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1.______ girl in a red sweater is my sister. She likes playing ______ baseball with me.
  • A. An; an
  • B. The; /
  • C. The; an
  • D. The; the
2.Mr. Zhang teaches ______ Chinese. We like ______ class very much.
  • A. me; her
  • B. me; his
  • C. us; his
  • D. us; her
3.______ is my favorite day, because the next day is Saturday.
  • A. Sunday
  • B. Friday
  • C. Monday
  • D. Thursday
4.—Let's think about our weekend.
—How about ______ soccer?
  • A. playing
  • B. play
  • C. plays
  • D. to play
5.I don't have a baseball, but Alan ______.
  • A. do
  • B. does
  • C. have
  • D. has
6.—How much is the sports bag?
—Sorry. I don't know the ______.
  • A. question
  • B. ball
  • C. price
  • D. sale
7.—Do you like history?
—Yes, it is interesting and ______
  • A. difficult
  • B. healthy
  • C. boring
  • D. useful
8.—______ are these socks?
—They are two dollars.
  • A. How old
  • B. What time
  • C. How much
  • D. What about
9.Look! The white shoes ______ 30 dollars. That pair of yellow shoes ______ 20 dollars.
  • A. are; is
  • B. are; are
  • C. is; is
  • D. is; are
10.—Thanks for your help, Lucy.
  • A. You're welcome
  • B. Nice to meet you
  • C. It's yellow
  • D. Good morning
11.  Do you like (1)       ? Do you (2)        tennis, basketball or baseball (3)       school?
  I'm Alex, and my (4)       name is Green. (5)       kids are in my family. We all like sports.
  My brother lan and I are in the (6)       class, so we play basketball and soccer together. Lan is tall and strong, so it's (7)       for him to play basketball (8)      . But (9)       me , it's very difficult.
  I also (10)       a sister and she is only nine years old. She likes ping-pang, so we always play ping﹣pang after school, and we both have a good (11)      . I think it's (12)       to play sports.
  In the evening, we can (13)       some sports games (14)       TV. I love sports (15)       I'm happy.
12.  My friends like to ask for help or get help on Wechat. Now they put some information (信息) on it.
13. Mr. Cool's Clothing Store
Clothes Color Each (每个) Price 
socks white, blue purple ﹩4 
pants black ﹩11 
sweater red , white ﹩20 
T-shirt red, green, black ﹩14 
hat black. red ﹩6 
shorts red, green ﹩16 
trousers black, yellow ﹩15 
14.  July is really interesting. We have some fun things in our school this month. Let's look at some of them!
  Book sale
  On July 3rd, we have a book sale in the school library. Students can sell old books to their classmates and teachers. We can buy nice books at very good prices.
  Sports Day
  We all know doing sports is good for our health. So there is a Sports Day in our school on July 10th. We can play basketball, tennis, Ping-pong and soccer on that day. I think we can have a good time.
  Art Festival
  The art festival is on July 20th. I'm so happy about it. I can play the piano (钢琴). I like it. Do you like it?
  School Trip
  On the last day of this month, we have a school trip. We go to a great park (公园), with the students and teachers. It's really interesting.
15.W             comes after Tuesday and before Thursday.
16.I like fruit because I think it is h             food.
17.Sally has a good eating habit, she eats fruit and             (蔬菜) every day
18.There are two              on the desk (词典)
19.My sister is twenty years old. Today is her t             birthday.
20.My mother often w     TV on Saturday evening.
21.Thanks for h             me with my English, you are so kind.
22.We sell all our clothes at very good    (价格).
23.The teacher says math is d             but useful.
24.F            (二月) is the second month of the year.
25.  Cindy is a middle school student. She is in Class 3, Grade 7. She (1)             (go) to school at 8:00. Her favorite (2)             are English and P. E. Some students think math is very (3)            , but Cindy (4)             (not think) it is boring. She thinks it is cool. For lunch, she likes (5)             (eat) vegetables and fruit, because she doesn't want (6)             (be) fat. So she looks really healthy.
  Her class (7)             (finish) at 4: 50. After class Cindy can (8)             (play)tennis (9)             her friends. After that, she has (10)             art lesson. It is very relaxing.
26. I still remember (记得) my first English class. It is very interesting.
The teacher goes into the classroom with a smile (微笑) on his face. At the beginning, he makes a self-introduction (自我介绍). And he tells us that his English name is John Smith. Then he asks all of us to find English names for ourselves (我们自己).
We are very happy to find a good name. Then he asks us to write our names down on our notebooks. I think about my English name for a long time. Then I come up with (想出) a nice name — Shirley. All the students write their names down and give their notebooks to the teacher. When the teacher calls "Shirley" to answer his question, three girls stand up (站立) at the same time.

(1)How is the writer's first English class?
(2)What's the first name of the English teacher?
(3)What does the teacher ask the students to find?
(4)Where do the students write down their English names?
(5)Why do three girls stand up when the teacher calls"Shirley"?
27.根据图示,请以My friend Jack为题写一篇短文介绍你的朋友.短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名,请尽量用上所给提示词,可适当扩充.不少于60词.
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