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1.The little girl is my sister. ______ name is Linda.
  • A. His
  • B. Her
  • C. Its
2.一Lily, shall we watch the movie Leap ______ Saturday?
一That's great!
  • A. at
  • B. in
  • C. on
3.My grandparents don't know how to use the computer, ______ I often help them.
  • A. so
  • B. or
  • C. but
4.—Have you got ______ photos about animals?
  • A. some
  • B. any
  • C. much
5.There ______ many new books in the library. I want to get some to read.
  • A. am
  • B. is
  • C. are
6.一Hi, Bob, football time! Where is your brother?
一He ______ a football match.
  • A. watch
  • B. is watching
  • C. watches
7.一______ do you go on the Internet?
一Once a week.
  • A. How often
  • B. How much
  • C. How many
8.My uncle and aunt often ______ skiing in Chongli, Zhangjiakou.
  • A. goes
  • B. go
  • C. going
9.一Miss Li, would you like some ______ for your new office?
一Yes. A desk and two chairs, please.
  • A. furniture
  • B. computer
  • C. pictures
10.Winter holiday is coming. I ______ a plan for it now.
  • A. make
  • B. is making
  • C. am making
11.Lingling's mother usually ______ a walk with her dog after dinner.
  • A. take
  • B. takes
  • C. is taking
12.When we are at the bus stop, we should ______.
  • A. stand in line
  • B. get off
  • C. put away
13.  This is my friend Simon. He helps a lot at home! He (1)       makes his bed in the morning and sometimes he helps his mum to cook. They like making cakes! Also, Simon loves playing football!He usually plays in the afternoon with his little (2)      , Carl and Jack. They have a lot of fun!
14.  Beth and Ben usually go to the cinema at weekends. When they get to the movie theatre, they buy their tickets and some popcorn to eat. Ben often (1)       lots of butter and salt on his popcorn. Beth likes her popcorn without butter or salt. They also buy juice to drink during the movie. Then they go to find their seats.
  It's Sunday today. They are at the cinema again. Now they (2)       into the movie hall. They can't wait to see Billy the Flying Dog.
drive (v. ) water (n. )special (adj. ) enjoy (v. ) 

  Most families love to go on holiday together. There are many different kinds of holidays. Some people like going to some famous cities and visiting some (1)             museums. Other people (2)             getting close to nature (自然). For example, they would like to have beach (海滩)holidays. On a beach holiday, the most important aim (目的) is to have fun in the (3)            ! Many people enjoy swimming in the sea. And some may try to go waterskiing. Roads can also lead people to some naturally beautiful places. Many people just take what they need and (4)             along a road to take a look at nature.
different (adj. ) things (n. ) help (v. ) fruit (n. ) beans(n. ) play (v. ) 

Can That Make Music?
  There are many ways to make music in the world. You can use almost anything to make a sound (声音), even a piece of (1)            . Some people on YouTube use food and a computer to make music. They can (2)             music with different kinds of fruit.
  It is not just people with computers and food who can make music. The Blue Man Group uses everyday (3)             to tell stories with their music. In some shows, the group even uses a really long pipe (长管). They move it around to make music.
  You can also make music at home. For example, you can put dry (4)             into a cup and shake (摇动) it. Even a glass of water can(5)             you make music. The music comes from the way the players move and shake (6)             things. Just try, and you'll have fun.
17.  Technology (技术) is very important in our life today. Four students from Dublin tell us how they use technology in the city.
 1. Online Shopping
I love online shopping. I send my shopping list to the supermarket and they send the things to my house. It's so easy arid it saves me lots of time. 
 2. Tablets
I use a tablet to get online I look up the opening times of shops and museums. I also find out what's playing at the cinema and what time films start. It's easier, cheaper and quicker than a phone call. 
 Apps & Smartphones
I'm learning French. But I haven't got much time to practice it. Now I'm learning words and expressions with an app on my smartphone. It's great because I can use it anywhere in the city. 
 4. WIFI Zones & Laptops
I'm lucky. I've got a small laptop. I use it to send emails and to chat with my friends. I can now do those things in the city center because there are lots of places with free WIFI zones cafes, the library, parks, eta like using my laptop in the park. I can do my homework and get fresh air at the same time! 
18.Live Small
  In Europe and North America, the size (规模) of a family is getting smaller, but homes are not;in many countries they are getting bigger. Bigger homes are more expensive, and heating (加热) them in cold weather is bad for the environment (环境). Many people think ifs time to talk about the size of our homes. Sixteen-year-old Austin Hay is one of them.
  Now, Austin is building a home on his parents' driveway (车道). It has everything important, like a washroom, a kitchen and a bedroom, but it's only 2. 4 meters wide and 3. 7 meters long.
  "When I was a child, I wanted to build a tree house," Austin says. "But this house is on wheels (车轮), and that's cool!" Austin doesn't do any building during the weekdays — he's busy with homework and playing baseball. But he usually works hard on his house on the weekends. "Right now, I'm working on the doors. They're really easy, so my dad isn't helping me. He only helps with the difficult things."
  Austin is sleeping in his little house this summer. There isn't a fireplace, so in the winter he'11 move back across the yard to his parents5 house. And in the future? "Going to college is very expensive in the US, but it'll be cheap (便宜的) for me because I can take my little house with me. I can live in it anywhere."
19.  Giving gifts (presents) is a perfect way of showing how much you care for someone. People often give gifts during special times such as birthdays, graduations, and weddings. You can gift someone closest to you at any time of the year, even if there is nothing special to celebrate.
  So, how do you choose a perfect gift for your loved one or a special friend? To find a right gift, you should do three things.
  Know the Person's Interests
  You should find out what the person (人) likes most and then buy those kinds of gifts. If they love books, you should learn about their favorite writers. If they love traveling, you can get some postcards. By buying something that reflects (反映) the person's interest, you can be sure they will like it, and this will help build the relationship.
  Find Out if the Person Has a Problem
  Gifts don't have to be flashy (奢华的) things. They can be something that the person needs the most. And since presents should be a surprise, don't ask your friends what they need. Listen to them carefully as they are likely to talk about a problem (问题) that they might be facing. Also, you can look around and find that area of life in which they might be facing a problem.
  For example, a friend might be using an old pair of glasses. In such a case, you can find out more about the kind of glasses they wear, and then get them a new pair.
  Give Them an Experience
  Gifts don't have to be things you can touch. They can be experiences (经历) that the person would enjoy. Studies have found that a person remembers an experience more than things. For example, if a friend loves a music group, you can take him or her to one of their concerts. It will be a surprise and an experience that they will never forget.
  In a word, you should always focus on (聚焦) finding the perfect gift. You can make the right choice by knowing a person's interests. This will help you choose exciting things that reflect what the person loves. You should also think about giving something that helps to solve the person's problem or choose to gift him or her an experience.
20.Snack Rules
  You may grow up with a no-snacking mom. She always tells you that snacks (零食) are bad for your health because they can make you fat and hurt your teeth. Well, mom may be right about most things in our life, but she isn't right about all snacks. It is true that there is a healthy way to snack. In fact, snacking in the right way can make you healthier!The right snacks can be good for us! After having some snacks, you don't need to eat too much at dinner and in this way, they can stop you from getting fat. Now let me tell you some rules (规则) to snack.
  The first rule about snacking is to make snacks by yourself. Do not buy snacks from the supermarket or food shops. Most of those snacks have too much sugar and salt in them.
  The second rule about snacking is to eat things that take longer for your body to process. Our body can process bread and cakes quickly. Try to have some cheese or yogurt to go along with some bread, and you have got a winning snack.
  The third rule about snacking is to remember water. For example, when you are working, maybe you are not hungry (饥饿的) but tired. What you should do is to have a break. Your body might just be trying to tell you to drink some water. Have some water before you take out another snack to eat. A short break and some water might be all you really need.
  With one or two snack breaks during the day, you may find that you eat less (更少) at lunch and dinner. Smaller meals will help you to eat less food during your day. And eating less is a great way to start losing weight (减肥). So, why not have a try?

1. What is the first rule about snacking?
2. What might you really need when you feel tired?
3. Why is having the right snacks good for you?
21.He wants to get a              [dʒɒb] in the hotel.
22.Mary has an              [a:t] class every Friday evening.
23.My best friend and I are in the same              [greɪd].
24.The              ['taɪgə] can swim and it usually lives alone.
25.我哥哥擅长体育. (be good at)
26.Anna喜欢在公园里拍照.(take photos)
27.他们正在教室前面等你.(wait for)
28.拥有良好的睡眠很重要.(important, sleep)
29.请根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于40词的文段写作.文中已给出内容, 不计入总词数.所给图片及提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.
假如你是李华, 你的英国笔友Mike对中国传统节日如春节(Spring Festival) 和中秋节(Mid﹣Autumn Festival)等非常感兴趣.请你给他写一封邮件, 介绍你最喜欢的中国传统节日.内容包括:你最喜欢的中国节日是什么, 节日期间你通常会做哪些事情, 以及你喜欢这个节日的理由.
•What's your favorite Chinese festival?
•What do you usually do at the festival?
•Why is it your favourite festival?

Dear Mike, How is it going? I would like to tell you about my favorite Chinese festival.       . If you want to know more, please tell me. Yours, Li Hua 
turn(v.) plant(n.) fat(n.) use(n.) dangerous(adj.) leave (v.)find (v.) 

Winter Time
  Winter is cold in some places. Many (1)             do not grow and some plants die. It is hard for animals (2)             food during winter.
  But animals get it through in many ways.
  Many animals like birds and butterflies do not stay at one place.
  They fly to a place with fine weather. We call this migration (迁徙). That is (3)             to keep away from the cold.
  Another good way to get away from the cold is to sleep through it. Many animals like snakes and frogs hide during the winter. They do not eat. They live on their (4)             until food returns. We call this hibernation (冬眠).
  Some animals keep food in their homes. They live on what they have got in the summer and autumn.
  Other animals do not leave or hide. Sometimes nature helps them out. Some animals grow thicker coats and others change color. The arctic fox is brown in the summer. His coat (5)             white in the winter.
  Winter may be pretty. It is wonderful to see snow. But it is (6)             for people too. You can get frostbite (冻伤). How do you get through winter?
31.  In Britain, children start school in their fifth year. The first class is known as reception and, for some children, it is a daunting (令人畏惧的) experience. Five-year olds love to move around, run and jump all day. However, when they are in a group of 20 or more, they have to learn to follow instructions (指令) from the teacher. Sitting down, listening and taking turns are new things to them.
  Once a child is in the reception class, the first year is usually a very happy one. Lots of new skills are introduced. Group activities, socializing (社交) with the other children and learning to take turns, these are all part of the first-year experience.
  As they paint, draw, bake and enjoy sand and water play, they talk with other children and language skills develop. When they have music and movement lessons or activities in a gym, they learn to control their body movements as they stop, roll﹣over, and slowly take steps. Children learn to work with others. In music class, they have to listen for a rhythm, try to copy it and join in singing simple songs.
  Sitting down and listening to stories and answering questions about the story are also very important skills in a child's first year at school.
  Breaks and play times during the school day are good for children. Running, catching, hiding, using balls and skipping ropes, falling over and getting back up, all help release pent-up energy (释放多余能量). On some playgrounds, there are lines and numbers on the ground. Children can jump along the lines and into spaces.
  If a child doesn't go home for a meal at lunch time, the school provides hot and cold food in the dining hall. A child can also bring a lunch from home.
  In primary schools, the mornings include number work, reading skills and recording. The afternoons are more creative (创造性的). Young children love dressing up in costumes and acting out adult situations. They have "pretend" tea parties, make little cakes from plasticine (橡皮泥) and pour cups of tea for others.
  At the end of a busy day, young children go home with a parent and they are happy to talk about their day at school.
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