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MulanIt's another live-action remake of a classic Disney cartoon. Based on a Chinese girl who dressed herself as a man so that she could join the army. In the film, director Niki Caro and the actors, which include Jet Li, Donnie Yen and Jason Scott Lee, have showed battle scenes and Chinese kung fu. No wonder it's the first of these Disney remakes to be given a PG-13 certificate in the US. 
OnwardDragons and other fairytale creatures usually have a secret past. But in Onward, they are all live and kicking in the US today. To bring their father back from the dead, two elf brothers go on a boat trip. It's a film with such warmth, humor and creative energy that it's worth to spend a few hours on it. 
RadioactiveTile director is Marjane Satrapi. It is a film about one female pioneer, Marie Curie. Marie Curie, the Polish-French scientist who won the Nobel Prize twice, was killed by the radiation she studied. Heller-Nicholas of AWFJ said that Radioactive confirms Satrapi's status as one of the most original and important film-makers working today. 
Jojo RabbitDuring World War II, a 10-year-old German boy wants to be a Nazi, only to discover that his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their house. It may not sound like a comedy, but its director, Taika Waititi can make anything warm and funny. As well as writing and directing Jojo Rabbit, he also acted as the boy's imaginary friend, a stupid and funny Adolf Hitler. 

Word Bank
certificate 证书
elf 精灵
confirm 确认
status 地位
origina l有独创性的 

2. In the first four weeks I spent in Africa teaching English as a volunteer, rain never fell from the sky. No one had air conditioners. Once the air cooled in the evening, people sat outside with their neighbors and waited for the heat to leave their bedrooms. Televisions were d ragged to open doorways, but people mostly talked to one another. My neighborhood was run﹣down, but I had been drawn to it for their happy and friendly relationship.
One evening, I left my room to buy some juice. When I reached a darker area, two young men stopped me and robbed me of my cell phone. After they walked away, I shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. Just leave it in the street and keep walking, "I shouted, somehow thinking that they would. The area had become less familiar, and I realized I couldn't shout at men with knives — especially in a run-down neighborhood. I slowed down and was about to turn back when some men playing soccer in the street grabbed the two robbers.
"Did these men steal from you? "One of them asked.
"They took my cell phone," I pointed. "That one has it in his pocket."
One of the men, older than the rest, took my phone out of the robbers pocket and handed it to me. When the men let them go, the two robbers ran and disappeared into the night. After knowing I was teaching at the school in the community, the older man said, "We will protect you around here since you're one of us now."
Word Bank
drag 拉
grab 抓住 

3. WeRun is a mini-app within WeChat. And there is a leaderboard among friends that allows users to see how many steps their friends walk. We can learn about a person just by knowing his step count.
Anyone who has fewer than 50 steps in one day is probably ill, or could be sad. Maybe they just want to stay in their bedrooms. Or perhaps he or she is just too lazy lo gel out of bed! It's easy to walk Up l0 a few hundred steps. So someone who lakes fewer than 500 steps a day may relax with favorite video games. Or, if it's the last day of summer vacation, they could be students who are busy finishing their homework. Another possibility is that the user is a woman who stays home instead of going out because she can't decide what to wear!
It's common to see WeRun users take between 500 and 8, 000 steps. Most students and commuters have a step count like this. Workers and salespersons are likely to take 8, 000﹣30, 000 steps per day. They need to be on the move all the lime. If it's a weekend, however, then these WeRun step counts might belong to couples who go shopping.
More than 30, 000 steps: anyone with a step count on the lop of the leader board is worth praise. Mostly they're couriers, cleaners and so on. They're the people who help us and keep our environment nice and clean.
The number of WeRun users has increased a lot. To some degree, a person's WeRun step can reflect his character. And sometimes we can infer one's job or how he or she is feeling that day from his or her step count. But if you want to know more about a person, maybe you can take a closer look next.
Word Bank
commuter 通勤者
courier 快递员 

4. What is music? 1.       If you ask your parents or your grandparents, they might not have the same idea as you. Because music can be different things to different people. What may be considered to be music to one person may be just noise to another.
2.       All over the world people play and listen to some kind of music. For some people, music may be the center of their whole life. They may be musicians who make a living through music. For other people, music is a way to relax by enjoying the sounds and the feelings.
Music can make us feel happy, frightened or even sad. 3.       When the rhythm is slow, we might feel calm and gentle. When the rhythm is fast and the volume is loud, we could feel excited, and our bodies might want to move. No matter how it makes us feel, it is our own unique experience. 4.       .
Music can be traced back thousands of years ago, but no one knows for sure where it really began. Some people think it began with singing. 5.       In some cultures, rhythmic drumming and dancing were used to bring success to a hunt or help make crops grow. What we do know is that music is an ancient activity and it is connected with the whole family.
Word Bank
rhythm 节奏
volume 音量
unique 独有的
trace 追溯 

根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳 选项, 使文章意思通顺、内容完整.
A. This is the magic of music.
B. Others think it was drumming rhythm.
C. Each generation can have different ideas.
D. Music plays an important part in people's lives.
E. The rhythm and volume in music can give a message. 
5. Sometimes, even small acts of kindness can make a huge difference.
Roman is a 46﹣year﹣old man from Watertown. He(1)        to do something special for his local community. He found that there were many poor and homeless people in his neighborhood. They often went(2)        . That's why he built his own food pantry in his yard. People(3)        need food can take something from the food pantry. (4)        , he found that not everyone who took food from the pantry wanted to be known, and they often(5)        until it was dark to avoid embarrassment.
Roman was encouraged by a similar action at the local community college. There he saw a small pantry(6)        a lot of free food inside that was meant for students who couldn't(7)        a snack or a meal. He thought the idea was(8)        and decided to try that in his yard.
Even though the pantry started with(9)        from Roman, there is a whole community that regularly donates food and other necessary things. Roman is(10)        that other people are also donating for the poor, and he feels honored that he encouraged(11)        to do so.
At the beginning, people donated things into Roman's food pantry, (12)        it didn't stop there.
Many people had a(n)(13)        to have their own food pantry, so they asked Roman for(14)        . A local store decided to offer all of the wood needed to build new food pantries. After just two months, over twenty of these boxes were(15)        in Watertown.
It's amazing how an idea was the start of a huge difference for the poor in a city.
good; show; regard; reason; have; around; they; confident; in; so 

The relationship between money and happiness is one of the most interesting subjects. Many studies have (1)             that happy people can make more money. There are many (2)             for this.
First of all, happy people are more optimistic about (3)             life and actions, and they are usually more willing to accept challenges and take risks at work. This can be very attractive to employers, who (4)             such people as leaders.
Secondly, happy people are generally healthier, (5)             they can spend more time working. What's more, happy people who (6)             a healthy body tend to be more efficient. Of course, an efficient person is more likely to get a greater income.
Another reason is that happy people can get (7)             marks than others in working. They have
(8)             in themselves. Also, they are willing to find different kinds of ways to improve the working results.
Finally, happy people are often interested (9)             what else they can learn and do to improve their life. These improvements make their workmates (10)             happy. As a result, more and more people are willing to work with them.
7. Last year I got the chance to take part in an underwater research project in the Gulf of Mexico, which is a long way from shore. 1.             team of researchers were trying to learn more about the fish and other living things that live in this part of the sea. And we 2.             three days on a boat. The team used a piece of underwater equipment to measure water depth and temperature. As for the equipment boat, I was allowed to operate 3.              a few times.
However, the thing I enjoyed most was diving into the water. 4.             first, I was quite scared. But as soon as I jumped into the water, I wasn't afraid any more.
The experience 5.             like a dream and it will help me work harder to become a scientist.
Word Bank
shore海岸 measure 测量 operate操作
8.A: Hello!This is David. May I speak to Susan, please?
B:             .
A: Hi, Susan. I hear there will be an art show in the museum.             ?
B: Sure, I'd love to. I love art shows a lot. When is the art show?
A: At 10 a. m. on Sunday. Will you be free on that day?
B: Yes.             ?
A: We can go there by bus. And the No. 61 bus can take us there.
B: OK. Shall we meet at 9:00 a. m. at the bus station?
A: Er. .. I think we can make it earlier. There will be more people on the bus than usual.
B:             ?
A: About 45 minutes.
B: All right. Lei's make it at 8:30 a. m. We can go for a drink first at the coffee shop near the museum.
A:             . See you then.
B: See you.
9.2020年伊始, 新型冠状病毒肺炎在我国湖北省暴发, 疫情的发展也牵动着全国人民的心. 其他各省也纷纷向湖北伸出援手, 共渡时艰. 请以"This is a warm world"为题, 根据以下要点和 要求用英语写一篇短文, 讲述你或你身边的人在疫情期间是如何帮助他人或被他人帮助的.
1. 要点:
2. 要求:
This is a warm world
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