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1.  Last month, a new bridge was first opened to the public. It's (1)       hanging bridge for walkers in the world. Guess how long (2)      . It is 516 meters — over five football fields long.
  Workers started to build the bridge in May. 2018. (3)       cost $2. 8 million and took over two years to Complete. The bridge runs (4)       two mountains. At its highest point, it is 175 meters off the ground. Far, far below is a big rushing river. Along the river (5)       eight-kilometer-long wooden walkway. People could enjoy the scenery (风景) and watch (6)      there.
  Now the city is hoping that the bridge (7)       lots of tourists to the area. The website for the bridge describes the walk across the bridge as "the most exciting 510 meters of your life. "Many tourists, they believe will come (8)       the fantastic experience of walking across.
  Some people (9)       to check out the bridge before the opening. Jerry was one of them. He said (10)       , "I was a little afraid, but there is no other bridge like this one in the world, it was so worth it."
2.  Many kids are crazy about space. Last month, a space agency (机构) told the public that they were (1)      "a planet protection officer." Some people laughed at the funny job title, but a 9-year-old boy took the information (2)      . He wrote a letter to the agency, saying that he wanted the job.
  "Dear sirs, my name is Sam Lee. I think I am the (3)       person for the job," he wrote.
  What are Sam's (4)      ? For one, he wrote, My sister says I act like an alien (外星人) (5)       movies he could find. His last sentence may touch people's hearts: "I am young, so I can learn to think like an alien."
  Sam soon got a (6)       from Bill Black, director of the agency. "We have received your letter. It is great that you are interested in the job. This job is to (7)       the earth from germs (细菌) on things brought back from other planets." Bill ended the letter with some warm words, (8)       Sam to study hard and do well in school. "We hope to (9)       you at the agency one day." he wrote.
   "Among kids, there are (10)       space scientists." Bill told a newspaper. "We think of this letter as a chance that may forever change our kids life."
3.  Welcome to Manor Farm U-pick Activities.
  We are known for our delicious strawberries. We invite you to visit the farm and enjoy our fresh products and great forming experiences. We'll try our best to create a safe open-air environment for our customers under the circumstances (情况) of COVID-19 this year. Please read the instructions below.
  To pick the strawberries, you need to make a reservation (预约) on our website. Reservations are open from 13:00 to 20:00 the day before the picking day.
  Please don't come to the farm if you are sick.
On the farm, you need to stay at least two meters away from anyone you don't live with. For safety, you must use our new baskets only. A basket alone costs 5 yuan. It holds about 2 kg of strawberries and a basket of strawberries is priced at 50 yuan in total.
  If children come, they MUST stay close to their parents. Running up and down the strawberry rows will NOT be allowed. Our workers will tell them where to start picking and the children should listen. We hope children will follow our safety rules in our fields.
  No pets are allowed on the farm.
  Any questions, please call us at 906﹣256﹣523.
4.  According to a research more than 130 billion pounds of on uneaten food go to waste in Laura's country each year . That is about 30% of the yearly food supply (供应). It is a sad fact, especially when you consider how many families and homeless people are in hunger.
  When Laura saw her school dining hall throw away food that was not eaten at all every day, she came up with an idea. She started a project to help her school dining hall to give away on uneaten food to homeless shelters (庇护所) in her community. In the past three years, and has already fed thousands of people in her city.
  How does it work?Through an app, Feed & Find matches local homeless shelters with school dining halls and restaurants that have uneaten food to provide. When dining halls or restaurants have uneaten food left, they can use the app to share the Information about the food. A truck driver working for the project is then sent to pick it up and take it to a shelter.
  Pretty cool, right?It's not surprising that people in other cities have got in touch with Laura, hoping that she could have develop similar projects for their communities.
  Some people, however, have concerns about the safety of the uneaten food. They think such food may not be clean enough. Still, this project is a clever way to help solve the problem of food waste and it helps those in need.
(1)      . Bella, one of the top students in her class, always gets up early and hopes to get better grades by working hard.
(2)      . Vincent has joined a mountain climbing club. The club members will have a climbing trip next week and he will be the leader of the team.
(3)      . Aileen is an English teacher. She always knows what's going on in class, even when her students are passing notes behind her back.
(4)      . Sam is a newcomer to a high school. He feels a little nervous in the classroom with a lot of strangers around him.
(5)      . Victor's friends are taking a high﹣speed train to visit him. But his friends are late. He is now waiting for them at the station. 
A. In many ball games, the most important person is the one who carries the ball. Such a person is the leader and he makes sure that a job gets done.
B. Birds feed on worms. A bird will go hungry if it cannot catch worms. The bird that gets up early is sure to get some food, so the early bird catches the worm.
C. Your feet become hot when you run. But when you are forced to sit in one place, your heels stay cool. When someone keeps you waiting, you can say he is cooling your heels.
D. Some people seem to know what's going on behind them, as if they had eyes in the back of their heads. "Eyes in the back of your head " describes the ability to notice everything happening around you.
E. You don't know what will happen if you wake up a sleeping dog in the street, so it would be much smarter to let sleeping dogs lie.
F. People may get their feet into the water slowly when they start to lean swimming. "Get your feet wet" means trying to do something for the first time.
G. Fish live in water. A person who is in a strange or uncomfortable environment may feel like a fish out of water
6.  Many foreigners move to China because of a strong interest in its culture. One man has turned his interest into love and this love made (1)             write many books about China. He is William, an American who has lived in China (2)             33 years, his Chinese name is Pan Weilian.
  His Chinese friends (3)             him "Lao Pan".
  In 1988, Lao Pan first came to China and (4)             as a teacher at a university. But Lao Pan did not begin to understand China (5)             he and his family took a 3-month drive around the county. These experiences in China gave him ideas for his books. Since then he has (6)             thirteen books about China. These books give the world a fuller picture of China and Lao Pan is (7)             of what he is doing.
  Lao Pan's new book includes his forty-seven (8)             to his family back in America. The letters show China's development in different periods. Lao pan often says he loves China (9)             its people so much. He sees it as a life-long task to let more westerners know (10)             China is like. He will continue telling the nation's stories to the world.
7.  Many of us reach news every day is probably because we'd like to know what's happening in the world. Today we can get news from TV or the Internet, but how did ancient people get news?
  At the very beginning, information spread by word of mouth. People living in tribes (部落), got news from neighbors or travelers. Ancient Romans changed the way people knew about their communities. They posted a list of daily happenings at public squares in the cities. Ancient Chinese people did it in another way. The government had news sheets sent to officials in the whole country so people could know what was going on in the capital.
  The fifteenth century saw big progress in printing technology in the west. The progress brought a sudden rise of news business. Printers sold whatever people loved to read. In the sixteenth century, the first real newspaper appeared. People started to form the habit of reading newspapers. They liked to share their opinions on newspapers. The invention of telegraph (电报) machines led to another big step in history. News stories were sent to the papers in minutes instead of weeks.
  Now we get news in seconds from all over the world. We can become some kind of reporters by posting online what happens around us.

1. From whom did people living in tribes get news?
2. Where did ancient Romans post a list of daily happenings?
3. What brought a sudden rise of news business in the 15th century?
4. When did the first real newspapers appear?
5. How can we become some kind of reporters now?
8.校园广播节目是同学们获取校园资讯的途径之一, 假设你是李明你所在学校的英语广播节目, 拟开设听众来信专栏
1. 你喜欢该节目的哪一位主持人, 请就其工作谈两点原因;
2. 你对英语节目的两点建议;
3. 你对节目的祝愿.
参考词汇:host 男主持, hostess 女主持
1. 不能照抄原文, 不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名.
2. 语句连贯, 字数 80 个左右, 作文的开头和结尾已经给出
Dear editors,
I'm a big fan of the English programs of our school radio stations.
Li Ming
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