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1.I am so thirsty that I want to have some ______.
  • A. bread
  • B. juice
  • C. fish
  • D. rice
2.I can't find my bike. May I borrow ______, Tom?
  • A. hers
  • B. mine
  • C. yours
  • D. his
3.The cat looks ______. It is fighting with a dog to protect the babies.
  • A. clever
  • B. brave
  • C. friendly
  • D. hungry
4.—Is the blue bag your sister's?
—No, it ______ be my sister's. She doesn't like blue at all.
  • A. can't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. needn't
  • D. shouldn't
5.Sorry, I didn't see the sign, because I ______ on the phone.
  • A. talk
  • B. am talking
  • C. have talked
  • D. was talking
6.The police asked many people to ______the truth.
  • A. take out
  • B. work out
  • C. find out
  • D. put out
7.My mom hates to drive out at this time ______ the road is very busy.
  • A. because
  • B. though
  • C. until
  • D. unless
8.I ______all the movies. The movie you made is the best.
  • A. was watching
  • B. will watch
  • C. am watching
  • D. have watched
9.Look at that building over there! It ______ for a new school.
  • A. built
  • B. is built
  • C. will be built
  • D. builds
10.My father isn't back home until now, and I wonder______.
  • A. what he is
  • B. how old he is
  • C. where he is
  • D. who he is
11.  Have you ever made something that no one else had made before? People who make something new are called (1)       .
  Victor Ochoa was one of those people. He (2)        many things and one of them was a flying machine. In 1908, he was thinking about (3)        birds used their wings and went into the sky. He hoped to make a machine that (4)       like a bird. Soon he took action and began to (5)        birds carefully to learn how their wings worked.
  Finally, he used what he learned to build a plane. The body of the plane was made of two (6)        side by side. The plane had a small motor (发动机) that sat between the two bikes. The back was shaped like a bird's tail. The wings were (7)       from a common plane.
  They could even be folded (折叠) down like a bird's wings. Amazing!
  Victor wanted to help people with his ideas.His mind was like a motor that never turned (8)      .He was always trying to make life better and easier. He did not let any (9)       stop him from making other things.
  However,not all of his ideas worked.No one who tries something new is (10)        every time.The most important is to keep trying and never give up.
12.Dear friends,
  I'm Xiaofei — on Douyin. Welcome to cook with me. Today I want to show how to make my favorite salad.
  My dear mom passed down this recipe (食谱). It is called Ambrosia Salad, and it's also my family's favorite.
  First, choose your favorite fruit. Use fruit in season. Make sure it is fresh. Besides, use fruit of different colors and try to make your fruit salad look as good as it tastes. For example, mixing apples, green pears, purple grapes and oranges together will make the salad look very colorful. I think the strawberries are a great addition! I especially like this in spring!
  Then, put some salad dressing and mix the fruit and salad dressing together. If you want to give a special taste to your salad, you can also put in a quarter cup of peanut which is cut into pieces.
  Make the fruit salad just before you are going to eat it. Some of the fruit will quickly turn brown when you leave it in the air for some time.
  Don't wait anymore, and try to do it yourself. If you like this recipe, please give me 5 stars.
13.  Once there was a poor young musician. He played the violin well, but he couldn't make enough money to buy much food to eat.
  One evening he was eating a little rice and fish for his only meal-supper. A thin white cat came up beside him and the cat looked very hungry. Feeling sorry for the cat, the musician gave it his rice and fish, while he went to sleep hungry that night.
  The next evening, there was a storm. The musician took shelter (躲避) under a large tree next to a big house. Thunder made a loud noise and lightning lit up the sky.
  The musician looked toward the house and the warm lights inside. On the doorstep sat the white cat from the night before. It raised a small white paw (爪) as if to beckon (召唤) the musician to come over! Then he ran into the yard. A man opened the door and invited the musician inside.
  Minutes later, a large branch fell to the place where he'd been because of the lightning. Inside the house, the musician ate a delicious meal with the man. Then the man asked the musician what was in his case, and the musician took out his violin and began playing. The man clapped with pleasure. "Luck has brought you here tonight!" he said. "I'm thinking of starting a band, and we need a violinist. Would you like to join us?" "I can begin tomorrow!" the musician said.
  At last, the musician became a famous violinist who was known throughout the world.
There will be three winners in each group.
If you want to get more information, surf the website:www. childrenworldfun. com.
15.  Sounds are everywhere. You have two cool parts-ears on your body that can let you hear the sounds.
  The ear is made up of three different parts: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. These parts all work together so you can hear sounds.
  The outer ear is the part that you can see. It moves the sound waves (波浪) to the part of the ear inside the head. Inside your ear, you have an eardrum (耳膜). The eardrum is a thin piece of skin. Sound waves push against the eardrum. This makes the eardrum vibrate. When it vibrates, it moves its tiny bones. The bones help sounds move along to the inner ear. Then you can hear the sounds.
  Ears are very useful. With the help of your ears, you can hear any sound. Maybe the sound is as quiet as your cat. Maybe it is so loud, like a plane flying by. Hearing is one of the most important senses, and it allows you to communicate, to learn and to enjoy things like music.
  Believe it or not, your ears can help you keep balance. If there's something wrong with your ears, you may fall down easily.
  Therefore, ears should be protected well. We should protect our ears from loud noises in the daily life: When you listen to music with headphones on, make sure that the sound is not too loud. Remember to take breaks after listening for a while and let your ears have a good rest.
16.  As we have known, learning strategies are a common topic of language learning. But what are learning strategies? They are the methods that learners choose to learn. Here are several examples of language learning strategies.
  Guess a new word's meaning in the sentence. This is a basic language skill for students. There is an example: When you first meet the new English word "insist", you can guess its meaning in the sentence, "His mother didn't allow him to go with us, but he insisted on coming with us."
  Cooperate with partners. Work with other language learners to improve language skills. When you need to practice spoken English and try to have a real communication, you'd better find a partner to work in group.
  Know about background knowledge before reading. Try to find more information about the passage and its writer. It is useful for us to understand the main idea, writing purpose and also the feelings of the writer.
  Make a note of what you should improve. It is more important to know where you are but not what you know. In this way, you can find what you need to improve and further find a way to improve your study. This is also the most important ability for self-study.
  It's important for learners to know about different strategies. In fact, more able learners use different kinds of learning strategies.

Learning strategies are           that learners choose to learn.
It's a basic language skill for students to                                   .
Why should we find more background knowledge before reading?
17.  At the beginning of this term, we had to stay at home and take online lessons.
  Every morning, I turned (1)             my computer and logged onto Ding Talk to have my lessons. We could listen to our teachers and see (2)            (they) faces at the same time.
  As for me, online education has many good (3)            (point). First, it is easy and (4)             (help). If I can't understand any part, I can watch it again and again (5)u             I totally understand it. (6)             (Two), teachers can choose proper video lessons on the Internet for us to learn. This provides us(7)             (many) methods to learn than before. Third, we can do a lot on the online classroom. For example, I once (8)             (discuss) a very difficult maths problem with three of my classmates. To my (9)s            , we each found a method to work it out.
It's such (10)             special experience that we will never forget. What do you think of online education?
18.you, a pen, have, do (?)
19.can, get, how, we, there (?)
20.to, be, I, a doctor, want (.)
21.sunny, a, what, day, is, it (!)
22.a kite, yesterday, my, made, father, me (.)
23.假如你是李华, 你们学校英语周刊正在为"浓浓端午味, 深深中华情"文化宣传活动征稿.请你以"The Dragon Boat Festival"为题, 根据以下提示, 用英语写一篇短文.

要求:(1)短文须包括所有提示内容, 可适当发挥.
(3)词数80个左右(开头已给出, 不计人总词数).
参考词汇:honor(纪念), Chinese lunar calendar(中国农历)
The Dragon Boat Festival
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming.
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