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1.阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在各小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
  Silent and calm, 25-year-old Linda looks out of the window. She (1)       be smiling now, but it's been a long, hard road to happiness. Today, she is an author of a best-seller and also (2)      well-known artist. Her story is about overcoming difficulties and encouraging others to do the same.
  Linda did not begin talking (3)       she was two and a half years old. Unluckily, it was found that she had autism (自闭症) and had difficulty in social communication. Linda's mother taught her the meaning of independence by example and encouraged her to learn (4)       to do things on her own.
  Growing up, she was seriously bullied (欺凌). She was called an alien and some kids would even steal her snacks. She tried changing schools, but the bullying was even (5)      . She also had trouble with tests. But she didn't let them (6)      her. With the help of her parents, Linda received speech and communication treatment.
  After a long period of treating, doctors said that Linda would not succeed or finish (7)      studies. But she proved (证明) them wrong. Linda worked hard to build up her confidence and found her ability — creating beautiful paintings. And at 18, Linda went to art college to study painting and (8)       by the local volunteers to join them on community visits to share her story. By sharing her experience, Linda (9)      others and changing their lives.
  Now Linda has gone (10)      the dark times. And she has come to realized that she is not useless.
2.通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
  Have you ever been near an animal you were afraid of? How close have you been to a dangerous snake? Well, Tony Kepler raises killer snakes for a living and he loves his(1)      . He has been working with them since he was a little boy and he's not (2)      at all.
  Tony's father has been a snake handler (驯蛇师) for twenty years and he has taught his son a lot about them. In order to (3)      the venom (毒液), Tony has to find rattlesnakes in the western part of the United States. He sends the venom to a (4)      , where they make it into something called anti-venin. Anti-venin is what they give people after they have been bitten (咬) by poisonous (有毒的) snake. This anti-venin is really helpful in saving the person who has been bitten. He has been making his living this (5)      for five years and feels great.
  Tony's dad has handled nearly 1, 000 snakes in his lifetime. And hundreds of people go to him to learn how to (6)      snakes. Tony's dad shares everything about how to hold, how to feed and how to get venom from snakes. But not everyone can get used to the idea of (7)       a snake. Many people heard scary stories about snakes when they were children and have been afraid of them ever since. Tony has been trying to educate people about the positive (积极的) things snakes do. For one thing, they help (8)      the rat and mouse population. Snakes are also very clean and quiet and they (9)       trouble humans.
  Tony's job is very different from any other job I've heard of, but it is a really (10)      one. Without venom collectors, many people would be in real danger and some would die.
Dear Reader,
  Now over the years, real Chinese dishes have become more and more popular in foreign countries.
  In the United States, people are eating hotpot, jianbing and roujiamo. In Russia, hundreds of tanghulu were sold out in just a few hours. Latiao is even appearing in classrooms abroad. A lot of these foods are similar to Western foods. This may explain why foreigners are getting more and more interested in them and love eating them.
  For example, roujiamo is similar to hamburgers. Youtiao is kind of like the "churro", a snack that is popular in Spain. And tanghulu is similar to candy apples, which are loved by children in the US and UK. Chinese people who live abroad introducedmost of these foods. Some of them are new, like latiao. Some of them have been popular inforeign countries for many years. This book will give you a better understanding of Chinese foods.

The Content
Hotpot P5 — 10
Hotpot, a special meal that can be shared withfriends, is winning popularity abroad. Learn more here.
Jianbing P11 — 14
This delicious breakfast food is enjoyed bypeople in several countries. Check it out here!
Latiao P 15 — 18
Why are people so into this spicy stick? Thisspecial snack gets hot online.
Roujiamo P19 — 23
Did China invent the hamburger? Read this story and find out some interesting facts aboutroujiamo.
Tanghulu P24 — 26
Candied fruit is a treat that everyone can enjoy. Is it similar to some foreign foods? Find out here.
Youtiao P27 — 30
Many countries have dishes that are similar toYoutiao. Fried food is tasty everywhere.
4.  Have you ever seen a solar panel (太阳能电池板) in your neighborhood? Solar panels take energy from the sun and turn it into electricity. Over the past ten years, the price of solar panels has gone down greatly. In many parts of the world, solar energy is now the cheapest form of electricity. More and more people have started using solar energy to power (给…供电) their homes.
  However, solar panels also have their problems. They stop working at night and on rainy days. Is it possible to make them produce electricity all of the time?
  Scientists at Suzhou University, China, have invented a new solar panel now. It can produce electricity not only from solar energy, but also from falling rain. When a raindrop falls on the solar panel and then rolls (滚动) down, it creates friction (摩擦力) on the surface of the panel, which can then be turned into electricity.
  Sun Baoquan is one of the inventors. "Our new invention can produce electricity in any weather during the day, " he says. "It can even provide electricity at night if there is rain. "
  The solar panel, however, does not make much electricity. So Baoquan is still working hard to improve it. The scientist also wants to make solar panels more flexible, which are as soft as clothing.
  The field of solar energy is developing fast. Scientist around the world have been improving solar panels. Some have been working on ways to join solar panels and wind power together. Some have been trying to use sunlight to produce liquid and gas fuels (液体和气体燃料).
5.配对阅读.左栏是对5个人的简历, 右栏是七个志愿活动俱乐部的介绍, 请为每个人选择一个合适的俱乐部, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
(1)      Jack is a kind man. Recently he read an article about the children in remote(偏远的) village. He hopes to do something for them. He is free on weekends.
(2)      Sam is majoring in art in a university. He likes painting outside on weekends. He is also interested in graffiti art.
(3)      Sue won the first prize in the story—telling competition in her school last week. She wants to tell stories for others to cheer them up. But she has to take care of her little brother on weekends.
(4)      Mike is a book lover. He likes to stay with children. He wants to do what he loves to do and helps others at the same time.
(5)      Lucy is always ready to help others. She has always lived in this city. So she knows every part of the city. Now she has nothing to do when her husband is at work from Monday to Friday. 和 
A. Repainting the Walls Club
Time: Every Saturday afternoon.
Jobs: Help to make the walls of the parks clean and beautiful by painting with graffiti (涂鸦).
Requirements: Love painting and be good at drawing.
B. Raising Money Club
Time: Every Sunday afternoon.
Jobs: Try to raise money for poor students in the villages by selling old books or clothes.
Requirements: Be free on weekends and kind enough.
C. Clean-up Club
Time: Every Saturday morning.
Jobs: Help to clean up our city parks, city streets or city rivers to make our city cleaner and more beautiful.
Requirements: Love cleaning and never be afraid of getting dirty.
D. Giving a Hand Club
Time: After school every afternoon from Monday to Friday.
Jobs: Help the disabled people carry their bags, take them to cross the roads or show them the way.
Requirements: Get on well with disabled people and know how to travel around our city
E. Cheering Up Old People Club
Time: Every Saturday afternoon.
Jobs: Volunteer in an Old People's Home in our city by singing, dancing or telling stories to the old people there.
Requirements: Be good with old people and have your own talents.
F. Story Telling Club
Time: After school on Monday afternoon.
Jobs: Volunteer at the main library in our city by telling stories to the left-behind children or reading to them.
Requirements: Be good with children and is good at telling stories.
G. Cheering Up Children Club
Time: Every Sunday morning
Jobs: Volunteer in the Sunshine Home for Children by helping kids there learn to read.
Requirements: Be patient with children and like to read books. 
6.请用适当的词完成下面的短文, 并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上. 每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词, 并将答案写在答题卡指定的位置上.
  Last year, I went to Italy as an exchange student. Before leaving, I asked my mother what gifts I should (1)            to the teachers and the students there. Mom said that the Chinese fan was a good choice, for Chinese is (2)             as "the Fan Kingdom". I couldn't agree more, because it is more than a tool for cooling. It's also an important part of Chinese (3)            .
  I went shopping and bought (4)             kinds of Chinese fans. The first kind was the feather fan for the teachers, which was made of bird feather. It was the symbol of Zhuge Liang — a very smart man (5)            was a great politician (政治家) in the Three Kingdom period of China. The fans I bought for the girls were silk fans. They were also called "round silk fans". Fans of this kind were made of silk with painting of beautiful women, birds (6)            flowers. They were very popular with women of all ages. As for the boys, I picked the folding fans from Rongchang, a place in the west (7)            Chongqing. The folding fans were made of paper and bamboo and there (8)            great paintings and calligraphy (书法) on them. Compared to other kinds of fans, folding fans were (9)             folded and carried.
  At the welcome party in Italy, my new teachers and classmates were all (10)             to get the wonderful fans. And they were even more excited after learning about the stories and culture behind them.
7.请阅读下面这篇文章, 根据所提供的信息, 回答5个问题.要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整, 并将答案写在答题卡指定的位置上.
Do you believe in green living? Read the following blog (博客) and replies about a fun, easy and creative way to make your lifestyle greener.
Posted by Gina at 8: 32 on 11th February 2021
Nowadays, we're more wasteful than ever — buying, using and throwing things away without thinking about the costs. We need to start living more responsibly — but how? One answer is to upcycle (再生利用).
I started upcycling clothing. Making new things out of old clothes is the best way to mix my talent and my interest.
Do you upcycle? If so, what new things have you made? If not, why not give it a try? 
REPLY Terry Posted at 9: 08 a. m. on 11th February 2021
Why don't you give your old clothes to people in need? I even give away the most expensive things I don't wear anymore. So I can help the environment while giving something useful to people in need.
REPLY Gina Posted at 9: 28 a. m. on 11th February 2021
Good point! I'm talking about only the oldest clothing in your room — the clothes that are too old to be worn by others. The same idea goes for food waste at restaurants and supermarkets. Before upcycling food that can still be eaten, for example, using it to make soil, we should give it to those in need. 
REPLY Betty Posted at 10: 18 a. m. on 11th February 2021
I've made shopping bags out of T-shirts and dog toys out of socks. Upcycling clothing is a fun hobby, but the most important thing is that it makes me feel like I'm living less wastefully. 

(1)How can we make our lifestyle greener?
(2)Does Terry give away old clothes or new clothes?
(3)What does Gina think of Terry's idea?
(4)Why does Betty upcycling clothing?
(5)How many kinds of waste are mentioned by Gina ?
8.假设你是李华, 为引导学生关注环保问题, 保护环境, 你们学校小广播 "变废为宝 绿色生活"的主题活动正在征稿. 请你写一篇英语文章投稿. 内容包括:(1)介绍日常生活中变废为宝的途径(至少两个);(2)分享你的一次变废为宝的经历或见闻;(3)谈谈你的感想或收获.
语句连贯, 词数80个左右. 作文的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数.
There is more and more waste around us and it has caused a lot of environmental problems. So how can we put the waste to good use?
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