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  • A. radio
  • B. table
  • C. classroom
  • A. let
  • B. eraser
  • C. desk
  • A. mine
  • B. ring
  • C. sister
  • A. modest
  • B. does
  • C. come
  • A. must
  • B. uncle
  • C. computer
6.A.am B. is C. are
7.Can you find_______"e" in ________ word "spell'?
  • A. a, a
  • B. a, the
  • C. an, the
  • A. bat
  • B. ping-pang
  • C. family
9.—Dad, I need some books about planes.
—You can find some in the _________.
  • A. library
  • B. Lost and Found
  • C. picture
10.Uncle Sam lost his daughter. He must find _______.
  • A. it
  • B. her
  • C. him
11.If you find my watch, please_______me________ gina090203@qq. com.
  • A. e﹣mail;at
  • B. call;at
  • C. ask;for
12.—The _________ of your cat is nice.
—Thanks. How about yours? Is your cat black, too?
  • A. name
  • B. color
  • C. photo
13.— Where's my hat?
— It's in your ______ room.
  • A. mother's and father's
  • B. parent's
  • C. parents'
14.I don't like basketball, but my friend Tom_________.
  • A. likes
  • B. do
  • C. does
15.Here ______a photo of my new dogs. It's nice.
  • A. is
  • B. are
  • C. am
16.—Let's play basketball.
— ________. Let's find a ball first.
  • A. Thank you
  • B. That sounds good
  • C. Have a good day
17.A: Hello. I'm a new student here. (1)       Can you help me?
B: I'm sorry to hear that. But where did you lose it?
A: (2)      I read books there in the morning.
B: (3)      
A: It's black.
B: (4)      
A: Yes, it is I must find it.
B: Don't worry. (5)      It must be there.
A: Thank you so much.
B: You're welcome.

A. What color is your watch?
B. Let's go to the Lost and Found.
C. I lost it in the school library.
D. I lost my watch.
E. Is it a new watch? 
18.  I am Jack. I like playing computer games. It's (1)      . But some of my friends like playing (2)      games. They think computer games are not good for eyes. My friend Tom is a super basketball lover. He plays basketball every(3)      . After that, he goes to school with me. He has many (4)      , and all the teachers like him, too.
  My brother Jim likes ball games, too. But he doesn't play them. His friends always ask him, " Let's (5)      basketball, Jim." But he always says (6)      . He has two ping-pong (7)      , three ping﹣pong balls, a soccer ball and two basketballs. Tom always asks me (8)      help when he can't (9)      his basketballs. But these basketballs are not (10)      . They are Jim's.
19.阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容判年句子正误.正确的涂"A", 错误的涂"B".
  Mr. White is an Englishman. He teaches English in a middle school in Chengdu. His classes are very interesting. All of us can have fun in his class, so we like him a lot. Mr. White has two children — Lucas and Lynn. Lucas is in my class. He is 8 years older than (比. .大) his sister. He goes to school but his sister doesn't. Mr White likes to wear blue T-shirts and jeans.
  Tennis is his favorite (最爱的) sport. It's interesting for him. After school we often have a tennis game. Sometimes (有时) Mr White watches us play it. Sometimes he plays it with us. He says, "You are only 12-year-olds, but playing sports with you makes me happy."
I lost my model plane in the schooldining hall. It's blue. I get it from Julie. She's my cousin's mom. It's importantfor me. If you find it, please e-mail meat Lily3@gfmail. com. Thanks a lot. Did you read English this morning? I found an English book in the library. Apicture of a cute dog is in it. Call Mrs. Clark at 345-6432. She is in Office 204. Ask her for it. Bob 
Do you like soccer? Welcome toour party!It's for all soccer lovers. Youcan play soccer, watch soccer games andmake new friends here. Please come tothe school playground (操场) at 3:00p. m. this Saturday. James Jessica, I found a red schoolbag. An ID card, a Chinese dictionary and a book are in it. Your name is on the ID card. Is it yours?Oh, one ping-pong ball is in it, too. Callme at 231-4346. Gary 
21.Dear Mrs. Smith,
  Long time no see. How are you?I live with my parents in China now. We are in a beautiful city — Chengdu. And I have a new sister. She is one year old. Her name is Gina White. We all love her very much. We have a new big house. And I have a big room, too. In my room, I have many balls and books. But I can't find them when I need them. Mom always says "Tony's things are everywhere."
  Now I am a middle school student. But I can't speak Chinese very well. My classmates speak Chinese when they go to school, and they speak Chinese when they play basketball. I don't know what they are talking about. When I'm with them, I'm not happy. I miss you and my old friends very much. Can you call me?My Chinese phone number is 342-1990. Thank you!
22.The eraser is Dale's. The pencil is h      , too.
23.Sam likes playing computer games. It's r       for him.
24.The book must be my English t      . Mrs. Brown's name is in it.
25.Two big l      are in my school. We can study and read in them.
26.Gina t      her brother is very nice because he always helps her.
only mine playing sound meet 

A: Hey, Jack!Do you want to play basketball?
B: Sure. I think playing basketball is not (1)       good for my health (健康). I can make some friends, too.
A: But I don't have a basketball. How about you?
B: Err. .. I lost (2)       and my parents don't buy me a new (新的) one.
A: What about (3)       tennis?
B: That's good. But I don't think I can play it well.
A: Me, either (也是). Oh. I think we can ask Mr. Hu to play with us. He likes playing tennis with students after school.
B: After playing tennis, we can have dinner (晚餐) together.
A: The ideas (4)      great.
B: Let's ask Mr. Hu first.
A: All right. I'll call him. I have his phone number.
B: OK. Let's (5)       at16:30.
an; but; color; English; family; father; have; it; next; one; son; the 

  Everyone has a (1)       name. In front of it, people (2)       "Mr, Miss, Mrs and Ms". (3)       what do they mean? Where are they from?
  (4)      , some of them come from the place of their homes. If a man lives (生活) on or near a hill, his family name may be Hill. In (5)      , people's names may be Wood, Lake, Bush, because they live near the wood & lake, or bush.
  Next, family names come from a person's job (工作). If someone is (6)      cook, he may be Cook. And Smith's job may be a smith (铁匠). There is also Tailor from tailor (裁缝), Miller from miller (磨坊工人), etc.
  Then, many people get their family names from their (7)       given names. If you hear the name "Jackson", you know that he is the (8)       of Jack.
  Last, some family names are from (9)       — Green, Brown, White, Black... But the first letters of (10)       are big letters.
A. You can see 55 chairs and 55 desks in it.
B. Oh, some nice pictures are on the wall (墙) and some plants (植物) are on the bookcases.
C. I like our classroom because it's good and tidy.
D. Hello, boys and girls!Please look at the picture of our classroom.
E. And one big desk is for our teachers.
30.  It's the first class of a day now. Mrs. Green comes into the classroom with a boy.
  "Class, this is Jiang Tao." She says. He's from China . And he will be our new classmate.
  At lunch, Lily, Alan, Emma, Leo and Bella eat together. When they see Jiang Tao, they ask him to come to their table. They are happy to ask Jiang Tao some questions. They know that Jiang Tao's parents are teachers in a middle school in Chengdu. He has a small family. He has no sisters or brothers. He likes tennis, just like (像) Lily. He likes making model planes just like Bella. He loves reading, just like Alan.
  "Do you like soccer?" asks Leo.
  "Yes, but I can't play it." says Jiang Tao. "How about you?"
  "I can play it well and I have two soccer balls." says Leo.
  "Wow, so great! Can you teach me?" asks Jiang Tao.
  "OK!" says Leo.
  Jian Tao is very happy today because he makes five new friends.

Jiang Tao's (1)       at His New School 
In the first class The English teacher introduction a (2)       to the students. 
At lunch Five students see Jiang Tao and ask him to eat with them. 
They ask Jiang Tao about his family and hobbies and they know: 
※Jiangtao has a family of (3)      
※Jiang Tao likes (4)      ,        and reading. 
※Jiang Tao isn't good at soccer but Leo says he can be Jiang Tao's (5)      
Jiang Tao feels very happy because he makes some new friends today. 
31.Is this your pencil box? (变复数形式)
       your        ?
32.I have a volleyball. (改为否定句)
I        a volleyball.
33.These are my family photos. (同义句转化)
These        photos are       .
34.Are these your classmate? (做否定回答)
No,       .
35.It's an orange. (对划线部分提问)
       this       English?
36.yellow, jackets, these, are (.)
37.school, Cindy, card, her, ID, lost (.)
38.his, is, Green, name (?)
39.brother's , are, watches, my, where (?)
40.a, cousin, has, my, volleyball (.)
41.结合图片, 填写短文中的空格, 并续写短文:Tom's New Room.
1. 介绍物品 1, 2, 3, 4在房间B中的新位置.
2. 介绍照片中的成员.
3. 根据房间里的物品介绍自己的爱好.
4. 不得超过100词.
Tom's New Room
Tom is . His things are . With his mom's help, he has a nice room now.

Look, this is his new room.

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