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1.Lucy, pass ______ the book. He wants to read it.
  • A. me
  • B. him
  • C. her
  • D. them
2.She wants to be a/an______. She practices drawing every day.
  • A. actor
  • B. waiter
  • C. writer
  • D. artist
3.You look quite beautiful______ this pink dress.
  • A. in
  • B. on
  • C. with
  • D. for
4.—Dad, the phone is ringing.
—I guess either you or your mom______on the phone.
  • A. was wanted
  • B. is wanted
  • C. wanted
  • D. wants
5.Lucy, you ______the math test. Congratulations!
  • A. pass
  • B. will pass
  • C. have passed
  • D. are passing
6.I'm sorry I'm late. I should get here 10 minutes ______.
  • A. earlier
  • B. early
  • C. later
  • D. late
7.Good manners can make people ______ each other.
  • A. get off
  • B. get over
  • C. get away
  • D. get on well with
8.You ______. Don't talk on the phone.
  • A. are driving
  • B. will drive
  • C. were driving
  • D. drive
9.Tim ______ stronger after running for a month.
  • A. stayed
  • B. kept
  • C. remained
  • D. became
10.Mary, turn off the water ______ you are brushing your teeth.
  • A. until
  • B. after
  • C. while
  • D. before
11. If a friend helps you a lot, what do you do in return? You could just say "thanks", or you could write a(an) (1)       note which is more polite. But most people don't do this. Why don't people like (2)       thank-you notes? And how do most people react (反应) when they (3)       one? Kumar from University of Texas made a study of it. He asked each student to write a thank-you note to another person (4)       email. Then, they questioned both the writer and the recipient (接受者) about the note and how it made them feel. They found there were several (5)       for people not to write thank-you notes. They feel like they have to think too much about it. They (6)       what to say and how to say it. They also overthink the "correctness" of what they are writing. But people (7)       like receiving thank-you notes. "As recipients, they pay attention to the (8)       of the thank," Kumar says. "Besides, they (recipients) feel positive (积极的) (9)       they were receiving these expressions." If people knew that writing a thank-you note can have such a big influence on the recipient, they would do it more (10)       . Kumar adds.
Kumar says this study told us that "simple, small changes in our everyday lives can make a big difference in how we treat other people and how we feel."
What's your homework?
Mary, 15
My homework for physics was recycling (回收) used batteries (电池)! Tired but happy, I realized there were lots of used batteries polluting our environment. Let's collect them and save the Earth.
Tom, 14
I felt so stressed (紧张的) when I cooked noodles for my parents, which was my homework. I guessed it would be difficult for my parents to eat. But to my surprise, they ate the noodles quickly and praised my cooking skills. But actually, the noodles were not quite as delicious as they said. I understood what family love really is.
Jack, 14
The most interesting homework I've done is planting green beans. I planted five seeds in the pot and watered them twice a day. I expected them to grow, so I watched them every day. A week later, they all grew into beans. Learning is like planting. A good result always comes from great care.
Cathy, 14
We went to some restaurants during winter vacation to put up posters like "No smoking please" and "don't waste food" to help people develop good habits. This homework was interesting and helpful. I wish I could do it again. 
13.  An old woman had two large pots (罐), one on each end of a pole (扁担). I always see her carrying the pole with the pots across her neck.
  One of the pots had a crack (裂缝) in it while the other pot was perfect and always carried a full pot of water. At the end of the long walk from the well to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half-full.
  For two years this happened daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. One day, I asked the old woman: "Why don't you get another pot? The cracked one always makes water drop all the way back to your house."
  The old woman smiled: "Did you notice that there are flowers on one side of the road, but not on the other side? That's because I have always known about the crack, so I planted flower seeds (种子) on the side of the road. And every day while I walk back, I can water them."
  "For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to make my house more beautiful. Without the cracked pot, I would not have this beauty."
  Each of us has our own cracks. But it's these cracks that make our lives together so interesting and meaningful. So, accept these imperfections (不完美) and try to make good use of them.
14. "Life's a long, long journey", so we can't set off on a journey without some idea of where we wanted to go. Yet many people travel on life's journey with no sense of direction at all.
Setting personal goals (目标) can give our life a sense of direction. Goal setting is used by top sports players, successful business people and achievers in all fields. Before you set personal goals, think about what you want to achieve in your life.
Try to set goals in some of the following categories (类别).
● Education — Will you achieve the educational goals after finishing high-school? Are you still growing and learning?
● Family — What kind of relationship do you want with your parents and other family members?
● Creative — Do you want to achieve any artistic goals? 
Occupation — What do you want to do when you grow up? What do you need to learn to make your dream come true?
● Public Service — Do you want to make the world a better place?
● Physical — Are you fit enough to do the things you want to do?
● Pleasure — How do you want to enjoy yourself? 

Write down the goals and think about them carefully. To help make the process (过程) more easily, divide your goals into smaller tasks. For example, if you want to reach a main goal in five years, set a three-year goal, a one-year goal, a three-month goal and a one-month goal. The create a daily To-Do List of things that you should do today. When a goal is achieved, take the time to enjoy your success. This helps you build the self-confidence.
Remember, your goals can change as time goes on. But be sure your goals are things you hope to achieve, not what your parents, family or teachers want.
15.  Do you shop online with websites like Taobao? When you make an order on Taobao, the money you pay doesn't go directly to the seller. Instead, it goes through Alipay, which keeps your money for a while. Then Alipay gives the money to the seller.
  This is called "third party online payment (支付)". There is a transfer station (中转站) between sellers and buyers to make online shopping safe. Buyers don't need to worry about paying for products and then receiving nothing. Sellers also don't worry about receiving no money after sending out products. These transfer stations are usually set up by payment service companies (公司) such as Alipay, Tenpay and Yeepay. Among them, Alipay is the biggest in China. It has more than 270 million active users.
  While most online sellers and shoppers like the third party online payment, banks don't. That is because companies like Alipay are fighting over money with the banks. Users can make money through Alipay. So lots of people choose to put money in Alipay rather than in banks.
  But WeChat payment is not the same. It doesn't have a transfer station. When paying through WeChat, the buyers' money goes directly to the sellers. That's why so many people are excited about receiving and handing out hongbao.
  In a word, the two forms of payment are trying to make online shopping easier. Which one do you prefer?

1. 完成句子
A transfer station between sellers and buyers can                      
2. 完成句子
(2)Alipay has                   active users.

3. Why don't banks like the third party online payment?
4. 题找出并写下第四段的主题句
5. 题将文中画线句子译成汉语.
16. Do you ride your bike to school? It's (1)             good idea because it's good exercise. But in Europe and the US not many kids go to school (2)             their bicycles. They are usually (3)             (take) to school in cars by their parents.
Many kids don't want to walk (4)o             ride to school on bad weather. But it may not be good for (5)             (they) health. There are a lot of kids with weight problems. And this is (6)w             parents encourage kids to ride and walk to school today. Of course these (7)             (parent) are also worried about kids' (8)             (safe). So people build many riding roads to keep them safe.
It is (9)g             for the environment to ride and walk, too. (10)             (many) bikes on the road means less pollution.
17.play can chess we
18.be try your to good best
19.what plans for next year are your
20.post office street there's down a the
21.are how your useful suggestions
22.请仔细观察下面的图片, 并根据所给提示和要求写一篇短文.
提示:(1)What did the two boys do?
(2)What's your advice for the boy on the right?
要求:(1)短文须包含所有提示内容, 可适当发挥.
(3)词数80个左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数)
参考词汇:dig, keep on (坚持), succeed
left right
I can see two boys in the picture. The boy on the left       .
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