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1.Chen Huan is ______ news director. He collects ______ latest national news.
  • A. a; an
  • B. the; a
  • C. a; the
  • D. an; the
2.—Sally doesn't feel very sure of ______in her new school.
—She should make some friends.
  • A. myself
  • B. herself
  • C. himself
  • D. themselves
3.I politely refused his ______ because I don't like him.
  • A. education
  • B. invitation
  • C. tradition
  • D. question
4.The milk ______ a bit sour. Don't drink it.
  • A. tastes
  • B. feels
  • C. sounds
  • D. looks
5.The baby is crying______. He is probably hungry.
  • A. quietly
  • B. hardly
  • C. suddenly
  • D. loudly
6.Today people wish to have ______ food than before because their life improves.
  • A. healthy
  • B. healthier
  • C. healthiest
  • D. the healthiest
7.—Is that cap Bob's?
—No, it ______ be his. His cap is blue.
  • A. can't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. needn't
  • D. may not
8.All the students take the bus to school______ Sam. He walks to school.
  • A. by
  • B. against
  • C. with
  • D. except
9.A lot of trees ______ around here every year and we can enjoy fresher air now.
  • A. plant
  • B. is planted
  • C. were planted
  • D. are planted
10.His story made everyone laugh and we wanted him ______ one more.
  • A. tell
  • B. telling
  • C. to tell
  • D. told
11.—I ______ to visit Mr. Li this Sunday.
—You'd better not because he ______ to Hong Kong already.
  • A. will go; has gone
  • B. went; will go
  • C. went; went
  • D. will go; has been
12.You don't have to ______ every new word in the dictionary. Try to guess the meaning.
  • A. think of
  • B. ask for
  • C. look up
  • D. write down
13.You will make progress ______ you try your best to do something.
  • A. before
  • B. if
  • C. although
  • D. so that
14.In the letter you asked me ______ in Britain. It was fantastic.
  • A. what's the weather like
  • B. where did I live
  • C. how my travel was
  • D. when I will work
15.—The weather report says there will be a heavy rain tomorrow.
—______. I planned to go climbing with my classmates.
  • A. Excellent
  • B. Never mind
  • C. Sounds great
  • D. Bad luck
16. Julia Hill, an American woman, found out that a company wanted to cut down part of a forest in California. There were lots of redwood trees in the (1)      . One of the trees was 70 metres tall and about 1, 000 years old.
Julia wasn't (2)       about this. She went to California and climbed up the tree. "If I sit in the tree," she said, "the company can't cut it down." At the beginning, Julia planned to stay in the tree for two weeks. She (3)       in a small tree-house and her friends were very helpful — they made (4)       for her every day. She used her (5)       to talk to her family and to news reporters (记者). She stayed in the tree (6)      .
Many people helped her, but other people didn't. They tried to (7)        her. The company used a helicopter (直升机) to stay near her tree-house for a long time. The helicopter was very (8)       and there was a lot of wind. Julia didn't like it, but she stayed in the tree.
In the end, she was (9)      . The company told her that they wouldn't cut down the redwood. Finally, after two years and eight days in the tree, Julia Hill climbed (10)       and walked on the ground again. She and her friends were very happy.
17. My name is Jenny. George is one of my good friends. One day, we went on a trip to Washington by train. An old man sat next to us. One hour later, the old man went to the washing room. A young man came over and sat down. George looked at him and said, "Sir, you must be wrong. This is not your seat." But the young man said nothing. Some minutes later, the old man came back and said, "Sir, this is my seat, not yours." "No, it's my seat, not yours." The young man answered.
At that time George had a good idea. He stood up and said to the old man, "Please take my seat. The train is arriving at New York. I will get off the train soon." The young man looked surprised. "What? The train is to New York? I think I take the wrong train." Then he stood up and ran away at once. George smiled at the old man and said, "Please sit down, Sir. He will be back soon. He is on the right train, but just on the wrong seat."
18. A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apples he grew.
  One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it. The farmer was pleased with the gift, but when he got home, he did not know where to plant it.
He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit. If he planted the tree in one of his fields, his neighbors would come at night and steal some of the apples. If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit.
Finally he planted the tree in his woods (树林) where no one could see it. But without sunlight and good soil, the tree soon died.
Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place. "What's the difference?" the farmer said angrily. "If I had planted the tree near the road, strangers would have stolen the fruit. If I had planted the tree in one of my fields, my neighbors would have come at night and stolen some of the apples. If I had planted it near my house, my own children would have taken the fruit."
"Yes," said the friend, "but at least someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only have robbed (抢夺) everyone of the fruit, but also you have destroyed (摧毁) a good apple tree!"
19.Sort trash, save Earth
  You might not think much about where your garbage goes. But now you might want to know. On July 1, Shanghai introduced a new garbage﹣sorting (垃圾分类) policy. People there need to put different kinds of garbage into different bins (垃圾箱). Other cities in China will do the same soon.
Four kinds of garbage in Shanghai
Recyclable garbage includes paper, books, boxes, newspapers, and glass bottles.
Harmful garbage includes lamps, batteries (电池), nail polish (指甲油), and other things with harmful chemicals.
Wet garbage usually comes from the kitchen, such as food, vegetables, flowers, leaves and eggshells.
Dry garbage is anything you cannot put into the other three bins. It includes pens, toilet paper, tape, hair, and towels (毛巾). 

  Why is garbage sorting a big problem? It's because there is too much garbage these days. It is bad for our soil, air and water. Actually we can make use of some garbage again. And first, we need to sort our garbage.
  For example, if you put an old battery into the "harmful waste" bin, people can use it to make new batteries. But if you don't, the battery will end up somewhere else. Then, it will pollute the environment.
  Can factories sort garbage for us? Yes, they can. But it takes many workers to do this and costs lots of money. If we all sort our own garbage, things will become much easier.
  ● Garbage sorting and recycling around the world.
  Germany: There are big machines in supermarkets. You can put bottles in the machines and get money back. You can get one to two yuan per bottle. People like this because they can get money and protect the environment at the same time.
  Japan:A trash truck comes to people's doors to pick up their garbage. It plays music when it's coming. There are eight or more kinds of garbage. If you sort any of them wrong, you will get a notice on your door.
  Indonesia: People can take buses for free if they give plastic bottles to bus stations. An hour﹣long bus ride costs three large bottles, five medium (中等大小的) bottles or 10 plastic cups. But the bottles must be clean.
20.A: Jenny, you look unhappy. (1)      
B: Oh, I had an accident on my way home yesterday.
A:(2)       How did it happen?
A: Were you hurt badly?
B: Yes, my leg still hurts now.
B: He hurt his arm but he is much better now.
B: The car driver.
A: I hope you will be OK soon.
B: Thank you.
A. A car hit me and a boy.
B. Where did it happen?
C. What's the matter?
D. That's a good idea.
E. I'm sorry to hear that.
F. Who took you to hospital?
G. What about the boy? 

21.迈克拿起足球, 离开了房间.
Mike            the football and left the room.
We can grow some flowers            .
23.事实上, 昨天他没去上学.
            , he didn't go to school yesterday.
Wang Li's new book              last week.
Please            the rice for me.
26. Many ways to sleep
  How do you sleep? Most people sleep on their backs or sides. Do animals sleep the same way? Actually, the ways they sleep are much more different — they can lie down, sit or stand while they sleep.
  Swiss scientists did a study on 250 different mammals (哺乳动物). They found that the animals' sleeping postures (姿势) had something to do with their size and weight. Small animals with short legs sleep on their stomachs. Their body shape is perfect for this posture. They also like to put their legs under their bodies. Rabbits and cats sleep this way.
  But larger animals sleep differently. They lie on their sides. That's because this is more comfortable for their longer legs. Cows and hippos (河马) often sleep like this.
  However, there are exceptions. Small animals such as mice sometimes sit down to take a short nap. Some large animals such as horses, zebras and giraffes sleep standing up. This way, they can immediately run away if they are in danger.
  Do you know? Albatrosses are large seabirds. They can sleep while flying. They can even do that while flying at a speed (速度) of about 40 km an hour.

(1) The ways animals sleep are much more             .
(2) Animals' sleeping postures have something to do with their             .
(3) Rabbits and cats like to put their legs              when they sleep.
(4) Giraffes sleep standing up in order to run away              if they are in danger.
(5) To our surprise albatrosses can sleep while              at a high speed.
27. Why so many fires?
  California is burning! Wildfires have spread across the US State since Oct 23 and smoke has filled its skies.
  Take the Kincade Fire in northern California for example.It forced (迫使) 200,000 people to e(1)            its path within one week.The state's largest power (电力) company cut power to about 206,000 homes in order to s(2)             more fires from breaking out, CBS News reported.
  California has seen many wildfires in recent years. Nine of the 10 biggest fires have happened since 2000, i(3)             five since 2010, according to The New York Times.
  Why is this? California has the perfect wildfire c(4)            , Park Williams, a US climate expert (气候专家), told The New York Times.It has dry air and high temperatures from spring through late fall. At the same time, seasonal winds blow across the state every year, causing the wildfires to spread q(5)             and last for weeks.
  Global warming has also made the fires worse in recent years.It has dried out the state's trees and o(6)             plant life, causing them to burn more easily.
  H(7)             have played a role as well. Burning campfires, garbage debris (碎片),and cigarette butts (烟头) can easily cause wildfires. For example, one fire started last year when a car got a flat tire (漏气的轮胎).The car's body met the road and sent out sparks (火花 ),starting a f(8)            .
  Lightning strikes (雷击) and volcanic eruptions (火山爆发) can also cause wildfires. However, people have caused 90 percent of California's wildfires, according to the US National Park Service.
  More about wildfires
  Wildfires often happen in wooded areas in the US,Canada and Australia.They are also k(9)             as forest fires or grass fires in Australia.
  Wildfires can burn at over 900℃ and reach heights of more than 50 meters.They can move at speeds of up to 23 kilometers an hour, burning e(10)             — trees, brush, homes, even people — in their path.
28.假设你是大明, 你所在的学校将举办一场英语演讲比赛, 主题是"如何处理旧书籍". 请根据所给信息, 用英语写一篇发言稿, 准备参加比赛.
我的倡议 把旧书籍捐给希望工程 
我的理由 (1)对我们来说, 旧书籍可能不再有用;
(2)但是, 把旧书籍扔掉却不是一个好方法 
这样做的好处 (1)可以节约资源, 减少浪费;
(2)可以帮助家庭困难的学生, 使他们开拓视野, 增长知识;

参考词汇:deal with 处理 Project Hope 希望工程 resource资源
(1)词数:80~100 个.
(2)短文开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
(3)要点齐全, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥.
Dear friends,
How do we deal with old books after we read them?
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