • B. more accurate than
  • C. as accurate as
  • D. so accurately as
7.Many people have to ______ the meaning of this word in the dictionary.
  • A. look for
  • B. look out
  • C. look at
  • D. look up
8.Mum always tells me ______ any food when I have dinner at home.
  • A. don't waste
  • B. not to waste
  • C. not waste
  • D. not wasting
9.It is not safe for teenagers to give out too much ______about themselves on the Internet.
  • A. knowledge
  • B. questions
  • C. ideas
  • D. information
10.I enjoy the street dance "hip-hop", but _______ my father _______ my mother likes it.
  • A. both; and
  • B. neither; nor
  • C. either; or
  • D. not only; but also
11.—______ is it from our school to the Expo site?
—Just half an hour's ride from our school.
  • A. How long
  • B. How much
  • C. How far
  • D. How often
12.This city used to have many famous landmarks, ______ many of them were destroyed in the war.
  • A. or
  • B. but
  • C. and
  • D. so
13.Hongkou Football Stadium ______ soon to become a "football and sports landmark" in Shanhgai.
  • A. was rebuilt
  • B. will rebuild
  • C. will be rebuilt
  • D. rebuilt
14.—I'm sorry I'm late, because the traffic is bad.
— ______. But tomorrow, please be on time.
  • A. It's a pleasure.
  • B. It doesn't matter.
  • C. You're welcome.
  • D. That's right.
15.—Would you mind checking the windows for me?
  • A. Go ahead.
  • B. Good idea.
  • C. Not at all.
  • D. I'd like to.
16.(将下列单词或短语前字母填入空格, 每个单词或短语只能填一次):
A. twice B. happier C. eaten D. leave behind E. saving F. hard G. wasted 

  DO YOU KNOW anything about World Food Day?Every year on October 16, governments around the world hold events that focus on agriculture and the development of food production. Many people are unaware of how precious food is and how (1)       farmers have to work to make it. Food is (2)      every day. World Food Day was set up to call on people all over the world to save food.
  I believe everyone has, at one time or another, actually been told to save food. But in recent decades, people's living standards have improved greatly. Most of us in big cities have been living a wealthier and (3)      life. Some people now pay less attention to saving food. The wasting of food can also be spotted here in my school. Most of my schoolmates care about food, but there are also some who rarely think (4)      before throwing their food into the trash can. They never think of the people in many other parts of the world who are weak with hunger.
  In my opinion, saving food is not a hard thing to do at all. In the school cafeteria, we should never order more food than we need. When we eat out in restaurants, we should take away the food that we would (5)      . There might not be a lot of food, but it may be enough to feed a child living in a poor area for a day.
  I think we should treat every single day as World Food Day. Form a good habit of (6)       food, and we will all have a better world.
17.Shanghai World Financial Centre is a building with 101       . (storey)
18.Tyron went to live in Australia with his family in his        (fifty).
19.If Mary isn't satisfied with the style of uniforms, why not design them       ? (she)
20.The        of computer makes it more convenient for people to calculate. (invent)
21.Shanghai International Marathon and Half Marathon        lots of runners each year. (attraction)
22.They have made a       to move back to China next week. (decide)
23.It was the most       experience of my life. Oh, what an awful day!(frighten)
24.As winter comes, air pollution in that area is getting even       . (bad)
25.Gork lay down on his bed and fell asleep. (改为一般疑问句)
       Gork        down on his bed and fall asleep?
26.Her friend always gives her a hand whenever she is in trouble. (保持句意基本不变)
Her friend always        her a        whenever she is in trouble.
27.People in western countries rarely talk loudly in public. (改为反意疑问句)
People in western countries rarely talk loudly in public,       ?
28.The Tour de France(环法自行车赛)lasts about 23 days every summer. (对划线部分提问)
       does the Tour de France last every summer?
29.The shirt is too small for him to put on. (保持句意基本不变)
The shirt is not        for him to put on.
30.better, helps you, the local people, staying, know, with a host family (.)(连词成句)
31.Choose the best answer (根据短文内容, 选择最恰当的答案):
Calling the police
  Do you know what to do when there is an emergency? By calling the police, you can protect yourself and those around you.
  CALL THE POLICE in all of the following emergencies:
  • A crime, such as a theft, especially if it is still in progress (过程).
  • A car accident, especially if someone is injured.
  • Anything else that seems like an emergency.
  You may also CALL THE POLICE when you see something suspicious (可疑的) in your neighbourhood:
  • Someone you don't know is frequently walking around in your neighbourhood. This could be a sign that the person is trying to break into a house.
  • Someone is trying to open the doors of a car. This could be a sign that the person is trying to steal the car.
  When you see something suspicious, do not suppose someone else has already called the police. People often hesitate to call the police for fear of danger. However, the police want to help prevent crime.
  What should you do when you call the police? Dial 911 (the U. S. emergency number;the number varies from one country to another — in China, you dial 110 to call the police). Stay calm when calling and give your name, address and phone number. Then, tell the person why you are calling (What happened?Where did it happen?When did it happen?Is it still in progress?). Follow any instructions you are given. For example, the dispatcher (调度员) might say, "Stay on the line," or "Leave the building."
  If you dial the emergency number by mistake, do not hang up. Doing so could make the dispatcher think an emergency really exists. Instead, just tell the person that you called by mistake.
Most police departments have a communication centre. The communication centre staff reach police officers carry headsets, like earphones, to stay in touch with the communication centre.
32.Choose the words to complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词完成短文):
  The modern world is very convenient. It's (1)      to buy or rent things. We can do a lot of our shopping and banking on the Internet. However, we also face a growing problem:identify theft.
  We often give our personal information to stores. That (2)      our birth date, personal ID number, and home address. When we apply for a store membership, we give our information to a stranger. When buying something online, we do the same thing.
   (3)      work hard to get that information. They steal receipts and (4)       computers. They also try to steal our passwords. They can use that information to "become" another person. That's identity theft.
  Our common crime is to apply for a credit card using (5)       else's name. The thief buys expensive things but doesn't pay the bill. That can hurt a victim's credit. With bad credit, it's harder to get bank or car loans.
  How can you prevent identity theft?First, be careful about giving away personal information. (6)       give someone your birth date and personal ID number when necessary. Second, tear up old credit card receipts and bank statements if you don't want them. Finally, some experts recommend paying in cash as much as possible.
33.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给):
  She's your age, but most of you can't imagine how hard her life is. She's "Handcart(板车)girl" Huang Feng. Huang, 14, from Anhui, was c(1)      as one of the Second China Top Ten Self-motivated (自强) Girls by the National Population and Family Planning Commission on November 16, 2017.
  Since the age of six, Huang has looked after her father and grandmother on her o(2)      . Her father has been ill and lain on the bed for many years. Her mother left and Huang has had to take care of the family since then.
  In 2014, with 27 yuan in her pocket, Huang took her father on a hand-made handcart to Shanghai. She begged on the street, but she didn't get enough money to pay for the medical treatment (治疗).
  H(3)      , Huang didn't give up. In 2016, Huang took her father to Beijing. Luckily, a hospital received her father and the doctor had a s(4)      operation on him.
  Now Huang studies at a local school in Anhui. She gets up at six every morning to make breakfast for the family. During class break, she has to come back home and turn her father over on the bed to avoid bedsores (生褥疮). "I won't l(5)       my father alone. I'll do my best to look after him because this is my responsibility." Huang said.
  Huang says her biggest wish is to see her father get better. "Although life is difficult, I should study hard and go to c(6)      ," Huang said. "I want to be a nurse so that I can take care of my father and make other sick people better."
34.Answer the questions: (根据短文内容回答问题)
Rising Temperatures
  If the temperature rises by 5 degrees tomorrow, you will probably take off just one coat. But such a change in the average world temperature would be a serious problem. Many animals and plants would not be able to deal with these changes, and would die.
  The UNEP (联合国环境规划署) released the Report 2018 on November 21, 2018. It says that if we don't take action now, the world temperature will have risen by 3 to 5 degrees by the end of this century.
  The report was written by 55 scientists from 20 countries. Scientists have set a goal for greenhouse gases sending out to limit the world temperature rise to only 2 degrees this century. But according to the report, people have already let out 14 percent more greenhouse gases than they should have done.
  A large rise in temperatures could be terrible for us and for many other living things on Earth. Sea levels will rise because higher temperatures will cause melting ice flow into the sea. Large coastal cities in countries such as the Netherlands (荷兰) and Bangladesh (孟加拉共和国) could be flooded.
  Some plants such as corn and sugarcane (甘蔗) will not grow well in higher temperatures. Some countries, such as Brazil and parts of Africa, will not have enough food. The change may cause less rain and even make some places very dry.
  On November 26, people from around 200 nations and regions gathered again in Doha (多哈) for the annual UN climate talks. "Climate change is coming to all human beings and effective actions need to be taken to deal with it." president of the conference said at the opening ceremony.
35.Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic "I learned to be through a school activity"
开学以来, 学校开展了许多活动, 如:夸夸我的好家长;校庆170周年等, 请你以"通过一次学校活动我学会了……"为题, 写一篇不少于60词的短文.
注意:(1)在答题纸上将题目补充完整.(2)短文中不得出现真实人名, 班级及其他相关信息.
期末试卷 最新试卷 上海试卷 徐汇区试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 八年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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