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1.My sister is a geography teacher and ______ hobby is taking photos.
  • A. she
  • B. he
  • C. her
  • D. his
2.We often play table tennis ______ our friends at school.
  • A. to
  • B. of
  • C. for
  • D. with
3.There is ______ English book and some pens in my bag.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
4.I don't like going shopping because it is very ______.
  • A. boring
  • B. busy
  • C. useful
  • D. interesting
5.— ______ is your birthday party?
— At three this Saturday afternoon.
  • A. What
  • B. Who
  • C. Where
  • D. When
6.Let's ______ swimming next Friday.
  • A. go
  • B. goes
  • C. going
  • D. to go
7.Mike's father ______ in the hospital and he is very busy every day.
  • A. work
  • B. works
  • C. working
  • D. to work
8.— Thanks for helping me find my dog.
— ______.
  • A. The same to you
  • B. Have a good time
  • C. You're welcome
  • D. That sounds good
  I'm Kate, and my sister is Gina. I'm tidy, (1)             Gina is not. In our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase. My pens are in my schoolbag. I have a clock. It's on the desk. Gina's books (2)            (be) everywhere — on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. The white model plane is also hers. It's under the desk. "Where are my (3)            (key)? Where's my ruler? Where's my schoolbag?" Gina always (4)            (ask).
  I am busy on Friday. At 8:00, I have Chinese. The teacher says it is useful, but I think (1)             is difficult. At 10:00, I have history. After that, I have P.E. at 11:00. It is easy. Lunch is (2)             12:00 to 1:00, and after that we have math. It is my favorite (3)            . Our math teacher, Mrs. Wang, is very kind. My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for 2 hours. It is really (4)            (relax).
11.The Tradition
  Luis's whole family met every June to celebrate Grandpa's birthday. Before everyone sat down to eat, each person had to tell a personal story they had about (1)      . Some family members told the same story year after year. Luis, for example, had his usual story about the time Grandpa taught him how to take care of a vegetable garden.
  The stories were a (2)      . And now that most of the grandchildren were old enough to (3)      , the tradition could go on for quite a while. Last year, it took three hours. Luis tried hard not to yawn(打哈欠) as he listened to all the same old stories.
  This year, Uncle Frank and Aunt Teresa had dinner ready early and called everyone to eat.
  "What about the (4)      ?" Luis asked.
  "There's just not enough time this year, with so many people," Uncle Frank said.
  After hearing this, Luis felt relieved(如释重负). But he also felt a little (5)       as he sat down at the long dining table. Without the tradition, Grandpa's birthday felt like any other holiday the family shared.
  Luis eyed the plate of vegetable salad. "You know, I wouldn't know how to pick a tomato right if it wasn't for Grandpa," he said softly.
  "I wouldn't know (6)       to drive a car," said Aunt Teresa.
  "I wouldn't know how to turn a paperclip into a safety pin," added Uncle Felix. "That sure saved the day at Edna's wedding (婚礼)!" Everyone laughed and smiled at each other at the reminder of that well-known family story.
  It was a (7)       birthday. Conversations flowed like water, and the food was wonderful. But something told Luis that next year, the tradition of telling stories would (8)      .
12.  There are some notices on the community(社区) notice board. Please read them carefully and check out if they are useful for you.
Online Sale at Shopbop
  Welcome to Shopbop this Friday, Jan. 22nd! We have all kinds of clothes and shoes for you. For boys, there are sweaters in black. And girls, you can buy our purple handbags!
   For more information, please visit our APP or phone us at 601-7728. 
Invitation from the Smiths
Dear Sir or Madam,
  Welcome to our YARD SALE from 8 am to 2 pm on Jan. 20th. There are lots of holiday items, including milk glasses, a big dinner table, many beautiful coffee cups and so on. We're moving to our new home, so everything must go! They are at very low prices.
Joana Smith
  In Bosque Farms, 1705 St. Los Pinos 
  On the morning of Jan. 9th, I lost my red English dictionary. Maybe I left it in the library. It is new and I need it very much. If you find it, please call me at 138-1111-8907.
  Thank you very much!
  Jessie Brown 
  I found a jacket on the playground on the afternoon of Jan. 8th. It is an old jacket in blue and white color, and it is a school uniform. There is a key in the pocket of the uniform. Is it yours? Call me at 136-8778-1226 or my teacher Mr. Smith at 622-5947.
  Frank Miller 
13.Tommy's Bumper Sticker
  A little kid came to me after he knew about the Children's Bank. "My name is Tommy. I am six years old and I want to borrow money from your Children's Bank."
  I said, "Tommy, that's what we will do, to loan(贷款) money to kids. And all the kids have paid it back. What do you want to do?"
He said, "Since I was four I wanted to help bring peace(和平) to the world. I want to make a bumper sticker(车尾贴) that says, 'PEACE, PLEASE! DO IT FOR US KIDS.'"
  "I support that," I said.
  Tommy's dad whispered in my ear, "If he doesn't pay the loan back, are you going to accept his bicycle for the loan?"
  I said, "Every kid is born with honesty. I believe he'll pay us back."
  "Always start selling at the top, such as some famous people," I suggested.
  Then he made his first try at Ronald Reagan's home. There, he gave a persuasive(有说服力的) sales speech on his bumper stickers. The gatekeeper was moved. He gave him $1.50 for his sticker and helped him meet the former President Reagan.
  Later, he sent a bumper sticker to Mikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev sent him back $1.50 and a picture that said, "Go for peace, Tommy," and signed it, "Mikhail Gorbachev, President."
  Later on, Joan Rivers called Tommy to be on her TV show which has millions of audience(观众).
  Tommy went on Joan Rivers' show. He told such great persuasive stories that people took out money to buy a bumper sticker on the spot(在现场). At the end of the show, Joan asked, "Tommy, do you really think your bumper sticker will cause peace in the world?"
  Tommy smiled and said, "So far I have had it out two years and got the Berlin Wall down. I am doing pretty well, don't you think so?"
14.  Have you ever wondered why it seems that some people can have enough time to do everything they want, but others can't? Is it that the first type of people has less to do? No, it's much more possible that they are practicing good time management skills.
  Time management is hard to practice well. But once done, you will manage time much better. With minor tweaks and little efforts, you can do all you need to do in an effective (有效率的) way.
  The key to good time management is to understand the difference between the urgent and the important. "Urgent" tasks need your immediate (立即的) attention, but whether you give that immediate attention may or may not matter (要紧). "Important" tasks matter, because not doing them may have serious or even bad results.
  For example, answering the phone is urgent. If you don't do it, you may miss something important. However, it may be a stranger who just wants to sell you a phone you don't need at all. That's not important.
  Going to the dentist is important. If you don't, you may get gum disease. But it's not urgent. If you leave it too long, however, it may become urgent, because you may get a toothache.
  Helping to pick up your brother or sister from school is both urgent and important. If you are not there at the right time, they will keep waiting and worry too much. Seeing Wechat moments (朋友圈) is neither urgent nor important. So why do you put it first?
  Knowing the difference between the urgent and the important is the key to managing time well. Try to put your tasks into their right groups. Remember that your health is important. You should pay enough attention to your health even though there are many urgent things to do.
  Although it's not easy to group your tasks properly, try to be a good time manager so that you can have time to spend with the people you love and on the activities you like. The better you manage your time, the more successful you can be.
  Ballet is a type of dance. It is a kind of art that can express a feeling, tell a story, or interpret a song. The first ballet began in the 15th century. Ballet dancers may be men and women — ballet is not just for girls! They are strong, pretty, and flexible (柔韧的).
  Many movements in ballet are unusual for the human body. Dancers turn their legs out, instead of having their knees and feet straight forward. They also point their feet and may even dance on the tips of their toes.
  Dancers must go through a lot of training. Many take classes almost daily if they'd like to be professional (职业的) ballet dancers. They need to practice often to keep up their strength. That also means that dancers need to take very good care of their bodies, so their bodies can keep up with the dancing! Dancers need to be well rested and eat healthy meals. They also should drink plenty of water and listen to their bodies by resting if that's what their bodies need.
  In ballet class, most teachers ask dancers to warm up their bodies at first. After that, dancers come to the center to practice other movements. They should start slowly when learning new steps, so their bodies have time to get used to the steps and don't get injured.
  In fact, it is not easy to become good ballet dancers. Not only do dancers need to control their bodies well, but they need to have a good understanding of music.
  Ballet looks soft, but it is really an athletic activity. If you love to move your body and use it to tell stories, ballet might be a great activity for you to try!
(1)When did the first ballet begin?
(2)Is ballet just for girls?
(3)Why do professional ballet dancers need to practice often?
(4)What do most teachers do at first in ballet class?
(5)How can people become good ballet dancers?
My mom often              on weekends.
You can              the teacher              help if you have problems.
That house              .
For girls, we have skirts              for only $20.
             playing soccer after school?
In the morning music class, art class, reading... 
In the afternoon basketball game, English party... 

提示词语:sing songs, read stories, play with
♦ When is the School Day?
♦ What classes and activities do you have on that day?
♦ What does Peter like to do?
To Peter
From Li Hua
Subject: School Day
Dear Peter,
  How is it going? I'm writing to invite you to attend our School Day. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I'm looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua 
海淀区某英语杂志正在举办2018学年度 “健康小明星” 英语演讲比赛。假如你是李华,请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语演讲稿,介绍自己的饮食习惯、运动情况并谈谈健康生活方式的重要性。
提示词语:vegetable, fruit, soccer, strong, work hard
♦What are your eating habits?
♦What sports do you usually do?
♦ Why is it important to live a healthy life?
  Hello, everyone. My name is Li Hua. I'm happy to share my healthy lifestyle with you._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
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