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Obviously, Eddie enjoys his life in the new school a lot. ______
  • A. Actually
  • B. Clearly
  • C. Generally
  • D. Particularly
The man walking on the road knows how the major accident happened.______
  • A. went on
  • B. developed
  • C. took the place
  • D. occurred
The fat man will take the blue jacket because it's baggy enough.______
  • A. loose
  • B. fashionable
  • C. tight
  • D. bright
Kids in China don't have to go to school in the middle of summer.______
  • A. can't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. shouldn't
  • D. don't need to
5.Next week I'll fly to a new city. I will call a taxi to take me to the hotel when I ______.
  • A. reach
  • B. will reach
  • C. arrive
  • D. will arrive
6.My father drove ______the exit ______Shuhan Road on the motorway.
  • A. passed , of
  • B. past , for
  • C. past, of
  • D. passed, to
7.When I looked out of the window, I saw a gardener ______ a tree in the garden.
  • A. plant
  • B. planted
  • C. plants
  • D. planting
8.The tape recorder is not loud enough, and we can't hear clearly. Please ______.
  • A. turn it off
  • B. turn it on
  • C. turn it up
  • D. turn it down
9.This year, the sports meeting is ______ than before because there are ______ students on the old campus.
  • A. shorter; fewer
  • B. short; few
  • C. short; fewer
  • D. shorter; less
10.You should use the machine in a right way. Don't press the pedal too ______, or it can______move.
  • A. hard; hard
  • B. hard; hardly
  • C. hardly; hard
  • D. hardly; hardly
11. Every school has its own set of rules to keep students disciplined (守纪律的). The rules change from one school to another. Some schools are much (1)       than others. There are also some rules that look (2)       or funny to us. Here are some funny school rules:
Tough Japanese rules
Most schools demand (要求) that students wear uniforms, such as sports suits or skirts. But many Japanese schools even have rules about the (3)       of underwear (内衣)! For example, only white is O.K. They also demand that girls' white socks should be folded in a (4)       way and boys' heads be shaved (剃过的).
Other Japanese schools tell students that they may not date, go to movies, leave home (5)       sunset or play video games if the school doesn't permit it.
Different shoes in US
For safety at some US schools, students must have a pair of indoor shoes to change into at school every day. This makes sure students won't fall over on floors and keeps the schools (6)       . Chewing gum (口香糖) is not permitted in many US school buildings, as it is (7)       to clean up. And if students chew gum in class, they may not (8)       on their study.
No strange hair in UK
Strange hairstyles are not permitted in some British schools. But they (9)       permit students to wear certain hairstyles during the World Cup years. Two students had a special design shaved into their hair during 2002 World Cup. But when the World Cup was over, they couldn't do that because the school said the rules (10)       after the world cup.
12.The latest, the fullest !
Cooks Wanted
Are you good at cooking? Can you cook healthy food for the old? Can you get on well with them? Can you work 6days a week? Yes? Then please call 87230033 or e-mail us at Sunshine Old People's Home sina. com. We need your help! 
Room to Rent
A room with a single bed, a desk and a chair. Near Baicao Road Subway Station and a shopping center. ¥ 900 per month (including Wi-Fi). Non-smokers only. Call Mr. Bell at 87820662. 
A small grey cat missing in Xinhua Bookstore on May 31 st. she is afraid of dogs and there's a ring around her neck. If you see her, please phone 87851117. I really miss her. 
Big Sale (From June 10th — 18th)
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Do you like Zongzi? We have different kinds of Zongzi for sale. Cheap and delicious. Zongzi with roses ¥3; Zongzi with meat ¥6; Zongzi with meat and eggs ¥ 8. Come and buy in Walmart Supermarket! 
13. Sarah was excited. She was going to be 13 in two weeks. Her mother said it was a big day for a teenager. She said that Sarah could have a tea party to celebrate.
Sarah had 20 people in her class, and her mother said she could invite all of them. So they bought beautiful cards and wrote down the guests' names, and the time, date and place of the party. Sarah's mother also wrote down her phone number, so that guests could reply. Then they posted the invitations.
When you receive an invitation, it is polite to reply as soon as possible. You can either write a reply or make a telephone call. It's especially important when it is a wedding or anniversary (纪念日) invitation.
Sarah received 19 replies. One boy did not reply. "He is very rude!" said Sarah's mother.
The party was held in Sarah's village. Her guests brought birthday presents as well as flowers for her parents. It is polite to bring a. pngt for your host, even if it is only small. It means you are thanking him or her for inviting you.
Sarah really enjoyed her party and wrote letters to all the guests, thanking them for their presents. It is polite to write back and thank the host for inviting you. Say how much you enjoyed the party, even if you didn't.
14. Did you know that you could expect to live almost 20 years longer today than someone who was born 100 years ago? Thanks to improved medication and social conditions, life expectancy (预期寿命) in most countries has been increasing for decades. But researchers believe we have finally reached our biological limit (生理极限). A report in the journal Nature says it is unlikely our life expectancy will increase again. The oldest person to ever live was French woman Jeanne Calment, who was 122 when she died 19 years ago. The report says she will probably remain the oldest, because it is unlikely anyone will live beyond the age of 115. The "absolute maximum age (绝对最大年龄)" may be 125, according to the report, but it is not very possible that anyone could actually live that long. Jan Vijg at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York led the research. His team studied the age of people who had died in the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Japan. They found that the age of the oldest people dying had increased steadily between the 1960s and 1990s. "But beginning in the 1990s, you no longer see that," Vijg told NPR. "You see that it stays the same." Of course, many scientists and drug companies are still trying to find ways to increase our lifespan (寿命) beyond 125. But there is one simple way to make sure you live a healthy and long life. "Stop smoking, start exercising and eat a healthy diet, "Professor Dame Linda Partridge, director of the UCL Institute of Healthy Ageing, told CNN. "What will be will be. It's only a question of when."
15.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.
Helmut Braun felt terribly sorry. He said he didn't mean              the rule. (break)
16.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.
Students in junior 3 are too busy with their exams. All they want to do is              a good sleep. (have)
17.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.
To our              , the weather was good during the sports meeting this year. (amaze)
18.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.
Henry's car was broken. He went to a garage and the mechanics promised to get his car              again. (work)
19.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.
The job is              finished by the workers. Their boss is very happy and gives them a 7-day holiday. (success)
20.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.
To manage the school well, our school has some new rules. Without teachers'             , parents can't go into the campus to see their kids. (permit)
21.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.
Winter is coming, many children and old people in Sichuan get ill because of the air             . (pollute)
22.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.
The policeman              the car off the wrong way and told the driver of the car not to do that again. (lead)
23.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.
The Indian film Hichki is one of              films in 2018. I am really touched by the story. (great)
24.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.
Calculators              many years ago and they are nearly replaced by computers now. People don't often use them. (invent)
25.Get in the special machine after the water is the right temperature. (同义句转换)
Don't get in the special machine              the water is the right temperature.
26.Students can no longer take the cell phones to the classrooms from this term. (同义句转换)
Students              take the cell phones to the classrooms              from this term.
27.A plane is the safest way of transport in the world. (同义句转换)
A plane is              of transport in the world.
28.Mr Cui felt unhappy after knowing the name of the film.(否定句)
29.These Victorian inventions are so old that people can't use them. (Rewrite the sentence with "too. . . to. . . ")
30.A lorry and 4 cars blocked the fast lane after the accident. (Change this sentence into passive voice)
31.Sitting on the chair and enjoying the sunshine is really comfortable. (exclamatory sentence)
32.People don't use the tricycle printing press because it's impractical. (Raise a question to the underlined part)
33.Karl turned up the heating by turning the knob on the wall. (Raise a question to the underlined part)
34.The famous TV presenter who was loved by many Chinese died in America. (Emphasize the underlined part)
35.  Most of people prefer travelling by plane to travelling by train. But in Fear of Flying, the writer shares a different idea. He thinks trains are morer 1.             because they are never late. Trains are 2.c             than planes, we don't have to pay too much. We can walk on the train, so we don't feel tired, it can make us feel more 3.c            . Then the stations are more 4.c            , we can get on and off in the middle of the cities. Although planes are much faster than trains, he thinks speed isn't everything. Staying 5.a             and enjoying ourselves is more important.
  Niki Taylor is an 6.a             all-American schoolkid. But she has her company and earns much money. At the age of fourteen, she signed a two-year contract with a 7.c             company, and she became the youngest model ever to 8.a             on the cover of the fashion magazine at sixteen. Now she wants to stay at school to get her school diploma and go to college when herm 9.             finishes. Helmut Braun is a Germanp 10.            . One day he intended to go to Baden-Baden but he made a 11.m            . After he 12.r             it, he did a U-turn, and drove the 13.w             way down the fast lane of the motorway. Another driver 14.c             the police and a police car helped him. He can't drive for 12 months.
  Mark Hill is a traffic police officer who works on some of the 15.b             motorways near London. He works eight hours each 16.s            . In a 24-hour period, he deals with 9to 12accidents. Some of these accidents are caused because people don't follow the rules. In Britain, drivers can't 17.o             on the left. And not everyone can use the motorway. Pedal 18.c            , people driving agricultural 19.v             and pedestrians can't. Mark Hill likes his job because he thinks his working day is 20.v             and interesting.
Popular minute helpful correct but pleased and move build use send water 

Gordon, the "barista" (咖啡师) at San Francisco's Cafe X, will not greet you by your name or wish you a (1)             day. Why? Because Gordon is not a human (2)             a robot (机器人). It can make the perfect cup of coffee. The owner of this special coffee shop is Henry Hu. Hu noticed that human baristas spent a lot of time (3)              cups around while making drinks. So he decided (4)              a fully mechanized(机械化的)coffee shop. And this is why Cafe X was born.
Now, Cafe X is getting more and more (5)             . Customers can order their drinks by (6)             the computers in Cafe X. What's more, they can also do that by using an app on the phone. When the order is placed, Gordon gets to work to make coffee. When the drink is ready, the customer receives a message with a code(密码). After entering it (7)              , the robot will hand over the coffee.
Another reason why people prefer Cafe X is that they can get their drinks in a shorter time, about eight(8)              . If the drink is not picked up within eight minutes after the message (9)             , it will be replaced(替换) with a fresh drink. Henry Hu says Cafe X is trying its best to provide customers with the greatest coffee in the shortest time.
Henry is not the only person who makes robots work for humans. In San Francisco, the robots (10)              people create bowls, too. While at another restaurant Zume Pizza, the robots are used to make pies.
37. To become a doctor in the United States, students usually attend four years of medical school after they complete college. (1)      , and must complete a training program as medical residents (住院实习医生).
These medical residents provide hospitals with services for not much pay. They work under the control of medical teachers and more experienced doctors. (2)       They carry out tests. They perform operations (做手术). They do almost everything in the hospital. Some medical residents work one-hundred or more hours in a single week. (3)      
Critics (批评家) of this system say medical residents work too long and do not get enough rest. They say these young doctors may be too tired to perform their medical duties effectively. (4)       Most doctors in training will be limited to eighty-four hours of work each week. They will have work periods of no more than twenty﹣four hours at one time. They will have ten hours of rest between work periods. They will have one day off every week.
(5)       Others, however, said the new rule may interfere with (妨碍) patient care and their own medical education.

A. Prepare a list.
B. The following tips can be helpful.
C. Rewriting makes our writing better.
D. It is not easy to become a better writer.
E. Good word choices are necessary for good writing.
F. The more you write, the better your writing will be. 

38.阅读并完成下面的图表. 每个空白对应一个单词.
Normally people have various feelings. Shyness (害羞) is one of them. It means feeling frightened when you are around other people. Some children were born shy. Some become very shy later because of life experience. In fact, everyone gets a little shy sometimes. It depends on how shy you are. If shyness doesn't stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isn't a big problem.
Scientists say that shyness generally begins during childhood. Most of the time, shyness is caused by people's worry about what other people think of them, so shy people often find it very difficult to meet new people. This fear has bad effects on their work life, social life and love life. The following suggestions may be helpful for shy people.
Find ways to relax when you go out. When you are old enough, consider drinking a glass of wine before going out for the night. Talk with your friend or family member to help yourself calm down.
Look best when you go out. Wear something that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Listen carefully when people speak. Shy people sometimes think that meeting new people means having to do a lot of talking. You can ask simple questions and then be a good listener. People love to feel like other people are listening to them and sharing their point of view.
Build your confidence and change your attitude (态度) towards meeting new people instead of worrying about how they will think of you, and think about what are good points you hope to find in the new person you will meet.
Try these suggestions if you do feel very shy. Hopefully you can enjoy your life better.
What shyness is and how to overcome it.
The 1.             of shyness Feeling frightened when you are around other people. 
The features(特点) of shyness Shyness can't be a big 2.              if it doesn't stop you from doing what you want. Shyness generally begins during childhood. Shy people usually find it not 3.              to meet new people. 
Suggestions to shy people Relax and calm down when you go out. look all your best to build confidence. 4.              but not do lots of talking. Stop 5.              about what new people will think of you. 
39.在每一个空格中只填写一个单词, 完成对话.
A journalist is interviewing Tan Qiao — a traffic police officer in Chengdu.
J: Good afternoon, Mr Tan. I'm from a radio program 1.             Traffic News. Can I ask you a few questions?
T: Sure.
J: You've been a traffic police officer for 10 years. Did you ever think of changing your job?
T: Never. I love my job. I don't want to find 2.             one. And I feel it quite rewarding. During the 10 years, a number of areas that I have worked in are becoming better places to live. I'm so 3.             with the change.
J: But sometimes cars may hit the police on the road. So it's really 4.            , is it?
T: That's true. Last month, a man drove a car crazily through the city center, 5.             into 5 cars and hit 2 of my colleagues. It was completely out of 6.            . We got the driver 10 minutes later. When we pulled him out of his car, everyone could smell the alcohol.
J: Oh God! Did anyone die?
T: 7.            , no one died. But one of them was badly 8.             and was sent to hospital immediately.
J: Everyone knows that drink-driving is 9.             in China. It's against the law. It's still a problem, though.
T: That's true. It's one of the main 10.             for traffic accidents.
J: Do you want to say something to all these drivers?
T: Yeah — You drink, and you drive, you are an idiot!
40.Time flies. You've already been in junior three for more than two months. You may have some problems in your school life. What is the biggest one? Please write a passage to talk about it. The passage should include :
1. what your biggest problem is.
2. what causes the problem. List at least two reasons.
3. who can probably help you solve the problem.
4. the possible solution to the problem.
期中试卷 最新试卷 四川试卷 成都市试卷 2019年试卷 初中试卷 九年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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