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1.Which of the following words is phonetic[haɪt]?
  • A. heart
  • B. hunt
  • C. hate
  • D. height
2.Medical teams were sent to the disaster area to care for______ wounded at once.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
3.Being a detective, one must be very patient and careful when he/she is ______ work.
  • A. of
  • B. at
  • C. for
  • D. by
4.The scenery of a comic strip can usually make the strip come ______ life.
  • A. to
  • B. on
  • C. with
  • D. from
5."How can I explain my being late today?" Julie asked ______ before entering the classroom.
  • A. she
  • B. her
  • C. hers
  • D. herself
6.Damin was sitting in his boat with a net in one hand and a fishing rod in ______.
  • A. other
  • B. the other
  • C. others
  • D. the others
7.Online lectures like Chinese paper arts attract______ people from abroad every day.
  • A. million
  • B. millions
  • C. million of
  • D. millions of
8.Did the policeman send you much______on how to protect your personal information?
  • A. tip
  • B. note
  • C. advice
  • D. suggestion
9.If Emma improves her memory, she will be able to play chess as ______ as the computer.
  • A. good
  • B. well
  • C. better
  • D. best
10.Make a change, ______ the football team will certainly lose again in the next game.
  • A. or
  • B. and
  • C. so
  • D. but
11.Mr. Jones looked ______when he couldn't answer some simple questions from Ken.
  • A. silly
  • B. sadly
  • C. safely
  • D. seriously
12.You ______ worry about how to deal with the trouble. I will come to help you.
  • A. can't
  • B. needn't
  • C. may not
  • D. mustn't
13.Martin ______ German for over five years. He works as a tour guide in Germany now.
  • A. studied
  • B. was studying
  • C. has studied
  • D. had studied
14.Alice didn't give up looking for his missing cat ______ the police sent it back.
  • A. until
  • B. if
  • C. after
  • D. because
15.Would you mind ______ me who is going to make the opening speech at the ceremony?
  • A. tell
  • B. tells
  • C. to tell
  • D. telling
16.______ not hold a party to celebrate our success in winning this year's spelling contest?
  • A. Why
  • B. When
  • C. How
  • D. What
17.Charlie admitted his cheating in the maths exam and promised ______ cheat any longer.
  • A. won't
  • B. doesn't
  • C. not to
  • D. to not
18.According to the government's announcement, some roads in our district ______ next year.
  • A. will widen
  • B. will be widened
  • C. widen
  • D. are widened
19.— May I help you take the suitcase?
—No. I can manage. But ______.
  • A. never mind
  • B. that's all right
  • C. you should be careful
  • D. thank you all the same
20.— Excuse me, where is the No. 2 canteen of the university?
—______I'm a new comer. You can ask somebody else for help.
  • A. No problem.
  • B. Sorry, I have no idea.
  • C. What's wrong with you?
  • D. Enjoy your meal there.
A. number B. disappointed C. successful D. secretaries E. achieve 

Over the past ten or twenty years, China has become the center of the world's economy. There are all types of (1)       industries in China. That's why more and more people come to China to(2)      success outside their home countries' borders.
China's popularity as a business center has encouraged non﹣Chinese to learn the language. Since much of we buy today is made in China, many company bosses want(3)       and other personnel who can speak not only English but also Chinese. This shows how far China has grown. As a result, the(4)       of Chinese speakers has grown a lot over the years.
A. ancient B. consider C. purposes D. pale E. require 

While many people start learning a language for business (1)      , some of them learn it getting a better understanding of the country's culture and people. China has one of the longest histories in the world as well as a special culture and (2)       traditions. It's not surprising the people are attracted to China to enjoy the rich culture it has to offer.
So, if foreigners are thinking about learning a new language, they should (3)       learning Chinese. But it's not an easy language to learn. In many ways, it is certain to (4)       much your energy and efforts learning Chinese. You wouldn't have too much trouble finding a job if you can speak and write Chinese!
23.Tony is fond of reading detective              and playing video games in his spare time. (story)
24.Alice took part in the World Cup Table Tennis Match and she won the              place. (two)
25.The sudden              of the pet dog in the car accident was a great shock to the family. (die)
26.It's necessary to              on yourself to find ways to get rid of your bad habits. (independent)
27.Ken loves his job       because he thinks it's his duty to protect the innocent. (main)
28.It was a big              to our boss that we reached our goal within only six months. (surprised)
29.Grandpa Li learns to use common software              word, excel and web design. (include)
30.The scientist gave up the              way and completed his research in a new method. (tradition)
31.A strip's frame size usually varies to keep the readers interested. (改为一般疑问句)
             a strip's frame size usually             to keep the readers interested?
32.Jones expected the insurance company to pay him 300,00 for the vase. (对划线部分提问)
       did Jones expect the insurance company to pay him for the vase?
33.November 11 is really amazing. People buy a lot of things on that day.(改为感叹句)
            amazing day November 11 is! People buy a lot of things on that day.
34."Can you solve the problem yourself?" Our science teacher asked Bob. (改为宾语从句)
Our science teacher asked Bob            he            solve the problem himself.
35.Keeping pet dogs teaches us how to be responsible in our daily life. (改为被动语态)
We      how to be responsible in our daily life by keeping pet dogs.
36.My bike stopped working when I was riding for a country sightseeing. (保持句意不变)
My bike            when I was riding for a country sightseeing.
37.how to, knows, the link method, Tony, use, to remember things. (连词成句)
38. Creating public spaces
Jin Hee Park is a student at Stanford University in California. She studies hard. "Of course, I came here for the academic (学术), " she says. "But the campus is so beautiful. I walk around just to relax."
Alejandro Vega, a banker in New York City, jogs almost every evening after work in Central Park. "I never get bored. The park is so big. It's a public space, yet it can feel completely private."
Niagara Falls was on Ross Howard's list of places to visit in upstate New York. "There are these wonderful footpaths that make the falls so close to the general public. "
In 1857, a design contest was held for a new park in New York City. Frederick Law Olmsted and his partner, Calvert Vaux, won the contest. Central Park was the finished product ﹣ the first landscaped public park in the United States. Today, no tip to New York is complete without a visit to this beautiful park.
Later in his life, Olmsted designed landscapes for college campuses, like Stanford University. He also designed footpaths at Niagara Falls to give visitors better views of the falls. In all his work, Olmsted tried to protect the natural beauty of an area.
Today there are new pressures on Niagara Falls: some business want to develop the area, On Goat Island, an island in Niagara Falls State Park, there are now souvenir (纪念品) shops. There may be signs that say "No Littering," but there is still a lot of trash on the island. Most of the animals have disappeared. What would Olmsted think?
39. Thing to know before you go out in the cold
Keep your (1)       warm
There is a saying, "If your hands and feet get cold, put on hat." A hat made of wool will keep you warm even if it gets wet. The hood (兜帽) is great for blocking the wind as long as you wear a hat underneath.
Drink up
In the summer, when you feel thirsty, you need to drink water. This isn't always the case in winter. When you're wearing heavy winter clothes, you have to work harder to build up a tent, cook dinner or (2)       the woods. Your body will lose a lot of water. So drink up.
Sleeping (3)      
Sleeping bags are rated (评估) that is supposed to tell you how cold it can get while keeping you warm. Spend the night in a four-season tent in your backyard when it's freezing outside. That way, if you(4)       at 2 a. m. that's too cold, you can just move inside and try again another time. If you wake up shivering in the middle of the night, add layers of clothing, drink warm liquids and ask for help.
Eat right
Simple meals that need little preparation are often the most (5)       choices during winter. But nutrition (营养) is also necessary. Your body needs healthy food to produce (6)      . Choose meals with more protein and fat than what you'd eat during warmer weather. Some good choices are hot cereal with fruit for breakfast, peanut butter on crackers with hot soup for lunch and meat with noodles, rice or potatoes for dinner.
40. Taking Action
At Seven Oaks Middle School, Daniela Carrera was searching for a club. There was a dance club, a choir, an exercise club, and an action club that found creative ways to raise money for other people. Daniela was thinking about j(1)             the dance club because dancing was her favourite.
Then Daniela's friend Ciara told her about the action club's new p(2)            . At first, Daniela was puzzled. "Why would people in a nursing home want a video﹣game console(平台)?" she asked Ciara.
"This would be a s(3)             kind of console that plays fitness games. The games help people who need to exercise but weren't able to get to a gym or exercise a(4)             out of their rooms. Besides, everybody loves video games, don't they?" Ciara replied.
"Not my great ﹣ grandmother, " Daniela said, laughing. But she agreed to go to the club meeting the next day.
At the meeting, Mr. Washington, the club's manager, d(5)             to Daniela and the others how fitness video games helped encourage people to move. He explained how the consoles could help distract (使分心) people who s(6)             from severe pains. That was all Daniela needed to hear.
"How can I help?" She asked as she signed up for the club.
"We're selling raffle (抽奖增卖) tickets. With the money we get, we'll buy two fitness consoles. We'll give one to the w(7)             of the raffle. We'll give the other console to the nursing home, " explained Mr. Washington.
"Great! Let's get started. I'm motivated to sell the tickets immediately!" said Daniela.
41. The sixth sense
The "sixth sense" is often said to be a strong feeling that a person has about something or someone. Read about one mother's experience.
I had a feeling . . .
Kathy Sansano arrived home from work two months ago at 7:00 in the evening. "Usually, my husband is home before me, but when I got in, his briefcase was there, but he wasn't," recalls Sansano. She just thought that he want to the store for something. Sansano began preparing dinner, but couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. "I just started feeling very anxious and had to sit down. Five minutes later my husband phoned to say that our son had been injured in a football game at school."
Luckily, the boy only had a broken wrist, but Sansano still can't explain how she knew something was wrong. "It might have been 'mother's intuition (直觉)'" she laughs. "My son and I have always been very close."
Science points out five basic senses that humans use to experience the world. There is now evidence that human may also own a sixth sense﹣or an intuition about people or events. Recent studies suggest that insects and animals release odorless(meaning "without any smells") chemicals into the environment to send signal emotions such as fear or aggression (侵略). When another creature of the same kind senses the chemical, certain behavior is caused in that creature; for example, it will prepare to fight or to protect itself.
Scientists believe that humans long ago may have communicated using these kinds of chemical signals. "I walked into the room, and something just didn't seem right." It may be that the person is sensing chemical messages that have been produced by others. Kathy Sansano's husband may have left the house feeling afraid and worried about their son. When Kathy got home, she sensed his worry.

(1)Kathy's husband came home earlier than his wife that evening, didn't he?
(2)What happened to their son at school?
(3)What made Kathy have the feeling that something was wrong?
(4)According to recent studies, how do insects and animals send signal emotions?
(5)What will you probably do if you sense the messages of "fear"?
(6)Do you believe there is a sixth sense in life? Show you reason(s) or example(s).
42. Write at least 60 words about the topic "                                                                                  makes me grow" (请以"                                                                                  让我成长 "为题, 写一篇不少于60个词的短文, 标点符号不占格.
在你的学习和生活经历中, 其成长过程肯定有来自于自己的拼搏和坚持, 还会有来自外力的辅助, 它们可能是鼓励、帮助、甚至有批评. 请你结合自己自身的感受, 选取给你印象最深, 影响最大的, 理解、经历和感悟.
(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息, 否则不予评分. )
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