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  • A. grandpa
  • B. have
  • C. baseball
  • D. hat
  • A. dollar
  • B. clock
  • C. box
  • D. photo
  • A. their
  • B. thank
  • C. thirty
  • D. think
  • A. ring
  • B. picture
  • C. find
  • D. his
  • A. how
  • B. yellow
  • C. brown
6.—______ is that T-shirt?
—It's blue.
  • A. How much
  • B. What color
  • C. How
  • D. Where
7.Cindy is a volleyball star and she eats ____.
  • A. well
  • B. good
  • C. nice
  • D. healthy
8.—Where ______ my socks?
—On the chair.
  • A. is
  • B. has
  • C. are
  • D. have
9.—Can I help you?
—Yes, please. My son        a sweater for school.
  • A. takes
  • B. has
  • C. is
  • D. needs
10.—OK. I'll take them.
  • A. Thank you.
  • B. Here you are.
  • C. I see.
  • D. I'm sorry.
11.— Are these ______ keys?
— No, they are ______.
  • A. your; hers
  • B. hers; my
  • C. his; your
  • D. my; yours
12.Tom ____ vegetables. But he likes ice-cream.
  • A. like
  • B. don't like
  • C. doesn't like
  • D. likes
13.For breakfast, Mr. Green eats ____ and salad.
  • A. apple
  • B. carrot
  • C. banana
  • D. hamburgers
14.In Mr. Cool's Store, they sell clothes ____ very good prices.
  • A. under
  • B. at
  • C. on
  • D. to
15.I don't have a soccer ball but my cousin Frank ____.
  • A. asks
  • B. plays
  • C. is
  • D. does
16.  Jim is from PEP Middle School. He (1)       a sister, Kate. Mrs. Smith is their mother. She loves (2)       family very much. She (3)       to the store every day. She often buys food, fruit and clothes for her family. Now Mr. Wilson's Clothes Store has a great (4)      . Their clothes are very cheap (便宜). Mrs. Smith comes to the store and she wants to (5)       some clothes for her family. There (6)       have sweaters in all colors for $15 each and sports shoes for only $8.
  Mrs. Smith likes sweaters and she buys a red one for herself (自己) and a yellow one for her (7)       Kate. She buys a (8)       of sports shoes for her son Jim. The great T-shirts in the store (9)       only $12! She buys a white one for Mr. Smith.
  And that's not all. The socks, (10)       all colors, are $2 each. She buys socks in many colors for her family. She is really a good mother and a good wife (妻子).
17. I'm Cindy. This is my schoolbag. It's on my bed and it's a nice schoolbag. It's a birthday gift (礼物) from my uncle.
What's in my schoolbag? There is a pencil box, a notebook and two books. The pencil box is a birthday gift from my aunt. There are many things in the pencil box. A white eraser is in it. A blue ruler is in it, too. It's not my ruler. It's Jane's. Jane is my sister. She likes blue. There are three pencils in the pencil box, too. One is red and the other (另外的) two are yellow. The notebook is black. Are these books mine? No. The English book is Gina's. She is my good friend. The picture book is from the library.
(1)Cindy's schoolbag is under the chair.
(2)A pencil box, a notebook and two books are in the schoolbag.
(3)Jane's ruler is white.
(4)Two yellow pencils are in the pencil box.
(5)The English book and the picture book are not Cindy's.

18. We go shopping on Sundays. I often go to the supermarket (超市) with my mother on Sunday morning. My father likes apples very much. We buy some red apples for him. Mum likes yellow bananas, but they're green. "Look! The strawberries are very nice, Mum. Do you like them?" "Yes." Mum says and buys some for herself. The oranges are very nice. My mother buys some for me.
We need some vegetables. The vegetables in the supermarket are very fresh (新鲜的). We buy some tomatoes and carrots. I don't like tomatoes, but my parents like them. I like carrots.
After shopping, Mum and I have some hamburgers and ice-cream. And then we go back home with the fruit and vegetables.
19. My name is Dale. I'm in No. 9 Middle School. I like soccer, ping-pong and volleyball. I can play them well. They are easy and interesting for me. I have four soccer balls, six ping-pong balls and two volleyballs. I play soccer with my friends after class.
This is my friend, Alice. We are in the same school. But we are not in the same class. She likes baseball very much. She has eight baseballs, four baseball bats and five baseball hats! But she can't play baseball. She thinks it is difficult for her. She only watches baseball games on TV.
20. It is Sunday afternoon. (1)       And Mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a shop.
"(2)      " Mary asks, "A lot of things, " the girl in the shop says. "You can buy food, drinks, clothes in our shop and school things, too."
Mary and her mother go in, there are many people in the shop. (3)      
"How much is the skirt?" Mary asks the girl in the shop.
"It's 80 yuan."
"That's too dear (贵). Do you have a cheap one? "
"What about the green one? It's nice. (4)      "
"OK, thanks a lot."
"You are welcome."
(5)       Her mother buys a lot of food, like bread, cakes, meat and fish. They get home very late!
A. Mary finds a nice white skirt.
B. After that, Mary buys some school things.
C. Mary's mother wants to buy some food for dinner.
D. The black T-shirt is very good on you.
E. What does your store sell?
F. And it's only 30 yuan. 
21. Peter likes running (跑步). He runs every morning. A. Now he need a pair of sports shoes. So Peter goes shopping. In Black's Shoe Store, he finds a pair of nice shoes and he feels very comfortable (舒服的) in them. He wants a blue pair, but the store only has the black ones. They are 100 dollars. He really likes the shoes. He takes B. them at last (最后).
Then Peter walks into White's Shoe Store. C. All shoes are at very price. He finds the same shoes in the store and they are in four colors﹣blue, black, yellow and green. They are only 80 dollars. So Peter goes back to Black's Shoe Store and wants to give back the black shoes. But they refuse (拒绝)him. This makes Peter unhappy (不开心的). What a bad day!
(1)将文中A处划线的句子Now he needs a pair of sports shoes. 译成汉语.
(2)回答问题. How much are the shoes in Black's Shoe Store? (1分)
(3)写出文中B处划线单词them所指代的内容. (1分)
(4)将文中C处划线的句子All shoes are at very good prices. 译成汉语. (2分)
(5)根据短文内容完成句子. (2分)
The shoes in White's Shoe Store             — blue, black, yellow and green.
22. We lost a book and a computer game in the school library. The book is about English. In the book is a school ID card. The name on the card is Mary Miller. The book and the school ID card are hers. She must find them. She is my good friend in our school. The computer game is mine. Can you help us find them?My name's Cindy and I'm at home now. My telephone number is 805﹣7826 and my e-mail address is cindysina. com. If (假如) you find them, please call me or e-mail me. Thanks.
Cindy lost her computer game in the             .
(2)回答问题. What's Mary's family name?(1分)
(3)从文中找出与Those are her book and school ID card. 意思相同或相近的句子. (2分)
(4)回答问题. What's Cindy's telephone number?(1分)
(5)根据短文内容完成句子. (2分)
If you find the book and the computer game, you can              Cindy or              her.
23.In the              (下一个) photo are my grandparents.
24.Bob likes black    (裤子).
25.—Can I help you?
—Yes. I want             (二十) eggs.
26.The three    (妇女)are teachers in that school.
27.Lucy has a healthy             (习惯).
28.Look! Our classroom is very            (整洁的).
29.Mike's            (模型) plane is on the floor.
30.—Is this Bill's eraser?
—Yes, and the dictionary is            (他的), too.
31.Eric             (总是) watches TV after dinner.
32.—Let's think about the food for your birthday.
             (当然). How about hamburgers and cakes?
33.—Let's play ping-pong.
—That              (sound) boring.
34.I don't want             (be) fat.
35.Helen     (not have) a baseball.
36.—How much             (be) these socks?
—﹩2 for one pair and ﹩3 for two pairs.
37.The white jackets             (look) nice.
38.It's Sally's dictionary. (改为复数形式)
             Sally's            .
39.Mr. Cool's store sells bags. (改为一般疑问句)
             Mr. Cool's store             bags?
40.Bill likes oranges. (对划线部分提问)
What             Bill            ?
41.The map is in my grandma's room. (对划线部分提问)
             the map?
42.They're my cousins. (对划线部分提问)
43.David eats ice cream after lunch. (改为一般疑问句)
             David              ice cream after lunch?
Your hat is             your            .
             your pencils?
I lost a set            .
47.快点儿, 杰克!(come)
            , Jack!
48.A: Hello, John!
B: Hello, Lin Tao.
A: Here (1)             a nice picture. Is this your picture?
B: No, it isn't. What's (2)             the picture?
A: There are some trees.
B: Are they apple trees?
A: No, they are banana trees. Look! Those are bananas.
B: Wow, that's interesting.
A: Oh, what's in the bag?
B: Some tennis balls. Do you like (3)            ?
A: No, tennis is not easy for me. I love basketball.
B: Great! I love basketball, (4)            . Do you have a basketball?
A: No, I don't. But my friend Peter (5)             a basketball. We can play with him(他).
B: OK, let's go!
49.请写一篇英语短文, 简要介绍一下:
1. 你的家庭成员;
2. 你和家人的饮食习惯, 包括你们喜欢吃的和不喜欢吃的.
1. 要点齐全, 可根据要点提示适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实人名:
3. 词数不少于50.
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