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1.My mother is ______English teacher in ______university.
  • A. an;an
  • B. an;a
  • C. a;an
  • D. a;a
2.The Yellow River is ______ river in China.
  • A. the two longest
  • B. the longer
  • C. the second longer
  • D. the second longest
3.Mary is hard-working. She works harder than ______ classmates in her class.
  • A. any other
  • B. the other
  • C. other
  • D. any of the
4.Do you have______to tell us,Mr.Brown?
  • A. anything else
  • B. nothing else
  • C. other anything
  • D. other nothing
—He's generous and helpful.
  • A. What does your brother like?
  • B. What is your brother like?
  • C. How does your brother like?
  • D. How does your brother look like?
6.—Nancy,remember ______ the window before you go to bed!
  • A. close
  • B. closing
  • C. to close
  • D. closed
7.My little brother is generous ______ his friends.He would like them ______ his toys.
  • A. with; share
  • B. to; to share
  • C. for; to share
  • D. at; share
8.—Can I have something ______?
—Sorry, there is ______ in the room.
  • A. eating; nothing else
  • B. eats; else nothing
  • C. to eat; nothing else
  • D. to be eating; else nothing
9.—Can you tell me ______?
—He is kind and generous. He always helps others.
  • A. what your buddy is like
  • B. what your buddy likes
  • C. How your buddy looks like
  • D. how your buddy likes
10.— I think Science is one of the most difficult subjects.
—.But you'll find it easier if you work harder at it.
  • A. That's all right.
  • B. I don't agree.
  • C. I don't think so.
  • D. You are right.
11.       is the population of Shanghai?
—Twenty-four million,I think.
  • A. How
  • B. How many
  • C. How much
  • D. What
12.—When did your school hold the sports meet?
—Last week. And I ______ the girls' 400-meter race.
  • A. joined
  • B. took part in
  • C. will join
  • D. will take part in
13.Don't shout at him. He ______.
  • A. will do his best
  • B. did well in
  • C. is good at
  • D. did his best
14.We should ______the school rules as students.
  • A. break
  • B. catch
  • C. tell
  • D. follow
15.Kangkang won the first place in the ______ in the school sports meet last week.
  • A. boy's 100-meter race
  • B. boys'100-meter race
  • C. boy's 100-meters race
  • D. boys' 100-meters race
16. A different kind of school in Pakistan is giving poor children a new chance(机会) to study. Sometimes their (1)        also come to study.
The (2)        is called Street to School. It started in Karachi in 2014. In Karachi, some parents didn't want to send their children to school. There were quite a few children playing on the street every day when (3)        parents worked. Street to School was founded(创建) for these children.
Children at Street to School learn reading, writing, English and math. They can also learn (4)        to stay healthy and take care of themselves. Also, there are all kinds of sports (5)        and children always have a good time.
The founder of Street to School is Mohammad Hassan. He says, "We started this program for kids, but we (6)        quickly that the kids would bring their homework without parents' signatures(签名). That meant kids were not getting help at home to do their homework. Then we(7)        to start a special class for these parents so that they could help their kids with homework. "
Uzma is a mother, she joined Street to School last month. She says, "I didn't go to school when I was young. I could (8)        read or write. This is why I am here today. "
Tahira Bibi is a (9)        . She has always worked as a clothes maker and never got the chance to go to school. "I was also (10)        in learning when I saw both my grandson and granddaughter studying. Learning is really fun, " says Tahira.
17. Sports are important in English life. The people of England are sports lovers. Some of the world's famous sports began here such as football.
Football is a fast game played in winter and early spring. Lots of people play football in parks or playgrounds just for fun. With hundreds of years'history, it is one of the most popular sports in England. The English love football very much and they have turned most of their main players into famous persons. David Beckham and Bobby Charlton became heroes for many children. The most interesting part of the English football year is the FA(Football Association) Cup Final each May.
18. A student is studying British English. He wonders: Can I have a talk with Americans? Can they catch me? Learners of English often ask: What are the differences between British English and American English? How important these differences? Certainly, there are some differences between British English and American English. There are a few differences in grammar. For example, speakers of British English say "in hospital"and"Have you a pen?" Americans say "in the hospital" and "Do you have a pen?"Pronunciation(发音) is sometimes different. Americans usually sound the"r"in words like"car"and"farm". Some speakers of British English do not sound the"r"in these words. There are differences between British English and English in spelling and vocabulary. For example, "colour" and "honour" are British English spellings. "color" and "honor" are American English spellings. These differences in grammar, pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary, however, are not important. For the most part, British English and American English are the same language.
19. Hello! My name is Mary. I want to talk about my hometown today.
My hometown is small but beautiful. It takes about two hours from my hometown to London by train. In the centre of the town there is a small lake. There are lots of trees and flowers around the lake. My parents often walk around the lake at weekends. The air in my hometown is very fresh and clean.
There are two schools in my hometown, one primary school and one middle school. I study in the middle school and my younger sister studies in the primary school. I often ride my bike to school.
I usually go to the youth centre to learn drawing with my sister on Friday afternoon. I like going shopping at weekends. There are two big shopping malls in my hometown.
20.Most of the girls dream of getting even        (thin).
21.It's        (polite) to laugh at others in public places.
22.﹣What's the      of the tall building? ﹣About 300 meters. (high)
23.Some of my classmates hope to go to foreign countries for      (far) study.
24.These kites made of paper are these        (hero).
25.Our teacher is        (幽默的) in our school ,he often tells funny jokes and makes us happy.
26.English is one of the most important      (语言) in the world.
27.She can always keep        (秘密)for me,so I thank her very much.
28.Do you like        (英国的) English or American English?
29.My sister Meilin hopes to be a        (社会) worker.
30.The boy eats junk food three times a week.(对划线部分提问)
       does the boy eat junk food?
31.How did you feel about the movie? (改为同义句)
       did you        the TV?
32.Jim did his homework last night.(变为否定句)
Jim        his homework last night.
33.She has longer hair than Emma.(同义句转化)
Her hair is        than        .
34.Sue is four years old.Gina is four years old, too.(合并成一句)
Sue is        old        Gina.
35. My home town is a small village not far from the Dongjiang River. A road runs t              it. You can see houses behind green trees along both s              of the road. There a              about 300 people in the village. All of them are very f             . In busy seasons most of them do farm worki              the fields. Our village is famous f              its fruit. When summer c             , many businessmen drive here t              buy them.
My home town is becoming more and m              beautiful. I love my home town verym             .
家庭情况 一家三口,关系融洽.遇到烦心事时,总是和父母分享. 
个人信息 ①喜欢交友.认为朋友没有必要是一样的.好朋友Jeff更外向,学习更努力.②喜欢旅游.每年旅游一次.国庆节和家人去了北京. 

  Hello, I'm Zhang Liang from No.2 Middle School. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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