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1.  Coke (可乐) is one of (1)       drinks in the world. A lot of people enjoy (2)       it. But now people begin to believe that it's not a good drink for health. There is lots of (3)       in the coke. Having much sugar is (4)       for people. And it also has some caffeine (咖啡因) in it. The caffeine can get people into the habit (习惯) of drinking more coke when they feel (5)      . If they don't drink coke, they (6)       bad. And (7)       thing is that some people can't work or study (8)       drinking several cups of coke every day. More and more people want to cut down the coke they drink and ask (9)       help from the doctors. If you like drinking coke very much, I think you must have the Coke Habit. In fact, drinking more fruit and vegetable juice is (10)       for you.
2.The Internet is changing the world.It is becoming an important part of our lives.
The Internet makes our lives more interesting.We can get all kinds of information on the Internet and share it with others.We can make friends and share our ideas and feelings with each other by sending e﹣mails or chatting(聊天) online.We can also do shopping,study,listen to music and watch movies.This helps make life easier.
However,the Internet is not perfect(完美的).We should use it safely.Everyone can post information,and not all of it is true.Some people use the Internet to hurt others and try to get money by cheating.Some young people usually spend too much time playing games and so on.
The Internet can change our lives for the better,but we should use it carefully.
(1)People can get all kinds of information on the Internet.      
(2)We can't send e﹣mails or chat online through the Internet.      
(3)All the information on the Internet is true.      
(4)Most young people spend too much time playing games on the Internet.      
(5)The Internet changes our lives for the better,but it's not perfect.      .
3. Some Travel Information
A week in Thailand Arrive on March 30 for a seven﹣day stay, room only at the Regent Chalet, Cha Am. £160 Tel:0871 664 0273  Family trip in Florida Seven nights at the Westgate Inn, Kissimmee. Set off on March 21. £450 Tel:0800 294 8844 
Farmhouse in Majorca Seven nights' stay for up to six people at Can Corso, next to S'Horta. Accommodation(食宿) isn't included. Arrive on March 14. £36 Tel:0845 800 8080  Family trip in Morocco An eight﹣day hiking(徒步旅行) in the Atlas Mountains. Accommodation is included. Arrive on April 18. £260 Tel:0871 230 8512 
4. Like many other young boys, I don't know what I wanted to be when I was a middle school student. My mother advised me to be a pianist. However, I could not stand spending all of my time in front of a piano. My father wanted me to be a teacher like him, but it seemed that I was not interested in it.
I had my own goal (目标) after I went to high school. I got a part-time job at the school radio station and I found it interesting. I liked to discuss school life and my favorite music with my classmates on the radio. I kept on doing this job during the next six years. When I left the college, I got a full-time job at our local (当地的) radio station. My career started. My program is successful and I have lots of fans. I enjoy my job and my life now.
5.He never goes to a d       for teeth cleaning.
6.He watches TV t       a week,on Saturday and Sunday.
7.Leo likes drawing and he is really t       in art.
8.A funny thing h       in the office yesterday.
9.Liu Qian is a famous m      . He always plays wonderful magic for us.
10.( H-Helen W-Wang Gang )
H: Hello, Wang Qiang. Where did you go on vacation during the 7-day holiday?
W: Sorry, I'm not Wang Qiang. Wang Qiang is my (1)             brother. I'm Wang Gang.
H: Sorry. You look the same as Wang Qiang. I can't tell the (2)             between you two.
W: Yes. Sometimes my mother can't recognize (识别) us if we keep silent (沉默). Look, I am as (3)             as Wang Qiang. We are both 160cm. We always wear the same glasses and go to the same school.
H: But you are in different classes. Wang Qiang is in my class. (4)             class are you in?
W: I am in Class 7.
H: Nice to meet you, Wang Gang! My name is Helen, Wang Qiang's new friend.
W: Nice to meet you, Helen!
H: I think Wang Qiang is (5)             than you. He has fewer words.
W: Yes, I am a little (6)             outgoing than him. My favorite sport is basketball because I (7)             the spirit (精神) of fighting and not giving up.
H: I see. And that is why Wang Qiang likes Chinese Kung Fu. His given name is "Qiang".
W: How clever you are! "Gang" and "Qiang" (8)             mean "strong" in English. By the way, did you have fun this holiday, Helen? Did you miss your family?
H: Yes, but only a little. Because I visited many beautiful places in Sichuan. And I (9)             lots of tasty snacks, such as Long Chaoshou and Mapo toufu.
W: (10)             did the Mapo toufu taste?
H: It tasted delicious but very spicy (麻辣). It's not like American food. W: The bell is ringing. It's time to go to the class. See you!
H: see you!
all almost make build become both heart decide famous have beautifully interest 

Not everyone can make their dreams come true. But Walt Disney could.
Usually, mice are not popular, but Mickey Mouse wins many people's
(1)            . Movies about Mickey Mouse are popular (2)             everywhere in the world for more than eighty years. Walt Disney made this (3)             cartoon character. When he was young, Walt Disney was (4)             in drawing cartoons. And he tried to find better ways of (5)             cartoon movies. At that time, some movies just started to use sound. So Disney (6)             to put sound in his cartoons, too. People were excited when they saw Mickey Mouse talk on the movie screen. Mickey became popular with (7)             young and old.
Later, Walt Disney started to (8)             a new kind of amusement (娱乐) park. He hoped to bring a clean, good and (9)             world to people of all ages. Finally, Walt Disney made his dream come true. In 1995, Disneyland opened in the USA and (10)             the most successful amusement park in the world.
12. Do you find it difficult to memorize (记忆) words? (1)            . Now, a new study says that you can draw a picture of something to memorize them better researchers (学者) from the University of Waterloo, Canada, did the study. (2)             they gave the students 40 seconds to memorize them. The students could write the words again and again. (3)            
When the time was over, the researchers asked the students to do other things, like singing a song. After that, they gave the students 60 seconds. (4)             Guess what? The results showed that students who drew the words did a much better job than those who wrote them.
(5)             The researchers say the quality of the drawing doesn't matter at all. If you don't draw well, you can still memorize the word.

A. They asked the students to watch TV as often as they can.
B. And don't worry if you are not good at drawing.
C. You must not be the only one.
D. The students had to write down as many words as they could remember.
E. They could also draw a picture of the words.
F. They first gave a group of students a few words such as "apple" or "balloon". 
13.亲爱的同学, 在这一年半的初中生活中, 你一定结交了许多好朋友. 请用英语写一篇短文, 介绍你最好的朋友﹣﹣李雷.
提示:1. 他比我高, 比我瘦一点, 他乐于助人兴趣广泛.
2. 他成绩优秀, 比我更擅长英语学习, 经常在英语学习中帮助我.
3. 我比他外向, 他很安静, 我们都喜欢运动, 网球运动中我经常打败他.
4. 他最喜欢肥皂剧, 不喜欢新闻和动物世界.
要求:1. 内容须包含上述全部内容, 可适当发挥, 总次数80词左右
期中试卷 最新试卷 四川试卷 自贡市试卷 2019年试卷 初中试卷 八年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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