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1.— I want you to tell me the truth rather than a lie so that I can help you.
—Well, I will tell you what happened. ______
  • A. fact
  • B. decision
  • C. answer
2.— It seems that everything is ready.
—Yes. We are just waiting for the beginning of the party. ______
  • A. feels
  • B. appears
  • C. remains
3.— How about asking Tony and Jerry to help us with the task?
—They're very busy. I don't suppose they have time to do more work. _______
  • A. suggest
  • B. wonder
  • C. think
4.— Professor Tang will give people a lecture about fire safety tomorrow afternoon.
—What good news it is! It's important for us to know how to use fire safely.______
  • A. test
  • B. talk
  • C. question
5.—He looks foolish.
—Don't laugh at him.This is his first performance on stage.______
  • A. make fun of
  • B. look forward to
  • C. stay away from
6.—Why don't you invite your brother to watch the movie with us?
—He has no interest in comedies. He only likes to' watch action movies. ______
  • A. is not bored with
  • B. is not interested in
  • C. is not surprised at
7.—You're happy with the result,aren't you?
—Yes,I am.I feel proud of my students.They did a good job.______
  • A. satisfied with
  • B. strict about
  • C. worried about
8.—Let's invite our teachers to join in the party.
—Good idea! I think we will have a good time tonight.______
  • A. take part in
  • B. prepare for
  • C. deal with
9.Someone who is ______ has good manners and behaves in a way that is socially correct and not rude to other people.
  • A. patient
  • B. successful
  • C. polite
10.— Why did you lend so much money to Mr Li?
—He is a man who always keeps his promise. I______him.
  • A. trust
  • B. forgive
  • C. respect
11.— May I have a picnic with you?
—Of course. But you have to get your parents' ______ first.
  • A. comment
  • B. agreement
  • C. achievement
12.—Has the concert started yet?
—Yes. You are supposed to______ and keep quiet after entering the hall.
  • A. take a walk
  • B. take a break
  • C. take a seat
13.— I______ John yesterday.He told me that he had got used to the life in America in the email.
—I'm glad to hear that.
  • A. heard from
  • B. listened to
  • C. woke up
14.—Your job is to______ everything is ready before the competition starts.
—I see.I will try my best to do it well.
  • A. find out
  • B. wait for
  • C. make sure
15.— I______ why she decides to give up the valuable chance.
—Me either.Maybe she doesn't want to go abroad.
  • A. have no excuse
  • B. have no idea
  • C. have no dream
16. Looking back on the first twenty years of my life, I feel lucky to have been so healthy and happy. For my happiness, I am (1)       to so many people and lucky events, but what have guided me and supported me in my life are my physical health, healthy finances (财务状况), and my family's (2)      .
Health comes first to me, because without it everything else is (3)      . Imagine starting a career without good health. Imagine starting a family without good health. Imagine achieving anything without good health. (4)      , good health is the first necessary thing for other parts of one's life.
Good (5)       is not enough for being happy. We still need to have money in today's society. We need it to (6)       basic needs of life-food, housing, clothing﹣but it is also necessary for other reasons like the quality of our education and medical care.
Next comes the most important thing in having a happy life — our family. It (7)       love, joy and support that everybody needs. I love my family with all my heart. I get pleasure from their pleasure. I suffer when they suffer. My family helped me get through the (8)       times of entrance exams. They gave me (9)       when I had misunderstandings with my friends. More importantly, they have been there for the past twenty years to share my success.
As long as I stay healthy, earn enough money, and (10)       both good times and bad times with my family, I will always be the happiest girl in the world.
17. Headington Oxford Summer School is located in the beautiful city of Oxford, just a short walk from the centre. The summer school is one of the UK's top boarding (寄宿) schools. Whether students are attending one of our summer schools to learn English for the first time or preparing for further study at university, we have courses suitable to meet their needs.
Ages: 13 — 16
Dates: Monday, July 15 — Monday, August 19 
Academic (学术的) Programme
Headington Oxford Summer School offers students 15 hours of English learning per week. Students can choose from our General English, Summer Study, Global Young Leaders or SBC Coding courses. All classes at this school are for students from different countries with at most 15 students per class. 
Social Programme
At Headington Oxford Summer School, students enjoy a fun multi-activity (多种活动的) programme in the afternoons and evenings. The afternoon activity choices may include: Outdoor Sports, Indoor Sports, Arts and Crafts, Music Workshops, Poetry and Blogging, Reading and Conversation Clubs. The evening activities may include: Fashim Show, Movie Night, Games Night, Swimming Party, Barbecue, International Night and Photo Challenges. Students can also choose English Plus+ options to replace the multi-activity programme, getting a chance to learn more about English writing, English speaking, art and design, dance and sports. 
Excellent Education
Our English Summer School programmes help students to develop and use their English language skills in a real-world setting (环境). With students from over 95 different countries, we limit the number of students that speak the same language so that students are able to communicate with each other in English throughout their stay. 
18. Once, a group of schoolchildren were taking a trip. Almost all of them were playing soccer except Monty, who seemed kind of silly. Sometimes the children kicked the ball at him, but he would not say anything. He didn't care about how they treated him. When one child hit him again, he finally knocked the ball back and it ended up in a little cave (洞穴). The children ran to get the ball and found an old book which was giving off magical light. The children ran to give the book to the teacher.
The book was called The Great Gifts, and it had wonderful stories about great inventors, artists, writers, and explorers. The children kept reading the book until they finally reached the last page of the book. The teacher read, "There's a place called the fountain (源泉) of hearts, where each heart is given its special. pngts and the place makes a person who owns the heart special and different from everyone else. Some children may seem strange. However, when their special. pngt is discovered, their achievements will come along as well."
"If you get a pig's heart for transplant (移植), will you take on a pig's qualities?" Monty asked seriously.
Everyone wanted to laugh, but, looking at Monty, they understood that he was exactly one special boy. They felt sorry for everything that they had done to him.
From that day on, never again did they try making fun of Monty. Instead, they all worked together to try to help him discover his special gift. His gift turned out to be a surprising artistic talent. In the end, Monty became the most famous painter of his time.
19. Benito Juarez, a poor Indian boy, was twelve years old when he left his village home in December 1818. Benito walked forty-one miles to the city of Oaxaca, high in the mountains of Mexico. When he heard Spanish spoken by the city people, Benito didn't know what they were saying.
First, Benito became a servant (仆人) for a wealthy gentleman, Serer Maza. Soon, he went to work for Antonio Salanueva, a church librarian. With the help of Antonio, Benito learned to speak, read, and write Spanish.
At that time in Mexico, many people believed that Indians were not smart enough to read or learn. Antonio knew that was not true. Indians had been prevented from learning by a lack of schools. The first Spanish missionaries (传教士) who came to Mexico had educated the native people. In fact, churches from Spain had built the first college on the North American continent for the Indians. As more Spanish came to Mexico, however, the Indian children were crowded out of the schools.
Benito was a good and bright student, so Antonio developed a plan for him. In 1821, when Benito was fifteen, Antonio decided to send him to a school for boys. Antonio taught Benito what he needed to pass the entrance test for the school.
Benito became a student at the school. His studies were difficult, and he was laughed at because he was the only Indian student there. He succeeded although there were many challenges. Later, as the laws changed, Benito was able to attend a public college with other Indians.
Benito Juarez continued his education and became a lawyer and, much later, the President of Mexico from 1861 to 1872.
20. Although we all know that smoking is bad for people's health, there are many smokers in the world. However, a university in Japan will no longer hire (雇佣) teachers who smoke. Nagasaki University said it wanted to create a healthier environment for its workers and students. The university's president Shigeru Kono said, "Our job as a university is to look after our staff. We feel we have to stop them from smoking." Many companies have also started not using smokers. Mr Kono said there would be a ban (禁令) on smoking anywhere in the university from August. What's more, staff and students will be banned from taking cigarettes and lighters into any area of the university from April 2020.
About eight percent of the university's professors and teachers are smokers. The no-smoking policy taken by Nagasaki University is part of a growing trend (趋势) in Japan to stop smoking in public spaces. There are now bans in many public places, including restaurants and bars, in the lead-up (准备工作) to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. There are many areas of Tokyo and Kyoto in which people cannot smoke on the streets.
The number of people in Japan who smoke is on the decline. In 1966, 49 percent of adults smoked, including 84 percent of men. Last year, 18 percent of adults smoked, including 28 percent of men. One company in Japan is trying to get its staff to give up smoking by offering extra days off to staff members who do not smoke. Several members soon give up the habit. It seems that it's really a helpful way.
21. Adolescence (青春期) is a hard time for parents! It's a time when many children change from sweet and lovely little things to great big monsters and communication seems to come to a stop. Some parents experience arguing or even fighting when talking to their teenagers.
While you might feel sad at the poor communication between you and your teens, knowing how to speak to them properly is something that will be wise for you. It will also go a long way to break those heart walls between you. It's not just about talking to them; it's also about learning how to listen to them, so that they feel comfortable to talk. This means rethinking how you communicate and making sure you actually do talk to them rather than talk at them. It also means being able to share thoughts and opinions, rather than just imposing (强加) your own.
If you take steps now to change how you communicate, you might be able to improve your relationship. In order to know what's going on in your teens' life, you need to keep the door of communication open. Never act like a spy (间谍). If they find out they have been under watch secretly, you might lose any chance of qualified communication.
If you keep ignoring your teenagers because you're busy, then they will feel that you don't care about them. In addition, having a conversation while playing with your smartphone means you aren't paying full attention to them, and they will think that you don't put them in an important place. What's more, it is a bad habit and they will pick it up, because children learn from adults. They will think it's okay to talk while doing something else.
22.  Adam, a homeless man from Canada, was looking for something in the rubbish bin when he found a piece of artwork. It was a picture, and he sold it to Alex Archbold for $20. It seemed that neither Archbold nor Adam knew what they had discovered 1.             the artwork later was sold on line for$3, 700. Instead of keeping the money for himself, Archbold decided to find 2.             homeless man and share it with him.
I decided to find him as soon as possible, and I was going to give him half, "Archbold told a 3.             (report). "He needs it more than I do, so I just thought it was the right thing to do."
  It was 4.             (difficulty) to find Adam and give him the money because he had no home and no phone number. Archbold 5.             (drive) around the town for two weeks every morning before work to look 6.              Adam. Soon, Adam walked in Archbold's door . .. "He thanked 7.             for sharing the money with him, and some money 8.             (give) back by him. He was such a kind man. I think that he 9.             (real) preferred to give rather than accept," Archbold said. 10.             (help) his new friend, Archbold set up a GoFundMe page on the Internet for Adam. It has already raised $10, 000.
23.假如你是Jack, 你的美国朋友Cindy对中国文化很感兴趣, 她写信给你想了解中国家庭的相处模式, 请你根据以下要点提示给她写一封回信, 简单介绍一下你的家庭情况.
1. 家庭成员;
2. 家庭成员的工作;
3. 家庭活动(1﹣2个).
注意:1. 短文要包括所有要点, 可适当发挥;
2. 80词左右. 注意语句通顺, 意思连贯.
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