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1.Did you notice ________lady who was talking happily on the phone over there?
  • A. the
  • B. a
  • C. an
  • D. /
2.Jenny has drawn _________ comic strips and she is going to have them published next year.
  • A. hundreds
  • B. hundred
  • C. hundred of
  • D. hundreds of
3.Miss Lee praised us _________ our excellent performance during the art show.
  • A. of
  • B. for
  • C. with
  • D. to
4.The fisherman found ________ difficult to control his raft in such bad weather.
  • A. it
  • B. it's
  • C. its
  • D. /
5.After a while they saw several cars coming down the clean and tidy road one after ________.
  • A. the others
  • B. other
  • C. another
  • D. others
6.If you offer three similar products, your customer is likely to choose ________ of the three.
  • A. cheap
  • B. cheaper
  • C. cheapest
  • D. the cheapest
7.As a matter of fact, I understand the situation very well, so you ________ explain further.
  • A. mustn't
  • B. needn't
  • C. shouldn't
  • D. can't
8.________ Su Yiming is only eighteen years old, he is already a highly successful sportsman.
  • A. If
  • B. Until
  • C. Because
  • D. Although
9.Tony wrote three reports, but ________ of them was helpful for us to solve the problem.
  • A. neither
  • B. both
  • C. none
  • D. all
10.Over and over the policeman warned the driver ________ after drinking wine.
  • A. not to drive
  • B. not driving
  • C. not drive
  • D. don't drive
11.In order to win the contest, Lilian practiced ________ the violin for two hours every day.
  • A. playing
  • B. plays
  • C. to play
  • D. play
12.By the end of last month, Jane________ enough money for the poor sick boy.
  • A. raised
  • B. would raise
  • C. had raised
  • D. has raised
13.The volunteers ________ a lot of help to the community since the outbreak of COVID﹣19.
  • A. offered
  • B. have offered
  • C. will offer
  • D. are offering
14.Unless you avoid charging your cellphone all the time, the battery inside it ________ easily.
  • A. damages
  • B. is damaged
  • C. will damage
  • D. will be damaged
15.—________ will our school have the Open Day?
—In a week, I suppose.
  • A. How much
  • B. How far
  • C. How soon
  • D. How long
A. even B. tradition C. rarely D. well﹣known E. training 

Queen Elizabeth II had a real love for animals. Her favourite pets are corgis(柯基犬)and horses. As a(1)      , corgis used to be working dogs in Wales but they became famous as The Queen's pets. The Queen's love for animals started at a young age when she was gifted a puppy from her father, George VI. For her 18th birthday, Princess Elizabeth was given a corgi named Susan. She is perhaps the most(2)       of all the corgis The Queen owned. That is because she used to breed(养育)14 generations of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ's corgis!
She loved her corgis so much that they(3)      had their own room at Buckingham Palace and their own cook!Lots of people helped to take care of The Queen's corgis over the years, including an expert(专家)in animal behavior who came to help with(4)      .
It was reported that she once said, "My corgis are family. "
A. continued B. events C. especially D. supported E. convenient 

Queen Elizabeth II is remembered as a faithful pet parent, (1)      to her corgis. Besides pet dogs, she had always loved horses too. Once again, the love for the horses started as a child. When she was just four, she was given a Shetland pony(雪特兰马)as a gift from her grandfather, George V.
Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ was a keen horse rider for many years. It (2)      into her nineties. At 96 years of age, she went on "a gentle ride on her pony at Windsor Castle, " according to People. In addition, she used a horse and carriage for (3)       like her birthday celebrations.
In her life, she always (4)       the sport of horse racing. She was named British flat racing's Champion Owner in 1954 and 1957.
18.Kitty, a good friend of       , attended the fifth China International Import Expo. (my)
19.There are different        of clubs for the students to join after school. (variety)
20.As we all know, certain things happen only        in a lifetime, such as your birth. (one)
21.In the diary the girl wrote: "        is the first step on the road to success. " (confident)
22.We believe it is        the best food in Shanghai and can't wait to go back. (probable)
23.In my opinion, it is        of her to hide the truth from her parents. (honest)
24.I will never        the days I spent with my grandparents in the countryside. (forgetful)
25.The government is taking action to protect        information on the Internet. (person)
26.He's already booked the tickets for Disneyland online. (改为否定句)
He        booked the tickets for Disneyland online       .
27.The 20th CPC National Congress was held from Oct. 16 to 22, in Beijing. (对划线部分提问)
       and        was the 20th CPC National Congress held?
28.I was happy to come up with a good way to deal with the problem. (保持句意基本不变)
To       , I came up with a good way to deal with the problem.
29.The government made laws to stop killing wild animals. (改为被动语态)
Laws        by the government to stop killing wild animals.
30.The development of China's aviation(航空) industry is really fast. (改为感叹句)
       the development of China's aviation industry is!
31.I asked Tim, "Have you found your lost pet cat?"(改为宾语从句)
I asked Tim        he        found his lost pet cat.
32.calm, the police, to, was, Robinson, to, give details, enough(连词成句)
8:00 pmDouble Your Money 8:00 pm19th﹣century House 8:00 pmThe News 8:00 pmThe Jordan Baker Show 
Jason Oates is the host of the popular show where the players can win 10, 000 pounds—and then double it!There are questions on all kinds of topics to test everyone's general knowledge. Which of tonight's players will get the chance to double their money? Our show continues, now with only eight of the twelve players, all living in a house from 200 years ago. It isn't easy living with no electricity, no heating and no 21st﹣century technology at all. And it's even more difficult with cameras on you 24 hours a day. All the news and sport from around the world. With Michael Webster. Jordan Baker presents her completely new programme. She talks to great celebrity guests and asks them the questions that everyone wants to know the answers to. Tonight, athletics star Sally Malone. 

34.Do you ever find yourself doing something without thinking about it?We do lots of things automatically, out of habit rather than for any good reason. Learning to create healthy new habits can help you reach your goals.
What is a habit?
Scientists say habits are formed in the brain and include a cause, action and a reward. (1)      , if you are used to watching TV when you get home from school, the cause would becoming home from school;the action is turning on the TV;and the reward might be the happy, relaxed feeling from watching your favourite program. This good feeling makes you want to do the (2)       thing after school the next day again, and over time it can become a habit.
How are habits good for you?
Turning something into a habit means you don't have to think about it, which is good news when it's healthy. Good habits can help (3)       bad ones too, such as worrying. Sadie finds her habit of playing with fidget toys(指尖玩具)reduces (4)      . "They help me relax and stay focused, " she says. Scientists believe nearly half of the things we do every day is out of habit, so forming helpful habits is (5)       a great way to help you reach your goals.
How can you start to build healthy new habits?
Dr. Radha Modgil notes it's important to think about why you want to change. When it's time to begin, "Try the 1% idea, where every day you improve or change something by 1%. That way you start to see (6)       and you're not discouraged(灰心的)by failure, " she says. Remember forming new habits isn't always easy, but it will be worth it in the end.

35.Group Buying in China
In recent years,group buying in China has gradually changed the consumer behavior of many Chinese people.Group buying is also called community buying.Several online buyers work together and purchase a product in bulk(大批量地) for a much (1)l        price per person.The activity takes place mainly on social media.
What are the advantages of group buying in China?
(2)S        the development of group buying is based on social networks,the cost is cut down.What's more,the supply chain(供应链) in the group buying market in China is simple:there is no middleman and the price is more reasonable.The group leader serves as a (3)b        between the group buying platform and consumers.
How does group buying (4)i        Chinese people?
In the past,most people were not (5)f        with their neighbours,especially in cities.However,group buying has brought them closer to each other.People began to chat frequently to have a discussion about the quality and price of products.In this way,they have developed a close relationship with others.
What is the future of China's buying market?
As the number of group buying consumers are likely to continue (6)r        in the following years,there may be some changes in the group buying industry.Perhaps different platforms will enter the market. (7)A       ,it is difficult for a single platform or brand(品牌) to cover the whole group buying market in China because consumers are always changing their likes.

36.Once upon a time, a man was lucky to have a loving son. But the young man never had to deal with any problems.
"My boy should have some experience of dealing with ill luck, " thought the father, so he sent the son into the forest to bring back some wood. Only an old cart (马车) with two oxen (公牛) was free for the work.
"If your cart breaks up in the forest, 'Necessity' will teach you what to do, " the man said. The son thought that "Necessity" must be a kind man who lived in the forest and helped people in trouble.
The son drove far into the forest and found lots of good trees. He cut down the trees and put the wood onto the cart. When the cart was full, he set off for home. However, as he drove over the rough ground, one of the axles (车轴) broke.
"I hope that 'Necessity' is nearby, " thought the son. Then he ran all the way through the forest and shouted, "NECESSITY!NE﹣CESS﹣ITY!!"
No one answered.
"I will stop searching for Father's clever friend, " he thought. "I will do the job myself. What useless advice Father gave me!"
He went back to the cart and started to repair the axle. When the work was done, he drove home. Finally, he made a fine job of both the repair and collecting good wood.
His father was pleased with him, but the boy was quite angry. "I could not find 'Necessity' anywhere, " said the son. "He did not teach me anything. All I've learned is that ________ . "
"There you are, " smiled the father. "'Necessity' did teach you a good lesson. I told you he would. "
37.Write at least 60 words according to the given situation(根据以下情境写一篇不少于60个词的短文, 标点符号不占格)
下列是学校征集的模范学生的其中四条标准, 你最认同哪一条?为什么?请举例说明.

1)文中不得出现姓名、校名等个人信息, 否则不予评分;

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