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1.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?
  • A. value
  • B. transport
  • C. disabled
  • D. matter
2.Be sure to take your teacher's advice. Then you will make _______ progress.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
3._______ my opinion, this is Richard's greatest work of the year.
  • A. In
  • B. On
  • C. At
  • D. For
4.Luckily, Michael was very soon offered _______ job after he left that company.
  • A. other
  • B. another
  • C. the other
  • D. others
5.We have to stop for a rest, _______ we may turn into working machines.
  • A. but
  • B. so
  • C. or
  • D. and
6._______ excellent team leader Lucy is!
  • A. What a
  • B. What an
  • C. What
  • D. How
7.Both John and his brother denied _______ the bookshelves.
  • A. messing
  • B. to mess
  • C. mess
  • D. messed
8._______ quiet and sit down. The teacher will tell us some important things.
  • A. Kept
  • B. To keep
  • C. Keeping
  • D. Keep
9.This new seat is _______ to sit on than the old one.
  • A. comfortable
  • B. more comfortable
  • C. most comfortable
  • D. the most comfortable
10.Danny really expected _______ some time to do some reading in the evening.
  • A. have
  • B. had
  • C. to have
  • D. having
11.Tina loves sweets but her mum doesn't let her _______ them very often.
  • A. have
  • B. had
  • C. to have
  • D. having
12._______ any one of you has a question, you may ask after class.
  • A. Although
  • B. Unless
  • C. Until
  • D. If
13.Harry's quality of life _______ a lot since the operation.
  • A. improves
  • B. has improved
  • C. was improving
  • D. will improve
14.The date of the meeting for this project _______ last Friday.
  • A. was fixed
  • B. is fixed
  • C. will be fixed
  • D. has been fixed
15.You _______ talk to anyone if you don't want to.
  • A. can't
  • B. needn't
  • C. mustn't
  • D. shouldn't
A. prevent B. exercise C. avoid D. further E. aware 

  Get tired easily? Has a doctor said he can't find anything wrong with you? You might be in an unhealthy state between health and disease. Doctors often tell you to be (1)       of the importance of forming good living habits. It is the key to (2)       you from being unhealthy. You need to rest, (3)       and take part in open air activities. They also say a balanced diet is helpful to (4)       being unhealthy. Besides, you need to stay in a good mood. Always think about your goals in life and how happy you are when you complete them.
A. rarely B. audience C. steps D. seriously E. loudly 

  Most of us are afraid of making a speech in public and don't do a good job. Here are some simple (1)       to help you make it a great one. There are some things you need to consider (2)      . The first problem is to find out as much as you can about your (3)      . Who are they? What do they know about the subject of your speech? Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare for it. Then try to arrange your material so that what you say will be easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible. Remember to speak slowly and (4)       to make everyone hear you clearly. Don't talk over their heads or talk down to them.
18.Ben and Lily have one child and they are expecting the        one in July. (two)
19.Two        are directing traffic at the crossing. (policewoman)
20.Dona woke up and found        in a hospital bed. (she)
21.Henry has travelled        in Asia and knows a lot about different countries there. (wide)
22.The        of that bridge is over 200 metres. (long)
23.Because of her busy schedule, it is        for her to spend much time traveling. (possible)
24.My sister felt so sad to find that it was        to clean her favourite T-shirt. (hope)
25.Wendy's father helped her        a new way of doing business. (invention)
26.Mr. Wang told his students many things about traditional skills. (改为一般疑问句)
       Mr. Wang        his students many things about traditional skills?
27.He's worked in this bank for about 20 years. (对划线部分提问)
       has he worked in this bank?
28.Jo didn't send the mail because something was wrong with his computer. (改为句意基本相同)
Jo didn't send the mail because his computer       .
29.Nowadays, there are few people writing paper letters to their relatives. (改为反意疑问句)
Nowadays, there are few people writing paper letters to their relatives,       ?
30."What can people do to protect themselves from the virus?" the reporter asked the doctor. (改为间接引语)
The reporter asked the doctor       people       do to protect themselves from the virus.
31.Restaurants in Shanghai will use more robots to bring food to customers. (改为被动语态)
More robots will       to bring food to customers in Shanghai.
32.during, make phone calls, are allowed to, the break time, they (.)(连词成句)
33.Choose the best answer (根据文章内容, 选择最恰当的答案)
  What kind of hotel do you look for when you are on holiday?Someone may want a comfortable bed, enjoyable facilities or a convenient place to get close to transportation. The following hotels may offer a stay you won't soon forget if you want something out of the ordinary.
  If you are truly brave, you can spend the night in the world's deepest bedroom in a hotel called Silvermine in Sweden. After a guided tour of the mine(矿井)located 155 metres underground, you're left alone with a basket of fresh food. In the morning, the guide returns with a delicious breakfast before you return to ground level.
  If you are fond of the ocean, the Poseidon Undersea Resort in Japan would be your choice. It is close to one of Fiji's rivers. It boasts the world's first seafloor rooms 12 meters below the surface of the ocean. By day, people enjoy golf, tennis and all kinds of water sports or learn to pilot a three-passenger submarine (潜水艇)to explore the depth of the ocean.
  If you love nature, then consider a stay at the Ariau Towers Hotel. It's in rainforest beside Brazil's Negro River (内格罗河)and has rooms built in the air 30 meters above the ground. Overhead walkways connect the rooms to one another and a central dining room. From their rooms among the treetops, guests can see beautiful birds and flowers. And after having a delicious meal in the restaurant, they can enjoy sailing on the river.
  If you would like to experience the coldness of winter, Canada's Hotel de Glace could be the great favourite. It is built each year by using nearly 7000 kilograms of snow and 300 kilograms of ice. It has over 30 guest rooms. Nearly all of the furniture is made of ice. Inside the hotel, it's always ﹣3℃ to﹣5℃. Only the bathrooms are heated. The hotel is only open during the coldest months of the year and accepts booking over the Internet.
34.Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)
  If you live on the streets with little food and money, what will you do with a bag filled with snacks and nearly £500 in cash in front of you?To most people. it would be a source of temptation(诱惑). Something that happened last month has made the actions of the homeless Roy Kaufman out of the ordinary.
  Roy saw a (1)       on the front seat inside a parked car with its window down. He stood guard in the rain for a long time waiting for the owner to (2)       . Because of the coldness, he reached inside and pulled the bag out. He hoped to find some cards with its owner's name or phone numbers so that he could (3)       the driver. But he only discovered it contained some bars of chocolates and £435 in notes, with another £50 in spare change beside it.
  He then took it to a nearby police station after leaving a note behind to let the owner know it was (4)      . When the car's owner Mr. Anderson returned to the car, he was shocked to find two policemen standing next to it and he was told what Roy Kaufman did.
  Mr. Anderson was later able to thank Roy for his (5)       and said, "I couldn't believe that the man never took a penny. The man has nothing and yet he didn't take the money for himself. He thought about others instead of himself. It's unbelievable. It just proves there are(6)       men out there."
  Roy Kaufman's act drew much of the public's attention. He also won praise from social media users after Mr. Anderson posted about the story on Facebook.
  Now Mr. Anderson has set up an organization to raise money for other homeless people in the area. For Roy Kaufman, this is a possible life﹣changing chance. The story once again tells us that one good turn deserves another.
35.Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)
  Recently researchers in Brown University have found that it only takes a couple of minutes for a man to start making judgments about you when he first meets you. That is why you should follow the following tips on how to create a good i(1)      .
  Before you meet someone, start thinking about the p(2)       of the meeting. Decide what image (形象) you want to present. For example, if you want to make new friends in some social activities, you will want to be friendly. And if you decide to run for class president, you need to be c(3)      .
  It helps you a lot when you meet someone new if you like s(4)      . It shows that you are friendly and makes people around you more comfortable. Please make sure your teeth are clean by brushing them every day.
  Before you begin speaking, you will be judged on your body language. Therefore, it's important to show trust in yourself by standing up tall and putting your shoulders back. Besides, if you don't cross your arms, you will look calm and r(5)      .
  Your smell can a(6)       how other people judge on you. If you have a bad body smell, it will put people off. In short, smell clean and don't put on a lot of scented products.
  What you wear really matters. While you should look clean and tidy, it's also important to dress p(7)      , whether you're going to a birthday party or a sporting event. You should think about what your clothes say about you.
36.Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)
Allen's First Marathon (马拉松)
  One of Allen's ankles was injured one month before his first time to compete in a marathon. This meant he could not run or train for two weeks. Yet, Allen made up his mind to go ahead.
  Allen remembers back to his first year in the school. He was only seven at that time. In his first P. E. class, his teacher required them to run laps and then hit a ball. He didn't do either well. He was later told that he was "not athletic"﹣he had no talent in sports.
  The idea that he was not athletic went with him for years. When he started running in his thirties, he realized running marathon was not about competition or whether he was physically strong and active. He thought that .
  The night before his first marathon, he dreamed that he couldn't even find the finish line. He woke up sweating (冒汗) and nervous, but ready to prove something to himself.
  Shortly after crossing the star line, his shoe laces (鞋带) became untied. So Allen stopped to tie them. Not the start he wanted!
  At mile 3, Allen passed a sign: "GO FOR IT, RUNNERS!"
  By mile17, he became out of breath and the once injured ankle hurt badly. When he felt the pain, he tried to slow down and walked a bit and then ran again.
  As Allen approached mile 25-near the finish line, he saw his wife waving a sign to encourage him. She is Allen's biggest fan. She never minded the alarm clock sounding at 5 a. m. or questioned his money on running, Allen was one of the final runners to finish. But he finished! And he also got a medal. In fact, he got the same medal as the one that the man who got in first place.
  Allen made up his mind to be himself and moved forward. He can now call himself a real winner.
37.Write at least 60 words on the topic "I can be a winner"【以"我可以成为赢家 "为题, 写一篇不少于 60 词的短文, 标点符号不占格】
提示:马拉松爱好者 Allen的人生经历告诉我们:每个人都能够在某方面取得成功.请结合具体自己的经历谈谈你对这一观点的认识.
注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息, 否则不予评分.照抄语篇不得分)
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