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1.In President Xi Jinping's words, China has achieved a "complete victory" in fighting ______poverty (贫困).
  • A. without
  • B. against
  • C. through
  • D. with
2.— Congratulations, Susan. You got the first place in the English Speaking Competition.
— Thanks. Laura, a friend of ______, helped me a lot. I'm really grateful to her.
  • A. my
  • B. mine
  • C. me
  • D. I
3.China's top legislature (立法机关) ______ the Yangtze River Protection Law on Dec 26, 2020. It is the first law to protect a waterway in China.
  • A. pass
  • B. will pass
  • C. passed
  • D. was passing
4.Nowadays, most children depend too much on their parents. They ______ hardly make a decision on their own.
  • A. must
  • B. could
  • C. mustn't
  • D. couldn't
5.Everyone can be a useful person and make a ______ to our country.
  • A. instruction
  • B. information
  • C. contribution
  • D. introduction
6.The new—built park in our city provides a new way to bring people ______ to nature.
  • A. fewer
  • B. closer
  • C. less
  • D. farther
7.It is 100 years since the Communist Party of China(中国共产党)______. It's her 100th birthday this year.
  • A. found
  • B. founded
  • C. is founded
  • D. was founded
8.—My brother is telling everyone he has bought a new toy.
—Pay no attention to him. Children like to______.
  • A. take off
  • B. show off
  • C. put off
  • D. set off
9.—Miss Green, I tried hard but I didn't make much progress in English learning.
—Come on, Helen. ______ you try your best, you will never know how great you are.
  • A. Until
  • B. Unless
  • C. Though
  • D. If
10.—Paper-cutting is one of the traditional Chinese cultures. I am fond of it. Could you tell me _______?
—Of course. I do well in it.
  • A. how I can make paper-cutting
  • B. where paper-cutting is made
  • C. when I can make paper-cutting
  • D. what paper-cutting is made
11.  John has always loved flying. One of his earliest memories is sitting on his mother's lap while taking off on a plane ride to visit his grandparents. He was (1)      by the blue sky and the white clouds outside his window, and he couldn't take his eyes off the ground as it (2)       smaller and smaller below him. The plane flew so (3)      that even trees and buildings looked like ants underfoot!
  John knew from that moment that he wanted to become a (4)      , too. He started by reading (5)      that he could about airplanes and how they worked. How did they stay up in the air? What did the inside of a plane's wings (6)      ? Who was the first person to fly an airplane?
  John tried his best to do well in school (7)       he knew that he would need strong reading, math and communications skills as a pilot. Pilots read handbooks, communicate with their passengers, and calculate (计算) where they're going and how much fuel they need to(8)       destination (目的地).
  As John grew older, his passion (热情) for flight never (9)      . He graduated from high school, college, and flight school. And he achieved his goal. But his favorite memory was (10)       that first flight he took on his mother's lap, and he wanted to give other kids the same kind of joy and wonder that he had experienced.
12.(Here is an interview with Dr. Johnson. )
Reporter: How long did it take for you to train as a doctor?
Dr. Johnson: It took about nine years of studying and training.
Reporter: What is different about being a doctor now than when you first started?
Dr. Johnson: Today we have a lot more information and treatments available to us. We can find out things on the Internet, and our patient files (病例) can be easily accessed on the computer.
Reporter: How do you keep up with all the latest treatments?
Dr. Johnson: I read medical journals and reports. These tell me about the latest scientific research that has been carried out and how useful it is in helping patients.
Reporter: How does science help in finding out what is wrong with your patients?
Dr. Johnson: There are many ways science can help. Sometimes we take blood samples (样本).
The technician at the lab can test the blood for . Sometimes patients have X-rays or scans to find out if anything is wrong. Sometimes a new drug is invented that helps the patient.
Reporter: What do you think is the best scientific invention ever made for making people better?
Dr. Johnson:Now, that is a tricky question as there are so many of them, but I think one of the most important ones was the invention of antibiotics (抗生素). These help people a lot.
13.  The Mysterious Stranger by I C U First is one of the most exciting books I have ever read. It's not only a mystery (神秘的) story, but it's also very funny. It will make you laugh out loud!
  The story is set in New York, and it's all about a man called Harry who meets a stranger one day while eating his lunch in the park. The stranger, Mervin, manages to change Harry's life forever. I won't tell you how-you will have to read the story yourself to find out! Mervin has special powers, but he only uses these powers when Harry gets himself into trouble, which he often does!
  It's an easy read and not too difficult. It moves at a fast pace and lots of things happen on every page, so you won't get bored reading it. You might get a bit fed up with Harry, though, as he seems to never learn his lesson and keeps on making the same mistakes. I won't spoil (剧透) the ending for you, but if you enjoy a good mystery-and a good laugh-you will completely enjoy this book.
  First has written two other books called The lonely Child and Whispering Mountain. In my opinion, this book is his best.
I highly recommend (推荐) The Mysterious Stranger to readers over the age of eight.
14.  How would you feel if your school banned (禁止) phones in class? In February, the Ministry of Education announced that mobile phones should be banned in primary and high schools. This aims to protect students' eyesight, make sure they focus on their work and prevent them from becoming addicted (上瘾) to the Internet and online games.
Susan A 14-year-old girl, from Hangzhou, supports the policy. Her school has never allowed them to bring their mobile phones. She thinks it's a distraction (干扰) from their work. She said, "Even adults can't control themselves, let alone kids like us. " 
Darren A boy from Tianjin feels differently. The 14-year-old boy believes that a mobilephone ban is too simplistic (简单化) for a generation that has grown up with mobilephones. He said, "Students should be taught self﹣management skills, as well as learnhow to use their phones to help with their studies. This might be the best way to dowith technology in modern times. " 
Judy Judy thinks the problem with banning phones has more to do with life outside of school. She uses a bike﹣sharing app every day to travel between her home and school. She said, "Today, phones are used everywhere, from taking a bus to buying food. If I can't take my phone with me, I'll have to buy my own bicycle. " 
15.  People of all ages can improve their communities through volunteer work. Lending a hand to a person or organization in need is a great way to show your care. Volunteering has been shown to increase confidence and self-esteem(自尊心)while helping people to attain a real sense of satisfaction.
  Keep a watchful eye out and you are likely to see volunteers in many roles. Volunteers support others with everything from homework to transportation needs in a community. If you are interested in volunteering in your community, you might want to consider:
  ◊Walking a dog or doing yard work for a neighbor who is not able to complete these tasks on their own.
  ◊Reading stories to younger children.
  ◊Participating in a community garden.
  ◊Helping out at a local pet shelter.
  ◊Cleaning up a park or helping to beautify your school grounds.
  ◊Completing extra work at home.
  Volunteering benefits everyone involved (参加). As people volunteer, they gain experience and discover hidden talents. Participating in service projects regularly reduces stress and makes people healthier. Volunteering brings people together and strengthens the community. As people step forward to lend a hand, they develop a sense of pride and identity.
  Through volunteer work, people learn a lot about how their community works and get to know others who are dedicated (奉献) to having a real and lasting influence on the world. As stated long ago by Aesop, "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. "
  Always remember you can make a difference in the world. Everyone can be great because anyone can serve.
16.  Earth Day has been marked on 22 April every year since its beginning in 1970. This year, organizers are calling for three days of climate action, from 20 to 22 April, but expect the whole week running up to Earth Day﹣sometimes called Earth Week-to be a time when environmental problems take centre stage.
  Earth Day is an annual (每年的) event designed to pay attention to the serious environmental problems we're facing, from the climate problems to air pollution and forest cutting. Earth Day is celebrated to call for people around the world to protect the environment.
  The first Earth Day was in 1970, which highlighted (强调)the importance of clean air and clean water. And it became an international movement in 1990.
  This year's theme is Restore Our Earth. It focuses not only on the need to reduce our influence on the planet as we recover from the effects of Covid-19, but also how we can play a role in repairing the damage we've done. We should look at natural processes, green technologies, and creative thinking that can make a lasting influence to restore our earth.
  How can you take part in the Earth Day activities?Organizers help to organize activities around the world each year. You can plant a tree, reduce our carbon footprint, use less plastic, use less water and electricity or even eat less meat. We can all work together to make our world a little greener.
  The future of our planet depends on our efforts. What we should do is to make every day Earth Day.

(1)This year, organizers are calling for three days of             from 20 to 22 April.
(2)What is Earth Day celebrated to call for people to do?
(3)When did Earth Day become an international movement ?
17.  What is happiness? Everyone has his own idea. I'd like to share some of my (1)            (story) with you. I feel happy when I'm with my family. My parents give me a lot of support. They never compare me (2)             other kids. For me, happiness is having a loving and caring family.
  I also feel happy while (3)            (try) to help others. Last week, I visited a special school for students with weak sight or hearing loss. It is difficult for (4)            ( they) to write and read pinyin, so I taught these students (5)             to pronounce and write. First, I (6)             ( write ) down "a, o, e. . . "on the blackboard. Then I taught them to read . (7)            (three), I corrected their mistakes when they practiced. For over three hours, I repeated the same work, (8)             I didn't feel tired. My efforts (9)            (final) paid off. As (10)             old saying goes, "The rose is in her hand, the flavor in mine. "For me, happiness is helping others in need.
18.her, regret, did, results, you, telling, the(?)
19.many, across from, river, the, there, houses, are, (. )
20.show, do, you, the, what, think, art, of(?)
21.nice, ideas, are, how, these(!)
22.think, I, anger, good, not, health, is, for, our (. )
23.青少年近视问题已经成为重要的社会问题. 国家教育部部署在2021年3月开展了春季学期近视防控宣传教育月活动, 主题为"共同呵护好孩子的眼睛, 让他们拥有一个光明的未来". 请根据提示, 以"How to Protect Your Eyesight"为题写一篇短文.

写作要求:(1)文中要包括所有提示内容, 并有适当发挥;不要简单翻译. (2)文中不要出现真实的地名, 校名和人名. (3)词数80个左右. (开头已给出, 不计入总词数)
参考词汇:at a close distance, outdoor activities, a balanced diet
How to Protect Your Eyesight
As is known to all, it is very important to keep good eyesight. But how to protect your eyesight?
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